Actions: Verbal Gossip

Tagged Events

Environment: Time of DayNight
Actions: MoralDeception | VerbalGossip
Themes and Motifs: ObjectsBrass | PsychologicalManipulation
Relationships: MaritalAdultery
Actions: VerbalGossip
Cultural Issues: CrimeTheft|Robbery | RaceHierarchical
Themes and Motifs: ObjectsBrass
Relationships: HierarchicalEmployer-employee
Actions: MovementCar | VerbalGossip
Cultural Issues: ProgressCars
Themes and Motifs: NamingNickname | NamingRenaming
Environment: Time of YearChristmas
Actions: VerbalGossip
Cultural Issues: AlcoholWhiskey | MigrationWork
Themes and Motifs: Arrivals/DeparturesReturn | BodyFace
Relationships: SocialHomosocial
Environment: AtmosphericHeat | Time of DayNight
Cultural Issues: ClothesDress | RaceDivision
Themes and Motifs: BodyEyes
Environment: AtmosphericDark
Actions: EmotionalLaughing | VerbalGossip
Cultural Issues: AgeYouth | Mass MediaFantasy | Mass MediaMovies
Relationships: RomanticCourtship
Actions: VerbalGossip
Themes and Motifs: BodyFace
Relationships: RomanticFiance
Environment: Domestic SpaceLog house
Actions: MovementCar | VerbalGossip
Cultural Issues: ProgressInfrastructure
Themes and Motifs: Recurring TropesGossip
Relationships: FamilialMother-son | SocialIsolation
Actions: VerbalGossip | VerbalNews
Cultural Issues: CrimeMaking whisky
Relationships: FamilialMentorship
Environment: OlfactoryDecay | PublicStreet
Cultural Issues: LawMarshal
Cultural Issues: Class | PrejudiceRacism
Themes and Motifs: AnimalsCats | CharacterPride
Relationships: FamilialTwins
Environment: PublicTown Square
Cultural Issues: ViolenceInterracial
Themes and Motifs: CommunityKnowledge
Aesthetics: DictionRacist term
Environment: Domestic SpaceYard | PlaceChurch
Cultural Issues: ClothesShirt
Themes and Motifs: ObjectsPipe
Actions: VerbalGossip
Cultural Issues: Group MentalityRacial solidarity
Themes and Motifs: ObjectsPistol
Relationships: HierarchicalLeader
Environment: PublicStreet | Time of YearSaturday
Actions: VerbalGossip
Themes and Motifs: Arrivals/DeparturesReturn home
Relationships: MaritalHusband-wife
Environment: PlaceChurch | Time of YearSunday
Actions: VerbalGossip | VerbalPreaching
Cultural Issues: WarCivil War
Environment: PlaceChurch
Actions: VerbalGossip | VerbalPreaching
Cultural Issues: WarCivil War
Actions: VerbalGossip
Cultural Issues: GenderWomen
Themes and Motifs: Arrivals/DeparturesReturn home
Environment: Domestic SpaceHouse
Themes and Motifs: MoneyRefund
Environment: PlaceHotel
Cultural Issues: ReligionBaptist | ReligionUncharitable
Themes and Motifs: MoneyBill | ValuesPropriety
Environment: PublicBarber shop
Cultural Issues: GenderChauvinism / Misogyny
Themes and Motifs: CommunityOpinion
Environment: PlaceBrothel / Bordello
Actions: VerbalGossip
Cultural Issues: SexualityPerverse
Environment: PublicStreet
Actions: VerbalGossip
Cultural Issues: ClassSnopesism | CrimeProstitution
Themes and Motifs: MoralsHypocrisy
Aesthetics: DictionSouthern dialect
Actions: VerbalGossip
Cultural Issues: ClassSnopesism
Cultural Issues: LawTrespassing
Themes and Motifs: AnimalsHog
Environment: Time of DayMorning | Time of YearSunday
Actions: VerbalGossip
Themes and Motifs: CommunitySocial life