
Displaying 4201 - 4300 of 5013

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CharKey Text Name Occupationsort ascending Rank
Unnamed Mother of Mrs. Harriss "Knight's Gambit" Unnamed Mother of Mrs. Harriss Peripheral view
Caroline White Sartoris Flags in the Dust Sartoris, Caroline White Secondary view
Unnamed People of Frenchman's Bend 1 Sanctuary Unnamed People of Frenchman's Bend Minor view
Pappy Thompson Light in August Thompson, Pappy Minor view
Net Snopes The Hamlet Snopes, Daughter of Ab(1) Minor view
Ina May Armstid The Hamlet Armstid, Oldest Daughter of Henry Minor view
Unnamed People at Sutpen's Wedding Absalom, Absalom! Unnamed People at Sutpen's Wedding Minor view
Bilbo Gowrie Intruder in the Dust Gowrie, Bilbo Minor view
Unnamed Jefferson Townspeople 15 Absalom, Absalom! Unnamed Jefferson Townspeople Minor view
Aunt Louisa "That Will Be Fine" Louisa(1) Secondary view
Unnamed Drunken Man Sanctuary Unnamed Drunken Man Minor view
Miss Daingerfield The Sound and the Fury Daingerfield, Miss Minor view
Unnamed Train Passengers 9 The Reivers Unnamed Train Passengers Peripheral view
Harry Wong "Knight's Gambit" Wong, Harry Peripheral view
Unnamed Negro Child 2 Flags in the Dust Unnamed Negro Child(2) Minor view
Jody Varner As I Lay Dying Varner, Jody Peripheral view
Isham Go Down, Moses Isham Minor view
Unnamed Clients of Horace Benbow Flags in the Dust Unnamed Clients of Horace Benbow Minor view
Unnamed People in Carriages and Wagons The Reivers Unnamed People in Carriages and Wagons Minor view
Benbow Family The Unvanquished Benbow Family Peripheral view
Unnamed Countrywoman 1 Flags in the Dust Unnamed Countrywoman Minor view
Mrs. Allison The Mansion Allison, Mrs. Minor view
Mrs. Virginius MacCallum 1 Flags in the Dust MacCallum, First Wife of Virginius Peripheral view
Unnamed Indians in Western Virginia Absalom, Absalom! Unnamed Indians in Western Virginia Minor view
Major Yoknapatawpha Families "Appendix: Compson" Sartorises Peripheral view
Mrs. de Spain "A Bear Hunt" De Spain, Mrs. Peripheral view
Unnamed Someone 3 Absalom, Absalom! Unnamed Someone(2) Minor view
Unnamed Father of Ruby Sanctuary Unnamed Father of Ruby Minor view
Unnamed Negro Messenger 1 "Smoke" Unnamed Negro Messenger Peripheral view
Unnamed Random Boys "An Error in Chemistry" Unnamed Random Boys Minor view
Walter Ewell Go Down, Moses Ewell, Walter Minor view
Unnamed Customers at the Atelier Monty The Town Unnamed Customers at the Atelier Monty Minor view
Unnamed Enslaved Headman at Sutpen's Requiem for a Nun Unnamed Enslaved Headman at Sutpen's Minor view
Unnamed White Man 1 As I Lay Dying Unnamed White Man on the Road Minor view
Unnamed White Women and Children The Unvanquished Unnamed White Women and Children Minor view
Miss Wyatt Flags in the Dust Wyatt, Miss Minor view
Colonel Sartoris Snopes "Barn Burning" Snopes, Colonel Sartoris Major view
Mink Snopes' Daughter 2 The Hamlet Snopes, Daughter of Mink(2) Minor view
"Mrs. Bundren" As I Lay Dying Bundren, Mrs. Minor view
Unnamed Self-Emancipated Negroes 1 The Unvanquished Unnamed Self-Emancipated Negroes(1) Minor view
Net Snopes "Barn Burning" Snopes, Net Minor view
Unnamed Negro Letter Writers Light in August Unnamed Negro Letter Writers Peripheral view
Snopes, Brother of Mink The Mansion Snopes, Brother of Mink Peripheral view
Unnamed Charlestonians The Unvanquished Unnamed Charlestonians Peripheral view
Quentin Compson III The Mansion Compson, Quentin Minor view
Unnamed Poor Whites Near Sutpen's Hundred Absalom, Absalom! Unnamed Poor Whites Near Sutpen's Hundred Minor view
Lump Snopes' Father The Hamlet Snopes, Father of Lump Peripheral view
Bayard Sartoris II "Ambuscade" Sartoris, Bayard Major view
Unnamed Runaway Slave Absalom, Absalom! Unnamed "Runaway Slave" Peripheral view
Unnamed Boys at Airfield "Death Drag" Unnamed Boys at Airfield Minor view
Unnamed "Half-Breed" Servants 1 Absalom, Absalom! Unnamed "Half-Breed" Servants(1) Minor view
Unnamed Carpetbaggers 4 The Town Unnamed Carpetbaggers Minor view
Unnamed Crowd at Entrance to Beyond "Beyond" Unnamed Crowd at Entrance to Beyond Minor view
Unnamed College Boy 3 Sanctuary Unnamed College Boy(3) Minor view
Unnamed Negroes 6 "A Bear Hunt" Unnamed Negroes Minor view
Sophonsiba Beauchamp McCaslin Go Down, Moses Beauchamp, Sophonsiba Secondary view
Unnamed Young Girls 2 "Hair" Unnamed Young Girls Minor view
Unnamed Local Friends of Gualdres "Knight's Gambit" Unnamed Local Friends of Gualdres Minor view
Phoebe Go Down, Moses Phoebe Minor view
Linda Snopes Kohl The Town Snopes, Linda Secondary view
Unnamed American Legion Member 1 Light in August Unnamed American Legion Member(1) Minor view
Unnamed Slaves of Indians 5 "A Justice" Unnamed Slaves of Indians(2) Minor view
Rider Requiem for a Nun Unnamed Negro Widower Minor view
Unnamed People of Yoknapatawpha 4 The Unvanquished Unnamed People of Yoknapatawpha Minor view
Unnamed Inmates 1 Light in August Unnamed Inmates Peripheral view
Unnamed Neighbor of Emily 2 "A Rose for Emily" Unnamed Neighbor Woman Minor view
Unnamed Girl in Bland's Story The Sound and the Fury Unnamed Girl in Bland's Story Peripheral view
Ringo "Retreat" Ringo Major view
Unnamed Men at Whiteleaf Store 1 The Hamlet Unnamed Men at Whiteleaf Store(1) Minor view
Unnamed Negro Wife of Cotton Farmer The Mansion Unnamed Negro Wife of Cotton Farmer Minor view
Mrs. Fentry "Tomorrow" Fentry, Mrs. Secondary view
Ab Snopes' Sister The Hamlet Grimm, Mother of Eustace Peripheral view
Milly Jones Absalom, Absalom! Jones, Milly Minor view
Binford The Mansion Binford Minor view
Unnamed People of This Delta "Delta Autumn" Unnamed People of This Delta Peripheral view
Unnamed Boy 5 "Miss Zilphia Gant" Unnamed Boy Minor view
Unnamed Amorous Couple Sanctuary Unnamed Amorous Couple Minor view
Unnamed Witness 1 "Hand Upon the Waters" Unnamed Witness(1) Secondary view
Unnamed Friends of Roth Edmonds Go Down, Moses Unnamed Friends of Roth Edmonds Minor view
Mrs. Hovis "Uncle Willy" Hovis, Mrs. Minor view
Unnamed Father of Luster The Sound and the Fury Unnamed Father of Luster Peripheral view
Vardaman Snopes The Mansion Snopes, Vardaman Minor view
Lucius Hogganbeck The Reivers Hogganbeck, Lucius Priest Minor view
Lucy Cranston Sartoris Flags in the Dust Sartoris, Lucy Cranston Peripheral view
Sis Beulah Clay The Sound and the Fury Clay, Sis Beulah Minor view
Unnamed Hunters 7 "The Old People" Unnamed Members of Hunting Party Minor view
Unnamed Old Indian "Red Leaves" Unnamed Old Indian Minor view
Unnamed Girlfriends of Eula Varner The Hamlet Unnamed Girlfriends of Eula Varner Minor view
Unnamed Father-in-Law of Trusty The Mansion Unnamed Father-in-Law of Trusty Minor view
Unnamed Enslaved Body Servant 2 Absalom, Absalom! Unnamed Enslaved Body Servant(2) Minor view
Isaac McCaslin Intruder in the Dust McCaslin, Isaac Minor view
Unnamed Countrymen 2 The Town Unnamed Countrymen Minor view
Charles Mallison II Intruder in the Dust Mallison, Chick Major view
Unnamed Slaves of Grenier|Old Frenchman "Lizards in Jamshyd’s Courtyard" Unnamed Slaves of the Frenchman Minor view
Unnamed Classmates of Minnie Cooper "Dry September" Unnamed Schoolmates of Minnie Cooper Minor view
Unnamed Lynch Mob Sanctuary Unnamed Lynch Mob Secondary view
Unnamed Negroes in Memphis Brothel The Sound and the Fury Unnamed Negroes in Memphis Brothel Minor view
Unnamed Idlers in Livery Stable The Reivers Unnamed Idlers in Livery Stable Minor view
Miss Harriss "Knight's Gambit" Harriss, Miss Major view
Thomas Sutpen Go Down, Moses Sutpen, Thomas Peripheral view


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