Actions: Physical Nonverbal taunting or teasing
Parent Term
Sibling Terms
- Ambush
- Apprehending
- Bathing
- Being pursued
- Breaking
- Building
- Burial
- Burning
- Camping
- Capture
- Carrying
- Chase
- Chopping wood
- Clearing land
- Climbing
- Climbing stairs
- Climbing tree
- Climbing/descending rope
- Concealing
- Confining
- Cooking
- Crawling
- Crowding
- Cuddling
- Curtsy
- Cutting
- Dancing
- Delivering
- Digging
- Discovering
- Dragging
- Drawing
- Dreaming
- Dressing
- Driving
- Eating
- Embrace / hugging
- Emptying
- Escape from confinement
- Escaping
- Evasion
- Extinguishing fire
- Fasting
- Finding
- Freeing
- Gardening
- Getting water
- Hammering
- Hanging
- Hiding
- Hitting
- Holding
- Inaction / Not doing something
- Intrusion
- Jumping
- Kicking
- Kissing
- Lifting
- Loading
- Locking a door
- Lying down
- Meddling
- Mimicking
- new item
- Nodding
- Obeying / obedience
- Panting
- Pointing
- Praying
- Probing
- Protection
- Pursuit
- Pushing away
- Questing
- Race
- Reading
- Repair
- Rescuing
- Restraining
- Riding
- Rolling / wallowing
- Running
- Saluting
- Sawing
- Screaming
- Searching
- Showing
- Sitting
- Sleeping
- Squatting
- Stalking
- Starting fire
- Starting over
- Struggling
- Taking
- Throwing
- Touching
- Trampling
- Transporting
- Travel
- Trembling
- Tripping
- Turning away
- Undressing
- Wagon|Car maintenance
- Waiting
- Walking
- Washing clothes
- Watching
- Wave / waving
- Whistling
- Whittling
- Winking
- Wrestling
Tagged Events
Environment: Atmospheric›Cold | Domestic Space›Dining room | Time of Year›Easter
Actions: Bodily›Eating breakfast | Bodily›Hungering | Domestic›Feeding | Perceptual›Watching | Physical›Nonverbal taunting or teasing
Cultural Issues: Crime›Breaking and entering | Food›Breakfast
Relationships: Familial›Grandparent-grandchild | Hierarchical›Caretaker-mentally challenged person
Aesthetics: Figures of Speech›Photography
Actions: Bodily›Eating | Emotional›Crying | Moral›Punishment | Perceptual›Listening | Physical›Nonverbal taunting or teasing | Verbal›Threat
Cultural Issues: Food›Birthday cake | Ritual›Birthday
Themes and Motifs: Objects›Fire | Objects›knife | Time›Abrupt shift in time | Time›Return to present time
Relationships: Familial›Grandparent-grandchild | Hierarchical›Caretaker-mentally challenged person
Aesthetics: Narrative›Stream of consciousness narration
Environment: Auditory›Clock ticking | Domestic Space›Kitchen
Actions: Bodily›Feeling pain | Emotional›Crying | Moral›Punishment | Physical›Burning | Physical›Nonverbal taunting or teasing | Verbal›Accusatory | Verbal›Complaining
Cultural Issues: Food›Birthday cake | Health and Illness›Bandage | Health and Illness›Doctoring | Health and Illness›Injured | Health and Illness›Poisoning
Themes and Motifs: Body›Hand / Palm | Body›Mouth | Objects›Fire | Objects›Slipper | Objects›Stove | Time›Abrupt shift in time | Time›Return to present time
Relationships: Familial›Grandparent-grandchild | Familial›Mother-son | Hierarchical›Caretaker-mentally challenged person
Aesthetics: Narrative›Stream of consciousness narration
Actions: Bodily›Laughing | Emotional›Anger | Emotional›Curious | Moral›Deception | Physical›Nonverbal taunting or teasing | Physical›Running | Physical›Throwing | Verbal›Yelling
Themes and Motifs: Death›Anticipation of death | Objects›Flashlight
Relationships: Familial›Grandparent-grandchild
Aesthetics: Figures of Speech›People compared to animals | Narrative›Self-correction | Tone›Humorous