
Term ID Vocabulary Parent Term Description
505 Actions Emotional Fear
1236 Actions Domestic Feeding
3078 Actions Bodily Feeling pain
4996 Actions Interaction, Social Female gathering
2542 Actions Movement Ferry
1913 Actions Movement Fetching
550 Actions Violent Fighting
2127 Actions Physical Finding

For when the text refers to the explicit act of someone or something being found; may include things found that were not actually being searched for. (Cf. Luster's search for a quarter, and the other things he finds.) -JBP

1850 Actions Work Fireman
4723 Actions Play Fireworks
2913 Actions Hunting Fishing
3907 Actions Mental Flashback
5080 Actions Movement Flat tire
3676 Actions Verbal Flattery
2535 Actions Bodily Flatulence
553 Actions Movement Flight
4617 Actions Verbal Flirting
841 Actions Movement Following
2132 Actions Domestic Food preparation
1382 Actions Work For room and board
5155 Actions Mental Forgetting
2650 Actions Moral Forgiveness
1481 Actions Hunting Fox hunting
4485 Actions Moral Fraud
2162 Actions Physical Freeing
1682 Actions Interaction, Social Frontier life
2231 Actions Economic Frugality
1815 Actions Emotional Frustration
1182 Actions Emotional Fury
1339 Actions Bodily Gaining weight
937 Actions Play Gambling
900 Actions Work Gardening
2789 Actions Physical Gardening
3383 Actions Verbal Garrulousness

Created for Gavin Stevens--LW

2286 Actions Interaction, Social Gentleman's agreement

Set of non-legally binding norms and values between two men. Distinct from Noblesse Oblige this is not class based, but gender based. Faulkner also uses this ironically at times. JB

4061 Actions Economic Getting a receipt
4220 Actions Movement Getting closer

When someone's thoughts during a journey are focused on the place they're heading for, either with excitement or dread or something in between. SR

1648 Actions Work Getting water
2759 Actions Physical Getting water
1109 Actions Economic Gifting
5234 Actions Agricultural Ginning cotton
4728 Actions Verbal Giving advice
3443 Actions Work Glassblowing
1552 Actions Bodily Going to bed
4013 Actions Hunting Goose hunting
502 Actions Interaction, Social Gossip
671 Actions Verbal Gossip
2823 Actions Communication Gossip

The original definition here was "informal oral networks", which was too technical, but perhaps more accurate. In essence, gossip here is a means for the whole community to become aware of news. JB

1848 Actions Work Government
3175 Actions Communication Graffiti
3400 Actions Emotional Gratitude
1753 Actions Moral Grave-digging or -violating

This is any time when someone is either digging a grave, or trying to disinter a body in a grave. I'm thinking of Mink moving Houston's body in The Hamlet and the Hound, but also Monk trying to dig up his grandmother in Monk.

2033 Actions Interaction, Social Greeting
508 Actions Emotional Grief
956 Actions Bodily Grinning
2500 Actions Bodily Groaning
2053 Actions Hunting Guiding
2990 Actions Emotional Guilt
2672 Actions Verbal Haggling
3047 Actions Mental Hallucinating
1816 Actions Physical Hammering
4039 Actions Legal Handcuffing
835 Actions Physical Hanging
5541 Actions Emotional Happy
2184 Actions Emotional Hate
5572 Actions Agricultural Hay-making
2149 Actions Bodily Healing
3334 Actions Legal Hearing
4200 Actions Perceptual Hearing
4155 Actions Bodily Heart beating
3672 Actions Emotional Hero worship
4182 Actions Bodily Hiccups
839 Actions Physical Hiding
1114 Actions Bodily Hiding
1915 Actions Movement Hiding
3760 Actions Economic Hiring / employing / offering a job
1858 Actions Play Historical recreation
5361 Actions Movement Hitch-hiking
659 Actions Violent Hitting
1250 Actions Physical Hitting
5532 Actions Agricultural Hog farming
2753 Actions Physical Holding
2776 Actions Emotional Homesickness|Longing for home
4231 Actions Violent Homicide
1619 Actions Verbal Honor
1105 Actions Emotional Hope
3854 Actions Emotional Horror
1110 Actions Movement Horse
2120 Actions Economic Horse trading
3831 Actions Work Horse training
2688 Actions Interaction, Social Hosting
2723 Actions Movement Hot-air balloon
5284 Actions Work Hotel employee
4138 Actions Hunting Hounds
5424 Actions Work House painter
1951 Actions Domestic Housekeeping
4404 Actions Verbal Howling
4156 Actions Emotional Humiliation
1743 Actions Bodily Hungering
345 Actions (First level term) Hunting
