Environment: Time of Day Night

Tagged Events

Environment: Time of DayNight
Actions: BodilyPlaying music
Themes and Motifs: ObjectsFiddle | ObjectsShotgun
Relationships: RomanticCourtship
Environment: Time of DayNight
Cultural Issues: SexualityInterracial
Relationships: HierarchicalLeader
Environment: Time of DayNight | WeatherCold
Actions: WorkLaw enforcement
Cultural Issues: AlcoholBootlegging | CrimeBootlegging
Themes and Motifs: AnimalsDogs | ObjectsCar | ObjectsPistol | ObjectsStill
Relationships: IntergenerationalConflict
Environment: PublicRoad | Time of DayNight | Time of YearSummer
Cultural Issues: ViolenceShooting
Themes and Motifs: AnimalsHorses
Relationships: FamilialFather-son
Environment: Time of DayNight
Themes and Motifs: ValuesLoyalty
Relationships: FamilialFather-son | FamilialKinship
Environment: Time of DayNight
Actions: MoralDeception | VerbalGossip
Themes and Motifs: ObjectsBrass | PsychologicalManipulation
Relationships: MaritalAdultery
Environment: AtmosphericHeat | Time of DayNight
Cultural Issues: ClothesDress | RaceDivision
Themes and Motifs: BodyEyes
Environment: PlaceJail | PlacePenitentiary | Time of DayNight
Cultural Issues: AgeYouth | CrimeManslaughter
Themes and Motifs: Arrivals/DeparturesJailbreak | MemoryRemembering
Relationships: FamilialFather-son
Environment: Time of DayNight
Cultural Issues: AlcoholDrunkenness
Themes and Motifs: Arrivals/DeparturesDeparture
Environment: PlaceGas station | Time of DayNight
Actions: ViolentMurder
Cultural Issues: LawAlibi | LawEyewitness
Relationships: FamilialParents-children
Environment: AtmosphericDark | Time of DayNight
Actions: MovementHorse
Themes and Motifs: HomeHomebound
Environment: Time of DayNight
Actions: PerceptualListening
Cultural Issues: SlaverySelf-emancipation
Environment: Time of DayNight
Actions: MovementWagon
Actions: BodilyHiding
Cultural Issues: Ritual
Themes and Motifs: AnimalsRat | ObjectsDrum | ObjectsFire
Aesthetics: DictionNeologism
Environment: Time of DayNight
Actions: PhysicalDigging
Cultural Issues: SlaveryLabor
Themes and Motifs: MoneyTreasure | ObjectsSilver
Relationships: HierarchicalMaster-slave
Cultural Issues: EconomyGift
Themes and Motifs: CharacterGreed
Relationships: FamilialGrandparent-grandchild
Environment: Time of DayNight
Actions: HuntingPossum | ViolentShooting
Cultural Issues: RitualFuneral
Environment: Time of DayNight
Cultural Issues: LawHung jury
Actions: BodilySleeping
Cultural Issues: EducationPrimary school | GlobalPacific Ocean
Themes and Motifs: Arrivals/DeparturesReturn
Relationships: FamilialSibling
Environment: Time of DayNight
Cultural Issues: Alcohol
Environment: Time of DayNight
Themes and Motifs: Objectsknife
Environment: Time of DayNight
Actions: MovementBuggy
Themes and Motifs: MeaningMystery
Aesthetics: NarrativeSuspense
Environment: Time of DayNight
Actions: BodilyDrinking
Cultural Issues: SexualityAppearance of
Themes and Motifs: MemoryRemembering | Recurring TropesNothingness
Environment: Domestic SpaceBarn | Time of DayNight
Actions: VerbalConversation
Cultural Issues: RegionHospitality
Themes and Motifs: Story-tellingRetelling
Environment: Time of DayNight
Cultural Issues: ReligionSin
Relationships: SexualAdultery
Aesthetics: Allusion, BiblicalSatan
Environment: Time of DayNight
Actions: VerbalCursing | VerbalTaunt
Relationships: FamilialKinship
Environment: Time of DayNight
Cultural Issues: ReligionConsolation
Themes and Motifs: DeathCorpse | PsychologicalMadness
Aesthetics: NarrativeRepetition
Environment: AtmosphericDread | Time of DayNight | WeatherStorm
Actions: VerbalArguing
Cultural Issues: ReligionPiety
Themes and Motifs: AnimalsHorses | SupernaturalSigns / Omen
Relationships: FamilialHusband-wife
Environment: AtmosphericMoonlit | Time of DayNight
Cultural Issues: AlcoholDrunkenness
Themes and Motifs: CharacterCourteous | ObjectsCar
Aesthetics: DictionRural vernacular
Environment: Domestic SpaceHearth | Time of DayNight
Actions: VerbalNegotiation
Cultural Issues: GenderMasculinity
Themes and Motifs: MoneyExpenses
Aesthetics: SymbolismFire
Environment: Time of DayNight
Cultural Issues: SlaveryFugitive
Themes and Motifs: ObjectsFox-horn
Environment: PublicStreet | Time of DayNight
Cultural Issues: Group MentalityMob behavior
Themes and Motifs: ObjectsPistol
Relationships: FamilialUncle-nephew
Aesthetics: NarrativeParentheses
Environment: Time of DayNight
Cultural Issues: ViolenceLynching
Themes and Motifs: AnimalsHorses | ObjectsPipe
Relationships: FamilialUncle-nephew
Aesthetics: DictionRacist term
Environment: Time of DayNight
Cultural Issues: CrimeGrave robbing | CrimeInnocence
Themes and Motifs: AnimalsHorses | ObjectsGun | ObjectsTruck
Environment: Time of DayNight
Cultural Issues: ClothesBelt | ClothesShoes
Themes and Motifs: ObjectsRope
Environment: Time of DayNight
Themes and Motifs: ObjectsWatch
Cultural Issues: ClothesNightgown | FoodPeas
Themes and Motifs: ObjectsCandle
Environment: Time of DayNight
Actions: VerbalTalking | VerbalTeasing
Cultural Issues: SexualityExtra-marital
Themes and Motifs: MoralsChivalry
Relationships: MaritalHusband-wife | RomanticSexual
Environment: Time of DayNight
Actions: ViolentMurder
Cultural Issues: ViolenceDomestic
Themes and Motifs: ObjectsRazor
Relationships: FamilialHusband-wife
Environment: Time of DayNight
Actions: MovementCar
Relationships: FamilialBrother-sister
Environment: Domestic SpaceHouse | Time of DayNight
Actions: PerceptualLooking
Cultural Issues: Identity, PersonalAmbiguous
Themes and Motifs: ArtPhotograph | ObjectsBed | ObjectsChair | ObjectsTowel | ObjectsWatch
Relationships: FamilialFather-daughter
Actions: BodilyBreathing | BodilyWatching
Cultural Issues: SexualityVoyeurism
Aesthetics: DescriptionEyes
Environment: Time of DayNight
Actions: MovementCar
Cultural Issues: AgricultureSoil quality
Environment: Time of DayNight
Actions: HuntingFishing
Themes and Motifs: AnimalsDogs
Environment: Time of DayNight
Actions: MoralScheming | MovementCar
Themes and Motifs: AnimalsMules | ObjectsCar
Environment: Time of DayNight
Actions: BodilyFlatulence | MovementCar
Cultural Issues: ClassBlood | RaceGenealogy
Themes and Motifs: ObjectsGasoline
Relationships: FamilialKinship
Environment: Time of DayNight
Actions: ViolentShooting
Cultural Issues: LawSheriff
Environment: AuditorySilence | Time of DayNight
Actions: MovementCar
Themes and Motifs: Absence/Loss
Environment: Time of DayNight
Actions: ViolentThreatening
Cultural Issues: ClothesOveralls | CrimeBreaking and entering
Themes and Motifs: Objectsknife
Actions: VerbalShouting | VerbalWhispering
Themes and Motifs: Futility | ObjectsRake
Relationships: FriendshipInterracial
Environment: AtmosphericFirelight | Time of DayNight
Actions: EconomicStock trading
Cultural Issues: ClassSnopesism
Themes and Motifs: AnimalsMules | ObjectsTobacco
Relationships: HierarchicalEmployer-employee
Environment: Time of DayNight
Actions: MovementMigration
Cultural Issues: WarConfederate Army | WarHomefront | WarWomen
Themes and Motifs: MemoryRemembering
Environment: OlfactoryRain | Time of DayNight
Actions: PhysicalSleeping
Cultural Issues: AgePremature aging | CrimeMurder
Themes and Motifs: MemoryRemembering
Environment: Time of DayNight
Actions: PhysicalDigging
Themes and Motifs: MoneyTreasure | ObjectsSilver
Relationships: HierarchicalMaster-slave
Environment: Time of DayNight
Actions: PhysicalCarrying
Cultural Issues: RaceBlack stereotype | SlaveryLabor
Relationships: HierarchicalMaster-slave