Themes and Motifs: Chaos/Order Chaos
Tagged Events
Environment: Time of Day›Midnight
Actions: Bodily›Hiccups | Emotional›Anger | Emotional›Outrage | Mental›Realization | Play›Poker | Verbal›Cursing | Violent›Fighting
Cultural Issues: Race›Native American
Themes and Motifs: Chaos/Order›Chaos
Aesthetics: Diction›Rural vernacular
Cultural Issues: Gender›Masculine woman | War›Destruction | War›Scorched-earth policy
Themes and Motifs: Chaos/Order›Chaos
Environment: Natural›River | Time of Day›Sunset
Cultural Issues: Slavery›Self-emancipation
Themes and Motifs: Chaos/Order›Chaos
Actions: Mental›Disorientation | Violent›Explosion
Themes and Motifs: Chaos/Order›Chaos
Environment: Atmospheric›Chaos
Relationships: Institutional›Military
Actions: Emotional›Impatience
Themes and Motifs: Animals›Wild horses | Chaos/Order›Chaos
Environment: Domestic Space›Boarding house
Cultural Issues: Clothes›Underclothes, male
Themes and Motifs: Animals›Wild horses | Chaos/Order›Chaos | Chaos/Order›Out of ordered place
Environment: Auditory›Confused din
Themes and Motifs: Chaos/Order›Chaos
Actions: Moral›Forgiveness
Themes and Motifs: Chaos/Order›Chaos
Themes and Motifs: Chaos/Order›Chaos | Objects›Horsewhip | Objects›Scythe | Time›Duration of time | Time›Timelessness
Relationships: Hierarchical›Landlord-tenant
Aesthetics: Figures of Speech›Bestial imagery | Typography/Orthography›Italics
Actions: Hunting›Bear hunting | Perceptual›Hearing | Violent›Animal predatory behavior | Violent›Stabbing
Themes and Motifs: Animals›Named bear Ben | Animals›Named dog Lion | Chaos/Order›Chaos | Death›Animal bear
Relationships: Interspecies›Man-dog
Actions: Hunting›Squirrel hunting | Perceptual›Hearing
Themes and Motifs: Chaos/Order›Chaos | Psychological›Madness
Aesthetics: Description›Character portrait
Cultural Issues: Group Mentality›Community collective
Themes and Motifs: Chaos/Order›Chaos | Death›Moving a dead body
Actions: Bodily›Crying | Bodily›Drinking | Bodily›Falling | Emotional›Grief | Emotional›Mourning | Emotional›Sadness | Interaction, Social›Partying | Verbal›Arguing | Verbal›Cursing | Verbal›Insulting | Verbal›Invitation | Verbal›Screaming | Verbal›Shouting | Violent›Fighting
Cultural Issues: Alcohol›Bootlegging | Alcohol›Drunkenness | Clothes›Expensive and/or fancy clothes | Clothes›Hat cap | Entertainment›Traditional music | Health and Illness›Bullet hole | Religion›Hymns
Themes and Motifs: Art›Jazz music | Chaos/Order›Chaos | Death›Funeral | Death›Wake | Objects›Coffin
Relationships: Hierarchical›Employer-employee
Aesthetics: Diction›Southern dialect | Typography/Orthography›Dash
Themes and Motifs: Chaos/Order›Chaos
Aesthetics: Typography/Orthography›Dots
Themes and Motifs: Chaos/Order›Chaos | Chaos/Order›Creating order
Environment: Public›Bus Depot/Bus stop
Cultural Issues: Government›Federal laws and regulations
Themes and Motifs: Chaos/Order›Chaos | Chaos/Order›Restoring order
Environment: Domestic Space›Bedroom | Domestic Space›Kitchen | Time of Day›Supper
Actions: Domestic›Cooking | Emotional›Crying | Perceptual›Reading / Researching | Play | Work
Cultural Issues: Mass Media›Newspaper
Themes and Motifs: Chaos/Order›Chaos | Psychological›Madness | Time›Abrupt shift in time | Time›Return to present time
Relationships: Familial›Brother-brother | Hierarchical›Caretaker-mentally challenged person | Interracial›Master-servant
Cultural Issues: Health and Illness›Mental limitations
Themes and Motifs: Chaos/Order›Chaos | Memory›Remembering | Recurring Tropes›Sending someone to Jackson | Time›Abrupt shift in time | Time›Return to present time
Relationships: Familial›Brother-brother | Familial›Uncle-niece | Hierarchical›Caretaker-mentally challenged person
Themes and Motifs: Chaos/Order›Chaos | Home›Home as prison | Time›Abrupt shift in time | Time›Return to present time
Relationships: Familial›Uncle-niece
Environment: Auditory›Gallop | Domestic Space›Yard
Actions: Economic›Insurance payment | Movement›Mule | Perceptual›Watching | Verbal›Cursing
Themes and Motifs: Animals›Mules | Chaos/Order›Chaos | Recurring Tropes›Revenge
Aesthetics: Narrative›Parentheses | Typography/Orthography›Dash
Environment: Natural›River | Time of Day›Sunset
Actions: Mental›Disorientation | Movement›Crossing | Movement›Migration | Movement›Wagon | Verbal›Screaming | Verbal›Singing | Verbal›Yelling | Violent›Explosion
Cultural Issues: Slavery›Self-emancipation | War›Displacement | War›Union Army
Themes and Motifs: Chaos/Order›Chaos
Cultural Issues: Clothes›Cross dressing | Gender›Masculine woman | War›Destruction | War›Scorched-earth policy
Themes and Motifs: Chaos/Order›Chaos