Displaying 701 - 800 of 5013
CharKey | Text | Name | Occupation |
Rank![]() |
Unnamed Mother of Will Varner | The Hamlet | Unnamed Mother of Will Varner | Peripheral | view | |
Unnamed Enslaved Children 1 | The Unvanquished | Unnamed Enslaved Children | Peripheral | view | |
General Hooker | Requiem for a Nun | Hooker, General | Armed Forces | Peripheral | view |
Norman Thomas | The Mansion | Thomas, Norman | Professional | Peripheral | view |
Unnamed Grandmother of Boon Hogganbeck | The Reivers | Unnamed Grandmother of Boon | Peripheral | view | |
President Franklin Roosevelt | "Two Soldiers" | Roosevelt, President Franklin D. | Peripheral | view | |
Unnamed Executives in St. Louis | "Gold Is Not Always" | Unnamed Executives in St. Louis | Sales and Service | Peripheral | view |
Nathan Bedford Forrest | The Unvanquished | Forrest, General Nathan Bedford | Armed Forces | Peripheral | view |
Unnamed Drummer 3 | "Smoke" | Unnamed Drummer | Sales and Service | Peripheral | view |
John Sartoris I | Requiem for a Nun | Sartoris, John | Management | Peripheral | view |
Unnamed Bondsmen 2 | The Town | Unnamed Bondsmen | Sales and Service | Peripheral | view |
Unnamed Memphis Investigator | Intruder in the Dust | Unnamed Memphis Investigator | Administrative | Peripheral | view |
John Sevier | The Unvanquished | Sevier, John | Administrative | Peripheral | view |
Unnamed Southern Lady | Absalom, Absalom! | Unnamed Southern Lady | Peripheral | view | |
John L. Sullivan | Absalom, Absalom! | Sullivan, John L. | Other | Peripheral | view |
Unnamed White Man 5 | "A Courtship" | Unnamed White Man | Peripheral | view | |
Unnamed Yankee Raiders | The Town | Unnamed Yankee Raiders | Armed Forces | Peripheral | view |
Thompson, Daughter of Pappy | Light in August | Thompson, Daughter of Pappy | Peripheral | view | |
General Grant | "Shall Not Perish" | Grant, Ulysses S. | Armed Forces | Peripheral | view |
Adolph Hitler | The Mansion | Hitler, Adolf | Administrative | Peripheral | view |
President Franklin Roosevelt | Go Down, Moses | Roosevelt, Franklin Delano | Administrative | Peripheral | view |
John Brown | Intruder in the Dust | Brown, John | Other | Peripheral | view |
Unnamed Choir at Country Church | Light in August | Unnamed Choir at Country Church | Peripheral | view | |
Unnamed Neighbor of Benbow | Sanctuary | Unnamed Neighbor | Peripheral | view | |
Smith, Father of McKinley | The Mansion | Smith, Father of McKinley | Farming | Peripheral | view |
Unnamed Negro Yardmen 2 | Light in August | Unnamed Negro Yardmen | Sales and Service | Peripheral | view |
Unnamed Men 1 | "That Will Be Fine" | Unnamed Men | Peripheral | view | |
Unnamed Stranger 2 | The Mansion | Unnamed Stranger | Peripheral | view | |
Unnamed Grandmother of Cecilia Farmer | Requiem for a Nun | Unnamed Grandmother of Cecilia Farmer | Peripheral | view | |
Unnamed Enslaved Male | The Unvanquished | Unnamed Male Slave | Peripheral | view | |
Alexander Holston | Intruder in the Dust | Holston | Management | Peripheral | view |
Unnamed King of Britain | "Ad Astra" | Unnamed King of Britain | Administrative | Peripheral | view |
Unnamed People of This Delta | "Delta Autumn" | Unnamed People of This Delta | Peripheral | view | |
Mrs. Edmonds | Go Down, Moses | Edmonds, Mother of Cass | Peripheral | view | |
Unnamed Tenant of Will Varner | The Hamlet | Unnamed Tenant of Will Varner | Farming | Peripheral | view |
Unnamed U.S. Marshals | Absalom, Absalom! | Unnamed U.S. Marshals | Administrative | Peripheral | view |
General Robert E. Lee | Flags in the Dust | Lee, General Robert E. | Armed Forces | Peripheral | view |
Unnamed Second Husband of Zilphia | "Miss Zilphia Gant" | Unnamed Second Husband of Zilphia | Peripheral | view | |
Unnamed Chancery Clerk 1 | "The Old People" | Unnamed Chancery Clerk | Administrative | Peripheral | view |
Lucius Quintus Carothers McCaslin | The Unvanquished | McCaslin, Father of Buck and Buddy | Peripheral | view | |
Hemingway | Requiem for a Nun | Hemingway, Ernest | Other | Peripheral | view |
Unnamed Children of Hill Man | The Unvanquished | Unnamed Children of Hill Man | Peripheral | view | |
Unnamed Army Officer 2 | The Mansion | Unnamed Army Officer | Armed Forces | Peripheral | view |
Burringtons in New Hampshire | Light in August | Burringtons in New Hampshire | Peripheral | view | |
Herbert Hoover | The Mansion | Hoover, Herbert | Administrative | Peripheral | view |
Unnamed Mother of Mrs. Harriss | "Knight's Gambit" | Unnamed Mother of Mrs. Harriss | Peripheral | view | |
Unnamed Local Negroes | "The Bear" | Unnamed Local Negroes | Peripheral | view | |
Abraham Lincoln | The Unvanquished | Lincoln, Abraham | Administrative | Peripheral | view |
Francis Benbow | Flags in the Dust | Benbow, Francis | Peripheral | view | |
Unnamed Self-Mutilator | The Sound and the Fury | Unnamed Self-Mutilator | Peripheral | view | |
Hershell Jones | Sanctuary | Jones, Herschell | Peripheral | view | |
Hoke Christian | "Uncle Willy" | Christian, Hoke | Sales and Service | Peripheral | view |
Harry Wong | "Knight's Gambit" | Wong, Harry | Peripheral | view | |
Benbow Family | The Unvanquished | Benbow Family | Peripheral | view | |
General John Pope | Requiem for a Nun | Pope, General | Armed Forces | Peripheral | view |
Harry Truman | The Mansion | Truman, Harry | Administrative | Peripheral | view |
Uncle Willy Christian | The Reivers | Christian | Sales and Service | Peripheral | view |
Unnamed Slaves of Indians 3 | "Red Leaves" | Unnamed Young Negro Slaves | Peripheral | view | |
Major Yoknapatawpha Families | "Appendix: Compson" | Sartorises | Peripheral | view | |
Mrs. de Spain | "A Bear Hunt" | De Spain, Mrs. | Peripheral | view | |
General John Hunt Morgan | The Unvanquished | Morgan, General John Hunt | Armed Forces | Peripheral | view |
Unnamed Circumnavigators | "A Name for the City" | Unnamed Circumnavigators | Other | Peripheral | view |
Unnamed Negro Messenger 1 | "Smoke" | Unnamed Negro Messenger | Peripheral | view | |
General Joe Wheeler | "My Grandmother Millard and General Bedford Forrest and the Battle of Harrykin Creek" | Wheeler, General Joe | Armed Forces | Peripheral | view |
Unnamed Drummers 1 | The Sound and the Fury | Unnamed Drummers | Sales and Service | Peripheral | view |
Unnamed English Blockade Runner | The Unvanquished | Unnamed English Blockade Runner | Armed Forces | Peripheral | view |
Unnamed Relatives of Lump Snopes | The Hamlet | Unnamed Relatives of Lump Snopes | Peripheral | view | |
Unnamed Mother of Sutpen's First Wife | Absalom, Absalom! | Unnamed Mother of Sutpen's First Wife | Peripheral | view | |
John Sartoris I | "Shall Not Perish" | Sartoris, John | Armed Forces | Peripheral | view |
Unnamed Daughter of Narrator | "Hair" | Unnamed Daughter of Narrator | Peripheral | view | |
Mussolini | The Mansion | Mussolini, Benito | Administrative | Peripheral | view |
Unnamed Carpenter 1 | Flags in the Dust | Unnamed Carpenter | Production | Peripheral | view |
Wilkie 2 | Go Down, Moses | Wilkie, Wendell | Professional | Peripheral | view |
Chevalier Soeur-Blonde de Vitry | "A Justice" | Unnamed "French Chief" | Peripheral | view | |
Unnamed Sheriff 13 | "Knight's Gambit" | Unnamed Sheriff | Administrative | Peripheral | view |
Quentin Compson II | "Skirmish at Sartoris" | Compson, Mr. | Peripheral | view | |
Unnamed District Attorney in Chicago | Go Down, Moses | Unnamed District Attorney in Chicago | Administrative | Peripheral | view |
General Robert E. Lee | Intruder in the Dust | Lee, General Robert E. | Armed Forces | Peripheral | view |
John Gilbert | Sanctuary | Gilbert, John | Other | Peripheral | view |
Unnamed London Girl | Flags in the Dust | Unnamed London Girl | Peripheral | view | |
Unnamed Marshals of Napoleon | "Appendix: Compson" | Unnamed Marshals of Napoleon | Armed Forces | Peripheral | view |
Unnamed Wholesalers and Brokers | The Town | Unnamed Wholesalers and Brokers | Peripheral | view | |
John Sartoris I | "Raid" | Sartoris, Colonel John | Armed Forces | Peripheral | view |
Unnamed Father of Hamp and Mollie | Go Down, Moses | Unnamed Father of Hamp and Mollie Beauchamp | Peripheral | view | |
Unnamed Aztec Chiefs | "Lion" | Unnamed Aztec Chiefs | Peripheral | view | |
Unnamed German Kaiser | "Ad Astra" | Unnamed German Kaiser | Administrative | Peripheral | view |
Unnamed Restaurant Manager 1 | "Centaur in Brass" | Unnamed Restaurant Manager | Sales and Service | Peripheral | view |
Daisy | Go Down, Moses | Daisy | Domestic Service | Peripheral | view |
Unnamed President of France | "Ad Astra" | Unnamed President of France | Management | Peripheral | view |
Joseph Conrad | "Knight's Gambit" | Conrad, Joseph | Other | Peripheral | view |
Unnamed Light-Colored Woman | Go Down, Moses | Unnamed Light-Colored Woman | Domestic Service | Peripheral | view |
Nathan Bedford Forrest | Requiem for a Nun | Forrest, Nathan Bedford | Armed Forces | Peripheral | view |
Will Varner | "Centaur in Brass" | Unnamed Father of Mrs. Snopes | Sales and Service | Peripheral | view |
Clarence Snopes' Grandmother | "By the People" | Snopes, Grandmother of Clarence | Peripheral | view | |
Unnamed Father-in-Law of Eck Snopes | The Hamlet | Unnamed Father-in-Law of Eck Snopes | Peripheral | view | |
Unnamed White Men 1 | "That Evening Sun" | Unnamed White Men | Peripheral | view | |
General Stonewall Jackson | Flags in the Dust | Jackson, Stonewall | Armed Forces | Peripheral | view |
Unspecified Compson Ancestors | The Sound and the Fury | Compsons, Unspecified Family Ancestors | Management | Peripheral | view |
Spilmer | "Mule in the Yard" | Spilmer | Peripheral | view | |
Unnamed Grandmother of Boon Hogganbeck | Intruder in the Dust | Unnamed Grandmother of Boon Hogganbeck | Peripheral | view |