"Appendix: Compson", 338 (Event)

Page Number: 
Order within Page: 
First 8-10 words of event: 
JASON IV. The first sane Compson since before Culloden
Page Event Ends: 
Turn of the Century (1890-1913)
Narrative Status: 
Sunday, January 1, 1911 to Monday, December 31, 1945

Jason's section begins with a disjointed, achronological summary of his life in the family home as the only "sane" Compson. The details include his vexed relationships with his mother, his sister, his niece, his father, and - at greater length - Dilsey, "his sworn enemy" (338); his training in a Memphis school that allows him to go into business as a cotton broker; his secret hoard of embezzled money and its loss (1928); his sale of the remaining Compson property following his mother's death (1933); and his cruel treatment of Benjamin - having him castrated (1913) and having him committed (1933). These details are often inconsistent with each other, and in several cases revise the narrative provided in The Sound and the Fury (1929).

Chronological Order: 
Indeterminate Date Range: 
Relationships: Family: Dysfunctional Cultural Issues: Commerce: Cotton Cultural Issues: Education: Professional Themes and Motifs: Money: Hoarding Themes and Motifs: Loss Themes and Motifs: Drinking: Alcoholism Relationships: Interracial: Employer-Employee Cultural Issues: Change: Snopesism Aesthetics: Technique: Temporal Shifts
