Cultural Issues: Labor
Child Terms
Sibling Terms
- Age
- Agriculture
- Alcohol
- Class
- Clothes
- Crime
- Cultural Identity
- Economy
- Education
- Entertainment
- Ethnicity
- Food
- Gender
- Global
- Government
- Group Mentality
- Health and Illness
- History
- Hunting and Fishing
- Identity, Cultural
- Identity, Personal
- Land-Use
- Law
- Mass Media
- Materialism
- Migration
- Modernity
- Nationality
- Politics
- Prejudice
- Progress
- Race
- Region
- Religion
- Ritual
- Segregation
- Sexuality
- Slavery
- Supernatural
- Technology
- Violence
- War
Tagged Events
Cultural Issues: Class›Respectability | Economy›Poverty | Labor›Unemployment
Themes and Motifs: Past›Past vs present
Aesthetics: Allusion, Historical›Great Depression
Environment: Domestic Space›Kitchen | Place›Indian mound | Time of Day›Sunrise
Actions: Interaction, Private›Coercion
Relationships: Interracial›White-black
Aesthetics: Diction›Racist term | Narrative›Delayed revelation
Themes and Motifs: Absence/Loss›Loss of object | Objects›Gun | Objects›Steamboat | Past›Past vs present
Relationships: Interracial›White-black
Actions: Agricultural›Plowing | Emotional›Fear | Emotional›Grief | Emotional›Hope | Work›Chopping wood
Aesthetics: Typography/Orthography›Italics
Environment: Place›Country store | Public›Court | Time of Day›Morning
Relationships: Familial›Father-son | Hierarchical›Landlord-tenant
Cultural Issues: Labor›Racialized | Land-Use›Cotton farming | Progress›Roads
Themes and Motifs: Absence/Loss›Over time
Relationships: Commercial›Landlord-tenant
Environment: Atmospheric›Wind | Time of Year›Summer
Cultural Issues: Education›Harvard | Education›Heidelberg | Labor›Translation | Law›Missing person | Slavery›Biblical analogy | Slavery›Legacy after emancipation
Themes and Motifs: Memory›Remembering | Texts›Bible | Texts›Translation
Relationships: Familial›Grandparent-grandchild | Familial›Sibling | Interracial›Networks
Cultural Issues: Labor›Racialized | Law›Bill of sale | Materialism›Machinery or mechanical references | Race›Black property ownership
Themes and Motifs: Recurring Tropes›Chasing a person
Relationships: Hierarchical›Landlord-tenant | Interracial›White-black
Aesthetics: Diction›Ethnic slur
Actions: Communication›Telegraph
Cultural Issues: Entertainment›Movies | Labor›Translation
Aesthetics: Typography/Orthography›Italics
Actions: Bodily›Eating supper
Cultural Issues: Entertainment›Movies | Labor›Translation
Aesthetics: Narrative›Anticipation
Cultural Issues: Labor›Translation
Aesthetics: Narrative›Commentary | Narrative›Parentheses | Symbolism›Shadows
Actions: Mental›Curiosity | Mental›Realization | Verbal›Esoteric language
Cultural Issues: Labor›Translation
Aesthetics: Narrative›Commentary
Cultural Issues: Labor›Translation
Environment: Domestic Space›Garden | Time of Day›Night
Actions: Economic›Indebtedness | Economic›Scamming | Economic›Scheming | Perceptual›Surveillance | Physical›Digging
Cultural Issues: Agriculture›Soil quality | Economy›Poverty | Labor›Domestic | Labor›Farming
Aesthetics: Figures of Speech›People compared to animals | Figures of Speech›Simile
Environment: Place›Penitentiary
Relationships: Social›Mentorship
Environment: Atmospheric›Stillness | Time of Day›Noon
Cultural Issues: Food›Cannibalism | Global›Exoticism | Labor›Menial | Race›Stereotype cannibalism | Slavery›Indian slave-owners | Slavery›Ownership | Slavery›Quarters | Slavery›Slave trading
Cultural Issues: Food›Cannibalism | Government›Inherited position | Labor›Menial | Race›Stereotype cannibalism | Race›Stereotype sweat | Slavery›Indian slave-owners | Slavery›Slave trading
Themes and Motifs: Death
Relationships: Hierarchical
Aesthetics: Figures of Speech›People compared to animals
Actions: Work›Construction
Cultural Issues: Labor
Themes and Motifs: Objects›Construction tools | Time›Being late / tardiness
Cultural Issues: Government›Depression-era programs | Government›Federal laws and regulations | Labor
Cultural Issues: Labor
Themes and Motifs: Time›Being late / tardiness | Time›Working day
Aesthetics: Diction›Rural vernacular | Tone›Humorous
Actions: Economic›Barter | Work›Construction
Cultural Issues: Government›Depression-era programs | Labor
Aesthetics: Diction›Rural vernacular | Tone›Humorous
Cultural Issues: Labor
Aesthetics: Diction›Rural vernacular | Tone›Humorous
Cultural Issues: Labor
Aesthetics: Diction›Rural vernacular | Tone›Humorous
Cultural Issues: Labor
Themes and Motifs: Time›Being late / tardiness
Aesthetics: Diction›Rural vernacular | Tone›Humorous
Actions: Interaction, Social›Church | Violent›Destructive behavior
Cultural Issues: Labor | Religion›Rituals and rites
Themes and Motifs: Recurring Tropes›Endurance
Aesthetics: Diction›Rural vernacular | Tone›Humorous
Cultural Issues: Alcohol | Health and Illness›Injury | Labor
Relationships: Familial›Husband-wife
Aesthetics: Diction›Rural vernacular | Tone›Humorous
Environment: Public›Road | Time of Day›Morning
Relationships: Commercial›Employer-employee
Aesthetics: Figures of Speech›Metaphor | Narrative›First-person passim
Environment: Domestic Space›Cabin
Cultural Issues: Alcohol›Drunkenness | Health and Illness | Labor›Domestic
Relationships: Hierarchical›Child as authority | Hierarchical›Employer-employee
Aesthetics: Diction›African American vernacular dialect
Cultural Issues: Labor›Domestic | Race›Racist child | Race›Self-abnegation
Relationships: Familial›Parents-children | Familial›Sibling | Hierarchical›Employer-employee
Environment: Time of Year›April | Time of Year›Planting time
Cultural Issues: Education›Missing school | Labor›Farming
Relationships: Interspecies›Man-dog
Relationships: Familial›Father-son
Themes and Motifs: Arrivals/Departures›Leaving home
Environment: Public›Town Square
Actions: Perceptual›Watching
Themes and Motifs: Appearance
Relationships: Familial›Aunt-nephew
Environment: Place›Fishing camp
Cultural Issues: Class›Status, low | Hunting and Fishing | Labor
Relationships: Hierarchical›Landlord-tenant
Cultural Issues: Class›Town v. country/farm | Identity, Cultural›Rural | Labor | Land-Use›Agricultural | Religion›Divine judgment
Themes and Motifs: Absence/Loss›Attempt to find substitute | Memory›Collective memory | Morals›Hypocrisy | Philosophical›Salvation
Environment: Time of Year›Fall | Time of Year›November
Cultural Issues: Group Mentality›Community collective | Labor›Farming | Sexuality›Extra-marital
Themes and Motifs: Animals›Horses | Money›Expenses | Money›Stingy with money | Morals›Responsibility | Recurring Tropes›Secret
Relationships: Interspecies›Man-horse | Marital›Adultery
Environment: Domestic Space›Kitchen
Actions: Domestic›Cooking | Mental›Economizing
Themes and Motifs: Absence/Loss›Livestock | Animals›Chickens/roosters | Animals›Snake
Relationships: Familial›Husband-wife
Environment: Atmospheric›Sunlight | Auditory›Frogs | Time of Day›Dusk
Actions: Movement›Car | Violent›Violence against animals
Aesthetics: Diction›Racist term | Diction›Rural vernacular
Actions: Domestic›Cooking | Emotional›Callousness | Play›Card playing | Verbal›Chatter | Verbal›Storytelling
Cultural Issues: Clothes›Apron | Clothes›Uniform | Food›Ice-cream | Labor›Domestic | Land-Use›Loss of flora | Land-Use›Loss of wildlife | Mass Media›Magazines | Sexuality›Harassment | War›Death | War›Women
Relationships: Interracial›White-black
Environment: Natural›Moon | Time of Year›Fall
Actions: Agricultural›Ginning cotton | Bodily›Singing | Economic›Share-cropping|Tenantry | Movement›Car | Work›Milling
Cultural Issues: History›Reconstruction | Labor›Farming | Land-Use›Cotton farming | Race›Stereotype mule
Themes and Motifs: Animals›Mules | Art›African American music
Relationships: Interspecies›Man-mule
Aesthetics: Allusion, Historical›Homer | Diction›Racist term | Tone›Overwrought
Cultural Issues: Clothes›Hat | Gender›Labor | Labor›Farming | Race›Black stereotype | War›Return from war
Relationships: Hierarchical›Master-servant | Interracial›White-black
Aesthetics: Diction›African American vernacular dialect
Relationships: Institutional›Military | Interracial›White-black
Aesthetics: Allusion, Geographical›France
Actions: Emotional›Resentment | Verbal›Storytelling
Cultural Issues: Economy›Gambling | Labor›Domestic | War›Psychological effects | War›Return from war | War›World War I
Environment: Time of Day›Breakfast
Relationships: Familial | Interracial›White-black
Relationships: Hierarchical›Foreman-worker | Social›Coworker
Cultural Issues: Ethnicity›Native American | Identity, Cultural›Heritage | Labor›Racialized | Slavery›Metaphorical
Cultural Issues: Labor›Prostitution
Themes and Motifs: Appearance›Fatness / obesity
Actions: Economic›Share-cropping|Tenantry
Cultural Issues: Identity, Cultural›Heritage | Labor›Farming | Land-Use›Collective exploitation | Land-Use›Ownership | Slavery›Freedom | Slavery›Southern curse
Themes and Motifs: Recurring Tropes›Endurance
Relationships: Familial›Descendants
Environment: Natural›Delta rivers
Cultural Issues: Labor›Racialized | Land-Use›Cotton farming | Progress›Roads
Themes and Motifs: Absence/Loss›Over time
Relationships: Commercial›Landlord-tenant
Aesthetics: Figures of Speech›Flood imagery
Actions: Mental›Realization | Work›Teaching | Work›Washing clothes
Cultural Issues: Gender›Widow | Labor›Racialized
Actions: Emotional›Outrage | Perceptual›Moment of vision
Cultural Issues: Labor›Racialized | Race›Black stereotype | Race›Miscegenation | Race›Racial spheres | Segregation›Marriage
Relationships: Interracial›Marriage
Aesthetics: Description›Character portrait | Typography/Orthography›Italics
Cultural Issues: Gender›All-male space | Labor›Racialized | Violence›Lynching
Themes and Motifs: Story-telling›Story-telling passim
Actions: Moral›Blackmail | Perceptual›Surveillance
Cultural Issues: Labor›Prostitution
Environment: Domestic Space›Attic | Time of Day›Night
Actions: Bodily›Bleeding | Emotional›Indignation | Emotional›Respect | Perceptual›Voyeurism | Violent›Fighting | Violent›Stabbing
Cultural Issues: Labor›Prostitution
Aesthetics: Language›French | Language›Profanity | Narrative›Parentheses | Typography/Orthography›Italics
Environment: Atmospheric›Dark | Domestic Space›Attic
Cultural Issues: Labor›Prostitution
Environment: Atmospheric›Dark | Time of Day›Night
Actions: Bodily›Crying | Emotional›Defiance | Moral›Reform | Verbal›Denial | Verbal›Requesting | Verbal›Whispering
Cultural Issues: Labor›Prostitution | Sexuality›Prostitution
Relationships: Sexual›Prostitute-Client
Environment: Public›Train Station/Train depot | Time of Day›Wee hours
Actions: Emotional›Repentance | Verbal›Apology
Cultural Issues: Clothes›Shirt | Labor›Prostitution
Themes and Motifs: Animals›Race horse | Naming›Nickname
Aesthetics: Diction›African American vernacular dialect
Actions: Emotional›Love | Emotional›Repentance | Moral›Reform | Perceptual›Eavesdropping
Cultural Issues: Gender›Separate spaces | Labor›Prostitution | Sexuality›Desire
Themes and Motifs: Objects›Wedding ring | Values›Virtue
Relationships: Romantic›Courtship | Sexual›Prostitute-Client
Environment: Place›Hotel | Time of Day›Supper
Cultural Issues: Labor›Prostitution
Environment: Domestic Space›Dining room | Place›Hotel
Cultural Issues: Alcohol›Ether | Food | Gender›Sexual Harassment | Labor›Prostitution | Law›Abuse of office | Law›Corruption | Religion›Baptist
Relationships: Social›Homosocial rivalry
Aesthetics: Allusion, Biblical›Pharaoh | Allusion, Geographical›Arkansas | Allusion, Geographical›Mississippi | Allusion, Geographical›Tennessee | Allusion, Historical›Caesar, Julius | Diction›Rural vernacular | Figures of Speech›People compared to animals | Narrative›Parentheses | Narrative›Revision
Actions: Bodily›Crying | Bodily›Hungering | Emotional›Homesickness|Longing for home | Movement›Buggy | Movement›Mule | Physical›Driving
Relationships: Interracial›Child-adult
Actions: Legal›Locking up
Cultural Issues: Labor›Racialized
Aesthetics: Allusion, Geographical›Hardwick, Tennessee
Environment: Time of Day›Supper
Cultural Issues: Clothes›Clean | Clothes›Shoes | Labor›Racialized | Law›Incarceration | Race›Black family working for white
Relationships: Romantic›Unrequited
Aesthetics: Allusion, Geographical›Memphis, Tennessee | Narrative›Parentheses
Environment: Domestic Space›Dining room | Time of Day›Supper
Cultural Issues: Class›Elite | Labor›Racialized
Cultural Issues: Agriculture›Cotton | Alcohol›Race | Health and Illness›Hangover | Labor›Racialized | Law›Incarceration
Aesthetics: Diction›Racist term
Environment: Atmospheric›Dust | Atmospheric›Sunlight | Olfactory›Tobacco | Public›Town hall
Actions: Communication›Pen and ink well | Legal›Arraign | Legal›Charge/accuse | Legal›Hearing | Legal›Pronouncing sentence | Legal›Record keeping | Legal›Release of prisoner | Movement›Chasing | Movement›Procession | Violent›Kidnapping | Work›Leaving work
Cultural Issues: Education›Harvard | Ethnicity›Italian | Labor | Law›Corruption | Law›Evidence | Law›Eyewitness | Law›Hearing | Law›Justice of the Peace | Law›Legal document | Law›Legal fine | Law›Marshal | Law›Testimony | Nationality›Foreigners | Nationality›Immigration|Immigrants | Nationality›U.S. citizenship | Violence›Mistaken for sexual assault
Themes and Motifs: Body›Hair | Body›Nose | Chaos/Order›Order in a courtroom | Money›Payoff | Objects›Eyeglasses | Objects›Stove | Objects›Table | Recurring Tropes›Door | Texts›Citizenship papers | Texts›Map | Texts›Plat
Relationships: Friendship›College companions / classmates | Friendship›College roommate | Institutional›Police-arrestee | Social›Adversarial
Actions: Agricultural›Farming | Communication›Letter | Emotional›Suspicion | Perceptual›Reading / Researching
Cultural Issues: Clothes›Dress | Gender›Chauvinism / Misogyny | Labor›Racialized | Prejudice›Racism | Ritual›Easter
Themes and Motifs: Animals›Insect boll weevil | Money›Check | Objects›Farming tools | Objects›Letter
Relationships: Interracial›White-black
Cultural Issues: Crime›Bribe | Identity, Cultural›America vs Europe | Labor›Prostitution
Relationships: Familial›Cousin | Familial›Uncle-nephew
Aesthetics: Figures of Speech›Metaphor | Narrative›Parentheses
Environment: Time of Year›Winter
Themes and Motifs: Character›Work ethic | Objects›tent
Environment: Place›Power Plant | Time of Day›Afternoon | Time of Day›Night
Cultural Issues: Crime›Theft|Robbery | Labor›Industrial
Relationships: Commercial›Boss-underling
Aesthetics: Narrative›Collaborative narration | Narrative›Parentheses | Style›Unfinished sentence
Environment: Place›Power Plant
Cultural Issues: Crime›Theft|Robbery | Labor›Industrial | Race›Black property ownership
Relationships: Interracial›Boss-employee | Marital›Husband-wife
Environment: Natural›Creek bottom | Time of Day›Afternoon
Relationships: Familial›Extended family
Aesthetics: Narrative›Parentheses
Actions: Physical›Clearing land
Cultural Issues: Gender›Masculine woman | Labor›Farming | War›Reconstruction
Relationships: Interracial›White-black