Environment: Auditory

Tagged Events

Environment: AuditoryCombat sounds | PublicCafe
Actions: MilitaryCombat
Cultural Issues: AlcoholDrunkenness | AlcoholWine | WarAerial combat | WarWomen
Themes and Motifs: AnimalsCats
Aesthetics: LanguageFrench | ToneHumorous
Environment: AuditoryShots
Cultural Issues: WarUnion Army
Themes and Motifs: AnimalsHorses
Actions: BodilySweating | MovementCar
Cultural Issues: Mass MediaMagazines | ViolenceDomestic
Themes and Motifs: BodyEyes | BodyFace | ObjectsPistol
Aesthetics: Figures of SpeechSimile
Environment: AuditoryWater
Actions: BodilyInsomnia
Environment: AuditoryWater
Actions: BodilyTension
Themes and Motifs: Arrivals/DeparturesLeaving
Environment: AuditoryWater
Actions: MovementCar | VerbalBegging
Cultural Issues: ClothesAnd age
Themes and Motifs: Recurring TropesBelatedness
Relationships: MaritalSocial respectability
Environment: AuditoryWhistle
Cultural Issues: ProgressTrains
Themes and Motifs: Chaos/OrderOrder
Environment: AuditoryConfused din
Themes and Motifs: Chaos/OrderChaos
Environment: AuditoryShots
Actions: EmotionalFear
Cultural Issues: CrimeMurder | ViolenceShooting
Themes and Motifs: AnimalsDogs | AnimalsHorses | Recurring TropesBelatedness
Environment: AuditoryShots
Cultural Issues: CrimeMurder
Themes and Motifs: DeathCorpse | PastPast in present
Environment: AtmosphericDark | AuditoryFrogs
Actions: PhysicalHiding
Cultural Issues: CrimeMurder
Themes and Motifs: AnimalsDogs | AnimalsFireflies | AnimalsPossum | DeathCorpse
Environment: AuditoryQuietness
Cultural Issues: GenderWomen
Environment: AuditoryConfused din | PlaceOffice
Cultural Issues: Mass MediaTelephone | WarDeployment
Themes and Motifs: Objectsknife | ValuesLoyalty
Relationships: FamilialSibling
Environment: AuditoryBells | Time of DayMorning
Actions: BodilyBreathing
Cultural Issues: ReligionSabbath
Themes and Motifs: AnimalsBirds | PastPast in present
Aesthetics: MetafictionalPainting
Environment: AuditoryDog barking | WeatherCold
Actions: HuntingPossum
Themes and Motifs: AnimalsDogs
Aesthetics: DictionRural vernacular
Actions: BodilyDrinking | MovementHorse
Cultural Issues: AlcoholMoonshine | RaceStereotype: smell
Themes and Motifs: AnimalsDogs | Exile
Relationships: InterracialWhite-black
Actions: BodilySmoking
Cultural Issues: WarWorld War I
Themes and Motifs: AnimalsCrickets | AnimalsFrogs
Relationships: FamilialTwins | MaritalHusband-wife
Aesthetics: Figures of SpeechMetaphor
Actions: HuntingHounds
Cultural Issues: AgeComing of age | GenderMasculinity
Themes and Motifs: AnimalsFox
Environment: AuditoryDog barking | PlaceField | PublicRoad
Actions: HuntingTracking | MovementWalking
Themes and Motifs: AnimalsDogs
Environment: AuditoryBirdsong
Actions: BodilySmoking | BodilySpitting | VerbalThreat
Cultural Issues: AlcoholMoonshine | ClothesSuit
Themes and Motifs: ExileAlienation from nature | ObjectsWatch
Environment: AuditoryShots | NaturalWoods
Cultural Issues: CrimeMurder | ViolenceAmbush
Environment: AuditorySilence
Actions: BodilySleeping
Themes and Motifs: AnimalsBuzzards
Environment: AuditoryFootsteps
Actions: PerceptualSeeing
Cultural Issues: ClothesAnd class
Relationships: FamilialFather-son
Environment: AuditoryMusic | Time of DayEvening
Cultural Issues: EntertainmentMovies
Relationships: RomanticCourtship
Environment: AuditoryVoices | Time of DayMorning
Themes and Motifs: AnimalsHorses
Environment: AuditoryBells
Actions: EmotionalImpatience | MovementCar
Cultural Issues: CrimeTheft|Robbery | LawSheriff
Themes and Motifs: MoneyStolen
Relationships: InterracialWhite-black | SocialPaternalism
Environment: AuditoryFootsteps | PlaceOffice
Actions: BodilyEating | EconomicPaying
Cultural Issues: FoodBanana
Environment: AuditorySilence | Time of DayNight
Actions: MovementCar
Themes and Motifs: Absence/Loss
Environment: AuditoryShots
Cultural Issues: WarUnion Army
Themes and Motifs: AnimalsHorses
Environment: AuditoryWhistle
Cultural Issues: ProgressTrains
Themes and Motifs: Chaos/OrderOrder