Themes and Motifs: Home

Tagged Events

Themes and Motifs: HomeNeglect
Environment: Domestic SpaceHome
Actions: PhysicalRepair
Themes and Motifs: HomeImprovements | ObjectsStove
Relationships: MaritalHusband-wife
Environment: AtmosphericDark | Time of DayNight
Actions: MovementHorse
Themes and Motifs: HomeHomebound
Environment: Time of DayMorning
Cultural Issues: Hunting and FishingRitual
Themes and Motifs: HomeHomebound
Environment: Time of DayTwilight
Actions: EmotionalFear
Themes and Motifs: HomeSubstitute | ObjectsGun
Relationships: FamilialDissolution | FamilialSurrogate
Environment: PlaceGraveyard
Cultural Issues: WarDestruction
Themes and Motifs: Arrivals/DeparturesArrival | HomeDestroyed
Environment: PlaceSpring
Actions: EconomicTrading | MovementWagon
Cultural Issues: ClothesMilitary | WarGlorification
Themes and Motifs: HomeHomesickness_Longing for home
Themes and Motifs: HomeHomecoming
Environment: Time of DayMorning
Actions: MovementHorse
Themes and Motifs: HomeDistance from home
Environment: NaturalCreek
Themes and Motifs: HomeHomecoming
Actions: EmotionalRelief
Themes and Motifs: HomeHomecoming
Environment: AtmosphericHeat | Time of DayDinner
Actions: PhysicalBuilding
Themes and Motifs: HomeAttacked
Cultural Issues: WarUnion Army
Themes and Motifs: HomeAttacked
Themes and Motifs: HomeBelonging
Relationships: FamilialMother-son
Environment: AtmosphericDust
Cultural Issues: EconomyMarket day
Themes and Motifs: DeathSuicide | FutilityInability | HomeHomecoming
Relationships: InstitutionalPolice-arrestee
Cultural Issues: SexualityPuberty
Themes and Motifs: HomeHomecoming | ValuesLove
Environment: Time of YearChristmas
Actions: MovementHorse | VerbalSilence | VerbalTalking
Themes and Motifs: HomeHomecoming
Relationships: Familial
Environment: PlaceQuarters
Cultural Issues: EconomyRenting housing
Themes and Motifs: HomeHomecoming
Relationships: HierarchicalLandlord-tenant
Environment: Domestic SpaceHome
Actions: PhysicalRepair
Themes and Motifs: HomeImprovements | ObjectsStove
Relationships: MaritalHusband-wife
Actions: PhysicalBuilding
Cultural Issues: EconomyDowry
Themes and Motifs: HomeImprovements
Actions: DomesticHousekeeping
Cultural Issues: EconomyDowry | GenderMarriage
Themes and Motifs: DeathAnd inheritance | DeathResponse to | HomeHomecoming
Relationships: MaritalArrangements
Environment: PlaceTent
Themes and Motifs: HomeSubstitute
Relationships: IntergenerationalHunting party
Actions: EconomicPaying
Cultural Issues: RaceWhite savior
Themes and Motifs: DeathFuneral | HomeHomecoming
Cultural Issues: Classnoblesse-oblige | GenderChivalry
Relationships: CivicCharity
Aesthetics: DictionRacist term
Actions: PhysicalBuilding
Cultural Issues: ClassAristocratic posing
Themes and Motifs: HomeImprovements
Actions: MovementWagon | MovementWalking
Cultural Issues: ClassClass consciousness | ClothesDress | ClothesShoes
Themes and Motifs: Home | Memory
Relationships: FamilialFather-daughter
Actions: DomesticHousekeeping
Themes and Motifs: HomeHomecoming
Environment: PublicStreet
Actions: MovementTaxi
Cultural Issues: ClassSocial mobility | GenderChivalry | ViolenceLynching
Themes and Motifs: HomeHomecoming
Environment: PlaceCity
Actions: LegalArrest
Cultural Issues: LawArrest
Themes and Motifs: HomeTrying to go home
Relationships: FamilialMother-son
Actions: VerbalLying
Themes and Motifs: HomeHomecoming
Relationships: FamilialMother-son
Actions: EmotionalEmpathy
Themes and Motifs: HomeSubstitute | MoneyExpenses
Relationships: CivicCharity
Themes and Motifs: HomeHomecoming
Cultural Issues: WarAerial combat | WarDeath
Themes and Motifs: DeterminismFated | HomeHomecoming
Environment: Time of YearChristmas
Actions: MovementCar
Cultural Issues: CrimeBootlegging
Themes and Motifs: DeathOf parent | HomeImprovements | MoneyIll-gotten
Environment: Time of YearChristmas
Cultural Issues: GenderWomen | RitualHoliday dinner
Themes and Motifs: HomeHomecoming
Environment: PlacePawn shop
Actions: VerbalNegotiation
Cultural Issues: LawRegulation
Actions: EmotionalCrying
Themes and Motifs: HomeHomecoming
Relationships: FamilialMother-son
Cultural Issues: ProgressGrowing population
Themes and Motifs: HomeNew home
Relationships: FamilialMother-son
Cultural Issues: WarDraft evasion / Draft dodging
Themes and Motifs: HomeDestroyed
Relationships: InterracialWhite-black | SocialPaternalism
Cultural Issues: ClassSnopesism
Themes and Motifs: HomeHomecoming
Actions: EmotionalDefiance | VerbalArguing
Cultural Issues: AgeAdolescence | EducationCollege
Themes and Motifs: HomeGetting away
Relationships: FamilialFather-daughter
Aesthetics: NarrativeParentheses
Environment: NaturalCreek
Actions: MovementHorse
Themes and Motifs: HomeHomecoming
Actions: EmotionalRelief
Themes and Motifs: HomeHomecoming
Environment: Time of DayMorning
Actions: MovementHorse
Themes and Motifs: HomeDistance from home
Environment: AtmosphericHeat | Time of DayDinner
Actions: PhysicalBuilding
Cultural Issues: WarUnion Army
Themes and Motifs: AnimalsHorses | HomeAttacked
Relationships: FamilialFather-son