Actions: Verbal Talking

Tagged Events

Environment: PlaceHotel
Actions: VerbalTalking
Cultural Issues: ClassMiddle | GenderAll-male space
Themes and Motifs: ValuesVirtue
Aesthetics: DictionRural vernacular
Environment: PlaceDitch
Cultural Issues: RaceBlack stereotype
Themes and Motifs: Objectsknife
Relationships: MaritalAdultery
Aesthetics: NarrativeCommentary
Environment: Time of YearChristmas
Actions: MovementHorse | VerbalSilence | VerbalTalking
Themes and Motifs: HomeHomecoming
Relationships: Familial
Environment: NaturalMoon | OlfactoryLocust
Actions: VerbalCommand | VerbalHushing | VerbalTalking
Cultural Issues: ClothesShawl | WarDeath
Themes and Motifs: AnimalsCrickets | AnimalsFrogs
Aesthetics: Figures of SpeechSimile
Environment: PlaceOffice
Actions: BodilySitting | BodilySmoking | VerbalTalking
Cultural Issues: ClothesDress | ClothesGlove | ClothesHandbag | ClothesShoes
Themes and Motifs: ObjectsChair | ObjectsKeys | ObjectsPipe
Cultural Issues: ClothesNightgown | FoodPeas
Themes and Motifs: ObjectsCandle
Environment: PlaceSawmill
Actions: PlayGambling | VerbalTalking
Cultural Issues: ClothesOveralls
Themes and Motifs: NamingFalse name
Environment: Time of DayNight
Actions: VerbalTalking | VerbalTeasing
Cultural Issues: SexualityExtra-marital
Themes and Motifs: MoralsChivalry
Relationships: MaritalHusband-wife | RomanticSexual
Environment: PlaceSawmill
Actions: BodilyPregnancy | VerbalTalking
Cultural Issues: ClothesShoes
Actions: VerbalTalking
Cultural Issues: SexualityFemale
Themes and Motifs: ObjectsHammock
Environment: Domestic SpaceHouse | PlacePoorhouse
Actions: VerbalTalking
Cultural Issues: AgeOld age | ClothesAnd class | ClothesHat | ClothesHeadrag | ClothesShabby
Themes and Motifs: ObjectsLuggage
Relationships: InterracialWhite-black
Aesthetics: NarrativeParentheses
Environment: PublicRestaurant
Actions: VerbalTalking | WorkRestauranteer
Cultural Issues: ClothesApron