Actions: Verbal Command
Parent Term
Sibling Terms
- Accusatory
- Announcing
- Apology
- Arguing
- Badgering
- Banishment
- Banter / small talk
- Begging
- Bidding farewell / Saying goodbye
- Bless
- Bragging
- Calling
- Calling by name
- Chanting
- Chatter
- Code-switching / Change in dialect
- Complaining
- Confession
- Congratulating
- Consoling
- Conversation
- Cursing
- Daring
- Debating
- Defining
- Demanding
- Denial
- Dialogue
- Disagreeing
- Discussion
- Eloquence
- Esoteric language
- Exaggeration
- Explaining
- Family history
- Flattery
- Flirting
- Garrulousness
- Giving advice
- Gossip
- Haggling
- Honor
- Howling
- Hushing
- Instructing
- Insulting
- Interruption
- Invitation
- Joking
- Listen
- Lying
- Marriage proposal
- Message
- Misspeaking
- Monologue
- Moralizing
- Mumbling
- Naming self
- Negotiation
- News
- Omission
- Ordering
- Persuasion
- Planning
- Praising
- Praying
- Preaching
- Predicting
- Promising
- Provoking
- Punning
- Questioning
- Reading aloud
- Rebel yell
- Refusing
- Renunciation
- Repetition
- Requesting
- Responding
- Reticence
- Revealing
- Rhetorical question
- Rumor
- Screaming
- Self-justifying
- Sharing confidences
- Shouting
- Silence
- Singing
- Social criticism
- Speculation
- Speech
- Stating intent to leave home / run away
- Storytelling
- Stuttering / stammering
- Swearing
- Talking
- Taunt
- Teasing
- Telling
- Thanking
- Threat
- Tirade
- Ultimatum
- Vowing
- Warning
- Whimper
- Whispering
- Wishing
- Withholding
- Writing
- Yelling
Tagged Events
Environment: Domestic Space›Kitchen
Themes and Motifs: Absence/Loss›Absence as loss
Environment: Domestic Space›Gate | Domestic Space›Stable | Place›McCaslin-Edmonds plantation
Actions: Verbal›Command | Verbal›Conversation
Cultural Issues: Clothes›Panama hat | Law›Spousal privilege
Relationships: Commercial›Employer-employee | Commercial›Landlord-tenant | Familial›Father-daughter | Familial›Kinship | Social›Paternalism
Aesthetics: Diction›African American vernacular dialect | Style›Character portrait
Relationships: Familial›Father-son in law
Themes and Motifs: Recurring Tropes›Performance
Environment: Time of Day›Afternoon
Actions: Bodily›Idleness | Emotional›Despair | Physical›Washing clothes | Verbal›Begging | Verbal›Command | Work›Chopping wood
Themes and Motifs: Animals›Whippoorwills | Objects›Coffee | Recurring Tropes›Fire on the hearth
Aesthetics: Allusion, Geographical›France | Allusion, Literary›Gulliver's Travels
Environment: Time of Day›Dawn
Actions: Agricultural›Plowing | Verbal›Command
Cultural Issues: Economy›Tenantry|Share-cropping
Relationships: Hierarchical›Employer-employee
Environment: Domestic Space›Bedroom | Time of Day›Night
Actions: Bodily›Crying | Bodily›Eating | Bodily›Running | Emotional›Despair | Verbal›Command | Violent›Domestic violence | Violent›Hitting | Violent›Restraining
Cultural Issues: Identity, Personal
Themes and Motifs: Animals›Frogs | Animals›Whippoorwills | Home | Objects›Candle | Philosophical›Ethics | Values›Loyalty
Relationships: Familial›Father-son | Familial›Mother-son | Familial›Sibling | Marital›Abusive | Marital›Conflict
Environment: Public›Store | Time of Year›Spring
Relationships: Familial›Father-son | Familial›Sibling
Aesthetics: Recurring Episodes›Ab's war wound
Cultural Issues: Clothes›Women | Gender›Femininity
Relationships: Familial›Father-son | Familial›Mother-son | Familial›Sibling
Environment: Time of Day›Afternoon
Cultural Issues: Economy›Tenantry|Share-cropping | Gender›Women
Themes and Motifs: Arrivals/Departures›Relocation
Relationships: Commercial›Landlord-tenant
Aesthetics: Figures of Speech›People compared to animals
Actions: Verbal›Banishment | Verbal›Command
Cultural Issues: Crime›Breaking and entering
Themes and Motifs: Arrivals/Departures›Departure | Exile›Driven away
Relationships: Hierarchical›Employer-employee
Cultural Issues: Labor›Racialized | Law›Bill of sale | Materialism›Machinery or mechanical references | Race›Black property ownership
Themes and Motifs: Recurring Tropes›Chasing a person
Relationships: Hierarchical›Landlord-tenant | Interracial›White-black
Aesthetics: Diction›Ethnic slur
Themes and Motifs: Money
Aesthetics: Diction›Racist term
Environment: Auditory›Heartbeat | Time of Day›Twilight
Themes and Motifs: Animals›Metaphorical elephant | Arrivals/Departures›Return home | Home›Home as prison | Objects›Shotgun | Recurring Tropes›Door
Environment: Domestic Space›Library | Domestic Space›Upstairs
Cultural Issues: War›Confederate Army | War›Insubordination
Themes and Motifs: Morals›Responsibility
Relationships: Institutional›Military | Romantic›Courtship
Actions: Communication›Letter | Verbal›Command
Aesthetics: Narrative›Self-correction
Cultural Issues: Religion›Religious faith
Relationships: Familial›Aunt-nephew
Cultural Issues: Race›Miscegenation
Relationships: Familial›Father-daughter | Interracial›Siblings
Aesthetics: Narrative›Parentheses
Environment: Domestic Space›Log house | Domestic Space›Porch | Natural›Hills | Time of Day›Morning
Cultural Issues: Agriculture›Soil quality | Gender›Masculinity | Land-Use›Corn farming | Land-Use›Cotton farming
Relationships: Familial›Father-son
Aesthetics: Description›Character portrait | Description›Eyes | Intertextuality›Embedded text, lettering
Relationships: Familial›Father-son
Environment: Public›Bus Depot/Bus stop
Actions: Bodily›Eating | Economic›Paying | Economic›Trading | Verbal›Command | Verbal›Cursing | Verbal›Joking | Verbal›Negotiation | Verbal›Threat
Cultural Issues: Clothes›Overalls | Identity, Cultural›Rural | Mass Media›Telephone
Relationships: Civic›child protection | Familial›Sibling | Social›Adversarial | Social›Paternalism
Aesthetics: Figures of Speech›Hyperbole | Tone›Humorous
Environment: Auditory›Confused din | Place›Office
Cultural Issues: Mass Media›Telephone | War›Deployment
Actions: Economic›Store owner | Verbal›Command
Actions: Communication›Without words | Emotional›Betrayal | Emotional›Despair | Mental›Remembering | Movement›Horse | Movement›Mule | Physical›Protection | Verbal›Command
Themes and Motifs: Animals›Horses | Animals›Mules | Chaos/Order›Balance | Character›Cautious | Character›Recklessness | Time›Cyclical | Time›Measuring time
Relationships: Familial›Brother-brother
Actions: Emotional›Betrayal | Mental›Calculation | Movement›Crossing | Movement›Mule | Movement›Wagon | Physical›Protection | Verbal›Command
Themes and Motifs: Animals›Horses | Animals›Mules | Chaos/Order›Accident | Death›Death by water / Drowning
Aesthetics: Typography/Orthography›Italics
Environment: Auditory›Carpentry | Domestic Space›Bedroom
Actions: Perceptual›Looking | Physical›Inaction / Not doing something | Physical›Sawing | Verbal›Command
Themes and Motifs: Arrivals/Departures›Departure | Death›Deathbed
Relationships: Familial›Parents-children
Actions: Emotional›Anger | Emotional›Fury | Emotional›Impatience | Physical›Carrying | Verbal›Command | Verbal›Cursing
Relationships: Familial›Brother-brother
Aesthetics: Description›Animate/Inanimate
Cultural Issues: Class›Class conflict | Entertainment›Playing cards | Technology›Automobile
Relationships: Interracial›White-black
Aesthetics: Diction›African American vernacular dialect
Environment: Time of Day›Afternoon | Time of Year›Summer
Cultural Issues: Alcohol›Whiskey | Clothes›Bonnet | Clothes›Boots | Health and Illness›Deafness | History›Prohibition
Themes and Motifs: Animals›Dogs | Animals›Horses | Objects›Books | Objects›Keys | Objects›Locks | Objects›Silver
Relationships: Hierarchical›Employer-employee | Interspecies›Man-dog
Environment: Atmospheric›Moonlit | Auditory›Birdsong | Auditory›Voices | Natural›Moon | Olfactory›Cigar | Olfactory›Locust | Time of Day›Evening
Actions: Bodily›Eating supper | Domestic›Food preparation | Mental›Remembering | Movement›Train | Physical›Reading | Verbal›Command | Verbal›Gossip | Verbal›Singing
Cultural Issues: Clothes›Coat | Health and Illness›Deafness | Mass Media›Newspaper
Themes and Motifs: Animals›Crickets | Animals›Fox | Art›African American music | Objects›Cigar | Objects›Flowers
Relationships: Hierarchical›Employer-employee
Aesthetics: Figures of Speech›Simile
Actions: Domestic›Making a bed | Domestic›Setting the table | Verbal›Command
Themes and Motifs: Absence/Loss›Blame | Character›Assertive | Character›Tenderness | Objects›Milk | Time›Continuity
Relationships: Familial›Aunt-nephew
Aesthetics: Figures of Speech›Metaphor | Typography/Orthography›Dots
Environment: Atmospheric›Light
Themes and Motifs: Appearance›Nakedness | Objects›Milk
Relationships: Familial›Aunt-nephew | Intergenerational›Conflict | Social›Paternalism
Cultural Issues: Clothes›Hat | Gender›Labor | Labor›Farming | Race›Black stereotype | War›Return from war
Relationships: Hierarchical›Master-servant | Interracial›White-black
Aesthetics: Diction›African American vernacular dialect
Cultural Issues: Clothes›Military | Gender›War | Technology›Automobile | War›Play at War
Themes and Motifs: Objects›Car | Objects›Flowers | Recurring Tropes›Performance
Relationships: Interracial›White-black
Cultural Issues: Race›Equal rights
Relationships: Interracial›White-black
Aesthetics: Diction›African American vernacular dialect
Cultural Issues: Religion›Religious faith
Relationships: Familial›Aunt-nephew
Environment: Domestic Space›Stable
Environment: Domestic Space›Bedroom | Time of Day›Night
Actions: Perceptual›Overhearing | Verbal›Command | Verbal›Lying
Environment: Public›Restaurant | Time of Day›Lunch
Environment: Public›Restaurant | Time of Year›Saturday | Time of Year›Spring
Environment: Public›School | Time of Day›Night
Cultural Issues: Religion›Fanaticism
Aesthetics: Allusion, Biblical›Archangel Michael | Allusion, Biblical›Jezebel | Allusion, Biblical›Satan
Environment: Domestic Space›Bedroom | Time of Day›Night
Actions: Bodily›Laughing | Bodily›Sitting | Moral›Stealing | Movement›Horse | Physical›Climbing stairs | Physical›Turning away | Verbal›Calling by name | Verbal›Command | Verbal›Taunt
Relationships: Familial›Adoptive | Familial›Mother-son
Aesthetics: Typography/Orthography›Spacing
Environment: Domestic Space›Kitchen
Cultural Issues: Clothes›Dress | Clothes›Frock coat
Themes and Motifs: Arrivals/Departures›Departure | Objects›Pistol
Relationships: Familial›Father-son | Familial›Sibling
Environment: Domestic Space›Bedroom | Domestic Space›Garden | Time of Day›Night
Environment: Domestic Space›Yard | Time of Day›Daytime | Time of Year›Saturday
Actions: Mental›Remembering | Movement›Car | Movement›Truck | Movement›Wagon | Movement›Walking | Perceptual›Looking | Physical›Discovering | Physical›Hiding | Physical›Showing | Verbal›Command | Verbal›Cursing | Verbal›Gossip | Verbal›Questioning | Verbal›Responding | Verbal›Speculation | Verbal›Telling | Violent›Killing | Violent›Sexual assault
Cultural Issues: Group Mentality›Mob behavior | Group Mentality›Racial solidarity | Race›Negro-lover | Religion›Apotheosis | Religion›Fanaticism
Relationships: Social›Assailant-victim | Social›Crowds
Environment: Auditory›Dog barking | Natural›Woods
Environment: Domestic Space›Cabin
Environment: Domestic Space›House | Place›Field
Actions: Bodily›Drinking | Bodily›Hungering | Bodily›Kneeling | Mental›Thinking | Movement›Running | Movement›Walking | Verbal›Command | Verbal›Questioning
Themes and Motifs: Time›Being outside of time
Aesthetics: Typography/Orthography›Italics
Cultural Issues: Gender›Chauvinism / Misogyny | Gender›Female body | Religion›Fanaticism
Environment: Domestic Space›Deathbed | Domestic Space›House | Public›Church
Actions: Bodily›Childbirth | Bodily›Dying | Bodily›Pregnancy | Verbal›Command | Verbal›Cursing | Violent›Hitting | Violent›Threatening
Cultural Issues: Health and Illness›Abortion | Race›White supremacists | Religion›Fanaticism
Relationships: Familial›Parents-children
Aesthetics: Diction›Racist term
Themes and Motifs: Arrivals/Departures›Leaving home
Actions: Verbal›Command | Verbal›Cursing | Verbal›Insulting | Verbal›Moralizing | Verbal›Questioning | Verbal›Telling
Cultural Issues: Gender›Chauvinism / Misogyny | Prejudice›Racism | Race›Racial identity | Religion›Fanaticism | Religion›God with human characteristics
Themes and Motifs: Naming›Child's name
Aesthetics: Diction›Misogynistic wording | Diction›Racist term
Environment: Domestic Space›Cabin
Environment: Public›Courthouse | Public›Town Square
Actions: Mental›Thinking | Movement›Bicycle | Movement›Chasing | Movement›Running | Physical›Pursuit | Verbal›Command | Verbal›Shouting
Cultural Issues: Clothes›Uniform | Law›Sheriff's deputy
Themes and Motifs: Objects›Pistol | Recurring Tropes›Chasing a person
Environment: Time of Day›Evening
Actions: Communication›Note | Economic›Hiring / employing / offering a job | Verbal›Command | Verbal›Gossip | Verbal›Refusing | Violent›Beating | Violent›Whipping
Cultural Issues: Race›Ku Klux Klan
Environment: Atmospheric›Dark
Aesthetics: Description›Stage direction | Narrative›Theatrical effect
Environment: Domestic Space›Dressing room
Actions: Mental›Disapproval | Verbal›Command | Verbal›Disagreeing | Verbal›Screaming | Verbal›Threat | Violent›Hitting | Violent›Interracial
Cultural Issues: Clothes›Jewelry | Race›Black stereotype
Themes and Motifs: Arrivals/Departures›Desertion-family | Money›Cash | Objects›Baby bottle
Relationships: Familial›Father-son | Familial›Mother-infant | Familial›Mother-son | Hierarchical›Employer-employee | Marital›Adultery
Environment: Place›Official office
Actions: Emotional›Dread | Emotional›Repentance | Legal›Pardon | Verbal›Accusatory | Verbal›Command
Relationships: Marital›Husband-wife
Aesthetics: Description›Stage direction | Typography/Orthography›Dash | Typography/Orthography›Dots
Environment: Natural›Body of water
Cultural Issues: Religion›Revelation | War›World War I
Themes and Motifs: Supernatural›Vision
Environment: Domestic Space›Gallery | Domestic Space›Yard
Actions: Physical›Restraining | Verbal›Command | Verbal›Insulting | Violent›Intimidation | Violent›Restraining
Cultural Issues: Gender›Sexual Harassment | Law›Abuse of office | Law›Corruption | Law›Sheriff | Race›Hierarchical | Race›Law
Environment: Place›Country store
Themes and Motifs: Character›Reputation
Relationships: Familial›Mother-daughter | Marital›Adultery | Marital›Husband-wife
Environment: Domestic Space›Dining room | Time of Day›Morning
Cultural Issues: Gender›Female intuition | Progress›Cars
Relationships: Familial›Aunt-nephew
Aesthetics: Figures of Speech›Simile | Narrative›Chronological enjambment | Narrative›Parentheses
Actions: Mental›Disbelief | Verbal›Command | Verbal›Questioning | Verbal›Whispering
Cultural Issues: Law›Incarceration | Law›Indictment | Law›Trial
Aesthetics: Diction›Racist term | Diction›Rural vernacular | Narrative›Parentheses