
Displaying 3901 - 4000 of 5013

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CharKey Text Name Occupationsort descending Rank
Unnamed Tenant of Will Varner The Hamlet Unnamed Tenant of Will Varner Farming Peripheral view
George Wilkins "A Point of Law" Wilkins, George Farming Secondary view
Major Frenchman's Bend Families Intruder in the Dust Littlejohn and Greenleaf and Armstead and Millingham and Bookwright Farming Minor view
Snopeses Sanctuary Snopeses Farming Peripheral view
Unnamed Tenant Farmers 1 "Smoke" Unnamed Tenant Farmers Farming Peripheral view
Unnamed Negro Farmer 2 Intruder in the Dust Unnamed Negro Farmer Farming Minor view
Harris 3 "Barn Burning" Harris, Mr. Farming Minor view
Unnamed People in Next County The Reivers Unnamed People in Next County Farming Minor view
Unnamed Man in Mob 3 Intruder in the Dust Unnamed Man in Mob(3) Farming Minor view
Unnamed Hired Delta Farm Workers Go Down, Moses Unnamed Negro Delta Farm Workers Farming Minor view
Calvin BookwrightBookright The Town Bookright, Cal Farming Minor view
Freeman "Spotted Horses" Freeman Farming Minor view
Ab Snopes The Hamlet Snopes, Ab Farming Major view
Unnamed Goat Rancher The Hamlet Unnamed Goat Rancher Farming Minor view
Eustace Grimm As I Lay Dying Grimm, Eustace Farming Minor view
Vernon Tull "The Hound" Tull, Vernon Farming Peripheral view
Wylie 2 The Reivers Wylie 2 Farming Minor view
Hoke 1 "Fool About a Horse" Hoke Farming Peripheral view
Brother Fortinbride The Unvanquished Fortinbride, Brother Farming Minor view
Theophilus McCaslin 1 The Hamlet McCaslin, Uncle Buck Farming Minor view
Hampton, Parents of Sheriff Hope Intruder in the Dust Hampton, Parents of Sheriff Hope Farming Peripheral view
Unnamed Negro Cotton Pickers 2 The Mansion Unnamed Negro Cotton Pickers Farming Minor view
Jack|Zack Houston The Mansion Houston, Zack Farming Secondary view
Ab Snopes "Barn Burning" Snopes, Abner Farming Major view
Unnamed Father of Houston's Negro Mistress The Hamlet Unnamed Father of Houston's Negro Mistress Farming Minor view
Unnamed Negro Tenant Farmers 3 "Go Down, Moses" Unnamed Negro Tenant Farmers Farming Peripheral view
Unnamed Man in Mob 4 Intruder in the Dust Unnamed Man in Mob(4) Farming Minor view
Unnamed Tenant Farmers 4 The Town Unnamed Tenant Farmers Farming Minor view
McCarron, Father of Hoke The Hamlet McCarron Farming Minor view
Net Snopes The Town Binford, Mrs. Farming Minor view
Stonewall Jackson Fentry "Tomorrow" Fentry, Stonewall Jackson Farming Major view
Vernon Tull Sanctuary Tull Farming Minor view
Mrs. Wesley Pritchel "An Error in Chemistry" Pritchel, Mrs. Wesley Farming Peripheral view
Unnamed Negro at MacCallums Flags in the Dust Unnamed Negro at MacCallums' Farming Minor view
Ratliff, Father of V.K. The Hamlet Ratliff, Father of V.K. Farming Peripheral view
Pappy Flags in the Dust Pappy Farming Minor view
Unnamed Farmers 6 "Knight's Gambit" Unnamed Yoknapatawpha Farmers Farming Minor view
Grier Ancestors "Shall Not Perish" Grier Ancestors Farming Minor view
Eckrum Snopes "Spotted Horses" Snopes, Eck Farming Secondary view
Unnamed Negro Cane Mill Owner Flags in the Dust Unnamed Negro Cane Mill Owner Farming Minor view
Unnamed People in Rural Tennessee The Reivers Unnamed People in Rural Tennessee Farming Minor view
Unnamed Man in Mob 2 Intruder in the Dust Unnamed Man in Mob(2) Farming Minor view
Cliff Odum The Hamlet Odum, Cliff Farming Minor view
Unnamed Negro Tenant Farmer 1 The Reivers Unnamed Negro Tenant Farmer Farming Minor view
Snopes 1 As I Lay Dying Snopes Farming Peripheral view
Dewey Dell Bundren As I Lay Dying Bundren, Dewey Dell Farming Major view
Unnamed Men at Varner's Store 5 The Town Unnamed Men at Varner's Store Farming Minor view
Will Beard Flags in the Dust Beard, Will C. Management Minor view
Zachary Edmonds The Reivers Edmonds, Zachary Management Minor view
John Sartoris I "Skirmish at Sartoris" Sartoris, John Management Major view
Mr. Backus The Mansion Backus, Mr. Management Minor view
Anse Holland The Hamlet Holland, Anse Management Minor view
Flem Snopes The Mansion Snopes, Flem Management Major view
Bayard Sartoris II Flags in the Dust Sartoris, (Old) Bayard Management Major view
John Sartoris I "There Was a Queen" Sartoris, Colonel John Management Minor view
Carothers McCaslin Edmonds The Reivers Edmonds, McCaslin Management Minor view
Unnamed Father of Boy Hunter "The Bear" Unnamed Father of Boy Hunter Management Major view
Carothers McCaslin Edmonds Go Down, Moses Edmonds, Cass Management Major view
Bayard Sartoris II The Hamlet Sartoris, Bayard (Old) Management Minor view
Theodore Bilbo The Mansion Bilbo, Theodore Management Peripheral view
Unnamed Landlords The Mansion Unnamed Landlords Management Peripheral view
Louis Grenier "Lizards in Jamshyd’s Courtyard" Unnamed Old Frenchman Management Minor view
Louis Grenier The Hamlet Old Frenchman Management Minor view
Carothers McCaslin's Father Go Down, Moses McCaslin, Grandfather of Buck and Buddy Management Minor view
Bayard Sartoris II "There Was a Queen" Sartoris, (Old) Bayard Management Minor view
Beauchamp, Father of Hubert and Sophonsiba Go Down, Moses Beauchamp, Father of Hubert and Sophonsiba Management Peripheral view
Flem Snopes "By the People" Snopes Management Minor view
Zachary Edmonds Intruder in the Dust Edmonds, Father of Carothers Management Peripheral view
Pruitt 1 "That Will Be Fine" Pruitt, Mr. Management Minor view
Pettibone Absalom, Absalom! Pettibone Management Peripheral view
Manfred de Spain "The Bear" De Spain, Major Management Secondary view
Hoake|Hoke McCarron The Mansion McCarron, Hoke Management Secondary view
Colonel Linscomb The Reivers Linscomb, Colonel Management Secondary view
Will Varner "Lizards in Jamshyd’s Courtyard" Varner, Will Management Minor view
John Sartoris I Light in August Sartoris, Colonel John Management Minor view
Will Varner The Hamlet Varner, Will Management Major view
Jason Lycurgus Compson II Absalom, Absalom! Compson, General Management Secondary view
John Sartoris I The Unvanquished Sartoris, John Management Major view
Manfred de Spain "The Old People" De Spain, Major Management Secondary view
Unnamed Board of Directors of Sartoris Bank The Town Unnamed Board of Directors of Sartoris Bank Management Minor view
Unnamed Church Superintendent Light in August Unnamed Church Superintendent Management Minor view
Unnamed Northern Businessmen 2 Go Down, Moses Unnamed Northern Businessmen Management Minor view
Louis Grenier Sanctuary Unnamed Frenchman Management Peripheral view
Jason Lycurgus Compson II "The Bear" Compson, General Management Secondary view
Will Varner The Mansion Varner, Will Management Secondary view
John Sartoris I Flags in the Dust Sartoris, Colonel John Management Major view
Will Varner "By the People" Varner, Uncle Billy Management Secondary view
Unnamed Southern "Aristocrats" Requiem for a Nun Unnamed Southern "Aristocrats" Management Minor view
Unnamed Bank President 2 Go Down, Moses Unnamed Bank President Management Minor view
John Sartoris II "There Was a Queen" Sartoris, John Management Minor view
Carothers Roth Edmonds The Reivers Edmonds, Carothers Management Minor view
Carothers Roth Edmonds "Pantaloon in Black" Edmonds, Carothers Management Peripheral view
Carothers Roth Edmonds "Gold Is Not Always" Edmonds, Roth Management Major view
Louis Grenier "Hand Upon the Waters" Grenier Pioneer Management Minor view
Bayard Sartoris II The Reivers Sartoris, Colonel Management Minor view
Manfred de Spain "Shall Not Perish" De Spain(2), Major Management Major view
Redlaw|Redmond Flags in the Dust Redlaw Management Minor view
Louis Grenier "A Name for the City" Grenier, Louis Management Minor view
Theophilus McCaslin 1 Go Down, Moses McCaslin, Buck Management Secondary view
Bayard Sartoris III Flags in the Dust Sartoris, (Young) Bayard Management Major view


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