Major Yoknapatawpha Families

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Major Yoknapatawpha Families
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Major Yoknapatawpha Families
Ever Present in Yoknapatawpha?: 

In the last decades of his career Faulkner several times includes lists of what, in "Appendix Compson," he identifies as "the oldest names in the county" (330) - or, as it puts it more grandiloquently in The Town, the "cognomens long and splendid in the annals of Yoknapatawpha County" (284). Here they are, organized chronologically by publication dates:
As listed in "Appendix Compson" - Holston and Sutpen, Grenier and Beauchamp and Coldfield (330), Compsons and Sartorises and their ilk (338);
As listed in Requiem for a Nun - Compson, Sartoris and Stevens, McCaslin and Sutpen and Coldfield;
As listed in The Town - Varner, or Sartoris or De Spain or Compson or Grenier or Habersham or McCaslin (284); Sartorises and Benbows and Edmondses and Habershams" (293); Sutpen and Sartoris and Compson and Edmonds and McCaslin and Beauchamp and Grenier and Habersham and Holston and Stevens and De Spain (332).