Cultural Issues: Age

Tagged Events

Actions: ViolentShooting
Cultural Issues: AgeYouth | GenderLady | ReligionChurch service
Themes and Motifs: Chaos/OrderWildness | Death | ValuesBad conduct
Relationships: FamilialBrother-brother
Environment: PlaceFarm
Cultural Issues: AgeComing of age | AgeMaturing | RaceMixed race | RaceRacial identity
Relationships: FamilialSibling
Actions: EmotionalDenial
Cultural Issues: AgeAgelessness
Themes and Motifs: MeaningMisinterpretation
Relationships: FamilialBrother-sister
Aesthetics: LanguageProfanity
Cultural Issues: AgeYouth vs age
Themes and Motifs: ValuesEvil
Cultural Issues: AgeYouth | ViolenceGendered | ViolenceInterracial
Relationships: SocialGang
Environment: PublicRestaurant
Actions: BodilyEating | VerbalTelling
Cultural Issues: AgePremature aging
Themes and Motifs: ObjectsMilk | PsychologicalTrauma
Cultural Issues: AgeSpinsterhood
Themes and Motifs: NamingNickname
Environment: AtmosphericDark
Actions: EmotionalLaughing | VerbalGossip
Cultural Issues: AgeYouth | Mass MediaFantasy | Mass MediaMovies
Relationships: RomanticCourtship
Environment: PlaceJail
Cultural Issues: AgeYouth | LawLegal document
Themes and Motifs: MemoryRemembering | TextsCase file
Relationships: FamilialGrandparent-grandchild
Environment: PlaceJail | PlacePenitentiary | Time of DayNight
Cultural Issues: AgeYouth | CrimeManslaughter
Themes and Motifs: Arrivals/DeparturesJailbreak | MemoryRemembering
Relationships: FamilialFather-son
Cultural Issues: Age | RitualVisit
Themes and Motifs: Recurring TropesSecret
Actions: MentalSpeculation
Cultural Issues: AgeMiddle age
Themes and Motifs: CommunityKnowledge
Relationships: FriendshipAdult friends
Aesthetics: Figures of SpeechMetaphor
Actions: EconomicHorse trading
Cultural Issues: AgeYouth vs age
Themes and Motifs: AnimalsHorses
Aesthetics: NarrativeCommentary
Cultural Issues: AgeYouth vs age | ModernitySpeed
Themes and Motifs: TimeTimelessness
Relationships: RomanticCourtship
Cultural Issues: AgeYouth vs age
Themes and Motifs: TimeAwareness of time
Relationships: RomanticMultiple
Aesthetics: Figures of SpeechSimile
Environment: Domestic SpaceGarden
Actions: PlayChildren playing
Themes and Motifs: ObjectsToys
Relationships: FamilialAunt-nephew
Actions: MentalFantasizing
Cultural Issues: AgeChildhood
Relationships: FamilialMother-son
Cultural Issues: AgeComing of age
Themes and Motifs: Arrivals/DeparturesLeaving home
Environment: Time of YearFall
Actions: EmotionalWaiting
Cultural Issues: AgeAdolescence
Themes and Motifs: TimeAnticipation
Cultural Issues: AgeOld age
Themes and Motifs: AnimalsDeer | AnimalsDogs | AnimalsHorses
Environment: PlacePlantation | Time of YearSummer
Cultural Issues: AgeChildhood
Themes and Motifs: Absence/LossAbsence
Cultural Issues: AgeChildhood | CrimePenalty for | SlaverySouthern curse
Themes and Motifs: CharacterInnocence
Relationships: Familial
Cultural Issues: AgeChildhood
Relationships: MaritalElopement
Actions: PhysicalTravel
Cultural Issues: AgeChildhood
Themes and Motifs: BodyFace | CharacterInexperience | TimePermanence
Relationships: FamilialOrphan
Aesthetics: LanguageFrench
Environment: AtmosphericCold
Actions: MentalUncertainty
Cultural Issues: AgeYouth
Themes and Motifs: ObjectsBooks
Aesthetics: Allusion, MythicalDemon
Environment: WeatherCold
Cultural Issues: AgeYouth
Themes and Motifs: PastPast in present
Actions: EmotionalFury | EmotionalHate
Cultural Issues: AgeChildhood
Themes and Motifs: PastPast in present | Recurring TropesRevenge
Relationships: FamilialMother-son
Aesthetics: Allusion, MythicalDemon
Cultural Issues: AgeChildhood
Themes and Motifs: Memory | Recurring TropesRevenge
Relationships: FamilialMother-son
Aesthetics: Figures of SpeechDisease
Actions: PerceptualLooking
Cultural Issues: AgeYouth
Themes and Motifs: Recurring TropesGaze | TimeLost time
Relationships: FriendshipCollege roommate
Aesthetics: Figures of SpeechTomb
Environment: AtmosphericNight
Actions: VerbalDiscussion
Cultural Issues: AgeAdolescence | ReligionGodhead | SexualityIncest
Themes and Motifs: ValuesLove
Relationships: FriendshipCollege roommate
Aesthetics: Allusion, BiblicalJesus
Cultural Issues: AgeYouth | ClassAmbition
Themes and Motifs: Arrivals/DeparturesLeaving home | Past
Aesthetics: NarrativeAnticipation
Environment: AtmosphericClaustrophobic
Actions: BodilyChildbirth | EmotionalHate
Cultural Issues: AgeChildhood | ClassRespectability | Gender
Themes and Motifs: DeathIn childbirth
Relationships: Familial
Actions: MilitaryEnlistment
Cultural Issues: AgeYouth | WarCivil War
Themes and Motifs: Recurring TropesFatality | ValuesProvidence
Relationships: Friendship
Actions: BodilyDrinking
Cultural Issues: AgeChildhood
Themes and Motifs: MemoryRemembering
Environment: Domestic SpacePorch
Cultural Issues: AgeChildhood
Themes and Motifs: BodyBlood | Death
Relationships: FamilialParents-children
Cultural Issues: AgeYouth
Themes and Motifs: DeathCoffin
Environment: PublicBridge | WeatherFlood
Actions: VerbalConversation
Cultural Issues: AgeOld age
Themes and Motifs: CommunityOpinion | MemoryCollective memory
Relationships: SocialNeighbor
Environment: NaturalTrees
Themes and Motifs: AnimalsBirds | ObjectsFlowers | TimeAnd change
Relationships: InterspeciesMan-nature
Cultural Issues: AgeYouth | GlobalTravel
Relationships: MaritalDesertion
Environment: Time of YearSpring
Cultural Issues: AgeOld age
Themes and Motifs: ObjectsFlowers
Environment: PlacePoorhouse
Actions: EconomicGifting
Cultural Issues: AgeOld age
Themes and Motifs: Inheritance | ObjectsPipe
Aesthetics: DictionRural vernacular
Actions: VerbalPlanning
Cultural Issues: AgeOld age
Relationships: InterracialMammy-child
Actions: VerbalNegotiation
Cultural Issues: AgeOld age
Themes and Motifs: ObjectsMetal detector
Environment: Domestic SpaceGarden
Actions: PlayChildren playing
Themes and Motifs: ObjectsToys
Relationships: FamilialAunt-nephew
Actions: HuntingHounds
Cultural Issues: AgeComing of age | GenderMasculinity
Themes and Motifs: AnimalsFox
Actions: EmotionalPeace
Cultural Issues: AgeOld age
Themes and Motifs: DeathAnticipation of death
Actions: CommunicationWriting
Cultural Issues: AgeComing of age
Themes and Motifs: Absence/LossDisappearance | MoneyInheritance
Relationships: FamilialDescendants
Actions: PerceptualHearing
Cultural Issues: AgeComing of age | AgeOld age
Themes and Motifs: MoneyInheritance
Actions: EmotionalExpecting
Cultural Issues: AgeOld age
Themes and Motifs: Arrivals/DeparturesReturn
Cultural Issues: AgeYouth | CrimeAnd race | LawLegal document
Themes and Motifs: MemoryRemembering | TextsCase file
Actions: EconomicGifting
Cultural Issues: AgeOld age
Relationships: InterracialMammy-child
Environment: WeatherFlood
Cultural Issues: AgeChildhood
Relationships: InterracialMammy-child
Actions: EmotionalDementia
Cultural Issues: AgeOld age
Themes and Motifs: NamingWrong name | PastPast in present
Actions: PerceptualListening
Cultural Issues: AgeMiddle age
Themes and Motifs: MoneySocial force
Cultural Issues: AgeYouth
Themes and Motifs: TextsGraffiti
Environment: Time of YearChristmas
Cultural Issues: AgeMaturing
Cultural Issues: AgeBaby | SexualityIllegitimacy
Themes and Motifs: Recurring TropesGossip
Cultural Issues: AgeBaby
Relationships: FamilialBlended
Aesthetics: NarrativeAnticipation
Cultural Issues: AgeChildhood
Actions: EmotionalJealousy | EmotionalLove
Cultural Issues: AgeAdolescence
Relationships: FamilialUncle-nephew
Aesthetics: NarrativePerspective
Cultural Issues: AgeComing of age | WarWorld War II
Themes and Motifs: TextsNewspapers
Cultural Issues: AgeYouth
Themes and Motifs: DeathSuicide
Actions: EmotionalAnxiety
Cultural Issues: AgeGrowing old
Themes and Motifs: TextsBible | TextsTranslation
Relationships: MaritalBachelor
Cultural Issues: AgeBaby
Themes and Motifs: NamingImportance of naming
Relationships: MaritalHusband-wife
Cultural Issues: AgeGrowing old | GenderMarriage
Themes and Motifs: BodyHair | Death
Aesthetics: NarrativeParentheses
Actions: MoralScheming
Cultural Issues: AgeChildhood | ClassElite | ClassRespectability
Themes and Motifs: ValuesMoral authority
Aesthetics: Figures of SpeechMetaphor
Actions: MoralLying | MoralScheming
Cultural Issues: AgeChildhood
Themes and Motifs: ValuesVirtue
Relationships: HierarchicalChild as authority
Cultural Issues: AgeChildhood
Themes and Motifs: ValuesVirtue
Environment: PlaceCity | Time of DaySunday
Actions: MovementWalking
Cultural Issues: AgeChildhood | CrimeProstitution
Cultural Issues: AgeChildhood | AgeOld age
Actions: MovementCar
Cultural Issues: AgeYouth
Themes and Motifs: ObjectsTruck
Relationships: HierarchicalElder-younger
Environment: PlaceGrocery
Cultural Issues: AgeYouth | ClassSocial mobility | EconomyRetirement
Relationships: CommercialBoss-underling
Environment: PublicCafe
Actions: BodilyEating | VerbalExplaining
Cultural Issues: AgeChildhood | FoodIce-cream | SexualityPornography | WarWorld War I
Themes and Motifs: CharacterNaivety
Environment: Domestic SpaceHouse | PlacePoorhouse
Actions: VerbalTalking
Cultural Issues: AgeOld age | ClothesAnd class | ClothesHat | ClothesHeadrag | ClothesShabby
Themes and Motifs: ObjectsLuggage
Relationships: InterracialWhite-black
Aesthetics: NarrativeParentheses
Actions: EmotionalDefiance | VerbalArguing
Cultural Issues: AgeAdolescence | EducationCollege
Themes and Motifs: HomeGetting away
Relationships: FamilialFather-daughter
Aesthetics: NarrativeParentheses
Cultural Issues: AgeChildhood
Themes and Motifs: Chaos/OrderWildness | FutilityNothing to do
Actions: VerbalListen
Cultural Issues: AgeChildhood | WarGlorification
Themes and Motifs: ObjectsCannon
Environment: Domestic SpacePasture
Actions: HuntingPossum
Cultural Issues: AgeComing of age | WarUnion Army
Relationships: FriendshipInterracial
Environment: OlfactoryRain | Time of DayNight
Actions: PhysicalSleeping
Cultural Issues: AgePremature aging | CrimeMurder
Themes and Motifs: MemoryRemembering