
Displaying 1701 - 1800 of 5013

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CharKey Text Name Occupationsort ascending Rank
Unnamed American Military Policeman "Ad Astra" Unnamed American Military Policeman Armed Forces Minor view
General James Wilkinson "Red Leaves" Wilkinson, General James Armed Forces Minor view
Jason Lycurgus Compson II Requiem for a Nun Compson, General Armed Forces Minor view
General Garnett Intruder in the Dust Garnett, General Richard Armed Forces Peripheral view
Unnamed Union Soldiers 12 The Hamlet Unnamed Union Soldiers Armed Forces Peripheral view
Unnamed Union Cavalry 3 The Unvanquished Unnamed Union Cavalry(3) Armed Forces Minor view
General Grant The Hamlet Grant, Ulysses S. Armed Forces Peripheral view
Buck Monaghan Flags in the Dust Monaghan Armed Forces Minor view
Nathan Bedford Forrest The Reivers Forrest, Nathan Bedford Armed Forces Peripheral view
General Stonewall Jackson "Tomorrow" Jackson, Stonewall Armed Forces Peripheral view
McKinley Smith The Mansion Smith, McKinley Armed Forces Minor view
General Van Dorn The Unvanquished Van Dorn, General Earl Armed Forces Peripheral view
Unnamed Spanish-American War Soldiers Requiem for a Nun Unnamed Spanish-American War Soldiers Armed Forces Minor view
Unnamed Confederate Soldiers 1 The Unvanquished Unnamed Confederate Soldiers Armed Forces Minor view
Unnamed Members of the Sartoris Rifles The Mansion Unnamed Members of the Sartoris Rifles Armed Forces Minor view
Unnamed White Soldier The Mansion Unnamed White Soldier Armed Forces Peripheral view
Unnamed Union Lieutenant 1 "Raid" Unnamed Union Lieutenant(1) Armed Forces Minor view
Unnamed Confederate Soldiers 5 "My Grandmother Millard and General Bedford Forrest and the Battle of Harrykin Creek" Unnamed Confederate Soldiers(3) Armed Forces Minor view
Unnamed Union Lieutenant 2 The Unvanquished Unnamed Union Lieutenant(2) Armed Forces Minor view
Unnamed Anzac Major "All the Dead Pilots" Unnamed Anzac Major Armed Forces Minor view
Unnamed Confederate Pickets Light in August Unnamed Confederate Pickets Armed Forces Peripheral view
Commissioner Patton Requiem for a Nun Patton, Commissioner Armed Forces Minor view
Unnamed American Serviceman "Knight's Gambit" Unnamed American Serviceman Armed Forces Minor view
General Joseph Johnston The Reivers Johnston, General Joe Armed Forces Peripheral view
Nathan Bedford Forrest "The Unvanquished" Forrest, General Nathan Bedford Armed Forces Peripheral view
Unnamed Federal Army Provost-Marshal 2 Requiem for a Nun Unnamed Federal Army Provost-Marshal Armed Forces Peripheral view
Unnamed Union Officer 3 The Unvanquished Unnamed Union Officer(1) Armed Forces Minor view
Unnamed Watchman The Unvanquished Unnamed Watchman Armed Forces Peripheral view
Unnamed Squad of Soldiers The Sound and the Fury Unnamed Squad of Soldiers Armed Forces Minor view
Jason Lycurgus Compson II The Mansion Compson, General Armed Forces Peripheral view
Nathan Bedford Forrest "Shall Not Perish" Forrest, Bedford Armed Forces Peripheral view
Unnamed Confederate Orderly 2 Absalom, Absalom! Unnamed Confederate Orderly(2) Armed Forces Minor view
General Kemper Intruder in the Dust Kemper, General James Armed Forces Peripheral view
Unnamed Army Nurse 1 The Mansion Unnamed Army Nurse(1) Armed Forces Minor view
Gavin Breckbridge "Raid" Breckbridge, Gavin Armed Forces Peripheral view
Jason Lycurgus Compson II "My Grandmother Millard and General Bedford Forrest and the Battle of Harrykin Creek" Compson, General Armed Forces Peripheral view
Unnamed Returning Confederates Requiem for a Nun Unnamed Returning Confederates Armed Forces Minor view
Unnamed Union Major 2 The Unvanquished Unnamed Union Major Armed Forces Minor view
Unnamed Aviator 1 Flags in the Dust Unnamed Aviator Armed Forces Minor view
Forrest, Brother of Nathan Bedford The Reivers Forrest, Brother of Nathan Bedford Armed Forces Minor view
General Longstreet "Tomorrow" Longstreet, James Armed Forces Peripheral view
Unnamed American World War I Soldiers "Knight's Gambit" Unnamed American World War I Soldiers Armed Forces Peripheral view
General Joseph Johnston Absalom, Absalom! Johnston, General Joseph Armed Forces Peripheral view
Unnamed Federal Army Provost Marshal 1 Go Down, Moses Unnamed Federal Army Provost Marshal Armed Forces Minor view
John Sartoris I The Town Sartoris, Old Colonel Armed Forces Minor view
Unnamed Union Quartermaster "The Unvanquished" Unnamed Union Quartermaster Armed Forces Peripheral view
Unnamed Spanish Loyalists The Mansion Unnamed Spanish Loyalists Armed Forces Minor view
General John Pemberton The Unvanquished Pemberton, General John Armed Forces Peripheral view
Unnamed Veterans of World War II The Mansion Unnamed Veterans of World War II Armed Forces Minor view
De Spain, Son of Manfred de Spain "Shall Not Perish" De Spain, Son of Major de Spain Armed Forces Minor view
Unnamed Union Cavalry 5 "Raid" Unnamed Union Cavalry(4) Armed Forces Minor view
Unnamed Confederate Officers 1 "My Grandmother Millard and General Bedford Forrest and the Battle of Harrykin Creek" Unnamed Confederate Officers(1) Armed Forces Minor view
Unnamed Union Sergeant 2 The Unvanquished Unnamed Union Sergeant(2) Armed Forces Minor view
Unnamed Brigadier General "All the Dead Pilots" Unnamed Brigadier General Armed Forces Minor view
Unnamed American World War I Soldiers The Town Unnamed American Soldiers Armed Forces Minor view
Unnamed Union Officer 2 Light in August Unnamed Union Officer Armed Forces Minor view
Unnamed Union Cavalry 7 Go Down, Moses Unnamed Union Cavalry Armed Forces Minor view
Unnamed Union Soldiers 2 "Retreat" Unnamed Union Soldiers Armed Forces Minor view
Theophilus McCaslin 1 "Delta Autumn" McCaslin, Father of Ike Armed Forces Minor view
Unnamed Soldier Who Drives Car "Two Soldiers" Unnamed Soldier Who Drives Car Armed Forces Minor view
General Smith "The Unvanquished" Smith, General Andrew Jackson Armed Forces Peripheral view
General Stonewall Jackson The Unvanquished Jackson, General Stonewall Armed Forces Peripheral view
Bayard Sartoris I The Unvanquished Sartoris, Uncle Bayard Armed Forces Peripheral view
Unnamed Former Aviator "All the Dead Pilots" Unnamed Former Aviator Armed Forces Minor view
General John Hunt Morgan "Shall Not Perish" Morgan, John Hunt Armed Forces Peripheral view
Unnamed Confederate Sentry Absalom, Absalom! Unnamed Sentry Armed Forces Minor view
General Robert E. Lee The Unvanquished Lee, General Robert E. Lee Armed Forces Peripheral view
General Sherman "A Bear Hunt" Sherman, William T. Armed Forces Peripheral view
Armstead Intruder in the Dust Armstead Armed Forces Peripheral view
Unnamed American Infantryman 1 Flags in the Dust Unnamed American Infantryman(1) Armed Forces Minor view
Unnamed Veterans of World War I 2 The Mansion Unnamed Veterans of World War I Armed Forces Minor view
Unnamed Union Officer 6 "My Grandmother Millard and General Bedford Forrest and the Battle of Harrykin Creek" Unnamed Union Officer Armed Forces Minor view
Unnamed Union Soldier 1 The Unvanquished Unnamed Union Soldier(1) Armed Forces Minor view
General Van Dorn Flags in the Dust Van Dorn, Earl Armed Forces Peripheral view
Unnamed Union General 3 The Reivers Unnamed Yankee General Armed Forces Peripheral view
Unnamed American Tourists and Expatriates "Knight's Gambit" Unnamed American Tourists and Expatriates Armed Forces Minor view
Bayard Sartoris III "There Was a Queen" Sartoris, (Young) Bayard Armed Forces Minor view
General Stonewall Jackson Absalom, Absalom! Jackson, General Stonewall Armed Forces Peripheral view
Unnamed Union Soldiers 9 Absalom, Absalom! Unnamed Union Soldiers Armed Forces Minor view
General Grant The Unvanquished Grant, General Ulysses S. Armed Forces Peripheral view
John Sartoris I The Mansion Sartoris, The Original Colonel Armed Forces Minor view
General James Wilkinson "Appendix: Compson" Wilkinson, General James Armed Forces Minor view
Captain Warren "Death Drag" Warren, Captain Armed Forces Major view
Son of Professor and Mrs. Wilkins The Unvanquished Wilkins, Son of Professor and Mrs. Wilkins Armed Forces Peripheral view
Unnamed Soldiers in Yoknapatawpha Regiment Requiem for a Nun Unnamed Confederate Soldiers(2) Armed Forces Minor view
Captain Bowen "Raid" Bowen, Captain Armed Forces Minor view
Unnamed Confederate Soldiers 6 "My Grandmother Millard and General Bedford Forrest and the Battle of Harrykin Creek" Unnamed Confederate Soldiers(4) Armed Forces Minor view
Comyn "Ad Astra" Comyn Armed Forces Secondary view
Unnamed Wing Commander "All the Dead Pilots" Unnamed Wing Commander Armed Forces Minor view
Unnamed Union Officer 3 "Retreat" Unnamed Union Officer(1) Armed Forces Minor view
General Joseph Johnston "Retreat" Johnston, Joseph Armed Forces Peripheral view
Unnamed French Sergeant "Ad Astra" Unnamed French Sergeant Armed Forces Minor view
General Douglas MacArthur "Two Soldiers" MacArthur, General Douglas Armed Forces Peripheral view
General Grant "The Unvanquished" Grant, General Ulysses S. Armed Forces Peripheral view
Unnamed Army Sergeant 2 The Mansion Unnamed Army Sergeant(2) Armed Forces Peripheral view
General Joseph Johnston The Unvanquished Johnston, General Joseph Armed Forces Peripheral view
Thomas Sutpen Flags in the Dust Unnamed New Regimental Colonel Armed Forces Minor view
Unnamed French Officer "Ad Astra" Unnamed French Officer Armed Forces Minor view
General Burgoyne The Mansion Burgoyne, John Armed Forces Peripheral view
Unnamed Union Trainmen The Unvanquished Unnamed Union Trainmen Armed Forces Minor view


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