Displaying 3301 - 3400 of 5013
CharKey | Text | Name | Occupation |
Rank![]() |
Colonel John Sartoris' Daughter 1 | "There Was a Queen" | Sartoris, Child or Children of John | Minor | view | |
Hamp Worsham | Intruder in the Dust | Unnamed Negro Truck Farmer | Farming | Minor | view |
Mrs. Vinson | "Miss Zilphia Gant" | Vinson, Mrs. | Sales and Service | Minor | view |
Unnamed Union Trainmen | The Unvanquished | Unnamed Union Trainmen | Armed Forces | Minor | view |
Bayard Sartoris III | The Town | Sartoris, Bayard | Armed Forces | Minor | view |
Mrs. Jordon | "That Will Be Fine" | Jordon, Mrs. | Minor | view | |
Unnamed Brawlers and Drunkards | Requiem for a Nun | Unnamed Brawlers and Drunkards | Minor | view | |
Doctor Lucius Peabody | The Reivers | Peabody, Doctor | Professional | Minor | view |
Unnamed Bank Cashier 5 | Go Down, Moses | Unnamed Bank Teller | Sales and Service | Minor | view |
Unnamed Woman in Chicago Nightclub 1 | Flags in the Dust | Unnamed Woman in Chicago Nightclub(1) | Minor | view | |
Mrs. Bland 1 | The Sound and the Fury | Bland, Mrs. | Minor | view | |
Unnamed Bus Driver 2 | "Two Soldiers" | Unnamed Bus Driver (2) | Transportation | Minor | view |
Wallstreet Panic Snopes | The Mansion | Snopes, Wallstreet Panic | Sales and Service | Minor | view |
Lucas Quintus Carothers McCaslin Beauchamp | The Reivers | Beauchamp, Lucas Quintus Carothers McCaslin | Minor | view | |
Unnamed British Aviators | "Knight's Gambit" | Unnamed British Aviators | Armed Forces | Minor | view |
Mrs. Hamp Worsham | Go Down, Moses | Worsham, Mrs. Hamp | Minor | view | |
Unnamed Policemen 1 | Light in August | Unnamed Policemen | Administrative | Minor | view |
Unnamed Car Owner 1 | "By the People" | Unnamed Car Owner | Minor | view | |
Bayard Sartoris III | Requiem for a Nun | Sartoris, Grandson of Bayard | Armed Forces | Minor | view |
Unnamed Venetian Glassmakers | Flags in the Dust | Unnamed Venetian Glassmakers | Production | Minor | view |
Colonel McKellogg | "Two Soldiers" | McKellogg, Colonel | Armed Forces | Minor | view |
Unnamed Son of Moketubbe | "The Old People" | Unnamed Son of Moketubbe | Minor | view | |
Unnamed White Man Who Shoots a Negro | The Hamlet | Unnamed White Man Who Shoots a Negro | Minor | view | |
Hemingway | The Mansion | Hemingway, Ernest | Other | Minor | view |
Unnamed White Men of Yoknapatawpha | "Skirmish at Sartoris" | Unnamed White Men of Yoknapatawpha | Minor | view | |
Unnamed Half-Grown White Boy | Absalom, Absalom! | Unnamed Half-Grown Boy | Minor | view | |
Joby 1 | "The Unvanquished" | Joby | Minor | view | |
Unnamed Moonshiner 2 | Intruder in the Dust | Unnamed Moonshiner | Criminal | Minor | view |
Andrew Jackson | "Appendix: Compson" | Jackson, President Andrew | Administrative | Minor | view |
Houston's Mother | The Hamlet | Houston, Mrs. | Minor | view | |
Wesley Snopes | The Town | Snopes, "Actual Schoolmaster" | Professional | Minor | view |
Unnamed Negro Railroad Porters | The Town | Unnamed Negro Railroad Porters | Transportation | Minor | view |
Unnamed Overseer 2 | Intruder in the Dust | Unnamed Overseer | Farming | Minor | view |
Unnamed School Children 5 | "Monk" | Unnamed School Children | Minor | view | |
Unnamed Sheriff 3 | Sanctuary | Unnamed Sheriff | Administrative | Minor | view |
Maggie Stevens Mallison | "Knight's Gambit" | Mallison, Maggie | Minor | view | |
Alexander Holston | "My Grandmother Millard and General Bedford Forrest and the Battle of Harrykin Creek" | Holston, Doctor | Professional | Minor | view |
Lorraine | The Sound and the Fury | Lorraine | Criminal | Minor | view |
Unnamed "Feller" 1 | Flags in the Dust | Unnamed Feller | Minor | view | |
Jailer Farmer | Requiem for a Nun | Farmer | Administrative | Minor | view |
Unnamed Union Officer 4 | The Unvanquished | Unnamed Union Officer(2) | Armed Forces | Minor | view |
Mrs. Cooper | "Dry September" | Cooper, Mrs. | Minor | view | |
Unnamed Truck Driver 1 | Light in August | Unnamed Truck Driver | Transportation | Minor | view |
De Spain, Son of Manfred de Spain | "Shall Not Perish" | De Spain, Son of Major de Spain | Armed Forces | Minor | view |
Unnamed Chickasaw | Requiem for a Nun | Unnamed Chickasaw | Minor | view | |
Unnamed County Officers | The Hamlet | Unnamed County Officers | Minor | view | |
Essie Meadowfill | The Mansion | Meadowfill, Essie | Sales and Service | Minor | view |
Unnamed Union Cavalry 5 | "Raid" | Unnamed Union Cavalry(4) | Armed Forces | Minor | view |
Unnamed Quadroon | The Hamlet | Unnamed Quadroon | Minor | view | |
Unnamed Enslaved People 1 | Go Down, Moses | Unnamed Enslaved People | Minor | view | |
Unnamed Negro Laborer | The Mansion | Unnamed Negro Laborer | Minor | view | |
George Wilkins | Intruder in the Dust | Unnamed Husband of Lucas' Daughter | Minor | view | |
Unnamed Other Children | "Beyond" | Unnamed Other Children | Minor | view | |
Mr. Kneeland | The Town | Kneeland, Mr. | Sales and Service | Minor | view |
Unnamed Brigadier General | "All the Dead Pilots" | Unnamed Brigadier General | Armed Forces | Minor | view |
Unnamed Chippeway Indians | Requiem for a Nun | Unnamed Chippeway Indians | Minor | view | |
Unnamed Archaeologists 1 | Go Down, Moses | Unnamed Archaeologists | Professional | Minor | view |
Unnamed Burglars | The Mansion | Unnamed Burglars | Criminal | Minor | view |
Monaghan, Father of Buck | "Ad Astra" | Monaghan, Father of Buck | Production | Minor | view |
Unnamed Caretaker 2 | "Knight's Gambit" | Unnamed Caretaker(2) | Domestic Service | Minor | view |
Unnamed Union Officer 2 | Light in August | Unnamed Union Officer | Armed Forces | Minor | view |
Unnamed Landlady in Jefferson | Go Down, Moses | Unnamed Landlady in Jefferson | Sales and Service | Minor | view |
Jody Varner | The Town | Varner, Jody | Management | Minor | view |
V.K. Ratcliffe II | The Mansion | Ratcliffe, V.K. | Minor | view | |
Unnamed Post Office Employee | The Sound and the Fury | Unnamed Post Office Employee | Sales and Service | Minor | view |
Suratt, Grandfather of V.K. | Flags in the Dust | Suratt, Grandfather of V.K. | Farming | Minor | view |
Unnamed Chickasaws 12 | "A Justice" | The People | Minor | view | |
Unnamed Men at Horse Lot | "Barn Burning" | Unnamed Men at Horse Lot | Minor | view | |
Unnamed White Men of Yoknapatawpha | The Unvanquished | Unnamed White Men of Yoknapatawpha | Minor | view | |
Unnamed Negroes in Mottstown | Light in August | Unnamed Negroes in Mottstown | Minor | view | |
Unnamed Crop-Duster 2 | The Mansion | Unnamed Crop-Duster | Production | Minor | view |
Unnamed Negro Driver 3 | "Go Down, Moses" | Unnamed Negro Driver | Transportation | Minor | view |
Unnamed Union Soldiers 2 | "Retreat" | Unnamed Union Soldiers | Armed Forces | Minor | view |
Unnamed Apprentice Blacksmith | The Hamlet | Unnamed Apprentice Blacksmith | Transportation | Minor | view |
Unnamed Armed Guards | The Hamlet | Unnamed Armed Guards | Administrative | Minor | view |
John Henry | Flags in the Dust | John Henry | Farming | Minor | view |
Lorraine | "Appendix: Compson" | Unnamed Mistress of Jason Compson IV | Minor | view | |
Unnamed Farmer 3 | The Hamlet | Unnamed Farmer(2) | Farming | Minor | view |
Eck Snopes' Second Wife | The Town | Snopes, Mrs. Eck | Minor | view | |
Unnamed Bookkeepers 2 | The Town | Unnamed Bookkeepers(2) | Sales and Service | Minor | view |
Unnamed Official on Train | Sanctuary | Unnamed Official on Train | Minor | view | |
Celia Cook|Cecilia Farmer | Intruder in the Dust | Unnamed Jailer's Daughter | Minor | view | |
Unnamed Husband of Popeye's Grandmother | Sanctuary | Unnamed Husband of Popeye's Grandmother | Sales and Service | Minor | view |
Unnamed Baptist Minister 4 | The Town | Unnamed Baptist Minister | Professional | Minor | view |
Jim Blake | "Hand Upon the Waters" | Blake, Jim | Minor | view | |
Unnamed Folks at Renfro | "Uncle Willy" | Unnamed Folks at Renfro | Minor | view | |
Jake Barron | The Mansion | Barron, Jake | Minor | view | |
Calvin Burden I | Flags in the Dust | Unnamed Freedmen's Bureau Agent(1) | Administrative | Minor | view |
Unnamed Negro Congregation 1 | The Sound and the Fury | Unnamed Negro Congregation | Minor | view | |
Unnamed Groom 2 | The Reivers | Unnamed Groom | Minor | view | |
Unnamed Original Settlers of Yoknapatawpha | The Mansion | Unnamed Original Settlers of Yoknapatawpha | Minor | view | |
Ina May Armstid | "Spotted Horses" | Armstid, Ina May | Minor | view | |
Unnamed Confederate Captain | The Unvanquished | Unnamed Confederate Captain | Armed Forces | Minor | view |
Unnamed People of Railroad Division Point | Light in August | Unnamed People of Railroad Division Point | Minor | view | |
Mr. Nightingale | The Mansion | Nightingale, Mr. | Sales and Service | Minor | view |
Unnamed Marshal 3 | Requiem for a Nun | Unnamed Marshal | Administrative | Minor | view |
Unnamed Railroad Workmen | The Unvanquished | Unnamed Railroad Workmen | Production | Minor | view |
Unnamed Veteran Klansman | The Mansion | Unnamed Veteran Klansman | Minor | view | |
Unnamed Station Agent 2 | Light in August | Unnamed Station Agent | Transportation | Minor | view |
Unnamed Negro Companion | The Hamlet | Unnamed Negro Companion | Domestic Service | Minor | view |