Character Keys
Code | title | biography | |
1491 | Dr Jones |
"Dr" (as Faulkner wrote it, without the period) is a nickname. "Dr Jones" is the bank's janitor, about as old as Bayard (whom he calls "General"), and described only as "black and stooped with querulousness and age" (105). |
2895 | Doyle Fraser |
In Intruder in the Dust Doyle Fraser is "a youngish active man" (20) who works as a clerk in the country store owned by his father, Adam Fraser. Doyle steps in to prevent a white man from attacking Lucas with a plow singletree. |
237 | Doris Snopes |
Doris Snopes is the youngest brother of of Clarence Snopes. He "resembles Clarence not only in size and shape but [has] the same mentality of a child and the moral principles of a wolverine" (327). He appears only in The Mansion. |
2712 | Don Boyd |
One of the "sons of [Ike McCaslin's] old [hunting] companions" (268), Boyd is a leader of the party of younger hunters in "Delta Autumn"; he has "the youngest face of them all, darkly aquiline, handsome and ruthless and saturnine" (268). The story reveals his ruthlessness in several ways, beginning with his driving and ending with his abandonment of the woman he had an affair with and the child they conceived together. He seems to think money can settle his moral and emotional debts. |
3023 | Dollar |
Dollar is the Mottstown store-keeper in Light in August who tells the town about how Mrs. Hines retrieves her husband from the chair where she had left him and rents a car from Salmon to take them to Jefferson. |
3281 | Doctor Wyott |
In The Town Old Doctor Wyott is president emeritus of the Academy founded by his grandfather; he "could read not only Greek and Hebrew but Sanskrit too," and is "absolved" from religious affiliation by conventional Jeffersonians (320). It would seem likely that he and the Vaiden Wyott who is such a good elementary school teacher must be related. Like him, she is descended from an old Yoknapatawpha family. But the novel gives no hint of a relationship between these two Wyott lineages. |
351 | Doctor Worsham |
In the short story "The Unvanquished" and again in the chapter titled "Riposte in Tertio" in The Unvanquished, Bayard recalls the minister of Jefferson's Episcopal Church in the days before the War. Like many other white Yoknapatawphans, he is probably away in the War. |
2745 | Doctor Rideout |
He is the doctor consulted in Go Down, Moses after Molly Beauchamp is found unconscious along the creek (120). |
1779 | Doctor Quinn |
"A fattish man with thin, curly hair," whose eyeglasses seem to be worn only "for decorum's sake" (149), Dr. Quinn treats Temple when she first arrives at Miss Reba's in Sanctuary. Initially he refused to make a house call on Sunday, but Reba reminds him that she "can put him in jail three times over" (148). |
817 | Doctor Peabody 2 |
In "A Name for the City" and again in Requiem for a Nun "Doctor Peabody" is one of the "new faces" that arrive in Yoknapatawpha after the first group of pioneers and becomes "old Doctor Habersham's successor" as the community's physician (206). He is presumably an ancestor of the Doctor Peabody who in other fictions takes care of Yoknapatawpha's sick and wounded until well into the twentieth century, but neither text ever specifies the relationship between the two men. This earlier Peabody provides laudanum to add to the whiskey given to the militia for their celebration. |
350 | Doctor Lucius Peabody |
Doctor Lucius Peabody is the only character who appears in the first three Yoknapatawpha novels: Flags in the Dust, The Sound and the Fury and As I Lay Dying. He is only mentioned by Quentin in the second, but makes memorable appearances in the other two. According to Flags, he is "the fattest man" in the county (94). His medical practice takes him "out at any hour of the twenty-four in any weather and for any distance, over practically impassable roads in a lopsided buckboard to visit anyone, white or black, who sent for him" (95). |
259 | Doctor Habersham's Son |
In both "A Name for the City" and Requiem for a Nun the "half orphan" son of Doctor Habersham is eight years old when he first arrives at the Mississippi settlement with his widowed father (202, 6). As a grown man, he becomes the government's local Indian agent and marries a Chickasaw woman who is the granddaughter of either Issetibbeha (202; 7) or (in Requiem's second mention of the event, of Mohataha, 170). |
349 | Doctor Habersham |
Doctor Habersham is one of the original three white settlers in Yoknapatawpha, or as it's put in Intruder in the Dust, the first text to mention him, one of the men "who had ridden horseback into the county before its boundaries had ever been surveyed and located and named" (73). According to Requiem for a Nun, in fact, with his "worn black bag of pills and knives" he was so important to the settlement that for a time the place that became Jefferson was known as "Doctor Habersham's" (202). |
807 | Doctor Crawford |
The doctor who works at Hoke's sawmill appears anonymously in "Lion" and by name, as Doctor Crawford, in Go Down, Moses. He's not a veterinarian, but when in the short story Boon shows up "just before daylight," and "drags him out of bed like a sack of meal," he goes to the hunting camp and works on the wounded Lion (196). In "Lion" he also treats Boon, and in the novel treats both Boon and Sam. |
352 | Doctor Alford |
Doctor Alford appears in Flags in the Dust as a "newcomer" to Jefferson in his "thirties" (93). He shares offices with Dr. Peabody but expresses impatience and often contempt for Peabody's traditional ideas about the practice of medicine. He is courting Narcissa Benbow, but without arousing much interest in her. He is mentioned in As I Lay Dying when MacGowan tells Jody to send Dewey Dell "upstairs to Alford's office" when she asks "to see the doctor that works" there (241). |
1659 | Doc Wright |
In The Sound and the Fury Doc Wright trades on the commodities market at the telegraph office, where he can keep tabs on the price of cotton. He and Jason discuss trading strategy. (In other texts there are characters nicknamed 'Doc' who are not medical doctors, but whether Wright is or isn't a 'real' doctor is not made clear.) |
3442 | Doc Meeks |
Doc Meeks himself does not appear in The Mansion, but the "patent medicine truck" he drives around Yoknapatawpha advertises "Watkins Products" - a real manufacturer of health medicines that has been in business since just after the Civil War - on "both [its] sides and the back" (171). The novel describes those advertisements as the source of the name that the parents of Watkins Products Snopes gave their son. |
1760 | Doc |
Of the three "town boys" who spend time with Gowan in Sanctuary (29), Doc is the only one given a name. He is also the most vividly characterized. He spreads broken glass across the road to show his resentment against the class system, waves a woman's panty around to establish his credentials as a man about town, makes fun of Gowan's references to "Virginia" to his face (33), and at first even refuses to drink with him. Not even the whiskey dissolves his grudge. |
299 | Dink Quistenberry |
Chick Mallison says in The Town that Dink "had married one of Mr Snopes's sisters or nieces or something out at Frenchman's Bend and when Mr Snopes sent I.O. Snopes back to the country the Quistenberrys came into buy or rent or anyway run the Snopes Hotel"; he adds that "Dink was old enough to be Mr Snopes's brother-in-law or whatever it was but he was the kind of man it just didn't occur to you to say Mister to" (378). The "Mr Snopes" in these phrases is of course Flem, but that doesn't help clarify how Flem and Quistenberry are related. |
2858 | Dilsey's Family |
Dilsey, her daughter Frony, her son TP, and her grandson Luster have separate entries in the "Appendix Compson" and in our database. This entry, however, represents the collective group referred to in the "Appendix" as "Dilsey's family," who lived as a group in the "one servant's cabin" left on the Compson property (330). If Faulkner is thinking of the "family" as he depicts it in The Sound and the Fury and "That Evening Sun," it also includes Dilsey's husband, Roskus, and another son, Versh. |
61 | Dilsey Gibson |
Dilsey is the matriarch of the Gibson family and the source of whatever emotional stability there is in the Compson family. A major character in The Sound and the Fury, she is married to Roskus, the mother of Versh, Frony, and T.P., and the grandmother of Luster. She is a devout Christian, a loyal servant and a very caring human being. As a character she is both related to the "mammy" stereotype and one of Faulkner's most dignified and impressive creations. |
3420 | Dilazuck |
Apparently he is the owner of "Dilazuck's livery stable" (202), but he himself never appears in The Mansion. |
2252 | Dicey|Negro Midwife |
In both "Wash" and Absalom! Milly's baby is delivered by an old Negro midwife who lives in a cabin "three miles" from the fishing camp (542, 230). The short story refers to her mainly as "the Negress" (535), but Sutpen once calls her "Dicey" (544). She is not named in the novel. In the short story she witnesses Wash killing Sutpen, "peering around the crazy door with her black gargoyle face of a worn gnome" (545), while in the novel she only hears this event from inside the camp. In both texts she flees as soon as it happens. |
300 | Dewitt Binford |
According to The Town, "Dewitt Binford had married another of the Snopes girls. They lived near Varner's store" (383). Binford and his wife contract to provide room and board for the four children of Bryon Snopes. |
679 | Dewey Dell Bundren |
Dewey Dell is the fourth child and only daughter of Addie and Anse Bundren in As I Lay Dying. Cora Tull calls her a "tom-boy girl" (8); several male characters comment on how "pretty" she is, "in a kind of sullen, awkward way" (199). Unknown to anyone but her brother Darl and Lafe, her sexual partner, she is pregnant and wants to go to Jefferson to get an abortion. She is able to communicate with Darl without words and she narrates four chapters in the novel. |
3419 | Devries, Parents of Devries |
In The Mansion the "folks" of Devries are surprised to see him return to World War II so soon after coming home (339). |
347 | Devries |
In both "By the People" and The Mansion Devries is the good man from an (invented) county east of Yoknapatawpha who challenges Clarence Snopes in a political race for Congress; in the story it's the 1952 election, while for the novel Faulkner moves it back to 1946. That change necessitates a revision in his biography. In "By the People" Devries has been a soldier "in that decade between 1942 and 1952" (133), and comes back from fighting in Korea with a chest full of medals, including "the top one" (134) - i.e. the Congressional Medal of Honor - and a "mechanical leg" (136). |
20 | Dennison Hawk II |
Drusilla Hawk's brother Denny - a nickname for Dennison, their father's name - is ten years old when he first appears, in "Raid." He lives at his family's plantation, Hawkhurst, in Alabama, and shares his cousin Bayard's fascination with the railroad. His small size is used as a point of reference in "The Unvanquished," but he himself does not appear in that story. In "Skirmish at Sartoris" he accompanies his mother on her trip to Yoknapatawpha, and on the day of the election, without her permission, goes into town with Ringo. |
11 | Dennison Hawk I |
Like John Sartoris, Dennison Hawk was a large plantation- and slave-owner who fought for the Confederacy in the Civil War; he was killed at the Battle of Shiloh. He never appears directly in the fictions, but is mentioned in "Raid" and "Skirmish at Sartoris" and again in The Unvanquished. His Alabama plantation, Hawkhurst, was burned by the Yankees sometime after his death. He is the husband of Louisa, who is Granny's sister, and hence he is Bayard's uncle as well as Drusilla's and Denny's father. |
208 | Delphine McCaslin |
In The Reivers Delphine is the cook in Grandfather Priest's house and the fourth and current wife of Ned McCaslin (31). |
3052 | Deacon Vines |
An elder of the Negro church that Joe Christmas invades in Light in August, Vines tells one of the parishioners to ride for the sheriff and tell him "'just what you seen'" (324). |
1505 | Deacon Rogers |
Deacon Rogers owns the store and restaurant on the Square in Flags in the Dust and The Sound and the Fury. His physical description in the first novel is striking: "His head was like an inverted egg; his hair curled meticulously away from the part in the center into two careful reddish-brown wings, like a toupee, and his eyes were a melting passionate brown" (120). His demeanor is ingratiating. In the second novel, only his cafe is mentioned, not him. |
1634 | Deacon |
In The Sound and the Fury Deacon is a fixture among the students at Harvard in 1910, especially the ones who come from the south. Black and, according to Quentin, a "natural psychologist" (97), he meets these southerners when they first arrive in Cambridge, "in a sort of Uncle Tom's cabin outfit, patches and all" (97) and proceeds to manipulate their prejudices to his own benefit. He tells Quentin that "you and me's the same folks, come long and short," and that Southerners are "fine folks. But you can't live with them" (99). |
859 | De Spain, Son of Manfred de Spain |
In "Shall Not Perish," the son of Major de Spain is an aviator and officer who is killed fighting in the Pacific, the second World War II casualty from Yoknapatawpha County. |
860 | De Spain's Daughters |
In "A Bear Hunt," the married but unnamed and unenumerated daughters of Manfred de Spain occur to the unnamed narrator when he speculates they might have been given a sewing machine by Mrs. de Spain. Manfred is usually depicted as a bachelor, but a son of his is mentioned in "Shall Not Perish." |
2826 | De Spain Ancestors |
In "Shall Not Perish" Major de Spain refers to his son's "forefathers [who] fought and died for [their country] then, even though what they fought and lost for was a dream" (108). "Then" is "eighty years ago," and as the word "lost" suggests, the country he is talking about was the Confederacy; these forefathers fought against the United States. (One of them would have been this Major's father, who was a Major in the Confederate Army during the Civil War.) De Spain's unreconstructed attitude explains why he covers his son's coffin with "the Confederate flag" (107). |
2874 | David Hogganbeck |
The character David Hogganbeck in "A Courtship" evokes the heroes of American tall tales about the frontier. "Bigger than any two" of the Chickasaw men "put together" (366), he is a skilled steamboat pilot, an accomplished fiddle player, a formidable opponent in eating, drinking and dancing competitions, and Ikkemotubbe's chivalrous rival for the hand of Herman Basket's sister. For her love he is willing to throw off his job, and for his Indian rival he is willing to lose his life. |
1437 | David Crockett |
The "David Crockett" whom Aunt Jenny mentions in The Unvanquished is much better known as Davy (244). He was a frontiersman, U.S. Congressman and soldier. His death among the Americans at the Alamo in 1836 ensured him a spot in the annals of American lore. |
2873 | David Colbert |
The character whom the narrator of "A Courtship" refers to twice as "old David Colbert" (365, 374) is presumably based on a real historical figure, Levi Colbert. The son of white father from North Carolina and a Chickasaw mother, he grew up among the Indians. Among the real Chickasaws (unlike Faulkner's) kinship was defined in matrilineal terms, and through his mother's lineage and his own accomplishments Colbert eventually became head chief of the Chickasaw nation - or as the story says about "David," "the chief Man of all the Chickasaws in our section" (365). |
2032 | David Callicoat |
In "A Justice" David Callicoat pilots the steamboat that comes up the river near Doom's Plantation "four times a year" - or as the narrative puts it, he is "the white man who told the steamboat where to swim" (346). Doom's first step in his quest for power is to appropriate the name 'David Callicoat' for himself (347). |
1929 | Daughter of Mr. Lovelady |
Mr. Lovelady's daughter is mentioned in passing in "That Evening Sun." She is described as a "child, a little girl," who lives in the hotel with her father and mother (308). When her mother commits suicide, though, Lovelady "and the child went away" (308). He returns alone, and we learn nothing more about his child's fate. |
2482 | Daughter of Bill Terrel |
At Bill Terrel's murder trial in "Monk," in a small but telling moment, his daughter denies her father's story that the man he killed had seduced her. |
1937 | Das |
The name "Das" is a common South Asian name, derived from Sanskrit. One of its meanings, however, is 'servant,' so it may be used by the subadar in "Ad Astra" not as a name but as a kind of title or label. In either case, this character is "the headman" who supervises the native military personnel; after the battalion's disastrous attack on German lines, he reluctantly admits to the subadar that his troops crossed No Man's Land with unloaded rifles, and almost their entire batallion was annihilated (425). |
345 | Darl Bundren |
Darl is Anse and Addie Bundren's second child in As I Lay Dying. Chronologically this places him between Cash and Jewel. But psychologically he has no place: unlike his older and his younger brother, he was born completely outside the circle of his mother's love. The most prolific narrator in the novel (he narrates 19 chapters), he also seems to be omniscient, as he often narrates events at which he is not present (nor does he narrate them as though he is recounting a story he was told). |
2832 | Daniel Boone |
The "Boon or Boone" mentioned twice in the "Appendix Compsons" is most famous for exploring and settling what was then part of Virginia, and what is now Kentucky, creating a route through the Cumberland Gap in the Appalachian Mountains that many settlers would later follow. The settlement referred to in the text is probably Boonesborough, one of the first settlements west of the Appalachians. |
3665 | Dan Grinnup |
"Old Dan" Grinnup in The Reivers is one of the last two surviving members of the Grenier family, perhaps the oldest white family in Yoknapatawpha. A "dirty old man with a tobacco-stained beard," he is "never quite completely drunk," but obviously is an alcoholic (7). His daughter married Ballott, the stable's foreman, but apparently he owes his marginal position at work to the fact that, when the family was in better circumstances, Maury Priest "used to fox hunt with old Dan's father out at Frenchman's Bend" (8). |
344 | Dan |
In "Gold Is Not Always" and again in Go Down, Moses Dan is the head stableman on the McCaslin-Edmonds' place, and is one of the two Negroes who help Roth search for "Alice Ben Bolt," the valuable mule who has gone missing. Dan immediately recognizes the mule's footprint and (as Roth "would realize" later) also recognizes the footprints of the man who led Alice away (229, 81). The fact that Dan doesn't tell Roth about the man puts black employee and his white boss on opposite sides of the color line. |
58 | Damuddy Bascomb |
The grandmother whom the Compson children call "Damuddy" in The Sound and the Fury does not appear elsewhere in the fictions. The day of her death, in the summer of 1898, is the earliest scene in Benjy and Quentin's memories. The novel does not explicitly say that she is their maternal grandmother, but Mrs. Compson's reaction to her death and Damuddy's association with Jason - until Damuddy got "sick," for example, Jason apparently slept in her bed with her (26) - suggest she is a Bascomb rather than a Compson. |
1628 | Dalton Ames |
In The Sound and the Fury Dalton Ames - a new arrival in Jefferson in the summer of 1909 - is the first man Caddy Compson has sex with, and may be the father of Caddy's daughter. Caddy tells Quentin that Ames has "been in the army had killed men" (148) and "crossed all the oceans all around the world" (150). Quentin discovers for himself how good Ames is with a pistol when he tries ordering him to leave town. For more than one reason Quentin feels that Ames is not a proper suitor for Caddy, including the issue of class; his name, Quentin thinks, "just missed gentility" (92). |
2737 | Daisy |
Daisy is mentioned in Go Down, Moses by Major de Spain when he tells Ike that Ash would be glad to go into the woods, "where he won't have to eat Daisy's cooking" (301). It seems clear that like Ash, Daisy works for the Major as a cook, and it becomes likely that she is Ash's wife when De Spain adds "complain about it" - her cooking - "anyway" (301). |
3418 | Dad |
The Mansion provides no other name but "Dad" for the itinerant worker whom Mink meets at Goodyhay's house. He is "apparently as old as" Mink, and wears "a battle jacket" (293). |
2901 | Crawford Gowrie |
Crawford Gowrie, the intruder behind the title of Intruder in the Dust, never directly appears in the narrative, but the details of his biography are memorable. Second of Hub Gowrie's six sons, he deserted from the U.S. Army on the day before World War I ended, hid for eighteen months "in a series of caves and tunnels in the hills" of Yoknapatawpha, was captured after a gunfight with authorities, served a year in prison, worked out of Memphis either as a rum-runner or a strike-breaker, then returned to Beat Four, reportedly to "more or less settle down" (161). |
2033 | Crawfish-ford |
In "A Justice," Crawfish-ford - "usually it was Craw-ford" (347) - is the biological father whom Sam Fathers calls "pappy" (347). He and Herman Basket have apparently known Doom since they were children "sleeping on the same pallet and talking at night, as boys will" (345). When Doom acquires Sam's mother as a slave, Craw-ford immediately tries to take her as his own but her husband objects, leading to a prolonged rivalry. Craw-ford impregnates the enslaved woman, but eventually loses the contest Doom arranges between the rivals to determine her mate. |
3629 | Cousin Melisandre |
The young woman whom Bayard calls "Cousin Melisandre" in the short story with the long title "My Grandmother Millard and General Bedford Forrest and the Battle of Harrykin Creek" is a upper class refugee: she leaves Memphis after it is captured by the Union forces to spend the War at the Sartoris plantation in northern Mississippi. She seems related to Bayard on his mother's (Millard) side, but the only information the story provides about her family is General Forrest's reference to "that uncle or whoever it is that calls himself her guardian" (694). |
736 | Cornelia Mardis Holland |
In "Smoke," Cornelia Holland is the daughter and only child of Mr. Mardis. She marries Anselm Holland (Senior). She bears him twin sons - Anselm (Junior) and Virginius - of whom the former "was said to have been the mother’s favorite" (4). Her father's property is held in her name after his death. She dies of unspecified causes when her sons are still children, though the narrator and others believe "her life had been worn out by the crass violence of [her husband,] an underbred outlander" (4). |
341 | Cora Tull |
The wife of Vernon and the mother of a fluxuating number of daughters, Cora Tull is described by the third-person narrator of The Hamlet as a "strong, full-bosomed though slightly dumpy woman" whose face perpetually wears "an expression of grim and seething outrage . . . directed not at any Snopes or at any other man in particular but at all men, all males" (357). This is a more extreme version of the 'Cora Tull' whom readers meet in the earlier As I Lay Dying, where she narrates three sections herself, and plays a substantial role as Addie's nearest neighbor. |
2913 | Constable Skipworth |
Yoknapatawpha constables are stationed in each of the county's five Beats. They are paid "a dollar a prisoner every time [they] deliver a subpoena or serve a warrant" (62). Skipworth, the sheriff's constable who lives in and represents the law in Beat Four in Intruder in the Dust, is described as "a little driedup wizened stonedeaf old man not much larger than a boy" (37), but he is brave enough to take Lucas into custody to protect the black man from the anger of a white crowd, and to keep him locked in his house overnight until the Sheriff can get there. |
339 | Comyn |
Referred to in Flags in the Dust by Monaghan as "that big Irish devil" (387), Comyn was Royal Air Force flyer (identified in "Ad Astra" as a lieutenant) with whom Young Bayard and Johnny Sartoris flew during World War I. In "Ad Astra" he appears as a proud Irishman who disdains the English nation he has served. He is drinking heavily and looking for women or a fight or both. |
3136 | Commissioner Patton |
A soldier during the days of the Mississippi Territory, Patton became active in politics when Mississippi achieved statehood in 1817. In 1821, along with Thomas Hicks and William Lattimore, he was one of the "three Commissioners" who chose the site for the new state capital (79). |
3131 | Commissioner Lattimore |
A physician by training, William Lattimore was politically active during the years in which the Mississippi Territory became the State of Mississippi. In 1821, along with James Patton and Thomas Hinds, he was one of the "three Commissioners" referred to in Requiem for a Nun who chose the site for the new state capital (79). |
3129 | Commissioner Hinds |
Thomas Hinds was a hero of the War of 1812 who afterward commanded the Mississippi territorial militia. After Mississippi gained statehood in 1817 he turned to politics, serving in the state legislature and later in the U.S. Congress. In 1821, along with James Patton and William Lattimore, he was one of the "three Commissioners" referred to in Requiem for a Nun who chose the site for the new state capital (79). |
3622 | Colonel Willow |
In Absalom! Colonel Willow is the commander of the University Grays in 1865, when he allows his fellow officer, Colonel Sutpen, to use his headquarters tent to meet with Henry. |
187 | Colonel Sartoris Snopes |
Ten-year-old Colonel Sartoris "Sarty" Snopes is the focal character in "Barn Burning." The youngest of sharecropper Abner Snopes' four children, he is "small for his age, small and wiry like his father, in patched and faded jeans even too small for him, with straight, uncombed, brown hair and eyes gray and wild as storm scud" (4). |
338 | Colonel Newberry |
Colonel G. W. Newberry is the Union commander of the "--th Illinois Infantry" (77, 124). Rosa Millard tricks him into handing over mules. |
337 | Colonel Nathaniel G. Dick |
Colonel Dick is a Union cavalryman with a "bright beard" and "hard bright eyes" who appears in "Ambuscade" and "Raid" and is mentioned in "The Unvanquished" as a short story. Across these texts as well as The Unvanquished he appears as a chivalrous gentleman who knows how to treat a lady like Rosa Millard even in the midst of the confict between Yankees and rebels. |
2697 | Colonel McKellogg |
At the McKellogg residence in "Two Soldiers," the Grier boy meets Colonel McKellogg: "a old feller, with a britching strop, too, and a silver-colored bird on each shoulder" (98). The 'birds' are in fact actually made of silver, the insignia of his rank. |
3682 | Colonel Linscomb |
In The Reivers Lucius calls him "the aristocrat, the baron, the suzerain" (228). He does not appear in person until late in the story, but is invariably referred to as "Colonel Linscomb" by the other characters Lucius meets in Parsham. His plantation (which contains the track on which the horses race) and mansion (where the story unwinds after the races are over) are both extremely lavish and well-maintained. He is obviously an old friend of Grandfather Priest. |
2 | Colonel John Sartoris' Mother |
The mother of John and (the first) Bayard Sartoris and Virginia Du Pre is never named, and only mentioned in three texts, each time briefly. "There Was a Queen" notes that the "Cal-lina" (Carolina, probably South) mansion she lived in was burned down by the Yankees during the Civil War (732). |
201 | Colonel John Sartoris' Father |
In "There Was a Queen," Elnora refers to Miss Jenny's "paw" as having been killed by the Yankees during the Civil War (732). She doesn't say any more about him, and he is not even mentioned in any other texts, but the larger story of the Sartoris family as Faulkner tells it elsewhere, especially in Flags in the Dust and The Unvanquished, suggests that this man owned a slave plantation in one of the Carolinas - and that the family's "Cal-lina house" was a mansion before the Yankees burned it down (732). |
14 | Colonel John Sartoris' Daughter 2 |
Faulkner's first Yoknapatawpha fiction, Flags in the Dust, explicitly mentions the two daughters of Colonel John Sartoris. This is the younger one, who is two years younger than Bayard; with her older sister she was sent to Memphis during the Civil War, but is back at the Sartoris plantation at Christmas time, 1869, to hear Aunt Jenny tell the story of "Carolina" Bayard's death. Other than that, like her sister she remains very elusive as a character. |
13 | Colonel John Sartoris' Daughter 1 |
Like their mother, John Sartoris' two daughters are almost invisible members of the family. This is the older of the pair, Bayard's older sister. She is twenty-two when Jenny Du Pre arrives in Mississippi in 1869; beyond that she is not named or described. From one of Will Falls' stories in Flags in the Dust we learn that she and her younger sister were sent to Memphis during the Civil War; the narrator tells us later that she is planning to marry in June, 1870. |
2374 | Coldfield, Grandfather of Goodhue |
Goodhue Coldfield's grandfather never appears in Absalom!, but Rosa distinguishes herself and her origins from Sutpen by noting that her father knew "who his grandfather had been in Virginia" (11). |
2373 | Coldfield, Father of Goodhue |
Goodhue Coldfield's father never appears in Absalom!, but Rosa distinguishes herself and her origins from Sutpen's parvenu status by noting that "our father knew who his father was in Tennessee" (11). |
98 | Clytemnestra |
In Absalom! Clytemnestra (Clytie) is the daughter of Thomas Sutpen and one of the two enslaved women he brings with him to Yoknapatawpha. She is first mentioned by Rosa, as the "negro girl" with a "Sutpen face" beside Judith Sutpen, Clytie's half-sister (22); later Rosa refers to her "Sutpen coffee-colored face" (109). Sutpen "named [Clytemnestra] himself," after a legendary Greek queen, though Mr. Compson "likes to believe" that Sutpen "intended to name her Cassandra," after another figure from Greek tragedy (48). |
1356 | Cliff Odum |
In The Hamlet Cliff Odum helps Mrs. Snopes get the milk separator in Jefferson. |
3245 | Clefus |
Gavin Stevens' janitor in The Town is named Clefus. Charles Mallison speculates about how pleasantly surprised he was when he came in "to sweep the office" and found the whiskey toddy Gavin had left untouched on his desk (376). |
295 | Clarence Snopes' Grandmother |
In the short story "By the People," Clarence Snopes' grandmother is identified as Billy Varner's "distant cousin by marriage," which helps explain Varner's interest in Clarence's career (130). (When Faulkner retells the story of Clarence as Varner's protege in The Mansion, his grandmother is not mentioned.) |
234 | Clarence Snopes |
On the Snopes family tree, Clarence - according to The Mansion, it's "pronounced 'Cla'nce'" (325) - is the son of I.O. and the half-brother of Montgomery Ward Snopes. He is one of the four Snopes named in Faulkner's first Yoknapatawpha fiction, Flags in the Dust, but appears only as the boy whose "hulking but catlike presence" makes Bryon Snopes nervous (235). It is in Sanctuary that his character as one of the most venal Snopeses emerges. |
3020 | Cinthy |
In Light in August Cinthy (like her husband Pomp) was a slave who belonged to the elder Gail Hightower. She cooked for him, and "raised [his son] from babyhood" (470). After both her husband and her master are killed during the War, she rejects the idea that she is now "free" (477) and moves back to the Hightower home to cook for that son and his family. |
2230 | Chlory |
Chlory cooks and keeps house for Judge Allison in "Beyond"; the keening she does when he dies is described as "slow billows of soprano sound as mellow as high-register organ tones and wall-shattering as a steamer siren" (782). |
146 | Child of Tomey's Turl and Tennie Beauchamp |
In Go Down, Moses this child is the third of Tomey’s Turl and Tennie Beauchamp, and also the third to die in infancy. |
335 | Chevalier Soeur-Blonde de Vitry |
Though he is mentioned in six fictions, this Frenchman remains a shadowy figure. When he first appears, during Ikkemotubbe's trip to New Orleans in "Red Leaves," the narrator notes that his "social position" is "equivocal" (317). Chevaliers were minor nobles in pre-Revolutionary France. This "Chevalier" has emigrated from Paris to the French colony of Louisiana, though two of the stories also show him back in France as an old man. |
1631 | Charlie |
In The Sound and the Fury Charlie is one of the boys with whom Caddy explores her sexual desires in adolescence, the only named one before Dalton Ames. Charlie and Caddy are being intimate on the swing in the Compson backyard when Benjy interrupts them. Charlie's reaction to Benjy's anguish is very callous: noting that her brother "cant talk," he continues to "put his hands on Caddy" (47) and gets angry when Caddy leaves with Benjy. |
2976 | Charley Longfeather |
Charley Longfeather is not a character in "Knight's Gambit" but is one of the three hypothetical men that Gavin Stevens uses to represent the veterans of World War I: Gavin says, “I am no more just John Doe of Jefferson, Mississippi; I am also . . . Charley Longfeather of Shoshone, Idaho” (243). |
767 | Charley 2 |
The man named "Charley" in The Reivers (146) is described by Lucius as "a switchman, a railroad man anyway," in "greasy overalls" (141). He helps load the horse into the boxcar. |
334 | Charley 1 |
The character named "Charley" in Light in August is "a young interne from the county hospital" who is a doctor's assistant (124) at the Memphis orphanage where an infant is left "on the doorstep" (133). This young man is the person who decides they should name the child "Joe Christmas." He is still working there as an intern five years later, when Joe overhears him having sex with the "dietitian" (120). ("Interne" and "dietitian" are the novel's spellings.) |
95 | Charles Sutpen Bon |
Charles Bon is a major character in Absalom!, although none of the novel's four main narrators ever saw him. Faulkner's first account of him appears in "Evangeline," a story he tried unsuccessfully to sell in mid-1931; there 'Charles Bon' is an orphan from New Orleans who marries Judith Sutpen and is killed by Judith's brother Henry at the end of the Civil War, apparently because Henry discovers he is already married to a woman with "negro blood." The story contains no hint that he is either Thomas Sutpen's son or part Negro. |
45 | Charles Stuart Compson |
According to the early genealogy that Faulkner's 1946 "Appendix" creates for the Compson family, Charles Stuart Compson is the first member to be born in the new world. Named after Charles Stuart the Young Pretender, for whom his father fought in Scotland, Charles Stuart Compson served under the British commander Banastre Tarleton in the American Revolutionary War; Charles Stuart was thus part of the military serving the monarchy his father had formerly opposed. |
219 | Charles Mallison II |
Charles Mallison Jr. appears in nine texts, in all but one of them mainly as narrator, especially of the exploits and misadventures of the man he refers to hundreds of times, usually in an admiring tone, as "Uncle Gavin." Gavin is Gavin Stevens, and his nephew is thus a member of one of the older upper class families in Yoknapatawpha, the only child of Gavin's twin sister Maggie Stevens Mallison. Faulkner creates Charles ("Chick," as Gavin calls him once in "Tomorrow," the first time he's given any name) to serve as a kind of Dr. |
218 | Charles Mallison I |
Although he is mentioned in three short stories and actually appears in three novels, the father of Charles Mallison, Jr., remains an elusive character. He is dead in the first story that mentions him ("An Error in Chemistry") and almost irrelevant even in the texts where he appears: Intruder in the Dust, The Town and The Mansion. His wife, Maggie Stevens by birth and Gavin's twin sister, sometimes calls him Charley, and according to The Town he owns the livery stable in Jefferson (at a time when cars are displacing horses). |
96 | Charles Etienne Saint-Valery Bon |
In Absalom!, the "little boy" in the picture that is found on Charles Bon's body (75) is Bon's "sixteenth part negro son" (80); his grandiloquent name is Charles Etienne Saint-Valery Bon. When Judith and Clytemnestra bring him from New Orleans to Sutpen's Hundred after his mother dies, Judith tells him to "Call me Aunt Judith" (169), perhaps without realizing that he is in fact her half-nephew and her father's grandson. |
839 | Celia Cook|Cecilia Farmer |
Faulkner tells the story about the young girl in Jefferson during the Civil War who writes her name on a window pane with a diamond ring three different times, each time changing the details. In The Unvanquished the girl is named Celia Cook; in Intruder in the Dust she is unnamed; in Requiem for a Nun - which develops her action into a poignant symbol of persistence and temporality - her name is Cecilia Farmer. The story is apparently based on a real event in the history of Oxford, Faulkner's home town. |
3262 | Cedric Nunnery |
In The Town Cedric is the son of Mrs. Nunnery and about five years old. After he goes off to play in a culvert, the search for him results in Eck Snopes' accidental death. Cedric himself returns unscathed. |
333 | Cassius Q. Benbow |
This emancipated slave is mentioned in "Skirmish at Sartoris" and again in The Unvanquished. Before the Civil War, Cassius was called "Uncle Cash"; he was enslaved by the Benbow family and worked as their carriage driver (66, 199). He is illiterate. During the War he "run off with the Yankees" (66, 199), but has returned to Jefferson and been appointed "Acting Marshal" by the northerners who are trying to reconstruct the town's government (66, 199). It is his possible election as Marshal that precipitates the story's climax. |
43 | Caspey Strother |
In Flags in the Dust Caspey is the son of Simon Strother and the brother of Elnora. He is also one of the five men in the novel who are returning from France after the end of World War I. Caspey served in a non-combatant role with the U.S. Army over there; when he returned home to Jefferson, he brought with him some wildly exaggerated tales about his military service, and a set of new ideas about racial equality which made his family very nervous and drove Old Bayard to knock him down with a stick of stove wood. |
678 | Cash Bundren |
Cash is the first-born of Addie and Anse Bundren in As I Lay Dying. He is a good carpenter, who shows his devotion to his mother through his handiwork. He narrates five chapters which become increasingly more developed, beginning with a list of the reasons he made his mothers coffin on the bevel and ending with the final chapter of the novel in which he conveys the denouement of the story in a straightforward, matter of fact way. He is compulsive about his tools, and his narration shows him to be single–minded as he tends to frame everything in the terms of his craft. |
165 | Carothers Roth Edmonds |
The great-great-great-grandson of Carothers McCaslin, the first Yoknapatawpha McCaslin after whom he is named, Carothers (Roth) Edmonds is the last owner of the McCaslin-Edmonds plantation in the fictions, the white landlord of the Negro tenant farmers who work the fields that he owns. Among those tenants is his 'black' relative, Lucas Beauchamp, the grandson of Old Carothers. In Go Down, Moses and the stories the precede it - "A Point of Law" and "Gold Is Not Always" - the relationship between Roth and Lucas is mainly an occasion for comedy. |
206 | Carothers McCaslin's Father |
This is one of the characters in Go Down, Moses who only appear in the ledgers of the McCaslin plantation. There the entry for "Roskus" and "Fibby," written by Ike's father Buck McCaslin, mentions that Roskus was "rased by Granfather in Callina," and that Fibby was "bought by granfather in Callina" (252). This Carolina ancestor, the father of "Old Carothers" McCaslin and so the great-grandfather of Ike, is not mentioned any where else in the novel. |
135 | Carothers McCaslin's Daughter |
Old Carothers McCaslin has three legitimate white children, one of whom is this daughter. This elusive figure is never named; the first time she appears in Go Down, Moses she is referred to as Cass Edmonds' "grandmother" (who "raised him following his mother's death") and "Uncle Buck and Uncle Buddy's sister" (9). She is at the head of the "distaff" side of the white McCaslins (5), "the woman" through whom Cass inherits both McCaslin blood, and, since Ike renounces his inheritance, the McCaslin property (243). |
152 | Carothers McCaslin Edmonds |
McCaslin Edmonds (also called "Cass") is the great-grandson of "Old Carothers" McCaslin, the slave-owner who built the large plantation in northeast Yoknapatawpha. Cass is descended from Old Carothers by the "distaff" (5) or female side of the family (his grandmother was Carothers McCaslin's daughter), and would not ordinarily inherit the McCaslin property. But when Ike McCaslin renounces that inheritance, his cousin Cass comes into possession of it, and in turn he bequeaths it to his son, Zachary Edmonds. |