
Displaying 2801 - 2900 of 5013

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CharKey Text Name Occupationsort descending Rank
Thomas Jefferson Pettigrew Requiem for a Nun Pettigrew, Thomas Jefferson Administrative Secondary view
Unnamed Justice of the Peace 10 The Mansion Unnamed Justice of the Peace Administrative Minor view
Lemuel Stevens The Mansion Stevens, Judge Administrative Minor view
Eugene Debs The Mansion Debs, Eugene Administrative Peripheral view
Unnamed Chicago Police Officer "Go Down, Moses" Unnamed Chicago Police Officer Administrative Peripheral view
Unnamed Court Clerk 4 The Town Unnamed Court Clerk Administrative Minor view
Unnamed Revenue Officers and Deputies Go Down, Moses Unnamed Revenue Officers and Deputies Administrative Peripheral view
Cassius Q. Benbow "Skirmish at Sartoris" Benbow, Cassius Q. Administrative Minor view
Sheriff Hampton 2 "An Error in Chemistry" Hub, Sheriff Administrative Major view
Unnamed Prison Guards 1 "Monk" Unnamed Prison Guards Administrative Minor view
Gavin Stevens "Hair" Stevens, Gavin Administrative Secondary view
Gowan Stevens' Father The Town Stevens, Father of Gowan Stevens Administrative Minor view
Jefferson Davis The Unvanquished Davis, Jefferson Administrative Peripheral view
Unnamed Municipal Officials 1 "Go Down, Moses" Unnamed Municipal Officials Administrative Minor view
Sheriff Hampton 1 The Reivers Hampton, Sheriff(1) Administrative Minor view
Unnamed Matron of Memphis Orphanage Light in August Unnamed Matron of the Memphis Orphanage Administrative Secondary view
Huey Long "By the People" Long, Huey Administrative Peripheral view
Unnamed Revenue Agent 2 The Town Unnamed Revenue Agent Administrative Minor view
Sheriff Watt Kennedy Light in August Kennedy, Sheriff Watt Administrative Secondary view
Herbert Head The Sound and the Fury Head, Sydney Herbert Administrative Secondary view
Unnamed Federal Marshal Requiem for a Nun Unnamed Federal Marshal Administrative Minor view
Unnamed Auditors "Centaur in Brass" Unnamed Auditors Administrative Minor view
Unnamed Justice of the Peace 1 "Miss Zilphia Gant" Unnamed Justice of the Peace Administrative Minor view
Unnamed Pensacola Policeman Sanctuary Unnamed Pensacola Policeman Administrative Minor view
Unnamed Sheriff 12 Go Down, Moses Unnamed Sheriff(2) Administrative Minor view
Unnamed Sheriff 12 "Go Down, Moses" Unnamed Sheriff Administrative Minor view
Unnamed Federal Commissioner Go Down, Moses Unnamed Federal Commissioner Administrative Minor view
Unnamed Memphis Police 4 The Mansion Unnamed Memphis Policemen Administrative Peripheral view
Unnamed Reconstruction Treasurer "Skirmish at Sartoris" Unnamed Reconstruction Treasurer Administrative Peripheral view
Unnamed Negro Street Crews Intruder in the Dust Unnamed Negro Street Crews Administrative Minor view
Ketcham Go Down, Moses Ketcham Administrative Minor view
Unnamed Sheriff 9 Absalom, Absalom! Unnamed County Sheriff Administrative Minor view
Unnamed Alabama Sheriff Sanctuary Unnamed Alabama Sheriff Administrative Minor view
Unnamed Firemen 2 Light in August Unnamed Firemen Administrative Minor view
Flem Snopes "Centaur in Brass" Snopes, Flem Administrative Major view
Unnamed Memphis Mayor The Mansion Unnamed Memphis Mayor Administrative Peripheral view
Sheriff Hampton 3 The Reivers Hampton, Sheriff(2) Administrative Minor view
Unnamed Staff of Little Rock Orphanage Light in August Unnamed Staff of Little Rock Orphanage Administrative Minor view
Unnamed Sheriff 11 "A Point of Law" Unnamed Sheriff Administrative Secondary view
Unnamed Sheriff 2 "Dry September" Unnamed Sheriff Administrative Peripheral view
Unnamed Federal Officers The Hamlet Unnamed Federal Officers Administrative Minor view
Unnamed Post Office Clerk Sanctuary Unnamed Post Office Clerk Administrative Minor view
Aaron Rideout|Grover Cleveland Winbush The Mansion Winbush, Grover Cleveland Administrative Minor view
Unnamed Memphis Officials The Reivers Unnamed Memphis Officials Administrative Minor view
Unnamed City Clerk "Centaur in Brass" Unnamed City Clerk Administrative Minor view
Abraham Lincoln "Appendix: Compson" Lincoln, President Abraham Administrative Peripheral view
General Joseph Johnston The Reivers Johnston, General Joe Armed Forces Peripheral view
Unnamed Confederate Captain The Unvanquished Unnamed Confederate Captain Armed Forces Minor view
John Sartoris I Go Down, Moses Sartoris, Colonel Armed Forces Peripheral view
Unnamed Confederate Provost Marshal "My Grandmother Millard and General Bedford Forrest and the Battle of Harrykin Creek" Unnamed Confederate Provost Marshal Armed Forces Minor view
Unnamed Squad of Soldiers The Sound and the Fury Unnamed Squad of Soldiers Armed Forces Minor view
Nathan Bedford Forrest "Shall Not Perish" Forrest, Bedford Armed Forces Peripheral view
Unnamed Union Soldiers 11 The Unvanquished Unnamed Union Soldiers(6) Armed Forces Minor view
Unnamed British Officers 1 "Ad Astra" Unnamed British Officers Armed Forces Minor view
General Kemper Intruder in the Dust Kemper, General James Armed Forces Peripheral view
General Sherman Absalom, Absalom! Sherman, General William T. Armed Forces Peripheral view
General Grant Sanctuary Grant, Ulysses S. Armed Forces Peripheral view
General Joseph Johnston The Unvanquished Johnston, General Joseph Armed Forces Peripheral view
Bayard Sartoris III The Mansion Sartoris, Bayard Armed Forces Minor view
Richthofen Flags in the Dust Von Richthofen, Baron Armed Forces Peripheral view
Gavin Breckbridge "Raid" Breckbridge, Gavin Armed Forces Peripheral view
Gerald Bland "Ad Astra" Bland Armed Forces Secondary view
Forrest, Brother of Nathan Bedford The Reivers Forrest, Brother of Nathan Bedford Armed Forces Minor view
Unnamed Union Soldiers 2 Flags in the Dust Unnamed Union Soldiers(2) Armed Forces Minor view
Unnamed Union Trainmen The Unvanquished Unnamed Union Trainmen Armed Forces Minor view
Bayard Sartoris III The Town Sartoris, Bayard Armed Forces Minor view
Unnamed British Aviators "Knight's Gambit" Unnamed British Aviators Armed Forces Minor view
Bayard Sartoris III Requiem for a Nun Sartoris, Grandson of Bayard Armed Forces Minor view
General John Pemberton The Unvanquished Pemberton, General John Armed Forces Peripheral view
General J.E.B. Stuart Flags in the Dust Stuart, J.E.B. Armed Forces Secondary view
Colonel McKellogg "Two Soldiers" McKellogg, Colonel Armed Forces Minor view
Unnamed Union Officer 4 The Unvanquished Unnamed Union Officer(2) Armed Forces Minor view
De Spain, Son of Manfred de Spain "Shall Not Perish" De Spain, Son of Major de Spain Armed Forces Minor view
General Grant Flags in the Dust Grant, Ulysses S. Armed Forces Peripheral view
Unnamed Union Cavalry 5 "Raid" Unnamed Union Cavalry(4) Armed Forces Minor view
Malbrouck "Barn Burning" Malbrouck Armed Forces Peripheral view
Unnamed Brigadier General "All the Dead Pilots" Unnamed Brigadier General Armed Forces Minor view
Unnamed Union Officer 2 Light in August Unnamed Union Officer Armed Forces Minor view
Unnamed Union Soldiers 2 "Retreat" Unnamed Union Soldiers Armed Forces Minor view
Sebastian Gualdres The Mansion Unnamed Argentine Steeple-Chaser Armed Forces Minor view
Unnamed Union Officer 3 "Retreat" Unnamed Union Officer(1) Armed Forces Minor view
General James Wilkinson "Red Leaves" Wilkinson, General James Armed Forces Minor view
Theophilus McCaslin 1 "Delta Autumn" McCaslin, Father of Ike Armed Forces Minor view
Amodeus (Buddy) McCaslin The Unvanquished McCaslin, Buddy Armed Forces Peripheral view
Unnamed Hill Man 2 The Unvanquished Unnamed Hill Man Armed Forces Minor view
Devries The Mansion Devries Armed Forces Minor view
Unnamed Former Aviator "All the Dead Pilots" Unnamed Former Aviator Armed Forces Minor view
Nathan Bedford Forrest Go Down, Moses Forrest, General Nathan Bedford Armed Forces Peripheral view
Unnamed Confederate Soldier 1 "My Grandmother Millard and General Bedford Forrest and the Battle of Harrykin Creek" Unnamed Confederate Soldier Armed Forces Minor view
General John Hunt Morgan "Shall Not Perish" Morgan, John Hunt Armed Forces Peripheral view
Unnamed Union Cavalryman 2 The Unvanquished Unnamed Union Cavalryman(1) Armed Forces Minor view
General Stonewall Jackson "Tomorrow" Jackson, Stonewall Armed Forces Peripheral view
General Joseph Mower Requiem for a Nun Unnamed Union General(1) Armed Forces Minor view
Unnamed Indian Troops "Ad Astra" Unnamed Indian Troops Armed Forces Minor view
Unnamed Aviators "Knight's Gambit" Unnamed Aviators Armed Forces Peripheral view
General Albert Johnston Requiem for a Nun Johnston, General Armed Forces Peripheral view
Armstead Intruder in the Dust Armstead Armed Forces Peripheral view
Unnamed Union Cavalryman 1 The Unvanquished Unnamed Union Cavalryman(2) Armed Forces Minor view
David Crockett The Unvanquished Crockett, David Armed Forces Peripheral view
Sibleigh Flags in the Dust Sibleigh Armed Forces Minor view


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