
Displaying 4601 - 4700 of 5013

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CharKey Text Name Occupation Ranksort descending
Unnamed Mother of Belle and Joan Flags in the Dust Unnamed Mother of Belle and Joan Peripheral view
General John Pemberton The Unvanquished Pemberton, General John Armed Forces Peripheral view
Unnamed College Widow The Sound and the Fury Unnamed College Widow Peripheral view
Carothers Roth Edmonds "Pantaloon in Black" Edmonds, Carothers Management Peripheral view
Mother of Lucius Priest I The Reivers Priest, Great-Grandmother Peripheral view
Issetibbeha "A Name for the City" Issetibbeha Peripheral view
Unnamed Negro Wife "That Evening Sun" Unnamed Negro Wife Peripheral view
Unnamed Male Relatives of Girl in Car Light in August Unnamed Male Relatives of Girl in Car Peripheral view
Unnamed Negro Women "A Rose for Emily" Unnamed Negro Women Peripheral view
Unnamed Third Goat Owner "Lizards in Jamshyd’s Courtyard" Unnamed Third Goat Owner Farming Peripheral view
Grimm, Second Wife of Eustice's Father The Hamlet Grimm, Second Wife of Eustice's Father Peripheral view
Melisandre Backus Stevens "By the People" Stevens, Mrs. Peripheral view
Unnamed Boys and Girls Flags in the Dust Unnamed Boys and Girls Peripheral view
Horace Benbow "There Was a Queen" Unnamed Brother of Narcissa Professional Peripheral view
Unnamed Revenue Officers and Deputies Go Down, Moses Unnamed Revenue Officers and Deputies Administrative Peripheral view
Unnamed Illegitimate Children 1 Sanctuary Unnamed Illegitimate Children Peripheral view
Buck Conner|Connors "Centaur in Brass" Conner, Buck Administrative Peripheral view
Jack Dempsey Go Down, Moses Dempsey, Jack Other Peripheral view
Wilkie 1 The Sound and the Fury Wilkie Domestic Service Peripheral view
William Dudley Pelley "Delta Autumn" Pelley, William Dudley Professional Peripheral view
General Joseph Johnston The Reivers Johnston, General Joe Armed Forces Peripheral view
Nathan Bedford Forrest "The Unvanquished" Forrest, General Nathan Bedford Armed Forces Peripheral view
Unnamed Showman's Sister The Sound and the Fury Unnamed Showman's Sister Peripheral view
Unnamed Someone 4 Absalom, Absalom! Unnamed Someone(3) Peripheral view
Unnamed Federal Army Provost-Marshal 2 Requiem for a Nun Unnamed Federal Army Provost-Marshal Armed Forces Peripheral view
Unnamed Negro Youngsters Light in August Unnamed Negro Youngsters Peripheral view
Unnamed Negro Janitor 1 Intruder in the Dust Unnamed Negro Janitor Sales and Service Peripheral view
Unnamed Watchman The Unvanquished Unnamed Watchman Armed Forces Peripheral view
Mayfield|Maydew "Pantaloon in Black" Mayfield Administrative Peripheral view
Unnamed School Girl 2 The Sound and the Fury Unnamed School Girl(2) Peripheral view
Gavin Stevens "The Tall Men" Stevens, Gavin Professional Peripheral view
Jason Lycurgus Compson II The Mansion Compson, General Armed Forces Peripheral view
Nathan Bedford Forrest "Shall Not Perish" Forrest, Bedford Armed Forces Peripheral view
First Yoknapatawpha Stevens Light in August Stevens, Ancestor of Gavin Peripheral view
Samuel Worsham "Go Down, Moses" Worsham, Samuel Peripheral view
Theophilus McCaslin 1 Go Down, Moses McCaslin, Buck Management Secondary view
Reverend Whitfield As I Lay Dying Whitfield, Reverend Professional Secondary view
Unnamed Sheriff 11 "A Point of Law" Unnamed Sheriff Administrative Secondary view
Melissa Meek "Appendix: Compson" Meek, Melissa Professional Secondary view
Jim Gant "Miss Zilphia Gant" Gant, Jim Sales and Service Secondary view
Harry Mitchell Flags in the Dust Mitchell, Harry Management Secondary view
Unnamed Men Who Chase Christmas Light in August Unnamed Men Who Chase Christmas Secondary view
Theophilus McCaslin 1 The Unvanquished McCaslin, Uncle Buck Management Secondary view
Comyn "Ad Astra" Comyn Armed Forces Secondary view
Mrs. Armstid The Hamlet Armstid, Mrs. Henry Farming Secondary view
Ben Quick "Tomorrow" Quick, Ben Production Secondary view
Unnamed Hunters 4 Go Down, Moses Unnamed Younger Generation of Hunters Secondary view
Natalie The Sound and the Fury Natalie Secondary view
Simon McEachern Light in August McEachern, Simon Farming Secondary view
Unnamed Enslaved Butler Absalom, Absalom! Unnamed Enslaved Butler Secondary view
Unnamed Sister of Herman Basket "A Courtship" Unnamed Sister of Herman Basket Secondary view
Captain Warren "Knight's Gambit" Warren, Captain Farming Secondary view
Amodeus (Buddy) McCaslin Go Down, Moses McCaslin, Buddy Management Secondary view
Maggie Stevens Mallison The Town Mallison, Maggie Secondary view
Clytemnestra Absalom, Absalom! Clytemnestra Secondary view
Unnamed Mother in Beyond "Beyond" Unnamed Mother in Beyond Secondary view
Sis Rachel Flags in the Dust Rachel, Sis Domestic Service Secondary view
Judge Drake Sanctuary Drake, Judge Administrative Secondary view
Unnamed "Good Women in Jefferson" "Uncle Willy" Unnamed "Good Women in Jefferson" Secondary view
Aunt Sally Wyatt Flags in the Dust Wyatt, Aunt Sally Secondary view
Minnie The Reivers Minnie Domestic Service Secondary view
Loosh "Retreat" Loosh Secondary view
Ailanthia "Elly" Ailanthia Secondary view
Mrs. Gail Hightower Light in August Hightower, Mrs. Secondary view
Matt Levitt The Town Levitt, Matt Transportation Secondary view
Cornelia Mardis Holland "Smoke" Holland, Cornelia Mardis Secondary view
Unnamed Enslaved Grandmother|Mother of Sam Fathers "A Justice" Unnamed Enslaved Mother of Sam Fathers Secondary view
Bayard Sartoris III "Ad Astra" Sartoris Armed Forces Secondary view
Jackson MacCallum Flags in the Dust MacCallum, Jackson Farming Secondary view
Mrs. Fentry "Tomorrow" Fentry, Mrs. Secondary view
Lucas Burch Light in August Burch, Lucas Criminal Secondary view
Will Legate Go Down, Moses Legate, Will Secondary view
Mrs. McEachern Light in August McEachern, Mrs. Farming Secondary view
Isaac Snopes The Hamlet Snopes, Ike Domestic Service Secondary view
Major de Spain "Wash" De Spain, Major Administrative Secondary view
Unnamed Grand Jury Foreman 1 "Smoke" Unnamed Grand Jury Foreman Secondary view
Unnamed Lynch Mob Sanctuary Unnamed Lynch Mob Secondary view
Will Mayes "Dry September" Mayes, Will Production Secondary view
Bookwright "Tomorrow" Bookwright Farming Secondary view
Belle Mitchell Benbow Sanctuary Benbow, Belle Mitchell Secondary view
Tomey's Turl Go Down, Moses Tomey's Turl Secondary view
Fonzo Winbush Sanctuary Fonzo Secondary view
Charles Mallison I The Town Mallison, Charles Sr. Sales and Service Secondary view
Unnamed Lawyer 4 Absalom, Absalom! Unnamed Lawyer Professional Secondary view
McKinley Grove Light in August Grove, McKinley Production Secondary view
Unnamed Federal Commissioner "A Point of Law" Unnamed Federal Commissioner Administrative Secondary view
Unnamed Painter "Miss Zilphia Gant" Unnamed Painter Production Secondary view
Otis The Reivers Otis Secondary view
Caroline Bascomb Compson "That Evening Sun" Compson, Mrs. Jason Secondary view
Louvinia The Unvanquished Louvinia Secondary view
Wesley Pritchel "An Error in Chemistry" Pritchel, Wesley Farming Secondary view
Unnamed Members of Mob Intruder in the Dust Unnamed Members of Mob Secondary view
Jim 1 "Fool About a Horse" Jim Sales and Service Secondary view
Ab Snopes The Unvanquished Snopes, Ab Criminal Secondary view
Stuart MacCallum Flags in the Dust MacCallum, Stuart Farming Secondary view
Henry Armstid Light in August Armstid Farming Secondary view
Unnamed Granddaughter of James Beauchamp Go Down, Moses Unnamed Mistress of Edmonds|Granddaughter of James Beauchamp Professional Secondary view
George Wilkins "Gold Is Not Always" Wilkins, George Farming Secondary view
Ad "Lion" Ad Domestic Service Secondary view
Thomas Jefferson Pettigrew Requiem for a Nun Pettigrew, Thomas Jefferson Administrative Secondary view


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