Actions: Play

Tagged Events

Actions: PlayJoking around | PlayPrank
Themes and Motifs: SupernaturalPlace
Aesthetics: NarrativeIrony
Actions: Play
Themes and Motifs: NamingChange over time | NamingRenaming
Aesthetics: ToneHumorous
Actions: PlayChess
Themes and Motifs: Arrivals/DeparturesLeaving
Relationships: FamilialUncle-nephew
Environment: PlaceMill
Cultural Issues: AlcoholMoonshine | Land-UseLogging | SexualityPromiscuity
Themes and Motifs: MoneyEarned | ValuesSuccess
Relationships: FamilialAunt-nephew
Environment: Domestic SpaceGarden
Actions: PlayChildren playing
Themes and Motifs: ObjectsToys
Relationships: FamilialAunt-nephew
Actions: MoralCheating | PlayGambling
Cultural Issues: RaceHierarchical
Themes and Motifs: PastRepetition
Actions: BodilyEating | PlayPoker
Themes and Motifs: AnimalsDogs
Actions: Play
Cultural Issues: GlobalExoticism
Themes and Motifs: ObjectsSlipper
Relationships: FamilialFather-son
Cultural Issues: ClassElite | ClassGentility
Themes and Motifs: DeathBurial | Inheritance
Aesthetics: Figures of SpeechSimile
Environment: PlaceMill
Cultural Issues: AlcoholMoonshine | Land-UseLogging | SexualityPromiscuity
Themes and Motifs: MoneyEarned | ValuesSuccess
Relationships: FamilialAunt-nephew
Environment: Domestic SpaceGarden
Actions: PlayChildren playing
Themes and Motifs: ObjectsToys
Relationships: FamilialAunt-nephew
Actions: PlayBetting | PlayPoker
Cultural Issues: SlaverySlave trading
Relationships: MaritalArrangements
Environment: PlaceSawmill
Actions: PlayGambling | VerbalTalking
Cultural Issues: ClothesOveralls
Themes and Motifs: NamingFalse name
Environment: PlaceSpeakeasy
Cultural Issues: CrimeGambling | CrimeKidnapping
Themes and Motifs: ObjectsDice | Recurring TropesTrying to say
Actions: EconomicPaying | PlayGambling
Themes and Motifs: MoneyWon
Actions: PlayCheckers | ViolentBeating
Themes and Motifs: CharacterGreed | MoneyHidden
Actions: PlayGambling
Cultural Issues: SexualityMale vitality
Themes and Motifs: ValuesConscience
Environment: WeatherRain
Actions: Play
Themes and Motifs: MemoryRemembering | ObjectsWisteria
Relationships: FamilialMother-son
Environment: Domestic SpaceGate
Actions: EmotionalCrying | PlaySports Golf
Cultural Issues: RaceSegregation
Relationships: FamilialDissolution