Actions: Bodily Running
Parent Term
Sibling Terms
- Alimentary
- Asthma
- Bathing and/or personal hygiene
- Birth / Being born
- Bleeding
- Blinking
- Blushing
- Breastfeeding
- Breathing
- Caressing
- Chewing
- Childbirth
- Choking
- Confessing without words
- Coughing
- Crying
- Decomposition
- Defecation
- Dipping snuff
- Dismemberment
- Drinking
- Drooling
- Dying
- Eating
- Eating breakfast
- Eating supper
- Ejaculating
- Fainting
- Falling
- Fasting
- Feeling pain
- Flatulence
- Gaining weight
- Going to bed
- Grinning
- Groaning
- Healing
- Heart beating
- Hiccups
- Hiding
- Hungering
- Idleness
- Inject
- Insomnia
- Jumping
- Kissing
- Kneeling
- Laughing
- Limping
- Looking
- Losing consciousness
- Losing weight
- Menstruation
- Miscarriage
- Nausea
- Panting
- Playing music
- Pregnancy
- Recoiling
- Regaining consciousness
- Retching
- Shaking
- Shaving
- Shivering
- Singing
- Sitting
- Sleeping
- Sleeplessness
- Sleepy
- Smelling
- Smoking
- Snoring
- Spitting
- Squatting
- Standing
- Staring
- Starvation
- Stretching
- Swallowing
- Sweating
- Tension
- Thirsting
- Trembling
- Urinating
- Vomiting
- Waking
- Watching
- Weakness
- Work song
Tagged Events
Environment: Domestic Space›Bedroom | Time of Day›Night
Actions: Bodily›Crying | Bodily›Eating | Bodily›Running | Emotional›Despair | Verbal›Command | Violent›Domestic violence | Violent›Hitting | Violent›Restraining
Cultural Issues: Identity, Personal
Themes and Motifs: Animals›Frogs | Animals›Whippoorwills | Home | Objects›Candle | Philosophical›Ethics | Values›Loyalty
Relationships: Familial›Father-son | Familial›Mother-son | Familial›Sibling | Marital›Abusive | Marital›Conflict
Cultural Issues: Clothes
Themes and Motifs: Animals›Horses | Objects›Honeysuckle | Recurring Tropes›Door | Recurring Tropes›Trying to say
Environment: Public›Road | Time of Day›Night | Time of Year›Summer
Actions: Bodily›Crying | Bodily›Running | Emotional›Fear | Emotional›Grief | Movement›Horse | Perceptual›Listening
Relationships: Familial›Father-son
Environment: Domestic Space›Hall | Time of Year›January | Weather›Fog
Aesthetics: Genre Conventions›Comedy
Environment: Domestic Space›Kitchen | Domestic Space›Yard | Weather›Fog
Cultural Issues: Gender›Men vs women
Themes and Motifs: Animals›Cows | Animals›Mules | Recurring Tropes›Apparition | Recurring Tropes›Vanishing
Aesthetics: Diction›African American vernacular dialect | Figures of Speech›Metaphor
Environment: Domestic Space›Yard
Cultural Issues: Class›Class consciousness | War›Union Army
Aesthetics: Diction›Rural vernacular
Environment: Domestic Space›Gallery | Domestic Space›Outhouse | Domestic Space›Yard
Cultural Issues: War›Confederate Army | War›Union Army
Themes and Motifs: Arrivals/Departures›Alarm
Actions: Bodily›Running | Hunting›Slave hunting
Cultural Issues: Government›Inherited position | Slavery›Fugitive
Themes and Motifs: Death›Indian burial practices | Inheritance | Objects›Slipper
Relationships: Familial›Father-son
Environment: Auditory›Howling | Time of Day›Sunset
Environment: Atmospheric›Dark
Actions: Bodily›Breathing | Bodily›Running | Hunting›Fox hunting | Hunting›Slave hunting
Themes and Motifs: Arrivals/Departures›Run away
Environment: Atmospheric›Dark
Themes and Motifs: Arrivals/Departures›Return | Objects›Drum
Environment: Time of Day›Afternoon
Cultural Issues: Hunting and Fishing›Ritual | Race›Chickasaw | Race›Native American | Ritual›Initiation | Slavery›Miscegenation
Themes and Motifs: Absence/Loss›Vanishing Indian | Animals›Deer | Animals›Dogs | Animals›Horses | Story-telling
Relationships: Intergenerational›Hunting party
Environment: Atmospheric›Dark
Themes and Motifs: Arrivals/Departures›Return home | Memory›Remembering
Environment: Atmospheric›Dark | Atmospheric›Moonlit | Time of Day›Night
Actions: Bodily›Running | Emotional›Anger | Physical›Burning | Physical›Dragging | Verbal›Shouting | Violent›Arson
Cultural Issues: Modernity›Modernist style
Themes and Motifs: Animals›Cows | Animals›Horses | Animals›Mules | Art›Classical Greek | Character›Superhuman strength | Death›Coffin
Aesthetics: Figures of Speech›Simile | Style›Cubism
Environment: Atmospheric›Heat
Actions: Bodily›Crying | Bodily›Running | Emotional›Grief | Emotional›Rage | Moral›Rationalization | Verbal›Accusatory
Themes and Motifs: Absence/Loss›Attempt to find substitute | Animals›Fish
Environment: Public›Street | Time of Day›Night
Actions: Agricultural›Farming | Bodily›Running | Movement›Car | Verbal›Discussion
Cultural Issues: Group Mentality›Mob behavior
Relationships: Familial›Uncle-nephew
Aesthetics: Narrative›Parentheses
Environment: Public›Jail | Time of Day›Morning
Themes and Motifs: Absence/Loss›Disappearance
Relationships: Hierarchical›Master-slave
Aesthetics: Narrative›Parentheses
Environment: Domestic Space›Hall | Domestic Space›Porch
Environment: Domestic Space›Yard | Weather›Fog
Aesthetics: Figures of Speech›Simile | Typography/Orthography›Dash
Environment: Auditory›Hoofbeats | Domestic Space›Yard | Olfactory›Ammonia | Olfactory›Smoke | Olfactory›Sweat | Time of Day›Nine o'clock a.m. | Weather›Fog
Environment: Atmospheric›Moonlit | Time of Day›Night
Environment: Atmospheric›Moonlit | Domestic Space›Bedroom
Cultural Issues: Gender›Maternal impulse
Relationships: Interracial›Indian-white