Aesthetics: Typography/Orthography Lack of Punctuation
Tagged Events
Environment: Atmospheric›Oppressive | Weather›Cold | Weather›Rain
Cultural Issues: Health and Illness›Insomnia | Religion›Consolation | War›Return from war
Cultural Issues: Economy›Property | Gender›Widow | Government›Inheritance | Slavery›Naming slaves
Relationships: Familial›Cousin | Familial›Father-son | Familial›Husband-wife | Familial›Uncle-nephew | Marital›Father in law-son in law
Aesthetics: Typography/Orthography›Lack of Punctuation
Environment: Domestic Space›Bedroom | Place›Brothel / Bordello
Cultural Issues: Health and Illness›Doctoring
Aesthetics: Typography/Orthography›Dots | Typography/Orthography›Lack of Punctuation
Environment: Atmospheric›Streetlamp | Natural›Hills | Time of Year›Christmas
Themes and Motifs: Memory›Remembering | Objects›Crib / Cradle | Objects›Fire | Past›Personal past | Recurring Tropes›Father said | Recurring Tropes›Hands in pockets
Relationships: Familial›Extended family | Familial›Father-son
Environment: Atmospheric›Streetlamp
Actions: Emotional›Cynicism | Emotional›Inferiority
Cultural Issues: Class›Aristocratic posing | Class›Class consciousness | Class›Elite | Class›Equality | Class›Gentility | Government›Governor | Religion›Sin | War›Military rank of general
Themes and Motifs: Death›Compared to living | Memory›Remembering | Morals›Morality | Past›Family history | Recurring Tropes›Father said
Relationships: Ancestral | Familial›Father-son
Aesthetics: Allusion, Biblical›Eve | Allusion, Biblical›Garden of Eden | Figures of Speech›Poisoned | Language›Fragments | Narrative›Stream of consciousness narration | Typography/Orthography›Dialogue with no quotation marks | Typography/Orthography›Italics | Typography/Orthography›Lack of Punctuation
Actions: Emotional›Cynicism | Emotional›Embarrassment | Emotional›Reassurance | Emotional›Shame | Emotional›Worry | Interaction, Private›Courting | Moral›Deception | Moral›Scheming | Verbal›Conversation | Verbal›Punning | Verbal›Stating intent to leave home / run away
Cultural Issues: Agriculture›Salt lick | Class›Class consciousness | Gender›Marriage
Themes and Motifs: Character›Pride | Death | Memory›Forgetting | Memory›Remembering | Morals›Honor | Values›Honor | Values›Love
Relationships: Familial›Father-son | Familial›Husband-wife | Familial›Mother-daughter | Familial›Mother-son | Hierarchical›Master-servant | Interracial›White-black
Aesthetics: Allusion, Geographical›French Lick, Indiana | Diction›Racist term | Figures of Speech›Death / Dead imagery | Language›Fragments | Narrative›Repetition | Narrative›Stream of consciousness narration | Symbolism | Typography/Orthography›Dialogue with no quotation marks | Typography/Orthography›Italics | Typography/Orthography›Lack of Punctuation
Environment: Domestic Space›Pasture
Actions: Economic›Selling land | Emotional›Inferiority | Emotional›Joy | Emotional›Pity | Emotional›Selfishness | Moral›Praying | Moral›Punishment | Verbal›Complaining | Verbal›Stating intent to leave home / run away
Cultural Issues: Class›Aristocratic posing | Class›Blood | Class›Class consciousness | Class›Gentility | Class›Pretension | Class›Respectability | Gender›Female stereotype | Gender›Lady | Gender›Maternal impulse | Gender›Sexual double standard | Religion›Divine judgment | Religion›Sin
Themes and Motifs: Character›Inherited traits | Character›Reputation | Death›Anticipation of death | Memory›Remembering | Philosophical›Salvation | Philosophical›Suffering | Recurring Tropes›Dream | Values›Sacrifice
Relationships: Familial›Brother-sister | Familial›Husband-wife | Familial›Mother-daughter | Familial›Mother-son | Marital›Husband-wife | Marital›Social respectability
Aesthetics: Allusion, Biblical›Benjamin | Allusion, Biblical›Old Testament Book of Psalms | Allusion, Biblical›Valley of the shadow of death | Language›Fragments | Narrative›Stream of consciousness narration | Style›Bricolage | Style›Long sentence | Style›Unfinished sentence | Typography/Orthography›Capitalization | Typography/Orthography›Dialogue with no quotation marks | Typography/Orthography›Italics | Typography/Orthography›Lack of Punctuation
Environment: Auditory›Clock ticking | Public›Train Station/Train depot | Time of Day›Lunch
Themes and Motifs: Arrivals/Departures›Return | Body›Brain / mind | Body›Stomach/belly | Chaos/Order›Confusion | Recurring Tropes›Shadows | Time›Awareness of time | Time›Measuring time
Actions: Physical›Protection | Verbal›Conversation | Verbal›Promising | Verbal›Requesting
Cultural Issues: Health and Illness›Sick as euphemism for pregnancy
Themes and Motifs: Arrivals/Departures›Leaving | Memory›Remembering
Relationships: Familial›Brother-sister
Actions: Communication›Letter | Interaction, Private›Seducing | Mental›Imagining | Moral›Scheming | Physical›Meddling | Verbal›Conversation | Verbal›Storytelling | Violent›Throwing downstairs
Cultural Issues: Class›Aristocratic posing | Class›British nobility | Class›Elite | Clothes›Silk | Cultural Identity›North vs South | Cultural Identity›Southern identity | Education›Divinity school | Food›Pumpkin pie | Gender›Bitch | Gender›Lady | Gender›Maternal impulse | Gender›Southern woman | History›Confederacy / Confederate States of America / C.S.A. | Race›Black family working for white | Race›Subservient / Obsequious to whites | Region›The South | Slavery›Galley slave
Themes and Motifs: Objects›Flower orchid | Objects›Handkerchief | Objects›Shotgun | Recurring Tropes›Sole owner and proprietor | Recurring Tropes›Twilight | Story-telling›Communal mythology
Relationships: Familial›Mother-son | Friendship›College companions / classmates | Interracial›Master-servant | Social›Homoerotic
Aesthetics: Allusion, Geographical›Canada | Diction›African American vernacular dialect | Diction›Racist term | Figures of Speech›Synesthesia | Genre Conventions›Melodrama | Genre Conventions›Romance / Romanticism | Genre Conventions›Tall tale | Narrative›Resumption of sentence after interruption | Narrative›Stream of consciousness narration | Tone›Overwrought | Tone›Sarcastic | Typography/Orthography›Lack of Punctuation
Environment: Domestic Space›Fireplace|Mantel
Actions: Bodily›Smoking | Economic›Bargaining | Economic›Bribing | Economic›Gifting | Economic›Hiring / employing / offering a job | Economic›Lending Money | Economic›Offering to buy | Emotional›Anger | Emotional›Defiance | Emotional›Hurting | Emotional›Jealousy | Interaction, Private›Rivalry | Interaction, Private›Seeking approval | Interaction, Social›Concealment | Interaction, Social›Confrontation | Interaction, Social›Marriage | Interaction, Social›Shaking hands | Mental›Fantasizing | Mental›Learning | Moral›Cheating | Moral›Entrapment / trapping | Physical›Intrusion | Physical›Travel | Verbal›Conversation | Verbal›Flattery | Verbal›Interruption | Verbal›Negotiation | Verbal›Questioning | Verbal›Refusing | Verbal›Requesting | Verbal›Revealing | Verbal›Threat | Violent›Fighting | Work›Banking
Cultural Issues: Class›Aristocratic posing | Class›Gentility | Class›Respectability | Education›College or school traditions | Education›Harvard | Education›Life after graduation | Education›School year | Gender›Masculinity | Gender›Widow | Health and Illness›Unspecified sickness | Mass Media›Newspaper comics / funny paper | Sexuality›Conception/Conceiving a child | Sexuality›Extra-marital | Sexuality›Premarital | Sexuality›Virginity
Themes and Motifs: Appearance›Pretending / Feigning | Character›Bookishness | Character›Honesty | Character›Integrity | Memory›Remembering | Money›As motive | Money›Bill | Morals›Chivalry | Morals›Honor | Objects›Cigar | Philosophical›Luck | Recurring Tropes›Secret | Recurring Tropes›Tomorrow and tomorrow | Values›Devotion | Values›Honor | Values›Love | Values›Truth/Lies
Relationships: Familial›Brother-sister | Marital›Forced | Romantic›Fiance | Sexual›Extramarital | Social›Adversarial | Social›Fellow alumni of a college or university
Aesthetics: Allusion, Geographical›French Lick, Indiana | Allusion, Geographical›Harvard University | Allusion, Geographical›Havana, Cuba | Allusion, Literary›Galahad | Diction›Double entendre | Figures of Speech›Drama / Theatre imagery | Figures of Speech›Parrot | Language›Fragments | Language›Profanity | Narrative›Stream of consciousness narration | Style›Unfinished sentence | Symbolism›Sexual symbol | Symbolism›Theatrical | Typography/Orthography›Dialogue with no quotation marks | Typography/Orthography›Italics | Typography/Orthography›Lack of Punctuation
Environment: Auditory›Voices | Natural›River | Public›Train Station/Train depot | Time of Day›Noon | Time of Year›Summer
Actions: Emotional›Caring | Mental›Unaware | Movement›Interurban streetcar / trolley | Physical›Meddling | Physical›Protection | Play›Sports Crew / rowing | Verbal›Conversation | Verbal›Promising | Verbal›Punning | Verbal›Questioning | Verbal›Requesting
Cultural Issues: Class›Lower class / riff-raff / canaille | Gender›Masculinity | Health and Illness›Sick as euphemism for pregnancy | Sexuality›Female | Sexuality›Pregnant out of wedlock
Themes and Motifs: Animals›Horses | Appearance›Pretending / Feigning | Community›Wedding | Memory›Remembering | Morals›Honor | Psychological›Obsession | Values›Honor
Relationships: Familial›Brother-sister | Familial›Cousin | Friendship›College companions / classmates | Social›Homosocial
Aesthetics: Allusion, Geographical›Boston, Massachusetts | Allusion, Literary›Antony and Cleopatra | Allusion, Literary›Shakespeare, William | Allusion, Mythical›Gods | Diction›Neologism | Figures of Speech›People compared to animals | Language›Fragments | Narrative›Stream of consciousness narration | Typography/Orthography›Dialogue with no quotation marks | Typography/Orthography›Italics | Typography/Orthography›Lack of Punctuation
Environment: Time of Day›Night
Actions: Bodily›Grinning | Emotional›Caring | Emotional›Despair | Emotional›Lust | Physical›Touching | Verbal›Conversation | Verbal›Promising | Verbal›Questioning
Cultural Issues: Health and Illness›Sick as euphemism for pregnancy | Sexuality›Desire | Sexuality›Preventing or avoiding sex
Themes and Motifs: Recurring Tropes›Sending someone to Jackson | Recurring Tropes›Touch
Relationships: Familial›Brother-sister
Environment: Atmospheric›Streetlamp
Actions: Movement›Interurban streetcar / trolley | Perceptual›Smelling
Cultural Issues: Clothes
Themes and Motifs: Objects›Apple tree
Cultural Issues: Health and Illness›Fever | Sexuality›Pregnant out of wedlock
Themes and Motifs: Community›Wedding | Recurring Tropes›Touch
Relationships: Familial›Brother-sister | Marital›Forced
Aesthetics: Typography/Orthography›Lack of Punctuation
Cultural Issues: Health and Illness›Broken bones | Health and Illness›Injured
Themes and Motifs: Animals›Horses | Futility›Failure to defend honor | Objects›Basket | Objects›Fence
Relationships: Familial›Father-son
Actions: Legal›Marriage | Mental›Uncertainty | Physical›Touching | Verbal›Conversation | Verbal›Promising | Verbal›Questioning
Cultural Issues: Sexuality›Pregnant out of wedlock | Sexuality›Promiscuity
Themes and Motifs: Meaning›Mystery | Meaning›Paternity | Memory›Remembering | Recurring Tropes›Touch
Relationships: Familial›Brother-sister | Marital›Forced
Relationships: Familial›Brother-sister | Marital›Forced
Actions: Physical›Throwing | Verbal›Storytelling | Violent›Castration | Violent›Self-mutilation
Cultural Issues: Sexuality›Disgust with sex | Sexuality›Learning about
Themes and Motifs: Absence/Loss›Losing vs never having | Body›Blood | Body›Testicles | Memory›Remembering | Objects›Razor
Relationships: Interracial›Domestic | Interracial›White-black
Actions: Emotional›Cynicism | Emotional›Despair | Emotional›Tragic / tragedy | Mental›Realization | Perceptual›Experiencing second-hand / vicariously | Verbal›Conversation
Cultural Issues: Gender›Chastity / purity | Gender›Chauvinism / Misogyny | Gender›Sexual double standard | Sexuality›Virginity
Themes and Motifs: Meaning›Limitations of words / language | Meaning›Meaninglessness | Philosophical›Human experience | Philosophical›Human nature | Philosophical›Unnatural / Contrary to nature | Recurring Tropes›Father said
Relationships: Familial›Father-son
Cultural Issues: Sexuality›Pregnant out of wedlock
Relationships: Familial›Brother-sister
Cultural Issues: Gender›Reproduction | Sexuality›Pregnant out of wedlock
Themes and Motifs: Meaning›Limitations of words / language | Philosophical›Metaphysics | Philosophical›Progenitive / Self-reproductive | Recurring Tropes›Father said
Relationships: Familial›Brother-sister | Familial›Father-daughter | Familial›Father-son
Aesthetics: Allusion, Literary›Eliot, T. S. | Allusion, Literary›Poem "Mr. Eliot's Sunday Morning Service" | Diction›Neologism | Language›Fragments | Narrative›Stream of consciousness narration | Typography/Orthography›Dialogue with no quotation marks | Typography/Orthography›Italics | Typography/Orthography›Lack of Punctuation
Actions: Emotional›Cynicism | Emotional›Despair | Legal›Marriage | Moral›Cheating | Moral›Lying | Play›Card playing | Violent›Fighting
Cultural Issues: Education›Exams / tests | Education›Expelled / expulsion | Sexuality›Pregnant out of wedlock
Themes and Motifs: Character›Blackguard | Character›Scoundrel | Memory›Remembering | Morals›Honor | Psychological›Obsession | Values›Bad conduct | Values›Honor
Relationships: Familial›Brother-sister | Marital›Forced | Social›Adversarial | Social›Club | Social›Isolation
Cultural Issues: Religion›Religious faith
Themes and Motifs: Futility›Illusion of success or victory | Meaning›Meaninglessness | Memory›Remembering | Morals›Faith | Morals›Injustice | Philosophical›Nihilism | Recurring Tropes›Father said | Recurring Tropes›Nothingness
Actions: Emotional›Caring | Emotional›Despair | Emotional›Love | Mental›Thinking | Verbal›Questioning
Cultural Issues: Sexuality›Pregnant out of wedlock
Relationships: Familial›Brother-brother | Familial›Brother-sister | Familial›Father-daughter | Marital›Forced
Actions: Emotional›Caring | Emotional›Crying | Emotional›Despair | Mental›Realization | Mental›Thinking
Cultural Issues: Sexuality›Desire | Sexuality›First sexual encounter or experience | Sexuality›Pregnant out of wedlock | Sexuality›Sex and death
Relationships: Familial›Brother-sister | Familial›Father-daughter
Actions: Emotional›Comforting | Emotional›Crying | Emotional›Shame | Perceptual›Sensing | Physical›Pushing away | Verbal›Silence
Cultural Issues: Clothes›Dress | Sexuality›First sexual encounter or experience | Sexuality›Virginity
Themes and Motifs: Absence/Loss›Of loved one | Body›Eyes | Body›Face | Community›Wedding | Memory›Remembering | Recurring Tropes›Door
Relationships: Familial›Brother-sister
Actions: Emotional›Defeat | Emotional›Despair | Physical›Escaping | Physical›Starting over | Verbal›Stating intent to leave home / run away
Cultural Issues: Sexuality›Desire | Sexuality›First sexual encounter or experience | Sexuality›Pregnant out of wedlock | Sexuality›Sex and death
Themes and Motifs: Morals›Honor | Psychological›Obsession
Relationships: Familial›Brother-sister | Social›Isolation
Environment: Domestic Space›Pasture
Actions: Economic›Selling land | Emotional›Caring | Emotional›Despair | Physical›Escaping | Physical›Starting over
Themes and Motifs: Absence/Loss | Futility | Meaning›Meaninglessness | Money | Recurring Tropes›Nothingness
Relationships: Familial›Brother-sister
Aesthetics: Allusion, Geographical›Harvard University | Narrative›Resumption of sentence after interruption | Narrative›Stream of consciousness narration | Recurring Episodes›Compsons sell pasture | Typography/Orthography›Dialogue with no quotation marks | Typography/Orthography›Italics | Typography/Orthography›Lack of Punctuation
Environment: Domestic Space›Pasture
Actions: Bodily›Drinking | Economic›Selling land | Emotional›Crying | Emotional›Despair | Emotional›Regret
Cultural Issues: Alcohol›Alcoholism | Alcohol›Death from drinking | Sexuality›First sexual encounter or experience | Sexuality›Sex and death | Sexuality›Virginity
Themes and Motifs: Death›Future | Death›Killing oneself slowly | Futility›Failure to defend honor | Memory›Remembering | Recurring Tropes›Sending someone to Jackson
Relationships: Familial›Father-daughter | Familial›Father-son
Aesthetics: Allusion, Geographical›Jackson as synonym for state insane hospital | Allusion, Geographical›Jackson, Mississippi | Language›Fragments | Narrative›Repetition | Narrative›Resumption of sentence after interruption | Narrative›Stream of consciousness narration | Typography/Orthography›Dialogue with no quotation marks | Typography/Orthography›Italics | Typography/Orthography›Lack of Punctuation
Actions: Legal›Marriage | Work›Doctor / medical care
Cultural Issues: Sexuality›Pregnant out of wedlock
Relationships: Familial›Brother-sister | Marital›Forced
Environment: Olfactory›Oversweet organic | Olfactory›Sexual smells | Time of Day›Supper | Time of Day›Twilight
Actions: Bodily›Eating supper | Emotional›Crying
Cultural Issues: Sexuality›Promiscuity
Themes and Motifs: Recurring Tropes›Door | Recurring Tropes›Twilight
Relationships: Familial›Brother-sister
Actions: Bodily›Swallowing | Emotional›Anger | Emotional›Jealousy | Interaction, Private›Seducing | Physical›Kissing | Verbal›Conversation | Verbal›Questioning | Violent›Slapping
Cultural Issues: Class›Class consciousness | Gender›Dirty girl | Sexuality›Desire | Sexuality›First sexual encounter or experience | Sexuality›Learning about | Sexuality›Promiscuity
Themes and Motifs: Body›Face | Body›Hand / Palm | Futility›Failure to defend honor | Morals›Honor | Recurring Tropes›Father said | Values›Honor | Values›Virtue
Relationships: Familial›Brother-sister | Romantic
Environment: Domestic Space›Barn
Actions: Emotional›Jealousy | Emotional›Self-consciousness | Emotional›Shame | Interaction, Private›Seducing | Movement›Running away | Perceptual›Looking | Physical›Lifting | Physical›Pushing away | Physical›Touching
Cultural Issues: Gender›Body | Gender›Dirty girl | Sexuality›Desire | Sexuality›First sexual encounter or experience
Relationships: Romantic›Flirtation | Sexual
Environment: Auditory›Rain on roof | Domestic Space›Barn | Weather›Rain
Actions: Emotional›Jealousy | Emotional›Longing | Interaction, Private›Seducing | Movement›Running away | Physical›Pushing away | Physical›Touching | Play›Children playing
Cultural Issues: Sexuality›Desire | Sexuality›First sexual encounter or experience | Sexuality›Learning about
Relationships: Romantic›Flirtation | Sexual
Environment: Auditory›Rain on roof | Auditory›Rodent sounds | Domestic Space›Barn | Weather›Rain
Actions: Bodily›Sitting | Physical›Dancing | Physical›Embrace / hugging | Physical›Holding | Physical›Lifting | Physical›Touching | Verbal›Misspeaking
Cultural Issues: Age›Adolescence | Gender›Dirty girl | Sexuality›First sexual encounter or experience | Sexuality›Orgasm
Environment: Domestic Space›Barn
Actions: Bodily›Sitting | Emotional›Anger | Emotional›Jealousy | Interaction, Private›Seducing | Mental›Disapproval | Perceptual›Looking | Physical›Dancing | Physical›Pushing away | Physical›Touching | Verbal›Misspeaking
Cultural Issues: Age›Adolescence | Clothes›Dirty | Clothes›Dress | Gender›Dirty girl | Sexuality›Desire | Sexuality›First sexual encounter or experience
Themes and Motifs: Arrivals/Departures›Leaving | Body›Hand / Palm | Body›Hips | Recurring Tropes›Door
Relationships: Familial›Brother-sister | Romantic | Sexual
Environment: Atmospheric›Wetness | Auditory›Rain on roof | Domestic Space›Barn | Domestic Space›Garden | Domestic Space›Hogwallow | Natural›Mud | Olfactory›Animal / stable | Olfactory›Hog / pig pen | Weather›Rain
Actions: Emotional›Anger | Emotional›Jealousy | Emotional›Self-consciousness | Emotional›Shame | Movement›Walking | Physical›Jumping | Physical›Rolling / wallowing
Cultural Issues: Clothes›Dirty | Clothes›Shirt | Gender›Dirty girl | Health and Illness›Pneumonia | Sexuality›Learning about
Relationships: Familial›Brother-sister | Romantic | Sexual
Environment: Atmospheric›Wetness | Domestic Space›Hogwallow | Natural›Mud | Olfactory›Hog / pig pen | Weather›Rain
Actions: Emotional›Anger | Emotional›Caring | Emotional›Jealousy | Emotional›Longing | Emotional›Self-consciousness | Emotional›Shame | Interaction, Private›Domineering | Perceptual›Sweetness | Perceptual›Tasting | Physical›Embrace / hugging | Physical›Touching | Physical›Turning away | Verbal›Conversation | Violent›Hitting
Cultural Issues: Clothes›Dirty | Clothes›Underclothes, female | Gender›Female body | Sexuality›Desire | Sexuality›Sensuality
Themes and Motifs: Appearance›Dirty | Body›Face | Body›Fingers | Body›Legs | Body›Lips | Chaos/Order›Disorder | Memory›Remembering | Psychological›Obsession
Relationships: Familial›Brother-sister
Aesthetics: Language›Fragments | Language›Profanity | Narrative›Second-person directed | Narrative›Stream of consciousness narration | Symbolism›Archetype | Symbolism›Freudian | Typography/Orthography›Dialogue with no quotation marks | Typography/Orthography›Italics | Typography/Orthography›Lack of Punctuation
Environment: Atmospheric›Cold | Atmospheric›Wetness | Natural›Grass | Natural›Mud | Natural›Water moving / flowing | Weather›Rain
Actions: Bodily›Feeling pain | Bodily›Panting | Domestic›Washing | Emotional›Caring | Violent›Scratching
Cultural Issues: Gender›Men vs women
Relationships: Familial›Brother-sister
Environment: Atmospheric›Wetness | Natural›Mud | Olfactory›Hog / pig pen | Weather›Rain
Themes and Motifs: Objects›Handkerchief | Objects›Stove
Relationships: Familial›Brother-sister
Environment: Atmospheric›Dark
Actions: Verbal›Questioning
Cultural Issues: Sexuality›First sexual encounter or experience | Sexuality›Virginity
Themes and Motifs: Body›Hand / Palm | Memory›Remembering | Psychological›Obsession
Relationships: Familial›Brother-sister
Environment: Natural›Sky | Olfactory›Oversweet organic
Actions: Perceptual›Looking
Cultural Issues: Sexuality›First sexual encounter or experience | Sexuality›Sensuality | Sexuality›Virginity
Themes and Motifs: Body›Face | Body›Knee | Body›Throat | Memory›Remembering | Psychological›Obsession
Themes and Motifs: Arrivals/Departures›Run away
Actions: Perceptual›Blurring | Physical›Winking | Play›Sports Crew / rowing | Verbal›Talking | Violent›Killing in war
Cultural Issues: Clothes›Hat cap | Clothes›Motoring clothes | Clothes›Uniform | Gender›Male body | Gender›Masculinity | War›U.S. Army
Themes and Motifs: Chaos/Order›Confusion | Death | Memory›Remembering | Objects›Boat | Objects›Oars
Relationships: Institutional›Military | Social›Adversarial
Cultural Issues: Gender›Female body | Gender›Masculinity | Sexuality›Attractiveness | Sexuality›Sensuality
Themes and Motifs: Body›Hand / Palm
Actions: Emotional›Longing | Emotional›Lust | Moral›Confession | Perceptual›Blurring | Physical›Inaction / Not doing something | Verbal›Responding
Cultural Issues: Sexuality›Disgust with sex | Sexuality›First sexual encounter or experience | Sexuality›Incest | Sexuality›Promiscuity | Sexuality›Virginity
Themes and Motifs: Chaos/Order›Confusion | Futility›Failure to defend honor | Values›Evil | Values›Virtue
Relationships: Familial›Brother-sister | Familial›Father-son | Sexual
Environment: Natural›Cedar trees | Olfactory›Oversweet organic | Otherworldly›Hellfire
Actions: Bodily›Breathing | Bodily›Drinking | Emotional›Despair | Emotional›Horror | Emotional›Love | Emotional›Pity | Emotional›Shame | Mental›Thinking | Moral›Confession | Moral›Punishment | Moral›Purification | Physical›Burning | Physical›Inaction / Not doing something | Physical›Pointing | Physical›Starting over
Cultural Issues: Alcohol›Alcoholism | Class›Class consciousness | Religion›Damnation | Sexuality›Experience | Sexuality›First sexual encounter or experience | Sexuality›Incest | Sexuality›Orgasm | Sexuality›Virginity
Themes and Motifs: Appearance›Pretending / Feigning | Arrivals/Departures›Leaving home | Character›Responsibility | Death›Afterlife | Futility›Failure to defend honor | Morals›Honor | Recurring Tropes›Secret | Values›Honor | Values›Virtue
Relationships: Familial›Brother-sister | Familial›Father-daughter | Familial›Father-son | Sexual
Aesthetics: Allusion, Biblical›Gospel of Luke | Allusion, Biblical›Hell | Allusion, Literary›Dante's Inferno | Allusion, Literary›Eliot, T. S. | Allusion, Literary›Poem "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock" | Figures of Speech›Affirmation | Figures of Speech›Clean flame | Figures of Speech›Locked | Figures of Speech›Wild breath | Language›Fragments | Language›yes Yes Yes yes | Narrative›Stream of consciousness narration | Style›Bricolage | Typography/Orthography›Dialogue with no quotation marks | Typography/Orthography›Italics | Typography/Orthography›Lack of Punctuation
Cultural Issues: Sexuality›Sex and death
Relationships: Familial›Brother-sister | Sexual
Environment: Domestic Space›Bathroom | Time of Day›Supper
Actions: Bodily›Eating supper | Domestic›Feeding | Emotional›Caring | Emotional›Comforting | Emotional›Crying | Emotional›Grief | Emotional›Shame | Emotional›Shock | Perceptual›Sensing | Physical›Climbing stairs | Physical›Pushing away | Physical›Touching | Verbal›Yelling
Cultural Issues: Clothes›Dress | Sexuality›First sexual encounter or experience
Themes and Motifs: Absence/Loss›Of loved one | Body›Arm | Body›Eyes | Body›Face
Relationships: Familial›Brother-sister | Hierarchical›Caretaker-mentally challenged person
Environment: Atmospheric›Dark | Atmospheric›Light | Atmospheric›Wetness | Auditory›Heartbeat | Auditory›Insect sounds | Auditory›Silence | Domestic Space›Bedroom | Natural›Body of water | Natural›Creek | Natural›Grass | Natural›Hills | Natural›Sand | Natural›Sky | Natural›Water moving / flowing | Olfactory›Flowers | Olfactory›Oversweet organic | Olfactory›Rain | Time of Day›Night | Weather›Warmth
Actions: Bodily›Breathing | Bodily›Dying | Bodily›Going to bed | Bodily›Heart beating | Bodily›Panting | Bodily›Sitting | Emotional›Crying | Emotional›Despair | Emotional›Hate | Emotional›Jealousy | Emotional›Longing | Emotional›Love | Emotional›Pity | Emotional›Self-consciousness | Emotional›Shame | Mental›Thinking | Moral›Lying | Movement›Running | Perceptual›Blurring | Perceptual›Looking | Perceptual›Sensing | Perceptual›Smelling | Physical›Pursuit | Physical›Starting over | Physical›Touching | Play›Playing in water | Verbal›Conversation | Verbal›Questioning | Verbal›Threat
Cultural Issues: Clothes›Shoes | Clothes›Skirt | Clothes›Wet clothes | Gender›Female body | Sexuality›Desire | Sexuality›Experience | Sexuality›First sexual encounter or experience | Sexuality›Sensuality | Sexuality›Sex and death | Sexuality›Virginity
Themes and Motifs: Animals›Horses | Animals›Insects crickets | Body›Eyes | Body›Hand / Palm | Body›Hips | Body›Knee | Character›Impotence | Futility›Failure to defend honor | Morals›Honor | Objects›Fence | Objects›Willow tree | Objects›knife | Psychological›Obsession | Values›Honor
Relationships: Familial›Brother-sister | Familial›Father-son | Hierarchical›Caretaker-mentally challenged person | Romantic›Sexual | Sexual
Aesthetics: Allusion, Biblical›Baptism | Allusion, Literary›Eliot, T. S. | Allusion, Literary›Poem "The Waste Land" | Description›Color gray | Diction›Racist term | Figures of Speech›Island of silence | Figures of Speech›Mirror | Figures of Speech›Negation | Figures of Speech›Simile | Language›Fragments | Language›no no | Narrative›Stream of consciousness narration | Symbolism›Archetype | Symbolism›Cleansing power of water | Symbolism›Sexual symbol | Typography/Orthography›Capitalization | Typography/Orthography›Dialogue with no quotation marks | Typography/Orthography›Lack of Punctuation
Actions: Play›Playing in water
Cultural Issues: Clothes›Underclothes, female
Themes and Motifs: Death›Response to | Memory›Remembering
Relationships: Familial›Brother-sister
Relationships: Familial›Brother-sister
Cultural Issues: Clothes›Underclothes, female | Sexuality›Female
Themes and Motifs: Memory›Remembering
Environment: Olfactory›Oversweet organic
Cultural Issues: Sexuality›Sensuality
Relationships: Familial›Brother-sister
Environment: Auditory›Insect sounds | Natural›Ditches | Natural›Grass | Olfactory›Oversweet organic
Relationships: Familial›Brother-sister
Relationships: Familial›Brother-sister
Themes and Motifs: Recurring Tropes›Shadows
Relationships: Familial›Brother-sister | Romantic›Sexual | Social›Adversarial
Environment: Atmospheric›Light | Auditory›Frogs | Natural›Sky | Natural›Woods | Olfactory›Oversweet organic | Public›Clock tower
Themes and Motifs: Time›Awareness of time
Aesthetics: Typography/Orthography›Lack of Punctuation
Environment: Auditory›Insect sounds | Domestic Space›Pasture | Natural›Grass | Olfactory›Oversweet organic | Olfactory›Smelling water
Aesthetics: Description›Color gray | Typography/Orthography›Lack of Punctuation
Environment: Natural›Creek | Olfactory›Oversweet organic
Cultural Issues: Sexuality›Female | Sexuality›First sexual encounter or experience
Themes and Motifs: Futility›Failure to defend honor
Relationships: Familial›Brother-sister
Environment: Atmospheric›Wetness | Domestic Space›Gate | Olfactory›Oversweet organic | Olfactory›Rain
Actions: Emotional›Crying | Emotional›Despair | Emotional›Jealousy | Emotional›Love | Violent›Intent to kill
Relationships: Familial›Brother-sister
Environment: Natural›Creek | Public›Bridge | Time of Day›One o'clock p.m.
Relationships: Social›Adversarial
Relationships: Familial›Brother-sister
Actions: Bodily›Heart beating | Emotional›Humiliation | Emotional›Love | Interaction, Social›Confrontation | Physical›Restraining | Physical›Touching | Verbal›Threat | Violent›Hitting | Violent›Shooting
Cultural Issues: Gender›Chauvinism / Misogyny | Gender›Masculinity | Health and Illness›Injury | Sexuality›Desire | Sexuality›First sexual encounter or experience
Themes and Motifs: Animals›Horses | Futility›Failure to defend honor | Morals›Chivalry | Morals›Honor | Objects›Cigarette | Objects›Pistol | Recurring Tropes›Little sister
Relationships: Familial›Brother-sister | Social›Adversarial
Environment: Atmospheric›Dark | Olfactory›Oversweet organic
Cultural Issues: Sexuality
Actions: Verbal›Conversation
Themes and Motifs: Death›Suicide | Futility›Failure to defend honor | Meaning›Meaninglessness | Memory›Remembering | Philosophical›Nihilism | Time›Permanence | Values›Honor
Relationships: Familial›Father-son
Themes and Motifs: Futility›Illusion of success or victory | Meaning›Absurdity | Meaning›Meaninglessness | Memory›Forgetting | Memory›Remembering | Objects›Watch | Philosophical›Nihilism | Recurring Tropes›Father said | Recurring Tropes›Mausoleum | Time›Awareness of time | Time›Being outside of time
Relationships: Familial›Father-son
Environment: Domestic Space›College dormitory | Time of Day›Morning
Actions: Perceptual›Listening | Physical›Dressing | Verbal›Conversation | Verbal›Talking
Cultural Issues: Clothes›Collar | Clothes›Pants | Education›College | Education›Harvard | Entertainment›Boat race
Themes and Motifs: Body›Face | Body›Mouth | Memory›Remembering | Objects›Eyeglasses | Objects›Watch | Recurring Tropes›Belatedness | Recurring Tropes›Door | Time›Awareness of time | Time›Being in time | Time›Being late / tardiness | Time›Being on time / punctuality | Time›Return to present time
Relationships: Familial›Brother-brother | Friendship›College roommate | Friendship›Male-male relationship
Actions: Moral›Confession | Verbal›Confession | Verbal›Conversation
Themes and Motifs: Memory›Remembering | Morals›Honor | Objects›Flowers Dogwood | Objects›Flowers Milkweed | Objects›Flowers Roses | Values›Honor
Relationships: Familial›Father-son
Environment: Auditory›Clock ticking
Themes and Motifs: Objects›Watch | Recurring Tropes›Father said | Recurring Tropes›Little sister | Time›Awareness of time | Time›Being in time
Relationships: Familial›Father-son
Actions: Bodily›Sweating | Emotional›Cynicism | Mental›Speculation | Verbal›Conversation
Themes and Motifs: Body›Excrement | Objects›Watch | Recurring Tropes›Father said | Time›Awareness of time | Time›Being in time | Time›Watch
Relationships: Familial›Father-son
Actions: Emotional›Cynicism | Emotional›Sadness | Moral›Lying | Verbal›Conversation | Verbal›Taunt | Verbal›Teasing
Cultural Issues: Age›Youth | Gender›Women | Region›The South | Sexuality›Female | Sexuality›Promiscuity | Sexuality›Virginity
Themes and Motifs: Death›Like death | Futility›Failure to defend honor | Memory›Remembering | Morals›Honor | Philosophical›Nihilism | Psychological›Obsession | Recurring Tropes›Father said | Recurring Tropes›Little sister | Values›Honor
Relationships: Familial›Brother-sister | Familial›Father-son | Friendship›College roommate | Friendship›Male-male relationship | Social›Adversarial | Social›Homoerotic
Environment: Atmospheric›Sunlight | Auditory›Bells
Actions: Mental›Fantasizing | Mental›Imagining | Mental›Thinking | Moral›Confession | Verbal›Confession | Verbal›Conversation
Themes and Motifs: Morals›Honor | Psychological›Obsession | Recurring Tropes›Little sister
Relationships: Familial›Brother-sister | Familial›Father-son
Aesthetics: Allusion, Biblical›Hell | Allusion, Biblical›Jesus | Allusion, Historical›Saint Francis | Language›Fragments | Narrative›Stream of consciousness narration | Typography/Orthography›Dialogue with no quotation marks | Typography/Orthography›Italics | Typography/Orthography›Lack of Punctuation
Environment: Natural›Body of water
Actions: Emotional›Cynicism | Emotional›Despair | Emotional›Sadness | Mental›Imagining | Mental›Realization | Mental›Thinking | Perceptual›Seeing | Verbal›Conversation
Cultural Issues: Religion›Divine judgment | Religion›Resurrection | Sexuality›Conception/Conceiving a child | Sexuality›Preventing or avoiding sex | Sexuality›Virginity
Themes and Motifs: Character›Impotence | Death›Bones | Death›Death by water / Drowning | Death›Suicide | Futility›Failure to defend honor | Futility›Illusion of success or victory | Meaning›Meaninglessness | Memory›Forgetting | Memory›Remembering | Morals›Honor | Objects›Flat-iron | Philosophical›Existentialism | Philosophical›Nihilism | Recurring Tropes›Door | Recurring Tropes›Father said | Recurring Tropes›Tomorrow and tomorrow | Time›Abrupt shift in time | Time›Long passage of time | Values›Honor
Relationships: Familial›Father-son | Social›Adversarial
Aesthetics: Allusion, Biblical›Judgment Day | Allusion, Biblical›New Testament Book of Revelation | Allusion, Literary›Coleridge, Samuel | Allusion, Literary›Eliot, T. S. | Allusion, Literary›Poem "Kubla Khan" | Allusion, Literary›Poem "The Waste Land" | Language›Fragments | Narrative›Foreshadowing | Narrative›Repetition | Narrative›Stream of consciousness narration | Typography/Orthography›Dialogue with no quotation marks | Typography/Orthography›Italics | Typography/Orthography›Lack of Punctuation
Cultural Issues: Class›Gentility | Class›Respectability | Education›Being well read / erudite
Themes and Motifs: Memory›Remembering | Objects›Books | Recurring Tropes›Father said
Relationships: Familial›Father-son
Actions: Bodily›Smelling | Emotional›Comforting | Emotional›Crying | Movement›Running away | Perceptual›Sensing | Perceptual›Smelling | Physical›Touching | Verbal›Hushing | Verbal›Punning | Verbal›Stating intent to leave home / run away
Themes and Motifs: Body›Bowels | Memory›Remembering | Naming›Child's name | Naming›Importance of naming | Naming›Renaming | Past›Personal past | Philosophical›Luck | Recurring Tropes›Door | Supernatural›Signs / Omen | Time›Abrupt shift in time | Time›Travel back in time
Relationships: Familial›Brother-sister | Familial›Husband-wife | Familial›Mother-son | Interracial›White-black
Aesthetics: Allusion, Biblical›Benjamin | Allusion, Biblical›Conflation of several possible sources | Allusion, Biblical›Hell | Allusion, Biblical›Old Testament Book of Isaiah | Allusion, Literary›Hopkins, Gerard Manley | Allusion, Literary›Poem "The Windhover" | Diction›African American vernacular dialect | Figures of Speech›Oxymoron | Language›Archaic | Language›Biblical | Language›Fragments | Narrative›Stream of consciousness narration | Recurring Episodes›Benjy's name changed | Recurring Episodes›Recurring event, intertextual | Recurring Episodes›Recurring event, intratextual | Typography/Orthography›Dialogue with no quotation marks | Typography/Orthography›Italics | Typography/Orthography›Lack of Punctuation
Environment: Atmospheric›Sunlight | Domestic Space›Apartment | Domestic Space›College dormitory | Natural›River | Public›Chapel | Time of Day›Night
Actions: Bodily›Birth / Being born | Emotional›Stubbornness | Moral›Condoning | Moral›Forgiveness | Movement›Boat | Play›Sports Crew / rowing
Cultural Issues: Class›Aristocratic posing | Class›British nobility | Class›noblesse-oblige | Clothes›Expensive and/or fancy clothes | Education›Chapel Service (morning prayers) | Gender›Lady | Region›The South | Sexuality›Illegitimacy | Sexuality›Promiscuity
Themes and Motifs: Animals›Horses | Appearance›Beautiful/handsome | Body›Eyes | Body›Hair | Character›Regal | Naming›French noble names | Naming›Long name | Time›Return to present time | Values›Virtue
Relationships: Familial›Mother-son | Friendship›College companions / classmates | Hierarchical›Elder-younger
Aesthetics: Allusion, Geographical›Cambridge, Massachusetts | Allusion, Geographical›Kentucky | Allusion, Geographical›Mason and Dixon Line | Diction›Racist term | Language›Fragments | Narrative›Resumption of sentence after interruption | Narrative›Stream of consciousness narration | Typography/Orthography›Lack of Punctuation
Actions: Verbal›Conversation
Cultural Issues: Gender›Femininity
Themes and Motifs: Memory›Remembering
Relationships: Familial›Father-son | Social›Adversarial
Environment: Atmospheric›Dark | Domestic Space›Pasture | Natural›Ditches | Natural›Woods
Actions: Interaction, Private›Interrogation | Verbal›Accusatory
Cultural Issues: Race›Behaving/becoming "black" | Race›Stereotype black women's sexual promiscuity | Sexuality›Disgust with sex | Sexuality›Promiscuity | Sexuality›Sexual passion
Themes and Motifs: Memory›Remembering
Relationships: Familial›Brother-sister
Actions: Emotional›Theatricality | Interaction, Social›Confrontation | Verbal›Questioning
Cultural Issues: Class›Gentility | Clothes›Flannel | Clothes›Khaki | Clothes›Shirt | Clothes›Silk | Gender›Masculinity | Sexuality›Female
Themes and Motifs: Body›Eyes | Body›Face | Memory›Remembering | Past›Personal past | Recurring Tropes›Door | Recurring Tropes›Little sister | Time›Travel back in time | Values›Virtue
Relationships: Familial›Brother-sister | Social›Adversarial
Aesthetics: Description›Color blue | Description›Color bronze | Description›Color brown | Diction›Misogynistic wording | Language›Fragments | Narrative›Stream of consciousness narration | Symbolism›Theatrical | Typography/Orthography›Dialogue with no quotation marks | Typography/Orthography›Italics | Typography/Orthography›Lack of Punctuation
Environment: Time of Year›April | Time of Year›Spring
Actions: Communication›Letter | Communication›Marriage announcement | Economic›Banking | Economic›Selling | Emotional›Contempt | Interaction, Private›Domineering | Interaction, Private›Seducing | Interaction, Private›Seeking approval | Interaction, Social›Celebration | Interaction, Social›Marriage | Mental›Distrust | Mental›Learning | Movement›Car | Movement›Limousine | Physical›Driving | Verbal›Bragging | Verbal›Conversation | Verbal›Joking | Violent›Fighting | Violent›Hitting
Cultural Issues: Class›Elite | Class›Gentility | Class›Pretension | Clothes›Garter | Clothes›Underclothes, female | Cultural Identity›Country vs city | Cultural Identity›Southern identity | Education›Harvard | Entertainment›Circus | Gender›Marriage | Region›The South | Sexuality›Incest
Themes and Motifs: Animals›Elephants | Animals›Fleas | Body›Eyes | Body›Face | Body›Teeth | Character›Inherited traits | Character›Reputation | Community›Wedding | Futility›Failure to defend honor | Inheritance›Traits | Memory›Remembering | Money›Stingy with money | Morals›Honor | Objects›Candle | Objects›Eyeglasses | Objects›Flowers | Objects›Windows | Past›Personal past | Psychological›Obsession | Recurring Tropes›Little sister | Supernatural›Spell | Time›Abrupt shift in time | Time›Travel back in time | Values›Honor | Values›Propriety | Values›Virtue
Relationships: Familial›Mother-daughter | Familial›Mother-son | Friendship›College roommate | Hierarchical›Master-servant | Marital›Forced | Romantic›Courtship | Romantic›Fiance | Romantic›Flirtation | Sexual | Social›Adversarial | Social›Neighbor
Aesthetics: Allusion, Geographical›Harvard University | Allusion, Geographical›South Bend, Indiana | Allusion, Literary›Byron | Allusion, Literary›Poem "Don Juan" | Allusion, Literary›Poem "Marmion" | Allusion, Literary›Scott, Walter | Figures of Speech›Puppy | Figures of Speech›Simile | Genre Conventions›Romance / Romanticism | Language›Fragments | Narrative›Stream of consciousness narration | Style›Long sentence | Tone›Sarcastic | Typography/Orthography›Dialogue with no quotation marks | Typography/Orthography›Italics | Typography/Orthography›Lack of Punctuation
Environment: Auditory›Voices | Domestic Space›Pasture | Olfactory›Camphor | Olfactory›Oversweet organic
Actions: Emotional›Crying | Emotional›Jealousy | Emotional›Seduction | Interaction, Social›Marriage | Moral›Deception | Movement›Car | Verbal›Accusatory | Verbal›Confession | Verbal›Flattery | Verbal›Joking | Verbal›Punning
Cultural Issues: Agriculture›Salt lick | Class›Pretension | Education›Harvard | Gender›Femininity | Health and Illness›Medicine camphor | Health and Illness›Unspecified sickness | Sexuality›Incest | Sexuality›Virginity
Themes and Motifs: Death›Coffin | Memory›Remembering | Objects›Car | Objects›Honeysuckle | Objects›Trunk | Recurring Tropes›Little sister | Recurring Tropes›Twilight
Relationships: Familial›Brother-brother | Familial›Brother-sister | Familial›Mother-daughter | Familial›Mother-son | Romantic›Fiance | Social›Adversarial
Aesthetics: Allusion, Geographical›French Lick, Indiana | Allusion, Geographical›Harvard University | Figures of Speech›Hunting metaphor / imagery | Figures of Speech›Simile | Language›Fragments | Narrative›Stream of consciousness narration | Typography/Orthography›Dialogue with no quotation marks | Typography/Orthography›Italics | Typography/Orthography›Lack of Punctuation
Environment: Atmospheric›Streetlamp | Natural›Hills
Actions: Verbal›Accusatory | Verbal›Explaining
Cultural Issues: Gender›Chauvinism / Misogyny | Sexuality
Themes and Motifs: Psychological›Obsession
Relationships: Familial›Father-son
Environment: Atmospheric›Dark | Atmospheric›Streetlamp | Auditory›Insect sounds | Time of Year›August | Time of Year›Summer
Actions: Emotional›Cynicism | Emotional›Suspicion | Perceptual›Sensing | Physical›Protection | Verbal›Conversation
Cultural Issues: Gender›Chauvinism / Misogyny | Gender›Patriarchy | Gender›Women | Sexuality
Themes and Motifs: Memory›Remembering | Philosophical›Nihilism | Psychological›Obsession | Recurring Tropes›Father said | Values›Evil
Relationships: Familial›Father-son
Actions: Domestic›Child care | Emotional›Respect | Mental›Disapproval | Perceptual›Spying | Verbal›Arguing
Cultural Issues: Class›Class consciousness
Themes and Motifs: Memory›Remembering | Philosophical›Suffering
Relationships: Familial›Husband-wife | Familial›Mother-daughter
Cultural Issues: Gender›Chauvinism / Misogyny | Gender›Patriarchy | Gender›Women | Sexuality›Promiscuity
Themes and Motifs: Psychological›Obsession
Relationships: Familial›Father-son | Familial›Husband-wife | Familial›Mother-daughter