Cultural Issues: Clothes Hat
Parent Term
Sibling Terms
- And age
- And class
- And gender
- And identity
- And race
- Apron
- Aviation clothes
- Bathing suit
- Bathrobe
- Beaver hat
- Belt
- Blanket
- Bonnet
- Boots
- Bridal
- Cap
- Changing clothes
- Clean
- Cloak
- Coat
- Collar
- Confederate uniform
- Cross dressing
- Denim
- Dirty
- Disguise
- Disordered
- Dress
- Dressed up
- Driving gear
- Expensive
- Expensive and/or fancy clothes
- Fancy
- Flannel
- Formal
- Frock coat
- Fur coat / suit
- Garment female
- Garter
- Glasses
- Glove
- Goggles
- Gown
- Green eyeshade
- Hair ribbons
- Handbag
- Handmade
- Hat cap
- Hat, derby
- Hat, stovepipe
- Hat, straw
- Headrag
- Historical
- Hunting clothes
- Immodest female clothing
- Jacket
- Jewelry
- Khaki
- Kimono
- Lace
- Military
- Modern fashions
- Motoring clothes
- Mourning
- Nightgown
- Overalls
- Panama hat
- Pants
- Rags
- Raincoat
- Reticule
- Ribbons
- Riding
- Rural poverty
- Shabby
- Shawl
- Shirt
- Shirtless
- Shirtsleeves
- Shoes
- Silk
- Skirt
- Socks
- Spectacles
- Sports
- Stockings
- Store clothes
- Suit
- Sunday clothes
- Sunday shoes
- Tartan
- Tennis shoes
- Tie
- Trousseau
- Underclothes, female
- Underclothes, male
- Undressing
- Uniform
- Urban
- Veil
- Vest
- Watch chain
- Wedding dress
- Wet clothes
- Women
- Work clothes
- Yankee uniform
Tagged Events
Environment: Domestic Space›Hall | Time of Year›January | Weather›Fog
Aesthetics: Genre Conventions›Comedy
Environment: Domestic Space›Kitchen | Domestic Space›Yard | Weather›Fog
Actions: Economic›Banking | Economic›Receiving money
Aesthetics: Recurring Episodes›Mannie Hait cashes check
Environment: Time of Day›Morning
Cultural Issues: Class›Gentility | Clothes›Cross dressing | Clothes›Hat | Slavery›Discipline | Slavery›Loyalty | War›Destruction
Relationships: Hierarchical›Master-slave
Aesthetics: Diction›African American vernacular dialect
Environment: Time of Day›Dusk
Aesthetics: Figures of Speech›Death / Dead imagery
Themes and Motifs: Animals›Mules | Arrivals/Departures›Leaving home
Aesthetics: Typography/Orthography›Italics
Actions: Movement›Horse | Perceptual›Watching
Cultural Issues: Clothes›Frock coat | Clothes›Hat | Crime›Waistcoat | Slavery›Forced migration
Environment: Place›Plantation
Actions: Emotional›Fury | Perceptual›Watching | Work›Building structure
Cultural Issues: Clothes›Frock coat | Clothes›Hat | Group Mentality›Community collective | Slavery›Forced migration | Slavery›Labor | Slavery›Racialism
Themes and Motifs: Animals›Mosquitoes | Objects›Windows | Recurring Tropes›Fatality | Supernatural›Ghost
Aesthetics: Figures of Speech›People compared to animals
Actions: Interaction, Social›Greeting | Movement›Walking
Cultural Issues: Class›Respectability | Clothes›Hat | Group Mentality›Community collective
Environment: Time of Day›Afternoon
Actions: Mental›Self-consciousness | Movement›Walking | Perceptual›Watching
Cultural Issues: Clothes›Formal | Clothes›Frock coat | Clothes›Hat | Group Mentality›Community collective
Themes and Motifs: Appearance | Character›Swagger
Actions: Emotional›Love | Moral›Renounce | Movement›Horse | Movement›Walking | Perceptual›Watching | Verbal›Speculation
Cultural Issues: Class›Birthright | Clothes›Cloak | Clothes›Gown | Clothes›Hat | Gender›Cross-dress | Group Mentality›Community collective | Sexuality›Virginity
Themes and Motifs: Character›Maturity | Character›Provincialism | Character›Sophistication | Recurring Tropes›Imitation
Relationships: Friendship›Male-male attraction
Cultural Issues: Clothes›Hat | Gender›Labor | Labor›Farming | Race›Black stereotype | War›Return from war
Relationships: Hierarchical›Master-servant | Interracial›White-black
Aesthetics: Diction›African American vernacular dialect
Relationships: Familial›Father-daughter | Hierarchical›Landlord-tenant | Romantic›Courtship
Environment: Time of Day›Four o'clock a.m.
Actions: Domestic›Cooking | Legal›Exhumation order | Perceptual›Listening | Perceptual›Looking | Verbal›Explaining
Cultural Issues: Clothes›Hat | Clothes›Pants | Clothes›Socks | Clothes›Underclothes, male | Food›Breakfast
Aesthetics: Narrative›Parentheses | Typography/Orthography›Dash
Actions: Legal›Standing guard | Movement›Walking
Themes and Motifs: Absence/Loss
Actions: Physical›Pursuit | Verbal›Explaining | Verbal›Repetition | Violent›Murder
Themes and Motifs: Death›Burial | Death›Moving a dead body | Recurring Tropes›Chasing a person
Relationships: Familial›Brother-brother
Aesthetics: Diction›Racist term
Environment: Atmospheric›Cold | Natural›Creek
Environment: Domestic Space›House
Actions: Movement›Walking | Perceptual›Reading / Researching
Relationships: Familial›Uncle-nephew
Aesthetics: Typography/Orthography›Dash
Actions: Bodily›Sweating | Emotional›Surprise | Moral›Grave-digging or -violating | Physical›Digging
Themes and Motifs: Absence/Loss›Disappearance
Environment: Place›Orphanage | Time of Day›Evening | Time of Year›Christmas Eve | Time of Year›December
Actions: Mental›Knowing | Mental›Remembering | Physical›Bathing | Physical›Dressing | Verbal›Questioning
Cultural Issues: Clothes›Hat | Clothes›Overalls | Clothes›Suit | Clothes›Vest | Clothes›Watch chain | Identity, Personal›Background
Themes and Motifs: Memory›Remembering
Environment: Public›Restaurant | Time of Year›Saturday | Time of Year›Spring
Environment: Public›Restaurant | Public›Street | Time of Year›Saturday
Actions: Economic›Paying | Emotional›Embarrassment | Movement›Walking | Verbal›Conversation | Verbal›Insulting
Environment: Domestic Space›Dining room | Domestic Space›House | Time of Day›Night
Actions: Bodily›Drinking | Bodily›Smoking | Movement›Car | Physical›Dancing | Physical›Hiding | Verbal›Insulting | Verbal›Talking
Cultural Issues: Alcohol›Drunkenness | Clothes›Hat
Relationships: Sexual›Prostitute-Client
Environment: Domestic Space›House
Actions: Bodily›Bleeding | Bodily›Smoking | Movement›Running | Physical›Restraining | Verbal›Cursing | Verbal›Insulting | Verbal›Questioning | Verbal›Screaming | Violent›Beating
Relationships: Sexual›Prostitute-Client
Aesthetics: Allusion, Literary›Romeo and Juliet | Typography/Orthography›Italics
Environment: Place›Jail | Place›Sheriff's office | Public›Restaurant | Public›Street | Public›Train Station/Train depot
Actions: Bodily›Bleeding | Bodily›Eating | Bodily›Looking | Movement›Walking | Verbal›Cursing | Verbal›Gossip | Verbal›Threat | Verbal›Yelling | Violent›Hitting
Aesthetics: Diction›Racist term
Environment: Domestic Space›Dressing room | Time of Day›Nine o'clock p.m. | Time of Year›September
Actions: Bodily›Kissing | Emotional›Suspicion | Perceptual›Eavesdropping | Physical›Searching | Verbal›Threat
Cultural Issues: Clothes›Coat | Clothes›Fur coat / suit | Clothes›Hat | Clothes›Suit | Clothes›Uniform | Crime›Blackmail | Crime›Theft|Robbery | Race›Black stereotype | Sexuality›Desire | Sexuality›Extra-marital
Relationships: Hierarchical›Employer-employee | Sexual›Adultery
Aesthetics: Description›Stage direction
Environment: Domestic Space›Apartment | Time of Day›Six o'clock p.m. | Time of Year›November
Actions: Bodily›Drinking | Emotional›Hysteria | Emotional›Waiting | Verbal›Dialogue | Verbal›Questioning
Cultural Issues: Alcohol›Abstinence | Alcohol›Whiskey | Clothes›Coat | Clothes›Fur coat / suit | Clothes›Glove | Clothes›Handbag | Clothes›Hat | Crime›Drug addiction | Crime›Prostitution | Modernity›Interwar years
Themes and Motifs: Arrivals/Departures›Leaving | Objects›Bottle | Objects›Cigarette | Objects›Cigarette lighter | Objects›Furniture | Past›Past in present | Values›Truth/Lies
Relationships: Familial›Uncle-nephew | Marital›Husband-wife
Aesthetics: Description›Stage direction | Diction›Racist term | Typography/Orthography›Dash
Environment: Domestic Space›Apartment | Time of Day›Ten o'clock p.m. | Time of Year›March
Actions: Bodily›Sleeping | Verbal›Questioning
Cultural Issues: Clothes›Hat | Clothes›Suit | Health and Illness›Sleeping pill
Themes and Motifs: Arrivals/Departures›Return
Aesthetics: Description›Stage direction
Environment: Place›Official office | Time of Day›Two o'clock a.m. | Time of Year›March
Actions: Bodily›Smoking | Verbal›Questioning | Verbal›Withholding
Cultural Issues: Clothes›And class | Clothes›Coat | Clothes›Fur coat / suit | Clothes›Glove | Clothes›Handbag | Clothes›Hat | Clothes›Suit
Themes and Motifs: Naming›And caste | Objects›Cigarette | Objects›Cigarette lighter | Objects›Furniture | Past›As explanatory
Aesthetics: Description›Stage direction | Narrative›Theatrical effect | Symbolism›Theatrical | Tone›Sarcastic
Actions: Emotional›Anxiety | Verbal›Conversation
Themes and Motifs: Objects›Jewelry Charm | Texts›Newspapers
Relationships: Familial›Providing for
Aesthetics: Allusion, Geographical›Paris | Typography/Orthography›Dots
Cultural Issues: Clothes›Hat | Religion›Church service | Violence›Male-female
Environment: Domestic Space›Bedroom | Place›Brothel / Bordello
Cultural Issues: Clothes›Dress | Clothes›Expensive and/or fancy clothes | Clothes›Handbag | Clothes›Hat | Clothes›Suit
Themes and Motifs: Appearance›Cosmetics | Chaos/Order›Disorder | Objects›Bed | Objects›Cigarette | Objects›Gun | Objects›Perfume
Aesthetics: Recurring Episodes›Temple at Reba's
Environment: Domestic Space›Bedroom | Place›Brothel / Bordello
Cultural Issues: Age›Childhood | Alcohol›Beer | Alcohol›Gin | Clothes›Hat | Clothes›Shoes | Entertainment›Traditional music | Gender›Men vs women | Sexuality›Perverse | Sexuality›Voyeurism
Aesthetics: Diction›Southern dialect
Environment: Domestic Space›Bedroom | Place›Brothel / Bordello
Actions: Bodily›Watching | Perceptual›Voyeurism
Cultural Issues: Clothes›Hat | Sexuality›Having sex | Sexuality›Impotence | Sexuality›Perverse | Sexuality›Voyeurism
Aesthetics: Diction›Southern dialect
Environment: Time of Day›Twilight
Cultural Issues: Clothes›Hat | Education›College life
Environment: Place›Courtroom | Public›Town Square
Actions: Movement›Walking | Perceptual›Hearing
Environment: Domestic Space›Kitchen
Cultural Issues: Class›Class consciousness | Clothes›Hat
Relationships: Familial›Brother-sister | Familial›Father-daughter
Environment: Domestic Space›Bedroom | Time of Day›Nine o'clock a.m.
Themes and Motifs: Chaos/Order›Restoring order | Objects›Military equipment | Objects›Watch
Environment: Domestic Space›Barn
Environment: Domestic Space›Chicken coop / hen house | Place›Drugstore / pharmacy
Actions: Communication›Letter | Emotional›Horror | Emotional›Indignation | Emotional›Outrage | Interaction, Private›Strangers in a public place | Interaction, Social›Picnic | Legal›Arrest | Legal›Obstructing justice / law enforcement officer | Movement›Procession | Physical›Climbing | Verbal›Questioning | Violent›Beating | Violent›Kidnapping | Violent›Whipping
Cultural Issues: Class›Gentility | Clothes›Flannel | Clothes›Hat | Clothes›Pants | Clothes›Veil | Ethnicity›Italian | Ethnicity›Language barrier | Gender›Women as mysterious / secretive | Law›Custody | Law›Marshal | Technology›Automobile | Violence›Child abuse | Violence›Mistaken for sexual assault
Themes and Motifs: Appearance›Beautiful/handsome | Body›Foot / Feet | Memory›Forgetting
Relationships: Familial›Mother-son | Friendship›Adult-child | Friendship›College companions / classmates | Friendship›College roommate | Romantic | Social›Adversarial
Aesthetics: Allusion, Biblical›Hell | Diction›Malapropism | Figures of Speech›Glove | Figures of Speech›Oxymoron | Figures of Speech›Simile | Language›Profanity
Environment: Atmospheric›Dark | Auditory›Clock chiming
Actions: Communication›Letter
Environment: Atmospheric›Cold | Atmospheric›Dust | Auditory›Birdsong | Domestic Space›Cabin | Domestic Space›Kitchen | Time of Day›Dawn | Time of Year›Easter | Weather›Fog | Weather›Rain
Aesthetics: Allusion, Geographical›Mexico | Description›Color blue | Description›Color maroon | Description›Color purple
Environment: Atmospheric›Sunlight | Auditory›Bells | Domestic Space›Cabin
Environment: Domestic Space›Bathroom | Domestic Space›Bedroom | Olfactory›Perfume smell | Olfactory›Smelling trees
Actions: Domestic›Washing | Emotional›Caring | Emotional›Comforting | Emotional›Crying | Emotional›Nurturing | Perceptual›Smelling | Physical›Bathing | Physical›Dressing
Cultural Issues: Age›Adolescence | Age›Maturing | Clothes›Dress | Clothes›Hat | Health and Illness›Unspecified sickness | Sexuality›Female
Themes and Motifs: Objects›Bottle | Objects›Mirror | Objects›Perfume | Objects›Toys | Recurring Tropes›Smelled like trees | Recurring Tropes›Trying to say | Time›Abrupt shift in time
Relationships: Familial›Brother-sister | Familial›Sibling
Environment: Atmospheric›Sunlight | Auditory›Tree / leaves | Domestic Space›Dining room | Domestic Space›Gate | Olfactory›Smelling trees | Olfactory›Trees | Weather›Cold
Actions: Bodily›Drinking | Bodily›Sleeping | Movement›Running | Movement›Walking | Physical›Waiting | Verbal›Complaining
Cultural Issues: Clothes›Coat | Clothes›Hat | Clothes›Shoes | Health and Illness | Religion›Divine judgment
Themes and Motifs: Animals›Squirrel | Body›Hand / Palm | Home›Home as prison | Home›Homebound | Memory›Remembering | Objects›Booksatchel | Objects›Bottle | Recurring Tropes›Hands in pockets | Recurring Tropes›Smelled like trees | Recurring Tropes›Trying to say | Time›Abrupt shift in time | Time›Travel back in time
Relationships: Familial›Brother-sister | Familial›Mother-son | Familial›Uncle-nephew | Hierarchical›Caretaker-mentally challenged person | Interracial›Domestic
Environment: Domestic Space›College dormitory
Cultural Issues: Clothes›Collar | Clothes›Hat | Clothes›Shirt | Clothes›Shoes | Clothes›Socks | Clothes›Suit | Clothes›Tie | Clothes›Underclothes, male | Health and Illness›Doctoring | Health and Illness›Injured
Themes and Motifs: Body›Blood | Home | Objects›Books | Objects›Broken glass | Objects›Trunk | Objects›Watch
Aesthetics: Narrative›Foreshadowing
Actions: Emotional›Sadness | Mental›Speculation
Cultural Issues: Clothes›Hat | Clothes›Shirt | Education›Being well read / erudite | Education›Harvard
Themes and Motifs: Death›Anticipation of death | Death›Death by water / Drowning | Death›Suicide | Objects›Bricks | Philosophical›Nihilism | Philosophical›Suffering | Recurring Tropes›Dead time | Recurring Tropes›Father said | Recurring Tropes›Little sister | Recurring Tropes›Shadows | Time›Return to present time
Relationships: Familial›Father-son
Actions: Communication›Letter | Economic›Gifting | Emotional›Suspicion | Interaction, Social›Greeting | Moral›Deception | Physical›Saluting | Physical›Touching | Verbal›Bidding farewell / Saying goodbye | Verbal›Code-switching / Change in dialect | Verbal›Conversation | Verbal›Lying | Verbal›Rumor | Verbal›Storytelling
Cultural Issues: Alcohol›Racial|Regional stereotypes about drinking | Clothes›Hat | Clothes›Suit | Clothes›Uniform | Cultural Identity›North vs South | Cultural Identity›Southern identity | Education›Divinity school | Education›Graduation | Education›Harvard | Ethnicity›Italian | Race›Black stereotype | Race›Friendly interaction | Race›Playing to racial expectations / stereotypes | Race›Rules / norms for addressing whites | Race›Subservient / Obsequious to whites | Race›Uncle Tom | Ritual›Holiday | War›Grand Army of the Republic / G.A.R. | War›Military rank of general
Themes and Motifs: Appearance | Body›Eyes | Body›Hand / Palm | Community›Columbus Day | Community›Parade | Home›Homesickness_Longing for home | Memory›Remembering | Morals›Hypocrisy | Objects›Luggage | Recurring Tropes›Gossip | Recurring Tropes›Secret | Recurring Tropes›Thinking of home | Recurring Tropes›Tomorrow and tomorrow | Time›Return to present time
Relationships: Hierarchical›Elder-younger | Interracial›White-black | Social›Mentorship
Aesthetics: Allusion, Geographical›Princeton University | Allusion, Historical›Columbus, Christopher | Allusion, Historical›Lincoln, Abraham | Allusion, Historical›Women's Christian Temperance Union / W.C.T.U. | Allusion, Literary›Stowe, Harriet Beecher | Allusion, Literary›Uncle Tom's Cabin | Diction›African American vernacular dialect | Diction›Racist term | Language›Fragments | Narrative›Foreshadowing
Actions: Economic›Buying a shop or store
Cultural Issues: Clothes›Coat | Clothes›Hat | Clothes›Suit | Clothes›Tie | Identity, Cultural›America vs Europe | Politics›Election | War›Return from war
Themes and Motifs: Arrivals/Departures›Return home | Arrivals/Departures›Return to Yoknapatawpha | Art›Photograph | Character›Provincialism | Community›Secrecy | Time›Long passage of time
Actions: Economic›Banking | Economic›Stock trading | Emotional›Surprise | Mental›Learning | Perceptual›Watching
Aesthetics: Figures of Speech›Military analogy | Narrative›Parentheses
Environment: Place›Office | Time of Day›Afternoon
Actions: Emotional›Surprise | Verbal›Banter / small talk | Verbal›Negotiation
Aesthetics: Figures of Speech›Simile
Environment: Time of Day›Dinner | Time of Day›Noon | Time of Year›Sunday
Actions: Bodily›Eating | Communication›Car horn | Domestic›Sewing | Emotional›Anger | Emotional›Despair | Movement›Car | Movement›Running | Movement›Walking | Perceptual›Smelling | Verbal›Apology
Cultural Issues: Clothes›Hat | Religion›Church service
Aesthetics: Allusion, Literary›Cicero
Environment: Public›Town Square
Cultural Issues: Clothes›Dressed up | Clothes›Hat
Themes and Motifs: Arrivals/Departures›Leaving home | Body›Eyes | Home›Home as prison
Relationships: Familial›Mother-daughter
Aesthetics: Narrative›Conjectural narration | Narrative›Parentheses | Typography/Orthography›Italics
Environment: Domestic Space›House | Place›Poorhouse
Relationships: Interracial›White-black
Aesthetics: Narrative›Parentheses
Actions: Economic›Insurance payment | Mental›Distrust
Aesthetics: Narrative›Parentheses | Recurring Episodes›Mannie Hait cashes check
Environment: Public›Town Square | Time of Year›Winter
Themes and Motifs: Appearance›Inscrutable
Aesthetics: Narrative›Parentheses | Typography/Orthography›All caps | Typography/Orthography›Italics
Environment: Public›Bank | Time of Day›Afternoon
Aesthetics: Narrative›Parentheses
Actions: Bodily›Chewing | Emotional›Anguish | Emotional›Grief | Emotional›Satisfaction | Movement›Car
Themes and Motifs: Arrivals/Departures›Departing Yoknapatawpha | Objects›Luggage | Objects›Marble columns | Objects›Monument | Objects›Tobacco | Recurring Tropes›Eternal feminine | Texts›Epitaph
Environment: Time of Year›Summer
Themes and Motifs: Animals›Rat | Animals›Termites | Arrivals/Departures›Arrival in Yoknapatawpha | Body›Face | Character›Ruthless
Relationships: Familial›Father-son
Environment: Atmospheric›Firelight | Place›Campsite | Time of Day›Night
Cultural Issues: Clothes›Boots | Clothes›Coat | Clothes›Hat | Clothes›Shabby | Clothes›Shirt | Health and Illness›Bullet hole | War›Rules of engagement | War›Union Army
Environment: Domestic Space›Gallery
Relationships: Hierarchical›Master-slave
Environment: Domestic Space›Gate
Themes and Motifs: Arrivals/Departures›Return home
Relationships: Familial›Mother-in-law
Environment: Time of Day›Morning
Cultural Issues: Class›Gentility | Clothes›Cross dressing | Clothes›Hat | Slavery›Discipline | Slavery›Loyalty | War›Destruction
Relationships: Hierarchical›Master-slave
Aesthetics: Diction›African American vernacular dialect