Character Keys
Code | title | biography | |
2643 | Unnamed White Hunter |
When in The Hamlet Ratliff discovers a previously uncanvassed territory in Tennessee for selling sewing machines, either his imagination or the narrator's fetches a comparison from the other side of the world: Ratliff looks about him "with something of the happy surmise of the first white hunter blundering into the idyllic solitude of a virgin African vale teeming with ivory" (61). It seems worth noting that this is one of the few times Faulkner's imagination visits Africa, and also that in this imagined event no Africans are present. |
2644 | Unnamed White Man Who Shoots a Negro |
For some reason that The Hamlet does not provide, this "white man" chases a Negro across the platform at a "bleak" train station and shoots him "in the body with a blunt pistol" (138). |
2645 | Unnamed Wholesaler |
In The Hamlet this Memphis wholesaler provides Ratliff with his sewing machines. |
2646 | Unnamed Mistress of Will Varner |
in The Hamlet Will Varner is having an ongoing affair with the "middle-fortyish wife of one of his own tenants" (156). |
2647 | Unnamed Tenant of Will Varner |
Many if not most of the farmers in Frenchman's Bend are tenants of Will Varner, working land he owns as sharecroppers. This particular cropper only appears in The Hamlet in the phrase describing the woman with whom Will Varner is having an affair as the "wife of one of his own tenants" (156). |
2648 | Unnamed Someone 5 |
This "somebody" in The Hamlet hears De Spain "passing in the road" as he hurries toward his burning barn (18). |
2649 | Unnamed Marriage Witnesses |
At Mink Snopes' wedding in The Hamlet, these "two passing men" - men who happen to be walking past the office of the Justice of the Peace - are called in to witness the ceremony (264). |
2650 | Varner, Children of Will and Maggie |
Will and Maggie Varner have produced sixteen children. Jody and Eula are important characters in The Hamlet and other texts. The remaining fourteen children are summarily described as "scattered, married and buried, from El Paso to the Alabama line" (6). Will suggests that this "mess of children" are largely male, a "passel of boys" who "soon as they got big enough to be worth anything . . . done married and moved away" (339). |
2651 | Varner, Future Wife of Jody |
The Hamlet looks over three decades into the future to describe the eventual end of Jody Varner's invisible bachelorhood in rather stark, but grammatically conditional terms: when Jody turns "sixty five," he "would be caught and married by a creature not yet seventeen probably, who would for the rest of her life continue to take revenge upon him for her whole sex" (352). |
2652 | Jimbo |
In "The Old People," Jimbo is a servant of Major de Spain's who accompanies the white men on their yearly hunting trips into the big woods. He helps Uncle Ash with the cooking and with the dogs. (When Faulkner re-tells the events of the short story in Go Down, Moses, Jimbo's character is replaced by "Tennie's Jim," who has a place on the McCaslin family tree.) |
2653 | Unnamed Chickasaw Ancestors |
The people whom Sam Fathers calls "the People" and whom the story's title refers to as "The Old People" are the Chickasaw Indians who lived in Yoknapatawpha before the white settlers arrived in the 1830s. As a tribe they have disappeared from the land, but a cherished part of the narrator's apprenticeship to Sam consists of the stories the old man tells him about this "race," whom neither of them "had ever known" but who survive in the traditions that Sam passes on (204). |
2654 | Unnamed Companions of Ikkemotubbe |
The "two or three companions of [Ikkemotubbe's] bachelor youth" who meet him at the "river" upon his return from New Orleans are briefly mentioned by in "The Old People" (202) and again (as "three or four companions") in Go Down, Moses (157-58). |
2655 | Unnamed Father of Boy Hunter |
As Joseph Blotner points out, in a typescript for "The Old People" the father of the story's narrator is referred to as "Mr Compson" (presumably the Mr. Compson who is Benjy, Caddy, Quentin and Jason's father), but the character is given no name at all in this magazine version of the story. All we can say with certainty about him is that he belongs to Yoknapatawpha's upper-class, owns a farm four miles from Jefferson and has an office in town. He goes hunting every November with Major de Spain, Walter Ewell, Boon Hogganbeck and Uncle Ike McCaslin. |
2656 | Unnamed Grandfather of Boy Hunter |
The grandfather of the boy hunter who is the narrator as well as Sam's apprentice in "The Old People" and just the apprentice hunter in "The Bear" is briefly mentioned, but his name is not given in either text nor is much else about him explained except that (in the first story) he lived in "the same country" and had "grown up" and "lived" in "almost the same manner" as his grandson (202), and that in "The Bear" his grandson carries an "old, heavy, biscuit-thick silver watch which had belonged to his grandfather" (289). |
2657 | Unnamed Great-Grandfather of Boy Hunter |
Mentioned but not named in "The Old People," the great-grandfather of the narrator was presumably one of the original planters in Yoknapatawpha, a contemporary of the first Sartorises and Compsons, but all the story definitely says about him is that "almost a hundred years ago" he bought the slaves from whom Sam Fathers is descended from Ikkemotubbe (203). |
2658 | Unnamed Hunters 7 |
These are the unnamed hunters in "The Old People," referred to only as "two or three others," who are part of the yearly De Spain hunting party that also includes the Major, the narrator's father, Uncle Ike McCaslin and Walter Ewell (205). |
2659 | Unnamed Negro Hunters |
In "The Old People" and again in Go Down, Moses, this group of Negro hunters see "the sudden burst of flame" as Jobaker's hut burns down (204, 164). In the short story they are explicitly described as "possum-hunting" (204); in the novel they are just "hunting" (164). |
2660 | G.A. Fentry |
The father of Stonewall Jackson Fentry in "Tomorrow" is a farmer at "the very other end" of Yoknapatawpha from Frenchman's Bend (90). He is Confederate veteran who fought under both Stonewall Jackson and James Longstreet, as the names of both his biological and his adopted sons reveal. |
2661 | Stonewall Jackson Fentry |
Jackson Fentry is farmer and mill caretaker, who, at the beginning of "Tomorrow," refuses to acquit the Bookwright, who has shot and killed Buck Thorpe for seducing his seventeen-year-old daughter. It is discovered that to Fentry, Buck is the son he adopted from a young but dying poor-white woman to whom decades earlier he took in and married just before she died. The son was taken from him at three years of age, to grow up (badly) as a Thorpe, but to him the murdered man is still "Jackson and Longstreet Fentry" (100). |
2662 | Judge Frazier |
The judge at Fentry's trial in "Tomorrow" is referred to by name by the narrator's "grandfather" (93), but he is not described. He is so sure that Bookwright will quickly be acquitted that he "doesn't retire" to his chambers when the jury begins deliberating (92). |
2663 | Mrs. Thorpe |
In "Tomorrow" this woman appears in Frenchman's Bend a week after Thorpe was shot, "claiming to be Thorpe's wife" (90), and hoping he left some property. Though she has "a wedding license to prove it" (90), the narrator sounds suspicious about her marriage. |
2664 | Mrs. Fentry |
In "Tomorrow" this wandering poor-white, pregnant woman is given shelter and aid by Jackson Fentry at Quick's Sawmill. He calls her "Miss Smith" when asked her name by someone else (99). Though initially she says she is already married, right after her baby is born she marries to Fentry and almost immediately dies (105). When her brothers turn up years later looking for the child, we learn her maiden name is Thorpe. |
2665 | Thorpe Brothers |
"Them two brothers" - as Mrs. Pruit calls them in "Tomorrow" - are "black-complected" like their sister (105). They feel sorry for Fentry when they arrive to claim that sister's child, now three years old, and give Fentry a "money purse" to compensate him for the loss (106). He flings it away. |
2666 | Buck Thorpe |
The young man whom Bookwright shoots for seducing his seventeen-year-old daughter in "Tomorrow" was named "Jackson and Longstreet Fentry" for the first three years of his life (100). Born to a homeless poor-white woman given shelter by Jackson Fentry, he is raised by Fentry until age three, when he is reclaimed by his mother's family, the Thorpes. He grows up to be the ne'er do well Buck who appears in Frenchman's Bend "from nowhere," and is described as "a brawler, a gambler," a moonshiner and a cattle thief (90). |
2667 | Unnamed "Husband" of "Miss Smith" |
The biological father of Buck Thorpe in "Tomorrow" is an exceptionally illusive figure. Both "Miss Smith" and her brothers, the Thorpes, state that she was married when she arrived in Frenchman's Bend, eight months pregnant. If so, it's never made clear why she leaves her husband. All her "oldest brother" tells Isham Quick is that they "done already attended to" him (106). What he did as her husband, however, or if he was in fact her husband, or what they did to or for him - these questions remain unanswered. |
2668 | Unnamed Assistant District Attorney |
This unnamed lawyer, appointed by the District Attorney to prosecute the case against Bookwright in "Tomorrow," is content merely to go through the required motions, presenting the evidence in less than an hour and only "bowing to the court" rather than presenting a closing argument (92). Like (almost) everyone else in the courtroom, he believes Bookwright should be acquitted. |
2669 | Unnamed Cattle Rancher |
Only referred to in "Tomorrow," this is the rancher who "promptly identifies" the stolen cattle Buck Thorpe is driving along the road to Memphis (90). |
2670 | Unnamed Grandfather of Stonewall Jackson Fentry |
In "Tomorrow" Pruitt tells Gavin Stevens that Fentry's "grandpa" worked the family's small, poor farm "until he died between the plow handles" working in the field (97). He was probably the first Fentry to settle in Yoknapatawpha. |
2671 | Unnamed Grandmother of Stonewall Jackson Fentry |
Like her daughter-in-law in "Tomorrow," this Mrs. Fentry died before she was forty. According to Pruitt, it was "that place," the poor Fentry farm on which they lived and the impoverished life they led there, that killed both women at such a young age (96). |
2672 | Unnamed Young Men in Frenchman's Bend |
In Quick's account of Buck Thorpe's life in Frenchman's Bend in "Tomorrow," he mentions "about a half a dozen" other young men who both fought with Thorpe and often sat on the gallery at Varner's store listening to and laughing at his talk (109). The fighting is described as violent - he beats his adversaries "unconscious from time to time by foul means and even by fair on occasion" - and the talking is described as drunken (109). |
2673 | Unnamed Midwife |
The local midwife in "Tomorrow" who delivers the child that grows up to be Buck Thorpe knows that his mother was too ill to "get up from that mattress" (105). |
2674 | Unnamed Negro Hired Hand |
In "Tomorrow," according to Pruitt, when Stonewall Jackson Fentry left his father's farm to try "to earn a little extra money" working at a sawmill in Frenchman's Bend, he made some kind of arrangement with this unnamed black man to help on the farm in his stead. Pruitt tells Gavin Stevens he often heard the father "cussing" the man "for not moving fast enough" in the field, but when two years later the son brings the baby home, the Fentrys continue to employ him for a season (97). |
2675 | Unnamed Mother of Stonewall Jackson Fentry |
All that the readers of "Tomorrow" learn about Mrs. G.A. Fentry is that, like her mother-in-law before her, she died before she was forty. According to Pruitt, it was "that place," the poor Fentry farm on which she lived and the impoverished life she led there, that killed her (96). |
2676 | Unnamed Negro Sawmill Workers 2 |
Apparently except for Fentry, the workers at Quick's sawmill in Frenchman's Bend are all black. At least, when Isham Quick describes Fentry's arrival at the mill in "Tomorrow," he says he did "the same work" and drew "the same pay as the niggers done" (103). (In the larger Yoknapatawpha context, this is an exception to the usual absence of Negroes, except for a few domestic servants, in the Frenchman's Bend area.) |
2677 | Samuel Worsham Beauchamp |
In both "Go Down, Moses" and the chapter with that title in Go Down, Moses, Samuel is the grandson of Lucas and Molly Beauchamp. As he tells the census taker, to whom he identifies himself by his real name, Samuel Worsham Beauchamp was "born in the country near Jefferson, Mississippi" (351). Like well over a million rural black southerners by the 1930s, he has relocated to the urban north. |
2678 | Unnamed District Attorney 3 |
In both "Go Down, Moses," and the chapter with that title in Go Down, Moses, Gavin remembers that "the papers of [the] business" with Samuel Worsham Beauchamp went to "the District Attorney" (258, 354). |
2679 | Unnamed Newspaper Advertisers |
These advertisers - presumably local businessmen and professionals - appear only hypothetically in "Go Down, Moses," when Mr. Wilmoth, the editor of the Jefferson paper, worries whether he'll lose "what few advertisers I have got" (262) for helping Stevens organize a funeral for a black man, Samuel Beauchamp. |
2680 | Unnamed Prison Warden |
In "Go Down, Moses" and the chapter with that title in Go Down, Moses, Gavin Stevens calls the warden at the penitentiary in Joliet, Illinois, to gather information about Samuel Beauchamp. |
2681 | Mr. Pearson |
Pearson is the "state draft investigator" in "The Tall Men" (45). A man of "better than average intelligence," he has developed an arrogant, stereotypical way of thinking about country people (48). His previous relief agency work has taught him to expect the worst from such groups, but his encounter with Mr. Gombault and the McCallum family is "different from what he had expected" (48). Over the course of the story, he learns how wrong his assumptions can be. |
2682 | Dr. Schofield |
At first sight Dr. Schofield "might have been any city doctor, in his neat city suit" (49). During his house call to see about Buddy McCallum's injured leg in "The Tall Men," Dr. Schofield proves himself a practical physician who is sensitive to the wants and needs of his patients. He trusts Buddy's judgment concerning the amputation of his leg and, in doing so, provides a contrast with Mr. Pearson's distrust and misjudgment of the family as a whole. |
2683 | General Philip Sheridan |
After serving in the Civil War's western theater, the Union general Philip Sheridan came east when Ulysses S. Grant appointed him to command the cavalry forces in the Army of the Potomac. What Gumbault tells Pearson in "The Tall Men" about how "Sheridan's calvary blocked the road from Appomattox to the Valley" at the very end of the war is accurate (54). |
2684 | Unnamed County Agricultural Agent |
There are several references in "The Tall Men" to "county agents" in general. This is "the county agent's young fellow" who visits the McCallums periodically to explain the new federal programs that regulate agricultural production (57). He works for the federal government as part of the Roosevelt administration's efforts during the Depression to improve farm practices in places like the deep South. To the McCallums, this is the "the Government" that wants to "interfere with how a man farmed his own land" (55). |
2685 | Unnamed Doctor in France |
While waiting on Dr. Schofield to amputate his leg in "The Tall Men," Buddy McCallum recalls another doctor and a more unbearable wait during the First World War. He remembers, "It took a long time for the doctor to get around to all of us, and by that time it was hurting bad." Presumably American and most certainly overworked, this doctor patiently treats the "heap" of injured soldiers "racked up along a bank outside a field dressing station" (51). |
2686 | Unnamed Father-in-Law of Buddy McCallum |
Neither Buddy's wife nor her parents appear directly in "The Tall Men." Mr. Gombault notes that Buddy's wife isn't buried in the McCallum family graveyard: "Buddy's wife wanted to be buried with her folks. I reckon she would have been right lonesome up here with just McCallums" (60). |
2687 | Unnamed Grandfather of Mr. Pearson |
The memory of Mr. Pearson's unnamed grandfather is the first point in "The Tall Men" where he begins to identify with the McCallum family. When Pearson enters the bedroom where the injured Buddy McCallum lies, he sees beside Buddy's bedside a "big, old-fashioned, wicker-covered demijohn" like the one in which his grandfather kept his own whiskey (49). |
2688 | Unnamed Mother-in-Law of Buddy McCallum |
Neither Buddy's wife nor her parents appear directly in "The Tall Men." Mr. Gombault notes that Buddy's wife isn't buried in the McCallum family graveyard: "Buddy's wife wanted to be buried with her folks. I reckon she would have been right lonesome up here with just McCallums" (60). |
2689 | Unnamed Nurse |
When deciding if he can safely amputate Buddy McCallum's leg in "The Tall Men," Dr. Schofield realizes that to anesthetize his patient, "I'll need my nurse to help me" (51). The nurse in question is never sent for, though the operation is performed. |
2690 | Unnamed Sergeants and Officers |
In "The Tall Men," when Buddy McCallum thinks that his sons are being called up for active duty in wartime, he tells them to obey their "sergeants and officers," adding, "The Government done right by me in my day, and it will do right by you" (53). |
2691 | Unnamed Union Cavalry 8 |
As Gombault notes in "The Tall Men," as the last military act of the Civil War "Sheridan's cavalry" blocked the road from "Appomattox to the [Shenandoah] Valley" in April, 1865, forcing Lee to surrender (54). |
2692 | Unnamed World War I Soldiers 1 |
As he waits for Dr. Schofield to amputate his injured leg in "The Tall Men," Buddy McCallum recalls the time he was wounded during World War I: "there was a heap" of American soldiers lying "outside a field dressing station" waiting for medical attention (51). |
2693 | Mr. Foote |
The boy narrator of "Two Soldiers" calls him "the Law" (89). The employee at the bus depot calls him "Mr. Foote" (89). He's probably the night marshal in Jefferson. He finds the boy alone at dawn in the empty town square, takes him to the depot, and turns him over to the town's informal social service system - "two ladies in fur coats" (90). |
2694 | Mrs. Habersham |
The older of the "two ladies in fur coats" in "Two Soldiers" whom Mr. Foote summons to help with the Grier boy (90). She may be a social worker, like the younger woman, or as is more likely, just a caring member of the community. Her family name is one of the oldest in Yoknapatawpha. Because the is wearing a "fur coat" and is apparently married, we assume she is not Miss Habersham, the impoverished "spinster of seventy" in Intruder in the Dust (92) and elsewhere. |
2695 | General Douglas MacArthur |
In "Two Soldiers" the "General MacArthur" who was "holding" the Japanese invaders at bay in the Philipines in the nightly radio reports that the narrator and Pete listen to (82) was General Douglas MacArthur, Commander of Army Forces in the Far East when the U.S. entered World War II. After the Japanese invasion forced him to withdraw from the Philippines, he spoke the parting words - "I shall return" - that were becoming famous at the time "Two Soldiers" was written. |
2696 | Mrs. McKellogg |
In "Two Soldiers" Mrs. McKellogg functions somewhat as the Memphis version of Mrs. Habersham, intervening on behalf of the Grier boy. The narrator notes that she is wearing "a fur coat, but she smelled all right" (97). She provides him with food and a ride back to Frenchman's Bend. |
2697 | Colonel McKellogg |
At the McKellogg residence in "Two Soldiers," the Grier boy meets Colonel McKellogg: "a old feller, with a britching strop, too, and a silver-colored bird on each shoulder" (98). The 'birds' are in fact actually made of silver, the insignia of his rank. |
2698 | McKellogg Boy |
The McKelloggs in "Two Soldiers" have sent their young son to "a school in the East," according to Mrs. McKellogg (98). The age affinity of the two boys may explain Mrs. McKellogg's interest in the Grier boy. |
2699 | President Franklin Roosevelt |
Franklin Roosevelt was the 32nd President of the United States, re-elected to four terms in between 1932 and his death in 1945. He is mentioned in three later texts. In "Two Soldiers" he appears only in Res Grier's reference to "Our President in Washington, D.C." (85). He is included in a list of contemporary political figures in the "Delta Autumn" chapter of Go Down, Moses - but curiously isn't on the similar list in the earlier magazine version of "Delta Autumn" (322). |
2700 | Unnamed Army Lieutenant |
One of the soldiers encountered by the narrator of "Two Soldiers" in the Memphis recruiting station is a lieutenant: "he had on a belt with a britching strop over one shoulder" (94). This leather band over the right shoulder is also called a "backing strop" by the boy (95); the story uses it to indicate an officer's rank. |
2701 | Unnamed Bus Driver 1 |
The narrator of "Two Soldiers" mentions that "the feller wound the door shut and the bus began to hum" (87). He is referring to the driver of the bus that his brother, Pete, is taking to Jefferson on the first leg of his journey to enlist in the U.S. Army. |
2702 | Unnamed Bus Driver 2 |
This second "bus feller" in "Two Soldiers" is the driver of the bus that the narrator takes from Jefferson to Memphis (93). |
2703 | Unnamed Crowds in Memphis |
The narrator of "Two Soldiers" is amazed at the number of people he sees in Memphis: the "folks from ever'where" and the "rushing cars and shoving folks" are clearly the most people that he has ever seen (93). |
2704 | Unnamed Enlistees |
In "Two Soldiers," when the Grier boy arrives at the place in Memphis where "folks join the Army" (9) - i.e. the Memphis recruiting station - he sees "two fellers standing . . . and some more folks there, I reckon . . . It seems to me I remember some more folks there" (94). The iteration seems Faulkner's way of suggesting how many young men are responding to their country's need in a time of war. |
2705 | Unnamed Japanese |
These "Japanese" should be understood to be 'the enemy' that the U.S. in fighting in the Pacific theater of World War Two. The young narrator of "Two Soldiers" as well as his mother refer to the people who attacked Pearl Harbor as "them Japanese" (81, 84). In the later story "Shall Not Perish," the same narrator, a year older, refers to the country's enemy and the forces responsible for his brother's death as "them Japs" (101). |
2706 | Unnamed Negro Elevator Operator |
When Mrs. McKellogg takes the young vernacular narrator of "Two Soldiers" back to what he calls "her house" (obviously, an apartment house, 97), he notes that the "little room without nothing in it" (obviously an elevator) is operated by "a nigger dressed up in a uniform a heap shinier than them soldiers had" (obviously the operator, 97). With the exception of the narrator's reference to Negro cabins on the outskirts of Jefferson (88), the Negro employees of the apartment building provide the story's only (linguistically racist) mention of race. |
2707 | Unnamed People in Bus Depot |
The narrator of "Two Soldiers" notes that "more folks" arrive at the Jefferson bus depot and buy tickets for the bus to Memphis that he is waiting to take (92). |
2708 | Unnamed Radio Newscaster |
"The fellow in the radio talking" - this is how the narrator of "Two Soldiers" refers to the announcer who reports on the bombing of Pearl Harbor (81). |
2709 | Unnamed Social Worker |
The younger of two Jefferson women in "Two Soldiers" who take charge of the young Grier boy and help him get to Memphis. She may simply be a concerned member of the community (the "fur coat" she wears suggests a lady rather than a public employee, 91) but she does carry a "hand satchel" with papers in it, and tells the boy "we must have a case history for our files" (91). |
2710 | Unnamed Soldier Who Drives Car |
At the request of Mrs. McKellogg, a soldier driving "a big car" takes the Grier boy home from Memphis in "Two Soldiers" (99). |
2711 | Unnamed Ticket Seller 1 |
In "Two Soldiers" the ticket salesman in the Jefferson bus depot gives the Grier boy "a ticket out of my own pocket," considering the gesture something of a civic matter (92). He seems understandably anxious to get rid of the boy, who pulls a knife on him earlier. The boy notes that "he could move quicker than any grown man I ever see" (90). |
2712 | Don Boyd |
One of the "sons of [Ike McCaslin's] old [hunting] companions" (268), Boyd is a leader of the party of younger hunters in "Delta Autumn"; he has "the youngest face of them all, darkly aquiline, handsome and ruthless and saturnine" (268). The story reveals his ruthlessness in several ways, beginning with his driving and ending with his abandonment of the woman he had an affair with and the child they conceived together. He seems to think money can settle his moral and emotional debts. |
2713 | Unnamed Partner of Ike McCaslin |
Although the man who becomes Ike's partner in the carpentry business is never named in Go Down, Moses, the description of him is very vivid: he is a "blasphemous profane clever dipsomaniac who had built blockade-runners in Charleston in '62 and '3," who "appeared in Jefferson two years ago nobody knew from where" (295). Ike takes care of him when he succombs to drink, and the man helps to build a "bungalow" in town (297) as a wedding present for Ike. |
2714 | William Dudley Pelley |
Mentioned by a character in "Delta Autumn" as one of ominous signs on the horizon of contemporary events (269), William Dudley Pelley was a journalist, a novelist, a screenwriter and publisher before making a name for himself a fascist and a religious leader. In 1936 Pelley ran for president as the candidate for the Christian Party, preaching antisemitism and socialism as staples for a new Christian Commonwealth. He supported Hitler's ideology regarding Jews. |
2715 | Smith and Jones |
"Smith and Jones" are generic American surnames. In "Delta Autumn," Don Boyd uses them to suggest how widespread are the contemporary political threats to the U.S. (269). In the revised version of the story that appears in Go Down, Moses, the character who mentions them is Roth Edmonds (322). |
2716 | Yokohama |
"Yokohama" is the name of a city in Japan rather than a person (269). When in "Delta Autumn" Boyd adds the name to the list of dangers the U.S. faces along with, for example, "Hitler," he seems to be using it as a generic (and somewhat racist) way to refer to 'someone from Japan' (269). |
2717 | Unnamed Aboriginals 1 |
"Delta Autumn" and the chapter with that title in Go Down, Moses describe the "forgotten aboriginals" of Mississippi as the ancestors of the Indians who lived there until the 19th century (271). According to the narrative, the mounds on which the Indians buried their dead were originally built by these aboriginals as a refuge from the annual flood water. These aboriginals were the first humans who entered the wilderness and altered it. (See also the entry for Unnamed First Aboriginal in the index.) |
2718 | Unnamed Confederate Leaders |
In "Delta Autumn" and again in Go Down, Moses, McCaslin refers to the men who led the Confederacy in the Civil War as the "group of men . . . inside" the U.S. who "tried to tear the country in two with a war" (269, 322). He calls these men "better men" than "Hitler" and "Pelley" (in the story, 269) or "Hitler," "Roosevelt or Wilkie" (in the novel, 322), but seems glad that "they failed" (269, 322). |
2719 | Unnamed Negro Father of Young Woman |
All we know about the father of the young woman who has given birth to Don Boyd's child in "Delta Autumn" is that he lived in Indianapolis and died "two years ago" (278). (When Faulkner revised the story for inclusion in Go Down, Moses he made the young woman's family part of the extended McCaslin-Beauchamp-Edmonds family, and so although he made no changes in the way this father is described, radically re-positioned him in the larger Yoknapatawpha narrative; for that reason we have a separate entry for him in the database.) |
2720 | Unnamed Northern Businessmen 2 |
Ike McCaslin's account of the Civil War in Go Down, Moses juxtaposes the leaders of the Confederate cause with the various Yankees who opposed them. This entry represents his roster of the economic elite in northern and western states that didn't secede: "the wildcat manipulators" and land speculators, "the bankers," the landlords and factory owners (273). |
2721 | Unnamed Sister|Niece of Mrs. McCaslin |
In "Delta Autumn," this woman, Ike McCaslin's "dead wife's niece," lives in his house in Jefferson with her children and looks after him during the fifty weeks of the year he is not in the woods (274). In Go Down, Moses this same woman is called his "dead wife’s widowed niece" near the end (335), but in the first mention of her, in the very beginning of the novel, she is "his wife's sister" and his "sister-in-law" (6). Faulkner either mis-remembered the story when he wrote "sister" or forgot to change "niece" to "sister" later. |
2722 | Unnamed Hired Delta Farm Workers |
Both "Delta Autumn" and Go Down, Moses note that after slavery was abolished, planters and plantation owners employed "hired labor" to grow cotton in the Delta; these men are also described as the "Negroes who work" the land for "the white men who own it" (270, 323-24). |
2723 | Unnamed Mississippi Indians 1 |
In both "Delta Autumn" and the chapter with that title in Go Down, Moses, the texts briefly mention the Indians who once inhabited Mississippi. As the "successors" of the aboriginal inhabitants, they turned the aboriginals' raised refuges from the water into burial mounds, which suggests their inevitable historical fate: all that is left of these Indians in the present are their words as the names of "the little towns" along the river (271, 325). |
2724 | Unnamed Biracial Woman 1 |
The character of the unnamed woman with whom Don Boyd has had an affair and a child in "Delta Autumn" comes into focus slowly. At the start of the story she is referred to elliptically as the "doe" whom Boyd hunted the year before (268). When she appears before Ike in person at the end of the story, she brings with her "something intangible" (277). She is wearing a man's hat and rain coat, and has "a face young" with "dark eyes" (268). She tells Ike she is a teacher. |
2725 | Unnamed Youngest Negro in Delta Camp |
In "Delta Autumn" and again in the chapter with that title in Go Down, Moses, the "youngest Negro" among the hunting party performs a specific job for the white hunters: he sleeps in the tent with them, "lying on planks" beside the wood stove and tending it throughout the night (273, 333). It is also "the young[est] Negro" who brings the young woman into the tent to talk with Ike McCaslin (277, 339). |
2726 | Unnamed People of This Delta |
In "Delta Autumn" and again in the chapter with that title in Go Down, Moses, Ike McCaslin has vividly creates an image the diverse group of human beings that he thinks of as the "spawn" of the modern Delta, where the boundaries between races seem to have broken down (279, 346). It includes "white men" who own plantations and "commute every night to Memphis," "black men" who own plantations and even towns and "keep their town houses in Chicago," and is an amalgamation of "Chinese and African and Aryan and Jew" who "breed" together (279, 346). |
2727 | Unnamed Planters |
Both "Delta Autumn" and Go Down, Moses briefly trace the process by which several generations of planters, the white men who own the land, turned the wilderness into fields, using the labor of "gangs of slaves" before the Civil War and "hired labor" ever since (270, 323). |
2728 | Unnamed Slaves in Delta |
Both "Delta Autumn" and the chapter with that title in Go Down, Moses briefly describe the process by which generations of planters created the plantation agriculture of the Delta. Before the Civil War it was these "gangs of slaves" who provided the labor force which turned the wilderness into cotton fields (270, 323). |
2729 | John Keats |
John Keats, the author of the poem quoted in both "Delta Autumn" and Go Down, Moses, was one of the principal figures of the second generation of British Romantics. Unlike the most prominent of his contemporaries, Keats was born of humble origins. He died of tuberculosis at the young age of twenty-five, at which time he had only been a published poet for five years. |
2730 | Unnamed Sons of Farmers |
In "The Bear" the narrative notes that "in April" school is always let out "so that the sons of farmers could help with the land's planting" (291). |
2731 | Turner Ashby |
Turner Ashby led a cavalry brigade in the Army of Northern Virginia. The historical event Cass refers to in Go Down, Moses - how "by chance" Turner Ashby lost and the Union army found "Lee's battle-order" for the Confederate Army of Northern Virginia's first invasion of the North in 1862 - is a famous piece of Civil War history; the order itself, Special Order 191, is often referred to as the 'Lost Dispatch' or the 'Lost Order' (272). Ashby himself was killed in combat in 1862. |
2732 | Aunt Thisbe |
When Molly Beauchamp tries to placate her husband by saying she will take Roth Edmonds' infant son back to the big house, she says that "Aunt Thisbe can fix him a sugar-tit - " (49). This is the only reference to Thisbe in Go Down, Moses, but it's safe to infer from it that she is a servant in the Edmonds household. |
2733 | Beauchamp, Father of Hubert and Sophonsiba |
Sophonsiba only briefly mentions her father as she flirts with Buck McCaslin in Go Down, Moses. Ike, however, recalls the Beauchamp family line, and Hubert’s and Sophonsiba’s father in it, as he contemplates his inheritance (294). |
2734 | Beauchamp, Ancestors of Hubert and Sophonsiba |
Thinking about his legacy in Go Down, Moses, Ike refers to "the ones who sired the Beauchamp who sired Uncle Hubert and his Uncle Hubert's sister" (294). The locution is confusing, in part because "his Uncle Hubert's sister" is in fact Ike's mother, Sophonsiba, as one might expect him to acknowledge. And obviously "the ones who sired" doesn't imply two fathers, but a longer generation of 'sires,' who would include Ike's great-grandfather and earlier male ancestors. |
2735 | Hubert Beauchamp |
The full name of Ike McCaslin's "Uncle Hubert" in Go Down, Moses, as readers learn when he signs the i.o.u.'s he leaves his nephew instead of a golden treasure, is Hubert Fitz-Hubert Beauchamp. The son of the man who built it, he owns the "Warwick" plantation that is half-a-day’s ride from the McCaslin plantation. After the Civil War he takes a black mistress for a while, and then lives with an aged black servant "in one single room" in the decaying mansion (290) until it burns down. |
2736 | Percival Brownlee |
In Go Down, Moses Buck McCaslin purchases Percival Brownlee from Bedford Forrest, and quickly learns that Percival is unable to perform any of the tasks to which he and his brother Buddy assign the slave. When Percival is emancipated as a result of the McCaslins' frustrations with him, he refuses to leave the plantation. He disappears during the Civil War, but reappears during Reconstruction as a preacher, "leading the singing also in his high sweet true soprano voice," and again in the "entourage" of an Army paymaster (278). |
2737 | Daisy |
Daisy is mentioned in Go Down, Moses by Major de Spain when he tells Ike that Ash would be glad to go into the woods, "where he won't have to eat Daisy's cooking" (301). It seems clear that like Ash, Daisy works for the Major as a cook, and it becomes likely that she is Ash's wife when De Spain adds "complain about it" - her cooking - "anyway" (301). |
2738 | Phoebe |
In Go Down, Moses Phoebe (or "Fibby," as her name is written by Buck McCaslin in the plantation ledger, 252) is one of the slaves that "Carothers McCaslin" inherited and brought with him to Yoknapatawpha from Carolina (249). She is the wife of Roscius (spelled "Roskus" in the ledger, 252), and like him manumitted when Old Carothers dies in 1837; also like him, according to the ledger, she "Dont want to leave" (252) and remains on the plantation until her death in 1849. |
2739 | God Whom Ike McCaslin Describes |
In the 4th section of "The Bear" chapter in Go Down, Moses, during his long conversation with his cousin Cass about the history of the world with particular reference to the Old and New South and Ike's own belief that he must relinquish his inheritance from the past, Ike has a lot to say about God - as both the author of the Bible and the providential force behind human events. Ike most frequently refers to this divinity as "He," always capitalizing the H (243, etc). |
2740 | Hancock, General Winfield Scott |
General Winfield Scott Hancock, whom Cass Edmonds mentions in Go Down, Moses as part of his argument with Ike McCaslin about God's role in Southern history (271), was a corps commander in the Army of the Potomac, and as Cass notes, "on Cemetery Ridge" at Gettysburg (272). |
2741 | Hulett |
In Go Down, Moses Hulett works for the Chancellor at the Jefferson courthouse, whom Roth Edmonds and Mollie Beauchamp visit regarding a petition for divorce for the Beauchamps. He makes several sharp remarks concerning racial decorum and Lucas’s "uppity" failure to observe it (124). |
2742 | Jonas |
Jonas, one of the slaves on the McCaslin plantation when it was owned by Buck and Buddy, appears once in Go Down, Moses in the familiar pose of the 'lawn jockey': "Jonas had the two horses saddled and waiting" (9). |