Themes and Motifs: Supernatural

Tagged Events

Actions: PlayJoking around | PlayPrank
Themes and Motifs: SupernaturalPlace
Aesthetics: NarrativeIrony
Environment: Domestic SpaceGate
Cultural Issues: ProgressPace of travel
Themes and Motifs: DeathFuneral | ObjectsClock | SupernaturalHaunting
Environment: AtmosphericDread | Time of DayNight | WeatherStorm
Actions: VerbalArguing
Cultural Issues: ReligionPiety
Themes and Motifs: AnimalsHorses | SupernaturalSigns / Omen
Relationships: FamilialHusband-wife
Environment: NaturalBody of water
Cultural Issues: ReligionRevelation
Themes and Motifs: SupernaturalVision
Cultural Issues: AgeChildhood | AgeOld age
Environment: Time of YearApril | Time of YearSpring