Unnamed Members of Clarence Snopes' Gang

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Unnamed Members of Clarence Snopes' Gang
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Unnamed Members of Clarence Snopes' Gang
Ever Present in Yoknapatawpha?: 

In "By the People" and again in The Mansion, during his youth in Frenchman's Bend Clarence Snopes is the leader of a "gang of cousins and toadies" (89, 328) who terrorize the community around Frenchman's Bend. They fought and drank and beat Negroes and terrified young girls" (89) - slightly revised to "fought and drank and gambled and beat up Negroes and terrified women and young girls" in the novel (328). In a later paragraph the narrator suggests they beat blacks because, unconsciously, they were afraid of blacks "as a race" (89) - or as the novel revises it "of that alien race" (329).