Character Keys
Code |
title![]() |
biography | |
194 | Linda Snopes Kohl |
Linda's character comes into focus slowly but steadily across three decades and six fictions. In the first of those, Flags in the Dust, as Flem Snopes' "baby" she is not named nor even gendered. In the next, she still has no name or gender but Suratt, the narrator of "Spotted Horses," sees her clearly enough to call her "as well-growed a three-months-old baby as we ever see" (167) - implicitly suggesting she was conceived out of wedlock, and that Flem might not be her father. |
2093 | Little Zilphia |
"Miss Zilphia Gant" leaves it up to its readers to decide for themselves about the identity of the girl that Zilphia brings back to Jefferson at the end, claiming that she is her own daughter. The cues provided by the text, however, make it probable that this girl (whom the narrator calls "little Zilphia," 381) is the daughter of the painter Zilphia married many years earlier and his second wife: for example, the girl has "eyes like wood ashes and dark hair," both traits she shares with that husband (381, 375). |
692 | Littlejohn |
Littlejohn is one of the neighbors present at the Bundren farm after Addie's death. He is also the man who told Armstid that the flood washed out the main road to Jefferson. |
549 | Lizzie |
Lizzie is the sister of Lennie Snopes, Abner's wife, who lives with the Snopes family in "Barn Burning." She and Lennie have a close relationship: on the night Ab sets out to burn down De Spain's barn, they "sit side by side on the bed, the aunt's arms around [Sarty's] mother's shoulders" (22). When Ab commands his wife to restrain Sarty to prevent him from warning De Spain, Lizzie sides against Ab, telling Lennie: "Let him go! . . . If he don't go, before God, I am going up there [to De Spain's] myself" (22). |
2875 | Log-in-the-Creek |
In "A Courtship," Log-in-the-Creek is the only one of the Chickasaw young men who does not stop courting Herman Basket's sister after Ikkemotubbe's interest in her becomes known. His unheroic name seems to fit his apparently negligible character: he cannot hold his liquor, and he "raced no horses and fought no cocks and cast no dice" (364). |
406 | Lon Quick I |
There are several Quicks living in Frenchman's Bend - Faulkner scholars don't agree on how many. To Brooks, Solon and Lon Quick are one character. Dasher and Kirk, on the other hand, separate them into two characters, which is what we also do in our data. And it is not absolutely clear how to disambiguate Lon Sr. and his son Lon Jr., or as another character puts it in As I Lay Dying, where the family first appears, "Big Lon I mean, not little Lon" (161). This entry is for Lon Sr. |
407 | Lon Quick II |
There are several Quicks living in Frenchman's Bend - Faulkner scholars don't agree on how many. To Brooks, Solon Quick and Lon Quick are one character. Dasher and Kirk, on the other hand, separate them into two characters, which is what we also do in our data. Nor is it absolutely clear how to disambiguate Lon Sr. and his son Lon Jr., or as they are sometimes referred to by other inhabitants of the Bend, "Big Lon" and "Little Lon." This entry is Lon Junior's, who appears in three texts altogether. |
409 | Lonnie Grinnup |
Lonnie Grinnup was christened Louis Grenier. He is, as Intruder in the Dust notes, the only living descendant of the elegante Frenchman, the first Louis Grenier, whose vast antebellum plantation gave Frenchman's Bend its name. Lonnie has no conception of his aristocratic heritage; he is "a cheerful middleaged man with the mind and face of a child" who lives in a decrepit shack twenty miles away from the mansion his ancestor built (74). In the earlier "Hand upon the Waters," his murder is the occasion for one of Faulkner's detective fictions. |
2288 | Lonzo Hait |
The "defunct husband" of Mrs. Hait - called simply Hait in "Mule in the Yard" (252) and Lonzo Hait in The Town - was helping I.O. Snopes cheat the insurance company when he (along with a string of I.O.'s mules) was killed in a train accident on a blind curve next to his house in Jefferson. According to what his widow says to I.O. in both texts, "you paid him fifty dollars a trip each time he got mules in front of the train in time" (262, 262). |
35 | Loosh |
Loosh - or Lucius, as he's called in "My Grandmother Millard" and, presumably, as he was actually named - appears or is mentioned in four of the Unvanquished stories as well as "My Grandmother." Biologically, he is the son of Joby and Louvinia, the husband of Philadelphy, and the uncle of Ringo. Thematically, he is the only slave on the Sartoris plantation (and one of the few in the Yoknapatawpha fictions) who openly rebels against his enslavement. |
1332 | Lorraine |
In The Sound and the Fury Lorraine is the woman Jason is seeing in Memphis, Tennessee. In the letter she sends him, she calls Jason "my sweet daddy" (193). Their relationship seems based on the money he gives her and the sex she gives him. Jason thinks of her as "a good honest whore" (233). His ideas about other people, especially women, are hardly reliable, but in this case it does seem likely that Lorraine is one of the many Memphis prostitutes in Faulkner's fiction. |
1643 | Louis |
In The Sound and the Fury Mrs. Compson tells Quentin that "Louis has been giving [Caddy] lessons every morning" in driving a car (93). It is very unlikely that "Louis" here is the "Louis Hatcher" with whom Quentin goes hunting twenty years earlier, because that "Louis" is an old black man who carries but won't even use a hunting horn. Who Mrs. Compson's "Louis" is, however, or how he learned to drive an automobile in 1910 is never made any clearer. |
1396 | Louis Berry |
In "Red Leaves" Louis Berry is one of the Indians who leads the search for Issetibbeha's servant - a task which includes reminding Moketubbe, the new chief, about his traditional duty to make sure that the tribal custom of burying the chief's servant along with the chief is maintained. Louis is described as "squat," "burgher-like; paunchy" - and more metaphorically, as well as more exotically, as having a "certain blurred serenity like [a] carved head on a ruined wall in Siam or Sumatra" (313). |
410 | Louis Grenier |
Louis Grenier occupies a special place in the history of Yoknapatawpha as the "Old Frenchman" after whom Frenchman's Bend is named. He himself never directly appears in any of the nine texts that mention him, though he gets closest to the narrative in "A Name for the City" and Requiem for a Nun, which describe the county during the antebellum years Grenier was there. In half of the fictions he is referred to only as "the Old Frenchman," and it's likely that none of the inhabitants of the Bend would recognize his name if they heard it. |
1636 | Louis Hatcher |
In The Sound and the Fury Louis Hatcher is an elderly black man who goes possum hunting with Quentin and Versh on a windless October night. Thinking of him, Quentin notes that he "never even used his [hunting] horn carrying it" (114). He does use the lantern he carries, but the last time he cleaned it, he tells Quentin, was during the 1889 flood in Johnstown, Pennsylvania; he and his wife Martha were afraid the flood waters would reach Yoknapatawpha. It is possible but very unlikely that he is the "Louis" who teaches Caddy how to drive a car (93). |
1401 | Louis XV |
The French monarch Louis XV, mentioned in "Red Leaves," ruled from 1 September 1715 until he died in 1774. During his visit to France, Issetibbeha acquires some furniture and red slippers that allegedly belonged to the monarch. |
2305 | Louisa 2 |
In "That Will Be Fine," the narrator's cousin Louisa is the young daughter of Aunt Louisa and Uncle Fred. |
166 | Louisa Edmonds |
In Go Down, Moses Zack Edmonds' unnamed wife dies giving birth to their son Roth; that would be around 1898. In The Reivers "Cousin Louisa" is the woman at the McCaslin-Edmonds place who takes care of Lucius' siblings when his parents go to Bay St. Louis (48). Although that happens in 1905, Louisa is probably Zack's wife, though Faulkner may have instead decided to give Zack a sister named Louisa. |
18 | Louisa Hawk |
This sister of Rosa Millard appears or is mentioned in three of the Unvanquished stories. When she first appears, in "Raid," she is named "Louise"; her husband and son have both been killed in the Civil War, and the large Dennison plantation has been burned by the Yankees. Louise tries, ineffectually, to keep her daughter Drusilla from helping Rosa conduct her non-military raid on the Union troops in the area. |
33 | Louvinia |
Born into slavery, Louvinia appears in two novels and seven stories as the cook at the Sartoris plantation and, along with her husband Joby, the head of the enslaved family that serves the Sartorises over many generations. When we first meet her, in the story Will Falls tells in Flags in the Dust about the day the Yankees arrived at Sartoris hoping to capture Colonel John, Louvinia is "shellin' a bowl of peas fer supper" (20); she helps her master escape out the back door. |
3012 | Lucas Burch |
In Light in August, Lucas Burch is "tall, young. Dark complected" (55). One of the "sawdust Casanovas" among the Doane's Mill workers, Lucas Burch impregnates and deserts Lena Grove in Alabama (6). He finds his way to Jefferson, where, unimaginatively changing his name to "Joe Brown," he takes a menial job in the planing mill, but he quits to join Christmas as partner in a bootleg whiskey business. |
149 | Lucas Quintus Carothers McCaslin Beauchamp |
Lucas Beauchamp appears in seven fictions, all written after 1940. In Faulkner's last published novel, The Reivers, he is only mentioned, but the brief description of him there that one white character gives another sums him up well: "except for color," Lucas "looked (and behaved: just as arrogant, just as iron-headed, just as intolerant) exactly like" Lucius the first, the patriarch of the McCaslin family who is both Lucas' grandfather and his great-grandfather (223), and whom Lucas himself claims as his birthright. |
411 | Lucius Hogganbeck |
First introduced into the canon as Lucius (Luke) Provine in the short story "A Bear Hunt" (1934), where he is a major character, he recurs in the last two novels in the Snopes trilogy and The Reivers as Lucius Hogganbeck. As Provine, he is forty years old and almost toothless, a hanger-on at the hunting camp, a "tall, apparently strong and healthy man . . . who makes no effort whatever to support his wife and three children" (64), as well as violent, shiftless and boozy. |
80 | Lucius MacCallum |
Lucius McCallum is one of Buddy McCallum's twin sons in "The Tall Men, "two absolutely identical blue-eyed youths" (49), and is mentioned as one of the "the twin McCallum nephews" of Rafe in "Knight's Gambit" (210). In the first story he and his brother Lucius play have identical histories. They are "wild as spikehorn bucks" as children (55). Later, they go to the agricultural college to learn how to raise whiteface cattle. |
168 | Lucius Priest II |
Lucius Priest, protagonist and narrator of The Reivers, is both the 11-year-old boy who comes of age among the adventures and misadventures of a trip to Memphis and beyond in 1905, and the 67-year-old grandfather who is recounting that trip for his grandson in 1961. His lineage is white and aristocratic, but his two companions on the journey are poor white and black. |
173 | Lucius Priest II's Son |
The narrator of The Reivers, Lucius Priest, at one point mentions "your father" to his grandson, the person to whom he is telling the story (25). From that one reference we can't say definitively if this "father" is the narrator's son - or son-in-law. But if we assume that his grandson bears both Lucius' names (i.e. is a Priest), then it follows that he is a son. The reference to this "father" occurs in connection with the period of "the mid-thirties" in Jefferson (25). |
174 | Lucius Priest III |
Lucius Priest III is the grandson of Lucius Priest II, who is the grandson of the first Lucius Priest in Yoknapatawpha. Technically, it is Lucius III who narrates The Reivers, though he speaks only two words in his own first-person voice: the first two words of the text, "Grandfather said" (3). The rest of the novel is apparently being spoken to him by this grandfather, Lucius II, who addresses him as "you" in the story's intermittent asides. |
129 | Lucius Quintus Carothers McCaslin |
Lucius Quintus Carothers McCaslin - often referred to as "Old Carothers" - was one of Yoknapatawpha's earliest and wealthiest white settlers, the slave-owning patriarch of the racially diverse family that Faulkner puts at the center of two novels: Go Down, Moses and The Reivers. In two other texts - The Unvanquished and Intruder in the Dust he is a minor presence. |
155 | Lucius Quintus Priest I |
In The Reivers, his last Yoknapatawpha fiction, Faulkner invents yet another county patriarch along the lines he had laid down with the Sartoris family. Although "only fourteen" when the Civil War began, and so too young to fight or to be directly involved in slave-owning, like Colonel John Sartoris, Lucius Priest was originally from Carolina (278). |
22 | Lucy Cranston Sartoris |
In Flags in the Dust, Lucy nee Cranston is the wife of John Sartoris, II and mother of twins, Bayard and John. Little else is known about her, except that on her sons' seventh birthday she gave them both a copy of the New Testament with a written inscription. |
762 | Lucy Pate Houston|Letty Bookright Houston |
Like her husband, Mrs. Houston is mentioned in all three novels in the Snopes trilogy. Her story is essentially the same: within a year of their marriage, she is killed by his horse, a dangerous stallion. But her maiden name changes, from Lucy Pate (in The Hamlet) to Letty Bookright (in The Town), as does the brief biography provided in those first two volumes, and as do the details of her death. She comes into focus most vividly in The Hamlet. Her essential role in the trilogy is to be the reason why Houston is a widower. |
1334 | Ludus 1 |
In The Reivers, Ludus works as a driver for the livery stable, but is well known for his "tomcatting" - having affairs with local black women, single and married (13). When he "borry"s a team and wagon from the stable overnight to visit "a new girl" six miles out of town, he gets into trouble with Boon (10). |
858 | Ludus 2|Unnamed Husbands of Minnie |
Minnie's former husband in Sanctuary - the first text in which she appears - is described as a "cook in a restaurant" who "didn't approve of Minnie's business" as a maid in a brothel, so he took everything he could from her and "went off with a waitress in the restaurant" (209-10). Minnie sounds glad to be rid of him. The husband referred to in The Mansion is named Ludus - and while he too steals Minnie's money, he also beats her savagely (89); although he's currently in prison, it's not clear that Minnie is rid of him. |
1776 | Luke |
In Sanctuary Luke lives and makes moonshine whiskey half a mile outside of Oxford, up a steep slope alongside "the road to Taylor" (32). |
286 | Lump Snopes' Father |
According to The Hamlet, this member of the Snopes family was under indictment for stealing a "drummer's sample-case of shoes, all of the right foot" (218) when he married a schoolteacher and fathered one son with her before her untimely death. |
285 | Lump Snopes' Grandmother |
The Hamlet summarily describes Lump Snopes' grandmother as a "whining and sluttish" woman who keeps having children (218). |
287 | Lump Snopes' Mother |
Described in The Hamlet as a "thin, eager, plain woman who had never had quite enough to eat," Lump's mother grew up in a large family plagued by "a constant succession of not even successful petty-mercantile bankruptcies" (218). Despite her desire to better herself through education and teaching, she married a "man under indictment" and gave birth to a son that she named after the Arthurian knight Launcelot as an act of "quenchless defiance" against the grim circumstances of her life. She died soon after. |
66 | Luster |
Luster is Frony's son, and in The Sound and the Fury the teenager who takes care of Benjy Compson in 1928. While he clearly resents the demands of that job, and can be intentionally and inadvertently cruel to the helpless Benjy, he performs the task as well as he can. That much is clear. There are, however, several unanswerable questions associated with his character. The novel gives no indication who his father is, or what, if Frony is married, Luster's last name is. And Luster's next appearance, as the servant who accompanies Mr. |
3685 | Luster 2 |
The Luster in The Reivers works in the livery stable, though his specific job is not made clear. (There's no suggestion that this Luster is the same person who works for the Compsons in The Sound and the Fury and Absalom, Absalom!.) |
3411 | Luther Biglin |
Luther appears in two different roles in The Mansion. He is mentioned as the best bird shot in the county who "shot left-handed" (228). When he appears near the end, after having been "a professional dog-trainer and market-hunter and farmer," he is serving his uncle-in-law the Sheriff as the county's "jailor" - and as the self-appointed secret "bodyguard" for Flem Snopes (448). |
3657 | Lycurgus Briggins |
In The Reivers Lycurgus is "a pleasant-looking Negro youth of about nineteen" (162), and the grandson of Uncle Parsham Hood. Hood's daughter Mary is his mother; the narrative never mentions the man named Briggins who is his father. A very polite young man, he even refers to Ned as "Mr. McCaslin," confusing Lucius, who obviously assumes he must be speaking about a white man (222). |
1644 | Mac |
In The Sound and the Fury Mac is a baseball fan who is at the drugstore in Jefferson when Jason goes there to buy cigars. He has his money on the New York Yankees. |
683 | Mack Gillespie |
In As I Lay Dying "Mr. Gillespie's boy" Mack helps his father and the Bundrens move Addie's coffin into the barn, and then later works to help save the Gillespies' livestock from the fire in the barn (216). During the fireVardaman notes that his legs "fuzz" in the moonlight (216). |
3706 | Mack Winbush |
In The Reivers "Mack Winbush's" is where one can buy the moonshine whiskey that Cal Bookwright makes (12), but the text does not say if Winbush's is a farm or juke joint or something else. |
1398 | Madame de Pompadour |
The historical Madame de Pompadour who is mentioned in "Red Leaves" was the primary mistress of Louis XV, an 18th century King of France. Issetibbeha returns home from France with some furniture reputedly owned by Louis XV. |
220 | Maggie Dandridge Stevens |
The mother of Gavin and Maggie - Mrs. Lemuel Stevens, nee Maggie Dandridge - doesn't appear in person in the fictions, but various items associated with her do. In Intruder in the Dust the hat Eunice Habersham wears reminds her grandson Chick Mallison of her; it's a "round faintly dusty-looked black hat set squarely on the top of her head" (73); on both women, this looks "exactly right" (127). In "Knight's Gambit" Chick thinks of the books in his family's house as "the books . . . which his grandmother had chosen" (149). |
217 | Maggie Stevens Mallison |
Margaret (Maggie) Mallison is Judge Stevens' daughter, Gavin's twin sister, Charles Mallison's wife and Chick's mother. The role she plays in the six late fictions in which she appears or is mentioned is largely defined by her relationship to these male figures, especially to her son, toward whom she is unfailingly protective despite his own restiveness with her concerns. She is well-educated, within the limits defined by her gender and her caste: she attended the Jefferson Female Academy, where she met and became friends with the woman whom Gavin would eventually marry. |
192 | Maggie Varner |
Mrs. Will Varner, Maggie Varner in The Hamlet, figures in four of the fictions (compared to her husband's ten). She is mentioned in As I Lay Dying as the unnamed wife of "Uncle Billy," as Will is called there, specifically in connection with the birth of her first child, Jody. The next time she is appears, in The Hamlet, she is the mother of sixteen children, eleven of whom still live, though only two of them are important in the novel: Jody and his sister Eula. |
2367 | Major Beat Four Families |
Intruder in the Dust refers often to both the extended Gowrie clan and the larger white population of Beat Four as a specific sociological entity. The phrase "Gowries and Ingrums and Workitts" identifies the three largest familial groups in that area of Yoknapatawpha (28), though members of these families have intermarried repeatedly over the generations too. (Twice the novel adds "Frasers" to this list of names, 145, 146; another time it adds "McCallums," 33). |
2000 | Major C. Kaye |
Major Kaye is the commanding officer of the R.A.F. squadron in "All the Dead Pilots." His letter to Aunt Jenny about Sartoris' death reveals him to be a compassionate man but even more, a very military one. Calling Sartoris Jenny's son instead of her great-nephew, he writes that "The E.A. outnumbered your son and had more height and speed which is our misfortune but no fault of the Government which would give us better machines if they had them which is no satisfaction to you" (530). He takes it for granted that a woman in Mississippi would know what E.A. |
414 | Major de Spain |
Two characters referred to as "Major de Spain" appear in fifteen different fictions. Only one was a real Confederate "Major" during the Civil War; the other is his son, Manfred, who fought in the Spanish-American War as a Lieutenant but is called "Major" as a courtesy, and as a sign of the family's high status in Yoknapatawpha. They never appear together, but in four texts - "Shall Not Perish," The Town, The Mansion and The Reivers - both are referred to, and in those cases, it is easy to tell which "De Spain" Faulkner has in mind. |
2366 | Major Frenchman's Bend Families |
In the last decades of his career Faulkner several times creates lists of the major family names in various parts of Yoknapatawpha. In Intruder in the Dust he identifies five family names with Frenchman's Bend and its environs: Littlejohn and Greenleaf and Armstead and Millingham and Bookwright (146). |
2052 | Major Hoxey |
In "Centaur in Brass" the mayor of Jefferson who is reportedly having an affair with Mrs. Flem Snopes is named Hoxey; according to town gossip, this affair account's for "her husband's rise in Hoxey's administration" (151). Hoxey is described the town's "lone rich middle-aged bachelor" and "a graduate of Yale" (151). His relationship with Mrs. Snopes clearly prefigures Eula Snopes' and Mayor Manfred de Spain's affair in the last two volumes of the Snopes trilogy. |
2365 | Major Yoknapatawpha Families |
In the last decades of his career Faulkner several times includes lists of what, in "Appendix Compson," he identifies as "the oldest names in the county" (330) - or, as it puts it more grandiloquently in The Town, the "cognomens long and splendid in the annals of Yoknapatawpha County" (284). Here they are, organized chronologically by publication dates: |
573 | Malbrouck |
The "Malbrouck" who is mentioned in "Barn Burning" is a real historical figure named John Churchill; "Malbrouck" is a corruption of Churchill's title as First Duke of Malborough. Between the 1670s and his death in 1722, Churchill rose from the rank of page to become one of the most influential generals and statesmen in English history. While serving five English monarchs, he never neglected his own ambitions for power and wealth. |
3438 | Malraux |
The "Malraux" whom Linda tells about in The Mansion when she returns to Jefferson from fighting in the Spanish Civil War is Andre Malraux, the French novelist and socialist who fought for the Loyalists during the Spanish Civil War (241). Since he helped organize their small air force, Linda and Barton Kohl could have known him well. |
3021 | Mame Confrey |
In Light in August Mame is a big, brass-haired woman. During the day she sits "like a carved lioness guarding a portal, presenting respectability like a shield," behind a cigar case near the front of the dingy restaurant where Christmas meets Bobbie (175). At night she is the madam of the small town brothel which she runs with her husband. |
1492 | Mandy 1 |
Mandy is the only woman who lives at the MacCallum place in Flags in the Dust. She cooks for the white family, although the narrator describes Henry MacCallum as "a better cook now than Mandy" (335). Her size and shape are indicated by the narrator's description of the way her "homely calico expanse" fills the doorway between the house and the kitchen (336). |
2313 | Mandy 2 |
Mandy cooks for Grandpa in "That Will Be Fine," but she seems to have disappeared the day before Christmas, missing her duties as cook and leaving her cabin mysteriously "locked on the inside" (274). |
413 | Manfred de Spain |
Two characters referred to as "Major de Spain" appear in fifteen different fictions. Only one was a real Confederate "Major" during the Civil War; the other is his son, Manfred, who fought in the Spanish-American War as a Lieutenant but is called "Major" as a courtesy, and as a sign of the family's high status in Yoknapatawpha. They never appear together, but in four texts - "Shall Not Perish," The Town, The Mansion and The Reivers - both are referred to, and in those cases, it is easy to tell which "De Spain" Faulkner has in mind. |
415 | Mannie |
In "Pantaloon in Black" and again in Go Down, Moses, Mannie has been married to Rider for half a year when her sudden death (of unspecified causes) becomes the traumatic loss, the powerful absence, that generates the story. She is described as having a "narrow back" and "narrow" hand (241, 133). Rider indicates that she is far slighter than her powerfully built husband, but her spirit is strong: "You’s de onliest least thing whut ever kep up wid me one day, leff alone for weeks" (241, 133). |
2289 | Mannie Hait |
Mannie Hait first appears in "Mule in the Yard," and then returns in her role as widow and adversary of mules and I.O. Snopes when Faulkner re-tells the story in The Town. In both texts she staunchly defends her house against both adversaries, but is defeated by her own carelessness. In the end, however, despite the loss of her house, she manages to get even with one mule and one Snopes. |
819 | Marsh |
Maw Grier's brother Marsh fought and was wounded in World War I. For Mrs. Grier in "Two Soldiers," her brother's decision to enlist in 1917 gives her a way to appreciate why in 1941 her oldest son Pete has "got to go" to the another war. For Mr. Grier, however, Marsh's "actual wound on the battlefields of France" means the family has already contributed "enough" to U.S. war efforts (85). Mrs. Grier mentions her brother again in "Shall Not Perish." |
416 | Martha Habersham |
The Habersham family figures in Faulkner's fiction as one of the founders of Yoknapatawpha. Martha Habersham figures in "Skirmish at Sartoris" and again in The Unvanquished as the most determined among the Jefferson ladies who pressure Drusilla to behave like a woman. Convinced that Drusilla and John Sartoris' relationship is sexual, Mrs. Habersham takes the lead in planning the wedding between them. Her relationship to the other Habershams in the fictions is not explained. |
1637 | Martha Hatcher |
Martha is the wife of Louis Hatcher in The Sound and the Fury. He tells Quentin that his wife was afraid the Johnstown flood in Pennsylvania could reach Mississippi. |
3426 | Marvin Hait |
In The Mansion Marvin Hait is "our local horse-and-mule trader" (202). He may be the same character as Hait, the mule trader who appears in "Mule in the Yard," and Lonzo Hait, as he is named in The Town, but the 'corrected text' of The Mansion says nothing to make that more or less likely. (On the other hand, in their one volume edition of the Snopes trilogy the editors at Random House changed Hait's first name in The Mansion from Marvin to Lonzo.) |
417 | Mary |
The biblical mother of Jesus is mentioned in two fictions. In The Sound and the Fury Rev. Shegog mentions Mary in his Easter sermon, emphasizing her sufferings as a mother, "de pangs" of childbirth, her "weeping en lamentation" as she fears for the life of her newborn child and her grief at the scene of the crucifixion (296). |
3658 | Mary Hood Briggins |
"Uncle" Parsham Hood's daughter and Lycurgus' mother is explicitly named "Briggins" - though her husband is not mentioned in The Reivers. |
418 | Mason's Ruffians |
Led by Samuel Ross Mason, a militia captain during the Revolutionary War, "Mason's ruffians" were a gang of river pirates and highwaymen who operated in the Mississippi Valley frontier in the late 18th century. Both the first-person narrator of "A Name for the City" and the omniscient third-person narrator of Requiem for a Nun reject the idea that the unnamed bandits who were briefly held in the settlement jail were part of this gang, because - as Requiem puts it - "even the last of Mason's ruffians were dead or scattered by this time" (5). |
419 | Matt Bowden |
Matt Bowden is described in both "Vendee" and The Unvanquished in the same words. A criminal accomplice of Grumby whose name is not mentioned until after he himself has departed for Texas, Bowden is described with unusual detail. His clothes - "neat little fine made boots," "linen shirt," and "coat that had been good once, too" (103, 166) - and even his "small" hands and feet (104, 168) suggest an upper class background. When he first appears he is posing as a planter from Tennessee chasing Grumby himself. |
1978 | Matt Fox |
The narrator of "Hair" says Matt Fox, a barber at Maxey's barber shop, "knew more about Hawkshaw than Maxey" (133), which surprises the narrator because Matt does not talk much. Matt is also married and described as a "fat, flabby fellow, with a pasty face and eyes that looked tired or sad something" (133). He is "funny" and "almost as good a barber as Hawkshaw" (133). |
3260 | Matt Levitt |
Matt Levitt won the Golden Gloves boxing competition "up in Ohio or somewhere last year," according to Charles Mallison in The Town (192). Gavin says, "He graduated from that new Ford mechanic's school and the company sent him here to be a mechanic in the agency garage" (192). Levitt owns a yellow cut-down racer, and Linda rides in it with him. He and Gavin, for a time, are rivals for Linda's attention. After Matt bloodies Gavin's face and has a violent altercation with Anse McCallum, the sheriff runs him out of Jefferson. |
2515 | Matthew |
One of the four men - the others are Ike, Pose, and Jim Blake - who load Lonnie Grinnup’s body onto a wagon for transfer to Tyler Ballenbaugh’s truck in "Hand upon the Waters." |
3264 | Maurice Priest |
In The Town Sally Priest's husband, Maurice, fights with Grenier Weddel and blacks one of his eyes for sending his wife "not just what Father called a standard panic-size corsage, but a triple one" (81). Then, at home, Maurice Priest blackens his wife's eye. (The Maury Priest who appears in The Reivers is apparently a different character.) |
264 | Maury Bascomb |
In The Sound and the Fury Maury Bascomb is the brother of Caroline Bascomb Compson. For much of the Compson children's early life he lives in their home and regularly partakes of their father's whiskey; by 1928 he has moved away, but continues regularly to ask his sister for money. Benjy was originally named "Maury" in his honor. He also has an affair with the Compsons' next door neighbor, Mrs. Patterson. When the affair is revealed, Mr. Patterson beats Uncle Maury - or as Benjy puts it, "His eye was sick, and his mouth" (43). |
162 | Maury Priest I |
Like William Faulkner's father Murry in real life, Lucius' father Maury Priest owns a livery stable. In the first chapter of The Reivers, Maury displays considerable force of character when he handles the trouble caused by Boon's rash anger. And the "gentlemanly" way he treats even his black employees is worth noting (8). But after that he becomes almost invisible, even before departing with the rest of the adults in the family for Bay St. Louis. |
170 | Maury Priest II |
The middle child among Lucius Priest's three younger brothers in The Reivers. Since he still takes a nap after "dinner" (as Lucius calls the midday meal) he's probably less than six years old (56). |
3022 | Max Confrey |
In Light in August Max maintains discipline in the small restaurant he runs and acts as pimp in the brothel he manages. |
268 | Max Harriss |
In "Knight's Gambit," the one text in which he has a significant presence, Max Harriss is the twenty-one-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Harriss (nee Melisandre Backus). Gavin Stevens calls Max "the rich young earl" (192). As a son he takes after his gangster father; in a sense, the eyes have it: despite his "delicate face," there is "nothing delicate about the eyes" (143). Max is the older of "two spoiled children [born] a year apart" (148). |
433 | Maxey |
Maxey owns the town barber shop in both "Hair" (1931) and Light in August (1932). He is a minor character in both texts, but plays a more central role in "Hair," where the narrator relies on Maxey for information about the story's major characters. (The Jefferson barber shop is a location in eight fictions. It's possible that Faulkner imagined Maxey as its owner in one or more other stories.) |
1285 | Mayfield|Maydew |
In "Pantaloon in Black" the country sheriff who arrests Rider is named Mayfield; in Go Down, Moses, his name is changed to Maydew; when Rider's story is retold by Temple in Requiem for a Nun the sheriff is not named. In the first two texts, only his name is changed. In both he tells Rider that "You'll have plenty of fresh air when [the Birdsongs] get ahold of you" (254, 150). |
420 | McAndrews |
In "Pantaloon in Black" and again in Go Down, Moses, McAndrews is the first identified white character to appear. He is "the white foreman" at the sawmill where Rider works (244). Only in the deputy sheriff’s retelling of events is McAndrews referred to by name. |
1329 | McCarron, Father of Hoke |
Hoake McCarron's father makes a dashing figure in The Hamlet: a "handsome, ready-tongued, assured and pleasant man who had come into the country without specific antecedents and no definite past" (148). He makes a living gambling "in the back rooms of country stores or the tack rooms of stables" (149) until he elopes with Alison Hoake, returning ten days later to become a good husband and father. He is killed, however, in a gambling house and was allegedly shot by a woman. |
2698 | McKellogg Boy |
The McKelloggs in "Two Soldiers" have sent their young son to "a school in the East," according to Mrs. McKellogg (98). The age affinity of the two boys may explain Mrs. McKellogg's interest in the Grier boy. |
3030 | McKinley Grove |
In Light in August McKinley Grove brings his twelve-year-old sister Lena to live with his family in Doane's Mill, Alabama, after the death of their parents. He is "just forty" years old and "twenty years her senior" (5), which gives him a birth date in 1892. "He was a hard man": when his wife tells him that Lena is pregnant, he "calls her whore," (6), after which Lena leaves Doane's Mill in search of her baby's father. |
3453 | McKinley Smith |
During World War II a Marine Corporal, and afterwards the husband of Essie Meadowfill. His character in The Mansion is honest and hard-working. He and his wife are one of the most promising married couples in the fictions. |
3688 | McWillie |
The young black who rides Acheron against Lucius and Lightning in The Reivers is named McWillie. According to Lucius, "for size and age and color [he] might have been Lycurgus' twin" (220). |
226 | Melisandre Backus Stevens |
Although through most of the 1930s and 1940s Gavin Stevens looks like a confirmed bachelor, in four late fictions Faulkner decided to add love and marriage to his biography. The woman he marries was born Melisandre Backus, the descendant of the Melisandre who married a Backus in the middle of the Civil War ("My Grandmother Millard") and more immediately the only child of a Yoknapatawpha plantation owner. By the time she marries Gavin, she is the widow of a New Orleans gangster and the mother of two children. |
2974 | Melissa Hogganbeck |
Melissa Hogganbeck is a history teacher at the Jefferson Academy that Charles Mallison attends in "Knight's Gambit." Her "tireless cultured educated 'lady's' voice" makes it hard for him to endure the class which she "now called World Affairs with capitals on both” (209). She also teaches American History before 1865 at "the Academy" to Linda Snopes in The Town (301). If either she or her grandfather, who is also mentioned in the novel, are related to Boon Hogganbeck, who appears in seven Yoknapatawpha fictions, the texts give no hint of it. |
2836 | Melissa Meek |
In "Appendix Compson," Melissa Meek is the "county librarian, a mouse-sized and -colored woman who had never married," and also a former classmate of Caddy Compson who sees a photo of her in occupied France (333). Attempting to "save" Caddy enables Meek to transcend the characterization of her name, her profession, and her lifelong habits (335). Sporting "two feverish spots of determination in her ordinarily colorless cheeks" (333), she enters the feedstore where Jason IV works and where "only men ever entered," and she speaks to him, despite having refused to do so for many years. |
1485 | Meloney Harris |
First described by the narrator of Flags in the Dust as a "young light negress" (27), Meloney is later referred to by Jenny Du Pre as a "mulatto girl" (394). She is Belle Mitchell's servant when the novel begins, but soon goes into business for herself as a beautician with the money that Simon embezzles from the Second Baptist Church. At the end of the novel Simon is found murdered in her cabin. |
3042 | Metcalf |
In Light in August Metcalf guards Joe at the jail in Mottstown. |
1645 | Mike |
Mike is presumably the owner of the Boston gym where Gerald Bland has been learning to box. In The Sound and the Fury Shreve tells Spoade that Bland has "been going to Mike's every day, over in town" (166). |
3126 | Mike Fink |
Mike Fink was both a real person and, as the narrator of Requiem for a Nun puts it, "a legend" (83), a figure around whom grew up a rich set of tall tales about the American West in the early republic, when "the West" was still east of the Mississippi. He was known as 'the King of the Keelboaters' - the frontiersmen who used their muscles to propel flat-bottom freight boats on the Mississippi River and its tributaries in the years before steamboats arrived. |
17 | Millard |
First mentioned but not named by Will Falls in Flags in the Dust when he mentions that Bayard's two sisters went to stay with his "gran'pappy" in Memphis during the Civil War (20), he comes into a little more focus in "My Grandmother Millard" when Bayard notes that his grandmother's dead husband owned a "supply house" in Memphis (688). One of his customers was Nathan Bedford Forrest, who (although the story never mentions it) was a well-known Memphis planter and slave-dealer at that time. |
3018 | Milly Hines |
In Light in August the mother whom Joe Christmas never knew was a young woman in Arkansas when she had a very brief relationship with "a fellow with the circus" that passed through her neighborhood (374). Nine months after that man is killed by her father, Milly dies giving birth to their child. |
107 | Milly Jones |
Milly Jones appears in both "Wash" and Absalom! as the poor white and illegitimate grandaughter of Wash, who is described in the novel's "Genealogy" as a "hanger-on of Sutpen" (308). She is "eight-years-old" when first mentioned in the short story, and an "infant" when first mentioned in the novel (536, 99). In both texts she is "a fifteen-year-old gal," as Wash puts it in the story, when Sutpen begins a kind of courtship of her, and "already mature [i.e. sexually], after the early way of her kind" (541). |
108 | Milly Jones' Daughter |
In both "Wash" and again in Absalom!, this girl was born on an unspecified Sunday in 1869, denied by her father and murdered by her great-grandfather on the same day. |
1646 | Mink |
In The Sound and the Fury Mink works at the livery stable in Jefferson. Based on characters with similar jobs in the other fictions, he is most likely black, but that is not specified. He drives the hack, the rented carriage, that the Compsons rent for Mr. Compson's funeral, and then, in exchange for a couple of cigars, drives it again so that Jason can show Caddy's child to her. |
188 | Mink Snopes |
One of Flem's closest relations - on the tangled Snopes family tree they share a common grandmother - Mink is described in The Mansion as a "small frail creature, not much larger than a fifteen-year-old boy" (55). Inside that body, however, he carries around enough rage to claim two men's lives. He first appears in The Hamlet when Faulkner decides to adapt his earlier short story "The Hound" into the saga of the Snopeses. |