Actions: Legal

Tagged Events

Actions: LegalArrest
Cultural Issues: CrimeMurder | LawAlienating
Environment: PlaceOffice
Actions: LegalConfession
Cultural Issues: LawJustice of the Peace
Themes and Motifs: Recurring TropesTrying to say
Aesthetics: NarrativeSelf-Reflective
Actions: LegalArraign
Cultural Issues: LawJustice of the Peace
Themes and Motifs: Recurring TropesTrying to say
Environment: PlaceCapitol
Actions: LegalPardon
Actions: LegalRemarriage
Cultural Issues: GenderWidow | GenderWomen
Relationships: FamilialMotherhood
Environment: PlaceCrime scene | Time of DayPre-dawn
Cultural Issues: LawEvidence | LawJustice of the Peace
Themes and Motifs: ObjectsPistol
Environment: Time of DayAfternoon
Actions: LegalDischarging jury
Cultural Issues: LawHung jury | LawRetrial
Environment: PlaceHotel
Actions: LegalLocking up
Themes and Motifs: AnimalsHorses | ObjectsPistol
Environment: PublicCourt
Actions: LegalArraign | PerceptualWatching
Cultural Issues: LawBail | SlaverySelf-emancipation
Themes and Motifs: CommunityCrowd
Environment: PublicChurch
Themes and Motifs: AppearanceCosmetics
Aesthetics: Figures of SpeechRain
Environment: PublicChurch
Actions: LegalMarriage
Cultural Issues: Group MentalityMob behavior | Slavery
Themes and Motifs: CommunityWedding | ObjectsPine knots
Environment: Domestic SpaceHouse
Cultural Issues: EconomyDowry
Themes and Motifs: AnimalsHog | AnimalsMules | ObjectsClock
Actions: LegalMarriage
Cultural Issues: LawInheritance | RaceMiscegenation
Relationships: FamilialGenealogy
Actions: LegalDivorce | VerbalNegotiation
Cultural Issues: LawInheritance
Themes and Motifs: MoneyTreasure | ObjectsMetal detector
Actions: LegalMarriage
Themes and Motifs: ValuesHonor
Relationships: SexualInappropriate
Environment: PlaceJail
Cultural Issues: ClothesHat
Themes and Motifs: Absence/Loss
Environment: Time of DayNight
Cultural Issues: ViolenceLynching
Themes and Motifs: AnimalsHorses | ObjectsPipe
Relationships: FamilialUncle-nephew
Aesthetics: DictionRacist term
Environment: PublicCourtroom
Actions: LegalTestifying
Cultural Issues: LawEvidence | LawTestimony | LawTrial
Themes and Motifs: ValuesPropriety
Environment: PublicCourtroom
Actions: LegalTestifying
Cultural Issues: GenderWomen as sacred | LawEvidence | LawTrial
Themes and Motifs: ObjectsCorncob
Environment: PlaceCity
Actions: LegalArrest
Cultural Issues: LawArrest
Themes and Motifs: HomeTrying to go home
Relationships: FamilialMother-son
Actions: LegalHearing
Cultural Issues: LawCivil suit
Themes and Motifs: FutilityNothing to do
Relationships: FamilialFather-son
Environment: PlaceOffice
Actions: LegalBonding | VerbalInsulting
Cultural Issues: LawInformal arrangement | RaceHierarchical | RaceLaw
Themes and Motifs: CharacterWork ethic
Environment: AtmosphericCrowded
Cultural Issues: LawCorruption
Themes and Motifs: ObjectsGold tooth
Actions: LegalLocking up
Cultural Issues: LaborRacialized
Themes and Motifs: ObjectsCar
Cultural Issues: CrimeBribe
Environment: PlaceJail
Actions: LegalArrest
Environment: AtmosphericDark
Actions: LegalWill
Cultural Issues: LawInheritance
Themes and Motifs: BodyHair | ObjectsPipe | Recurring TropesDoor | Recurring TropesSecret
Actions: LegalWill
Themes and Motifs: InheritanceProperty
Relationships: FamilialGrandparent-grandchild
Environment: PublicCourt
Themes and Motifs: Absence/LossAbandonment