
Displaying 901 - 1000 of 5013

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CharKey Text Name Occupationsort ascending Rank
Unnamed Circumnavigators "A Name for the City" Unnamed Circumnavigators Other Peripheral view
John Keats "The Bear" Keats, John Other Peripheral view
John Gilbert Sanctuary Gilbert, John Other Peripheral view
Unnamed Negro Man 4 The Reivers Unnamed Negro Man Other Minor view
Joseph Conrad "Knight's Gambit" Conrad, Joseph Other Peripheral view
Babe Ruth The Sound and the Fury Ruth, Babe Other Peripheral view
John L. Sullivan "Lion" Sullivan, John L. Other Peripheral view
Wilde Absalom, Absalom! Wilde, Oscar Other Peripheral view
Unnamed Real Estate Speculators Go Down, Moses Unnamed Real Estate Speculators Other Peripheral view
Unnamed Photographer Intruder in the Dust Unnamed Photographer Other Minor view
Jake Kilrain "Lion" Kilrain, Jake Other Peripheral view
W.C. Handy The Town Handy, W.C. Other Minor view
Aubrey Beardsley Absalom, Absalom! Beardsley, Aubrey Other Peripheral view
Unnamed Carnival Balloonist Flags in the Dust Unnamed Carnival Balloonist Other Minor view
Ab Snopes "The Unvanquished" Snopes, Ab Other Major view
Unnamed Authors of the Bible Go Down, Moses Unnamed Authors of the Bible Other Peripheral view
Unnamed Descendants of the Frenchman's Slaves The Hamlet Unnamed Descendants of the Frenchman's Slaves Other Peripheral view
Unnamed Guests at Wedding Reception The Mansion Unnamed Guests at Wedding Reception Other Minor view
Homer "A Name for the City" Homer Other Peripheral view
Boon Hogganbeck The Town Hogganbeck, Boon Other Minor view
Unnamed Politicians and Orators Go Down, Moses Unnamed Politicians and Orators Other Peripheral view
Jobaker|Joe Baker "The Old People" Baker, Joe Other Minor view
Unnamed Band Members 3 The Unvanquished Unnamed Musicians Other Minor view
Manfred de Spain "The Bear" De Spain, Major Management Secondary view
Hoake|Hoke McCarron The Mansion McCarron, Hoke Management Secondary view
Colonel Linscomb The Reivers Linscomb, Colonel Management Secondary view
Will Varner "Lizards in Jamshyd’s Courtyard" Varner, Will Management Minor view
Will Varner The Hamlet Varner, Will Management Major view
Jason Lycurgus Compson II Absalom, Absalom! Compson, General Management Secondary view
Carothers Roth Edmonds "Pantaloon in Black" Edmonds, Carothers Management Peripheral view
John Sartoris I The Unvanquished Sartoris, John Management Major view
Manfred de Spain "The Old People" De Spain, Major Management Secondary view
Redlaw|Redmond Flags in the Dust Redlaw Management Minor view
Bayard Sartoris II Flags in the Dust Sartoris, (Old) Bayard Management Major view
Unnamed Board of Directors of Sartoris Bank The Town Unnamed Board of Directors of Sartoris Bank Management Minor view
Flem Snopes "By the People" Snopes Management Minor view
Zachary Edmonds Intruder in the Dust Edmonds, Father of Carothers Management Peripheral view
Pruitt 1 "That Will Be Fine" Pruitt, Mr. Management Minor view
Pettibone Absalom, Absalom! Pettibone Management Peripheral view
Jason Lycurgus Compson II "The Bear" Compson, General Management Secondary view
John Sartoris I "Barn Burning" Sartoris, Colonel John Management Peripheral view
Will Varner The Mansion Varner, Will Management Secondary view
Will Varner "By the People" Varner, Uncle Billy Management Secondary view
Unnamed Southern "Aristocrats" Requiem for a Nun Unnamed Southern "Aristocrats" Management Minor view
Unnamed Bank President 2 Go Down, Moses Unnamed Bank President Management Minor view
Carothers Roth Edmonds The Reivers Edmonds, Carothers Management Minor view
Unnamed Northern Businessmen 2 Go Down, Moses Unnamed Northern Businessmen Management Minor view
Theophilus McCaslin 1 "The Unvanquished" McCaslin, Uncle Buck Management Peripheral view
Louis Grenier "Hand Upon the Waters" Grenier Pioneer Management Minor view
Bayard Sartoris II The Reivers Sartoris, Colonel Management Minor view
Bayard Sartoris II "A Rose for Emily" Sartoris, Colonel Management Minor view
Carothers Roth Edmonds "Gold Is Not Always" Edmonds, Roth Management Major view
Louis Grenier "A Name for the City" Grenier, Louis Management Minor view
Theophilus McCaslin 1 Go Down, Moses McCaslin, Buck Management Secondary view
John Sartoris I The Reivers Sartoris, John Management Peripheral view
Unnamed Father-in-Law of Mink Snopes The Hamlet Unnamed Father-in-Law of Mink Snopes Management Minor view
Carothers Roth Edmonds Go Down, Moses Edmonds, Roth Management Major view
Will Varner The Town Varner, Will Management Minor view
Anselm Holland I "Smoke" Holland, Sr., Anselm Management Major view
John Sartoris I Flags in the Dust Sartoris, Colonel John Management Major view
Theophilus McCaslin 1 The Unvanquished McCaslin, Uncle Buck Management Secondary view
Manfred de Spain "Shall Not Perish" De Spain(2), Major Management Major view
Unnamed Mayor 1 "A Rose for Emily" Unnamed Mayor Management Minor view
Zachary Edmonds "Gold Is Not Always" Edmonds, Father of Roth Management Peripheral view
Amodeus (Buddy) McCaslin Go Down, Moses McCaslin, Buddy Management Secondary view
Mr. Backus The Town Backus, Mr. Management Minor view
Jody Varner The Town Varner, Jody Management Minor view
Unnamed Planters "Delta Autumn" Unnamed Planters Management Minor view
Dennison Hawk I The Unvanquished Hawk, Dennison Management Peripheral view
Unnamed Father of Boy Hunter "The Old People" Unnamed Father of Boy Hunter Management Major view
Louis Grenier Intruder in the Dust Grenier, Louis Management Peripheral view
Unnamed Bank Vice-President The Mansion Unnamed Bank Vice-President Management Minor view
Thomas Sutpen Absalom, Absalom! Sutpen, Thomas Management Major view
Henry Ford The Reivers Ford, Henry Management Peripheral view
Bayard Sartoris III Flags in the Dust Sartoris, (Young) Bayard Management Major view
George Washington The Sound and the Fury Washington, George Management Peripheral view
Carothers Roth Edmonds "Go Down, Moses" Edmonds, Carothers Management Peripheral view
Jason Compson I Requiem for a Nun Compson, Jason Management Secondary view
Abraham Lincoln Absalom, Absalom! Lincoln, Abraham Management Peripheral view
Lucius Quintus Priest I The Reivers Priest, Grandfather Lucius Management Major view
Alexander Holston Intruder in the Dust Holston Management Peripheral view
Unnamed Tidewater Planter Absalom, Absalom! Unnamed Tidewater Planter Management Minor view
Unnamed Grandfather of Boy Hunter "The Bear" Unnamed Grandfather of Boy Hunter Management Peripheral view
Carothers Roth Edmonds "Race at Morning" Edmonds, Roth Management Minor view
Mr. Holland 2 The Mansion Holland, Mr. Management Minor view
Hubert Beauchamp Go Down, Moses Beauchamp, Hubert Management Secondary view
Louis Grenier The Reivers Grenier, Louis Management Minor view
Unnamed Great-Grandfather of Boy Hunter "The Old People" Unnamed Great-Grandfather of Boy Hunter Management Minor view
Thomas Sutpen Requiem for a Nun Sutpen Management Minor view
Theophilus McCaslin 1 "Vendee" McCaslin, "Uncle" Buck Management Major view
Bayard Sartoris II Requiem for a Nun Sartoris, Bayard Management Minor view
Anse Holland "Fool About a Horse" Holland, Anse Management Minor view
Zachary Edmonds Go Down, Moses Edmonds, Zack Management Secondary view
Unspecified Compson Ancestors The Sound and the Fury Compsons, Unspecified Family Ancestors Management Peripheral view
Earliest American Sartoris Flags in the Dust Sartoris, Earliest American Management Peripheral view
Unnamed Haitian Planter Absalom, Absalom! Unnamed Haitian Sugar Planter Management Minor view
Unnamed Landholders "Knight's Gambit" Unnamed Landholders Management Minor view
Thomas Sutpen The Reivers Sutpen, Thomas Management Minor view
Theophilus McCaslin 1 "Raid" McCaslin, Uncle Buck Management Minor view
Jason Lycurgus Compson II Go Down, Moses Compson, General Management Minor view


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