Cultural Issues: War Civil War
Parent Term
Sibling Terms
- Aerial combat
- American Revolution
- As educational
- As metaphor
- Atrocity
- Bivouac fires
- Bombing
- Campaign
- Capture
- Casualties of war
- Civil War consequences
- Confederate Army
- Cost of war
- Death
- Defeat
- Demotion
- Deployment
- Deprivation
- Desertion
- Destruction
- Displacement
- Draft
- Draft evasion / Draft dodging
- Fog of War
- Glorification
- Going to war
- Grand Army of the Republic / G.A.R.
- Homefront
- Indian / Native American wars
- Insubordination
- Irregular troop
- Jacobite Rebellion
- Korean War
- Mercenary
- Mexican
- Military awards
- Military rank of general
- Military reassignment
- Military service
- Naval warfare
- Noncombatant
- On homefront
- Patriotism
- Peace
- Pillage
- Play at War
- Plunder
- Prisoner
- Profiting from war
- Psychological effects
- Reconstruction
- Recuperation
- Red Cross
- Refuge
- Refugee
- Retreat
- Return
- Return from war
- Return to war
- Revenge
- Royal Air Force
- Rules of engagement
- Sabotage
- Scorched-earth policy
- Spanish American War
- Spoils
- Stolen valor
- Strategy
- Surrender
- Trenches
- U.S. Army
- Union Army
- Unity
- Veterans
- Violence against civilians
- War of 1812
- Women
- World War I
- World War II
- Wound
Tagged Events
Cultural Issues: Region›Lost Cause | War›Civil War | War›Patriotism
Actions: Verbal›Consoling | Verbal›Explaining | Verbal›Family history
Cultural Issues: War›Civil War | War›Going to war | War›World War I
Relationships: Familial›Brother-sister | Familial›Grandparent-grandchild | Familial›Mother-son
Environment: Domestic Space›Gallery | Domestic Space›Hearth | Domestic Space›Yard
Themes and Motifs: Arrivals/Departures›Return home
Aesthetics: Intertextuality›Faulkner text
Environment: Time of Day›Afternoon | Time of Year›Saturday
Actions: Bodily›Laughing | Bodily›Shaking | Bodily›Sleeping | Bodily›Waking | Mental›Hallucinating | Physical›Escaping | Verbal›Shouting | Verbal›Warning
Themes and Motifs: Memory›Haunted by past
Environment: Public›Alley | Time of Day›Afternoon | Time of Year›Saturday
Actions: Military›Destruction of enemy property
Cultural Issues: War›Casualties of war | War›Civil War | War›On homefront
Themes and Motifs: Absence/Loss›Of loved one | Home›Destroyed
Relationships: Marital›Husband-wife
Cultural Issues: Migration›Intraregional migration | War›Civil War
Aesthetics: Recurring Episodes›Jenny arrives
Environment: Time of Day›Morning
Actions: Bodily›Childbirth
Cultural Issues: Gender›Patriarchy | Gender›Reproduction | War›Civil War
Aesthetics: Diction›African American vernacular dialect
Cultural Issues: Class›White trash | Economy›Property | Slavery›Loyalty | Slavery›Slaves vs poor whites | War›Civil War
Themes and Motifs: Character›Pride | Recurring Tropes›Threshold
Relationships: Social›Homosocial
Aesthetics: Allusion, Historical›Sherman, William Tecumseh | Diction›Rural vernacular
Relationships: Hierarchical›Leader
Aesthetics: Recurring Episodes›Sartoris deposed
Cultural Issues: War›Civil War | War›Deprivation
Relationships: Marital›Arrangements
Environment: Atmospheric›Chaos
Aesthetics: Typography/Orthography›Italics
Environment: Atmospheric›Devastation | Place›Grave | Time of Year›Winter
Themes and Motifs: Character›Ruthless | Recurring Tropes›Door | Recurring Tropes›Restoration / rebuilding | Recurring Tropes›Sound of a gunshot
Aesthetics: Figures of Speech›Negation | Figures of Speech›Rape | Typography/Orthography›Italics
Cultural Issues: Class›Class consciousness | Gender›Marriage | Gender›Southern woman | Group Mentality›Community collective | War›Civil War | War›Deprivation
Themes and Motifs: Character›Reputation | Death | Recurring Tropes›Doom | Recurring Tropes›Gossip
Cultural Issues: Class | War›Civil War | War›Going to war | War›Return from war
Themes and Motifs: Recurring Tropes›Restoration / rebuilding | Values›Loyalty | Values›Truth/Lies
Relationships: Hierarchical›Landlord-tenant
Aesthetics: Allusion, Mythical›Demon | Typography/Orthography›Italics
Cultural Issues: War›Civil War | War›Deprivation
Themes and Motifs: Arrivals/Departures›Return home | Meaning›Absurdity | Objects›Tombstone
Cultural Issues: Clothes›Expensive and/or fancy clothes | War›Civil War
Cultural Issues: Clothes›Confederate uniform | War›Civil War
Aesthetics: Narrative›Chronological enjambment
Actions: Military›Enlistment | Perceptual›Surveillance
Themes and Motifs: Arrivals/Departures›Return home | Objects›Tombstone | Values›Conscience
Relationships: Familial
Relationships: Familial›Father-son
Cultural Issues: Group Mentality›Community collective | Religion›Apotheosis | War›Civil War
Relationships: Hierarchical›Landlord-tenant
Actions: Emotional›Despair | Perceptual›Watching | Verbal›Speculation
Cultural Issues: Class›Planter vs farmer | Identity, Cultural›South vs North | War›Civil War
Themes and Motifs: Recurring Tropes›Tomorrow and tomorrow
Cultural Issues: Education | Law›Law school | War›Civil War
Relationships: Institutional›Lawyer-client
Aesthetics: Allusion, Geographical›Oxford, Mississippi
Themes and Motifs: Absence/Loss
Aesthetics: Narrative›Anticipation
Actions: Communication›Letter | Verbal›Interruption
Cultural Issues: Health and Illness›Convalescence | Slavery›Miscegenation | War›Civil War | War›Wound
Themes and Motifs: Money›As motive | Objects›Photograph | Recurring Tropes›Going to Texas
Relationships: Familial›Interracial | Familial›Mother-son | Institutional›Lawyer-client
Environment: Auditory›Combat sounds
Actions: Communication›Lack of communication | Emotional›Anguish | Mental›Thinking | Military›Combat
Relationships: Familial›Brother-brother
Aesthetics: Typography/Orthography›Italics
Actions: Verbal›Interruption
Aesthetics: Allusion, Mythical›Shades | Narrative›Anticipation | Narrative›Revision | Narrative›Unreliable narrator
Relationships: Familial›Brother-brother
Aesthetics: Narrative›Conjectural narration | Narrative›Revision
Aesthetics: Allusion, Geographical›Alabama | Allusion, Geographical›Georgia | Allusion, Geographical›South Carolina | Allusion, Historical›Battle of Atlanta | Allusion, Historical›Battle of Chickamauga | Allusion, Historical›Battle of Corinth | Allusion, Historical›Battle of Franklin | Allusion, Historical›Battle of Vicksburg | Allusion, Historical›Bertrand du Guesclin | Allusion, Historical›Richard I of England | Allusion, Historical›Roland of Roncesvalles
Actions: Emotional›Hope | Emotional›Longing | Mental›Thinking | Mental›Uncertainty | Military›Retreat
Relationships: Familial›Brother-brother | Familial›Father-son
Aesthetics: Allusion, Geographical›Alabama | Allusion, Geographical›Georgia | Allusion, Geographical›Richmond, Virginia | Allusion, Geographical›South Carolina | Allusion, Historical›Johnston, Joseph E. | Allusion, Historical›Lee, Robert Edward | Narrative›Collaborative narration | Narrative›Conjectural narration | Typography/Orthography›Italics
Actions: Communication›Letter | Military›Retreat
Themes and Motifs: Recurring Tropes›Illusion
Relationships: Familial
Relationships: Familial›Father-son
Themes and Motifs: Absence/Loss›Military defeat
Aesthetics: Typography/Orthography›Italics
Actions: Communication›Letter | Military›Retreat
Relationships: Familial›Brother-brother | Familial›Father-son | Romantic›Courtship
Actions: Communication›Messenger
Relationships: Familial›Father-son
Environment: Atmospheric›Dark
Actions: Perceptual›Watching
Cultural Issues: War›Bivouac fires | War›Civil War | War›Deprivation
Themes and Motifs: Time›Simultaneity of time
Relationships: Familial›Father-son
Aesthetics: Narrative›Communal narrative | Typography/Orthography›Italics
Environment: Time of Day›Night
Actions: Movement›Walking | Physical›Embrace / hugging
Cultural Issues: History›Battle of Shiloh|Pittsburg Landing | Race›Miscegenation | War›Civil War | War›Deprivation
Themes and Motifs: Past›Past in present | Recurring Tropes›Reunion
Relationships: Familial›Father-son
Aesthetics: Allusion, Historical›Shiloh | Typography/Orthography›Italics
Environment: Atmospheric›Dark
Themes and Motifs: Memory›Remembering | Recurring Tropes›Solitary
Relationships: Familial›Brother-brother
Environment: Atmospheric›Cold | Atmospheric›Dark
Actions: Bodily›Going to bed | Verbal›Conversation
Cultural Issues: Class›Birthright | Cultural Identity›North vs South | Race | Region›The South | War›Civil War
Themes and Motifs: Absence/Loss›Military defeat | Character›Principle | Recurring Tropes›Glory | Supernatural›Ghost
Relationships: Familial›Descendants | Friendship›College roommate
Themes and Motifs: Animals›Horses | Arrivals/Departures›Return home | Memory›Remembering | Past›Past in present | Time›Simultaneity of time
Aesthetics: Genre Conventions›Gothic | Typography/Orthography›Italics
Actions: Mental›Speculation
Relationships: Familial | Marital›Arrangements
Aesthetics: Allusion, Mythical›Ogre | Figures of Speech›Face
Cultural Issues: Clothes›Wedding dress | Crime›Murder | Violence›Interracial | War›Civil War
Themes and Motifs: Absence/Loss›Disappearance
Aesthetics: Recurring Episodes›Henry kills Bon
Relationships: Familial›Father-daughter
Aesthetics: Allusion, Historical›Fort Sumter | Allusion, Historical›Lincoln, Abraham
Aesthetics: Recurring Episodes›Sartoris raises regiment
Themes and Motifs: Character›Personality change | Community›Alienation | Morals›Protest | Objects›Bible
Aesthetics: Figures of Speech›Military analogy
Environment: Domestic Space›Plantation house
Actions: Verbal›Requesting
Cultural Issues: Slavery›Miscegenation | Slavery›Self-emancipation | War›Civil War
Themes and Motifs: Absence/Loss | Appearance›Cosmetics | Chaos/Order›Wildness | Death›Deathbed | Recurring Tropes›Nothingness | Supernatural›Place
Relationships: Familial›Sister-sister
Relationships: Familial›Orphan | Familial›Sister-sister | Interracial›White-black
Themes and Motifs: Recurring Tropes›Fatality
Relationships: Friendship | Interracial›Marriage
Actions: Military›Enlistment
Themes and Motifs: Recurring Tropes›Fatality | Values›Providence
Relationships: Friendship
Aesthetics: Allusion, Historical›Bull Run
Actions: Communication›Letter | Communication›Writing
Relationships: Friendship›Male-male relationship
Aesthetics: Recurring Episodes›Recurring event, intratextual
Cultural Issues: Slavery›Self-emancipation | War›Civil War
Actions: Verbal›Exaggeration | Verbal›Repetition | Verbal›Storytelling
Themes and Motifs: Story-telling›Communal mythology
Aesthetics: Genre Conventions›Melodrama
Themes and Motifs: Character›Playfulness
Relationships: Institutional›Military | Social›Fame
Aesthetics: Figures of Speech›Simile
Environment: Atmospheric›Spectral | Auditory›Bugle | Natural›Woods | Time of Day›Dawn | Time of Day›Midnight
Themes and Motifs: Character›Courteous | Character›Recklessness | Objects›Anchovies | Objects›Coffee
Relationships: Institutional›Military
Aesthetics: Diction›Imitation | Recurring Episodes›Sartoris escapes Yankees
Cultural Issues: Gender›Women as gentler sex / delicate | War›Civil War | War›Displacement
Aesthetics: Diction›Rural vernacular
Actions: Emotional›Fear | Mental›Remembering | Military›Escape | Movement›Limping | Verbal›Shouting | Verbal›Storytelling | Violent›Shooting
Aesthetics: Diction›Rural vernacular | Narrative›Reported narration
Themes and Motifs: Memory›Remembering
Aesthetics: Diction›Racist term | Diction›Rural vernacular | Figures of Speech›Ghost
Cultural Issues: Crime›Horse theft | War›Civil War
Environment: Atmospheric›Dust | Time of Day›Morning | Time of Year›Summer
Actions: Interaction, Social›Competition | Movement›Horse | Physical›Ambush
Aesthetics: Diction›Rural vernacular | Recurring Episodes›Sartoris captures Yankees
Cultural Issues: Agriculture›Farming | War›Civil War
Themes and Motifs: Memory›Remembering
Environment: Time of Day›Afternoon
Cultural Issues: War›Aerial combat | War›Civil War | War›Return from war | War›World War I
Themes and Motifs: Animals›Horses | Past›Grander than present
Aesthetics: Diction›African American vernacular dialect | Narrative›Argument
Cultural Issues: War›Civil War | War›Confederate Army
Aesthetics: Allusion, Geographical›Lexington, Virginia
Environment: Place›Country vs city | Time of Year›Christmas
Cultural Issues: Progress›Consumerism | Ritual›Christmas holiday traditions | War›Civil War
Themes and Motifs: Recurring Tropes›Fire on the hearth
Aesthetics: Allusion, Historical›Lee, Robert Edward | Diction›Rural vernacular
Actions: Domestic›Housekeeping | Physical›Hiding
Aesthetics: Diction›Racist term
Environment: Atmospheric›Spectral | Olfactory›Must
Cultural Issues: Clothes›Confederate uniform | Clothes›Lace | War›Civil War | War›Mexican | War›Spanish American War | War›World War I
Themes and Motifs: Death›Anticipation of death | Objects›Bible | Objects›Pipe | Objects›Sword | Past›Family history | Past›Relics | Supernatural›Ghost | Time›Past
Aesthetics: Allusion, Geographical›Old Bailey
Environment: Time of Day›Twilight
Actions: Communication›Writing | Physical›Crawling
Themes and Motifs: Death›Afterlife | Death›In childbirth | Memory›Remembering | Objects›Skull | Past›Family history | Time›Abrupt shift in time
Actions: Hunting›Bear hunting
Cultural Issues: Class›Class consciousness | Identity, Personal›Hunter | War›Civil War
Themes and Motifs: Animals›Named bear Ben | Animals›Named dog Lion
Relationships: Intergenerational›Hunting party | Interspecies›Man-mule
Themes and Motifs: Futility›Illusion of success or victory
Themes and Motifs: Absence/Loss›Loss of object | Chaos/Order›Accident
Environment: Domestic Space›Cabin | Time of Day›Night
Actions: Mental›Thinking | Verbal›Questioning | Verbal›Talking | Violent›Killing | Violent›Killing in war | Violent›Vengeance
Cultural Issues: Nationality›Foreigners | Nationality›French | Race›Mixed race | War›Civil War | War›Civil War consequences
Aesthetics: Typography/Orthography›Spacing
Actions: Verbal›Disagreeing
Cultural Issues: Clothes›Frock coat | War›Civil War
Themes and Motifs: Arrivals/Departures›Return from war
Environment: Domestic Space›Attic | Domestic Space›Kitchen
Actions: Emotional›Proud | Perceptual›Looking | Verbal›Questioning
Cultural Issues: Crime›Theft|Robbery | War›Civil War
Themes and Motifs: Animals›Chickens/roosters
Aesthetics: Diction›African American vernacular dialect
Cultural Issues: War›Casualties of war | War›Civil War
Environment: Domestic Space›House | Place›Church
Relationships: Hierarchical›Pastor-congregant | Marital›Husband-wife
Environment: Place›Church | Time of Year›Sunday
Aesthetics: Narrative›Parentheses | Typography/Orthography›Dash
Cultural Issues: Cultural Identity›American | War›Civil War | War›Spanish American War
Themes and Motifs: Arrivals/Departures›Departing Yoknapatawpha | Past›Discovering it
Relationships: Romantic›Love at first sight
Aesthetics: Narrative›Parentheses | Narrative›Second-person directed | Typography/Orthography›Dash
Cultural Issues: History›Battle of Bull Run | War›Civil War
Actions: Interaction, Social›Gossip | Play›Gambling
Cultural Issues: Economy›Banking | Education›West Point | Politics›Election | War›Civil War | War›Spanish American War | War›Wound
Themes and Motifs: Determinism›Fated | Values›Idealism
Aesthetics: Allusion, Geographical›Florida
Actions: Economic›Settling up | Economic›Share-cropping|Tenantry
Cultural Issues: Agriculture›Regulations | War›Civil War
Relationships: Familial›Physical resemblances
Actions: Military›Enlistment
Cultural Issues: War›Civil War | War›World War I
Aesthetics: Allusion, Historical›Lusitania
Themes and Motifs: Objects›Monument | Past›Past in present
Cultural Issues: Class›Class consciousness | Progress›New replacing old | Religion›Religious faith | Slavery›As cause of Civil War | War›Civil War
Themes and Motifs: Supernatural›Superstitions
Cultural Issues: Region›Lost Cause | War›Civil War
Cultural Issues: Clothes›Confederate uniform | Migration›Intraregional migration | War›Civil War | War›Displacement
Environment: Place›Brothel / Bordello | Place›Outlaw country | Place›Railroad | Place›Wilderness-civilized boundary
Cultural Issues: Crime›Bootlegging | Crime›Cattle rustling | Crime›Commercial sexual exploitation | History›Frontier outlawry | Progress›Frontier to civilization | Progress›Infrastructure | War›Civil War | War›Stolen valor
Relationships: Familial›Father-son
Aesthetics: Narrative›Commentary | Narrative›Parentheses
Environment: Place›Outlaw country | Time of Year›Summer
Actions: Interaction, Social›Conversion | Physical›Riding | Violent›Fighting
Themes and Motifs: Values›Moral authority
Environment: Place›Brothel / Bordello | Public›Alley | Public›Road | Time of Year›Sunday
Cultural Issues: Sexuality›Prostitution | War›Civil War | War›Confederate Army | War›Union Army
Themes and Motifs: Past›Grander than present
Aesthetics: Allusion, Historical›Forrest, Nathan Bedford | Narrative›Commentary | Narrative›Parentheses
Environment: Natural›Cedar trees
Cultural Issues: Clothes›Confederate uniform | War›Civil War
Themes and Motifs: Death›Anticipation of death | Memory›Remembering
Relationships: Familial›Grandparent-grandchild
Aesthetics: Recurring Episodes›General Compson's military record
Actions: Interaction, Social›Celebration | Movement›Marching | Verbal›Conversation | Work
Cultural Issues: Clothes›Hat, stovepipe | Clothes›Uniform | History›Civil War | History›Civil War consequences | Prejudice›Racism | Ritual›Birthday | Ritual›Commemoration | Slavery›Abolition | War›Civil War | War›Grand Army of the Republic / G.A.R.
Themes and Motifs: Character›Laziness | Community›Crowd | Community›Decoration Day | Community›Parade | Memory›Remembering | Objects›Cigar | Objects›Flag | Past›Family history
Relationships: Friendship›College roommate | Hierarchical›Elder-younger | Interracial›White-black
Cultural Issues: Cultural Identity›Lost Cause | Education›Female education | War›Civil War
Relationships: Hierarchical›Teacher-student
Aesthetics: Allusion, Historical›Lee, Robert Edward | Narrative›Parentheses | Typography/Orthography›Dash
Cultural Issues: History›Arrival of whites in Mississippi | Race›Chickasaw | Race›Native American | Religion›Atheism | Religion›Baptist | Religion›Episcopal | Religion›Judaism | Religion›Methodism | Religion›Presbyterian | War›Civil War
Themes and Motifs: Absence/Loss›Burning a town | Past›Yoknapatawpha founders
Aesthetics: Narrative›Parentheses | Recurring Episodes›Battle of Jefferson
Themes and Motifs: Animals›Horses | Arrivals/Departures›Return | Money | Recurring Tropes›Upward mobility
Relationships: Ancestral
Aesthetics: Figures of Speech›Metaphor | Metafictional | Narrative›Parentheses
Environment: Olfactory›Evoking memory
Themes and Motifs: Story-telling›Audience response