Displaying 801 - 900 of 5013
CharKey | Text | Name | Occupation |
Rank![]() |
Unnamed Hill Folk 2 | "Monk" | Unnamed Hill Folk | Peripheral | view | |
Harpe Brothers | "A Name for the City" | Harpe Brothers | Criminal | Peripheral | view |
Unnamed Man in Nightshirt | Intruder in the Dust | Unnamed Man in Nightshirt | Peripheral | view | |
Mrs. Littlejohn | "Lizards in Jamshyd’s Courtyard" | Littlejohn, Mrs. | Sales and Service | Peripheral | view |
Unnamed Gynecologist | Sanctuary | Unnamed Gynecologist | Professional | Peripheral | view |
Jason Lycurgus Compson II | "My Grandmother Millard and General Bedford Forrest and the Battle of Harrykin Creek" | Compson, General | Armed Forces | Peripheral | view |
Unnamed Step-Father of Had-Two-Fathers | Go Down, Moses | Unnamed Step-Father of Sam Fathers | Peripheral | view | |
Thomas Sutpen's Sister 3 | Absalom, Absalom! | Sutpen, Sisters of Thomas(3) | Peripheral | view | |
Unnamed Civil War Soldiers | "Barn Burning" | Unnamed Civil War Soldiers | Armed Forces | Peripheral | view |
Unnamed Listeners to "Fool about a Horse" | "Fool About a Horse" | Unnamed Listeners | Peripheral | view | |
Jason Compson III | The Mansion | Compson, Father of Jason | Peripheral | view | |
Zachary Edmonds | Intruder in the Dust | Edmonds, Father of Carothers | Management | Peripheral | view |
Unnamed Grandmother of Boon Hogganbeck | "Lion" | Unnamed Grandmother of Boon Hogganbeck | Peripheral | view | |
General Burgoyne | The Mansion | Burgoyne, John | Armed Forces | Peripheral | view |
Unnamed Modern Women | The Reivers | Unnamed Modern Women | Peripheral | view | |
Unnamed Negro "Pappy" | Light in August | Unnamed Negro "Pappy" | Peripheral | view | |
Unnamed Sister of Rosa Millard | "Retreat" | Unnamed Sister of Rosa Millard | Peripheral | view | |
Hal Wagner | Flags in the Dust | Wagner, Hal | Peripheral | view | |
Unnamed People of This Delta | Go Down, Moses | Unnamed People of the Delta | Peripheral | view | |
Unnamed Showman | The Sound and the Fury | Unnamed Showman | Other | Peripheral | view |
Unnamed Wounded Male Soldiers | The Mansion | Unnamed Wounded Male Soldiers | Armed Forces | Peripheral | view |
Unnamed Third Goat Owner | "Lizards in Jamshyd’s Courtyard" | Unnamed Third Goat Owner | Farming | Peripheral | view |
Grimm, Second Wife of Eustice's Father | The Hamlet | Grimm, Second Wife of Eustice's Father | Peripheral | view | |
Moketubbe | The Reivers | Moketubbe | Peripheral | view | |
Babe Ruth | The Sound and the Fury | Ruth, Babe | Other | Peripheral | view |
Eugene Debs | The Mansion | Debs, Eugene | Administrative | Peripheral | view |
Unnamed Folks in Mexico | Light in August | Unnamed Folks in Mexico | Peripheral | view | |
Solon Quick | The Mansion | Quick, Solon | Farming | Peripheral | view |
Unnamed Chicago Police Officer | "Go Down, Moses" | Unnamed Chicago Police Officer | Administrative | Peripheral | view |
General Longstreet | Absalom, Absalom! | Longstreet, General James | Armed Forces | Peripheral | view |
General Pickett | Absalom, Absalom! | Pickett, General George | Armed Forces | Peripheral | view |
Unnamed Enslaved Male | "Vendee" | Unnamed Male Slave | Peripheral | view | |
Unnamed Memphis Police 4 | The Mansion | Unnamed Memphis Policemen | Administrative | Peripheral | view |
Unnamed Negro Old Man | The Reivers | Unnamed Negro Old Man | Peripheral | view | |
Mrs. Holston | The Unvanquished | Holston, Mrs. | Sales and Service | Peripheral | view |
Unnamed Spirits of the Old South | Flags in the Dust | Unnamed Spirits of Old South | Peripheral | view | |
Mrs. John Sartoris | "Skirmish at Sartoris" | Sartoris, Mrs. John | Peripheral | view | |
Unnamed Residents of Horace's New Town | Flags in the Dust | Unnamed Residents of Horace's New Town | Production | Peripheral | view |
Unnamed Reconstruction Treasurer | "Skirmish at Sartoris" | Unnamed Reconstruction Treasurer | Administrative | Peripheral | view |
Unnamed Men Who Find Treasure | "Gold Is Not Always" | Unnamed Two White Men | Peripheral | view | |
General Garnett | Intruder in the Dust | Garnett, General Richard | Armed Forces | Peripheral | view |
Unnamed Customers of I.O. Snopes | "Mule in the Yard" | Unnamed Customers of I.O. Snopes | Peripheral | view | |
Unnamed Grandfather of Uncle Willy | The Town | Unnamed Grandfather of Uncle Willy | Sales and Service | Peripheral | view |
General Stonewall Jackson | The Unvanquished | Jackson, General Stonewall | Armed Forces | Peripheral | view |
Bayard Sartoris I | The Unvanquished | Sartoris, Uncle Bayard | Armed Forces | Peripheral | view |
Res Grier | The Mansion | Grier, Eck | Peripheral | view | |
Unnamed Children of Farmer | The Hamlet | Unnamed Children of Farmer | Peripheral | view | |
Unnamed Mother-in-Law of Buddy McCallum | "The Tall Men" | Unnamed Mother-in-Law of Buddy McCallum | Peripheral | view | |
Unnamed Cronies of the Governor | "Monk" | Unnamed Cronies of the Governor | Peripheral | view | |
Unnamed Negro Porter 4 | Intruder in the Dust | Unnamed Negro Porter(2) | Sales and Service | Peripheral | view |
Nathan Bedford Forrest | The Reivers | Forrest, Nathan Bedford | Armed Forces | Peripheral | view |
Unnamed Relatives of Mrs. Hightower | Light in August | Unnamed Relatives of Mrs. Hightower | Peripheral | view | |
Unnamed Uncle of Herman Basket | "A Courtship" | Unnamed Uncle of Herman Basket | Peripheral | view | |
Unnamed European Mistress | Requiem for a Nun | Unnamed European Mistress | Peripheral | view | |
General Robert E. Lee | The Unvanquished | Lee, General Robert E. Lee | Armed Forces | Peripheral | view |
Unnamed Girl in Arkansas | Light in August | Unnamed Girl in Arkansas | Peripheral | view | |
Unnamed Memphis Mayor | The Mansion | Unnamed Memphis Mayor | Administrative | Peripheral | view |
Unnamed "Husband" of "Miss Smith" | "Tomorrow" | Unnamed "Husband" of "Miss Smith" | Peripheral | view | |
Unnamed Jackson Prostitutes | Sanctuary | Unnamed Jackson Prostitutes | Criminal | Peripheral | view |
Unnamed "Father" of Eck Snopes | The Town | Unnamed "Father" of Eck | Peripheral | view | |
Charles Mallison I | "By the People" | Unnamed Father of Charles | Peripheral | view | |
Unnamed Father of Belle and Joan | Flags in the Dust | Unnamed Father of Belle and Joan | Peripheral | view | |
General Van Dorn | The Unvanquished | Van Dorn, General Earl | Armed Forces | Peripheral | view |
Unnamed English Architect 1 | Flags in the Dust | Unnamed English Architect | Professional | Peripheral | view |
Dilazuck | The Mansion | Dilazuck | Sales and Service | Peripheral | view |
Unnamed King 1 | "Appendix: Compson" | Unnamed King(1) | Peripheral | view | |
Harry Mitchell | Sanctuary | Mitchell | Peripheral | view | |
Mason's Ruffians | "A Name for the City" | Mason's Ruffians | Criminal | Peripheral | view |
Lon Quick I | "Lizards in Jamshyd’s Courtyard" | Quick, Lon | Farming | Peripheral | view |
Unnamed Woman in Mount Vernon | Flags in the Dust | Unnamed Young Woman in Mount Vernon | Peripheral | view | |
Drake, Mother of Temple | Sanctuary | Drake, Mother of Temple | Peripheral | view | |
Unnamed Ex-Slaves of Carothers McCaslin | Go Down, Moses | Unnamed Ex-Slaves of Carothers McCaslin | Peripheral | view | |
Mrs. John Sartoris | "My Grandmother Millard and General Bedford Forrest and the Battle of Harrykin Creek" | Sartoris, Mother of Bayard | Peripheral | view | |
Unnamed Whisky-Trader 1 | "A Justice" | Unnamed Trader | Sales and Service | Peripheral | view |
Unnamed Sheriff 2 | "Dry September" | Unnamed Sheriff | Administrative | Peripheral | view |
Unnamed Delinquent Girls | Light in August | Unnamed Delinquent Girls in Memphis | Peripheral | view | |
Unnamed Board of Directors of Sartoris Bank | The Mansion | Unnamed Bank Directors | Peripheral | view | |
Mrs. Bland 2 | "Ad Astra" | Bland, Mrs. | Peripheral | view | |
Unnamed Confederate Pickets | Light in August | Unnamed Confederate Pickets | Armed Forces | Peripheral | view |
Unnamed Person Who Shot Hightower's Grandfather | Light in August | Unnamed Person Who Shot Hightower's Grandfather | Peripheral | view | |
Unnamed Self-Emancipated Negroes 4 | Absalom, Absalom! | Unnamed Self-Emancipated Negroes | Peripheral | view | |
Abraham Lincoln | "Appendix: Compson" | Lincoln, President Abraham | Administrative | Peripheral | view |
Mrs. Buddy McCallum | "The Tall Men" | McCallum, Mrs. Buddy | Peripheral | view | |
Stevens, Grandfather of Gavin | "Knight's Gambit" | Stevens, Great-Grandfather of Charles Mallison | Peripheral | view | |
Unnamed Showman's Brother-in-Law | The Sound and the Fury | Unnamed Showman's Brother-in-Law | Peripheral | view | |
Unnamed Minister 5 | The Unvanquished | Unnamed Minister | Professional | Peripheral | view |
Unnamed Woman Who Shot McCarron | The Hamlet | Unnamed Woman Who Shot McCarron | Peripheral | view | |
Son of Professor and Mrs. Wilkins | The Unvanquished | Wilkins, Son of Professor and Mrs. Wilkins | Armed Forces | Peripheral | view |
Mrs. Littlejohn | Flags in the Dust | Littlejohn, Mrs. | Sales and Service | Peripheral | view |
Lemuel Stevens | "Knight's Gambit" | Stevens, Grandfather of Charles Mallison | Peripheral | view | |
Mrs. Andrew Jackson | Requiem for a Nun | Jackson, Mrs. Andrew | Peripheral | view | |
Malraux | The Mansion | Malraux, Andre | Other | Peripheral | view |
Nathan Bedford Forrest | "Shall Not Perish" | Forrest, Bedford | Armed Forces | Peripheral | view |
Samuel Worsham | "Go Down, Moses" | Worsham, Samuel | Peripheral | view | |
New York Yankees | The Sound and the Fury | New York Yankees | Other | Peripheral | view |
Mrs. Virginius MacCallum 1 | "The Tall Men" | McCallum, Mrs. Anse | Peripheral | view | |
Amanda Workitt Gowrie | Intruder in the Dust | Gowrie, Amanda Workitt | Peripheral | view | |
Unnamed Resident of Oxford | The Town | Unnamed Resident of Oxford | Peripheral | view | |
Unnamed Game Wardens | "Race at Morning" | Unnamed Game Wardens | Administrative | Peripheral | view |
Henry Clay | Requiem for a Nun | Clay, Henry | Administrative | Peripheral | view |