Aesthetics: Narrative Communal narrative
Parent Term
Sibling Terms
- Adage
- African-American folk sayings
- Alternative story
- Anti-climax
- Anticipation
- Argument
- Background
- Child's perspective
- Chronological enjambment
- Collaborative narration
- Commentary
- Conjectural narration
- Contested
- Conversation with oneself
- Cyclical
- Delayed revelation
- Disruption
- Epiphany
- Fantasy
- First-person
- First-person passim
- First-person passim throughout section
- First-person plural passim
- First-person vernacular
- First-person vernacular passim
- Foreshadowing
- Frame
- Free indirect discourse
- Gaps
- Imagined conversation
- Indeterminacy
- Irony
- Mid-sentence insertion of another thought
- Multiple quotations in a single paragraph
- Narrative anomaly
- Narrative shift
- Origin
- Parentheses
- Pause
- Perspective
- Present-time reference
- Quotation as thought
- Reconstructed
- Repetition
- Reported narration
- Reported narration passim
- Reported narration passim in section
- Resumption of sentence after interruption
- Revision
- Revisionary
- Second-person directed
- Self-correction
- Self-Reflective
- Stream of consciousness narration
- Summary
- Suspended|Resumed
- Suspense
- Temporal discontinuity
- Temporal projection
- Theatrical effect
- Under oath
- Unidentified character
- Unreliable narrator
- Withholding
Tagged Events
Cultural Issues: Class›Class consciousness | Economy›Poverty
Themes and Motifs: Death | Objects›Corpse | Psychological›Madness
Relationships: Familial›Father-daughter | Social›Isolation
Aesthetics: Narrative›Communal narrative
Environment: Public
Actions: Perceptual
Cultural Issues: Group Mentality›Community collective
Aesthetics: Figures of Speech›Monument | Narrative›Communal narrative
Environment: Domestic Space›Confined living quarters | Place›Grocery | Place›Vacant lot
Aesthetics: Narrative›Communal narrative | Narrative›Temporal projection
Themes and Motifs: Arrivals/Departures›Return
Aesthetics: Figures of Speech›Hyperbole | Narrative›Communal narrative
Aesthetics: Allusion, Mythical›Shades | Narrative›Communal narrative | Narrative›Conjectural narration
Environment: Atmospheric›Dark
Actions: Perceptual›Watching
Cultural Issues: War›Bivouac fires | War›Civil War | War›Deprivation
Themes and Motifs: Time›Simultaneity of time
Relationships: Familial›Father-son
Aesthetics: Narrative›Communal narrative | Typography/Orthography›Italics
Actions: Mental›Remembering
Relationships: Familial›Uncle-nephew
Aesthetics: Narrative›Communal narrative
Environment: Public›Town Square
Cultural Issues: Clothes›Apron | Clothes›Bathing suit | Clothes›Women | History›Civil War as point of reference | Politics›City government | Politics›Election | Sexuality›Attractiveness | War›Confederate Army
Relationships: Ancestral | Familial›Father-son | Social›Isolation
Aesthetics: Figures of Speech›Personification | Figures of Speech›Simile | Narrative›Communal narrative
Cultural Issues: Class›Snopesism | Education›Primary school
Themes and Motifs: Character›Ambitious | Naming›Child's name
Relationships: Familial›Father-son
Environment: Public›Town Square
Cultural Issues: Sexuality›Attractiveness | Sexuality›Female
Themes and Motifs: Community›Secrecy | Recurring Tropes›Gossip | Recurring Tropes›Open secret
Aesthetics: Allusion, Mythical›Fate | Narrative›Communal narrative
Environment: Place›Drugstore / pharmacy
Cultural Issues: Alcohol›Sobriety | Crime›Breaking and entering | Crime›Drug addiction | Crime›Theft|Robbery | Government›Federal laws and regulations
Relationships: Hierarchical›Employer-employee
Aesthetics: Figures of Speech›Metaphor | Language›Latin phrase | Narrative›Communal narrative
Relationships: Familial›Extended family
Aesthetics: Narrative›Communal narrative
Environment: Time of Year›Summer
Aesthetics: Narrative›Communal narrative
Actions: Bodily›Hiding | Verbal›Questioning
Aesthetics: Narrative›Communal narrative