
Vocabulary: Cultural Issues
Term ID Term Parent Description
1776 Clue Law
2116 Coat Clothes
5493 Coca-Cola Food
3929 Coffee Food
5362 Cold War History
3266 Collar Clothes
4574 Collective exploitation Land-Use

This is in reference to the system of governance Uncle Buck and Buddy setup on the McCaslin plantation with black and white working side side-by-side in large cooperative referenced in the Unvanquished (48-49). A similar system is enacted by Brother Goodhay in the Mansion. JB

2572 College Education
3308 College class or lecture Education
4287 College life Education
3765 College or school traditions Education
3015 Colonization History
3524 Colored people as acceptable terminology Race
1853 Colorism Race
2654 Coma Health and Illness
4279 Coming of age Age
2751 Commemoration Ritual
2540 Commerce Economy

Any moment in which the advent or nature of commerce is commented upon. In this instance, it is proto-capitalistic practices that take place as Yoknapatawpha moves from frontier to civilization. JB

2545 Commercial sexual exploitation Crime

Undoubtedly the more common term searched will be "prostitution". The aim of this term is to identify the crime being actively committed by the pimps and bordello madams. JB

287 Commodity Slavery
2508 Communal story Group Mentality
4596 Communion Religion
5356 Communism History
1668 Community Food
507 Community collective Group Mentality

We created this term to denote any instance in which the community operates as a social body, collectively self-organizing to think or do something. Sometimes, this may be simply believing an idea collectively and, at others, it may entail acting together as in the crowd at the horse auction of The Hamlet. JC and JJ

4361 Compensation Law
4176 Competition Hunting and Fishing
3027 Compromise of 1850 History
2174 Conception/Conceiving a child Sexuality
309 Concubinage Slavery
3747 Confederacy / Confederate States of America / C.S.A. History
791 Confederate Army War
2330 Confederate uniform Clothes
5394 Congress Government
2579 Conservative Politics

In The Reivers Lucius Priest defines the various positions of Conservative, Liberal, Republican, and Democrat in the following manner: "Like this: a Republican is a man who made his money; a Liberal is a man who inherited his; a Democrat is a barefoot Liberal in a cross-country race; a Conservative is a Republican who has learned to read and write." (109) Though, these positions are hardly set in stone it is important to note the distinct separation between political outlook and political party. JB

4463 Consolation Religion
4036 Constitutional right to remain silent Law
5545 Construction equipment Technology
3198 Consumerism Progress
4949 Consumption Economy

This term is meant to capture the buying of goods--food, staples, hardware, etc.; goods to be bought and sold. JJ

1528 Contract Government
4549 Contract Law
5225 Contract Economy
3632 Convalescence Health and Illness
5277 Convict labor History
4718 Conviction Law
1178 Corn Agriculture
1184 Corn farming Land-Use
1775 Corruption Government
2815 Corruption Law
5589 Corruption Politics
4276 Cost of war War
1179 Cotton Agriculture
972 Cotton farming Land-Use
5235 Cotton gin Technology
2420 Cotton planting Economy
1309 Country to city Progress

To capture the movement of people from the countryside to more urban areas, including moving from Frenchman's Bend to Jefferson, as Zilphia Gant's mother and so many Snopeses do. SR

3661 Country vs city Cultural Identity
4739 County attorney Law
5256 County fair Entertainment
2446 Courtship Slavery
5143 Crackers Food
4742 Creating an Other Group Mentality
429 Crime (First level term)
4037 Criminal assault Law
4038 Criminal assault and battery Law
5488 Crop dusting Agriculture
833 Cross dressing Clothes
2364 Cross-dress Gender
430 Cultural Identity (First level term)
4193 Cure Health and Illness
326 Curse Slavery
1244 Custody Law
4788 Cyclical Violence
5563 Daily life Segregation
3328 Damnation Religion
4682 Dancing Entertainment
714 Deafness Health and Illness
535 Death War
3916 Death from drinking Alcohol
2007 Declasse Class

Whenever a character has suffered a loss of social status, in particular those characters formerly connected with the prominent families of Jefferson. For example, Dan Grinnup who is Louis Grenier's family. J. Burgers

718 Defeat War
2698 Dehumanization Class
3009 Deist Religion
4267 Delirium Health and Illness
4971 Demagoguery Politics
2900 Democracy Politics
2577 Democrat Politics

In The Reivers Lucius Priest defines the various positions of Conservative, Liberal, Republican, and Democrat in the following manner: "Like this: a Republican is a man who made his money; a Liberal is a man who inherited his; a Democrat is a barefoot Liberal in a cross-country race; a Conservative is a Republican who has learned to read and write." (109) Though, these positions are hardly set in stone it is important to note the distinct separation between political outlook and political party. JB

320 Demographics Slavery

For passages that include specific numbers about the people or places involved, as when Bayard says that before the War on Sundays, there would be 10 slaves at the service for every 1 white person. SR

781 Demographics Government
2134 Demotion War
5183 Denim Clothes
4992 Dependable Food
894 Deployment War
3196 Depression-era programs Government
1478 Deprivation War

Individuals or groups who have been deprived of resources and comfort. JB

4763 Desertion War
1565 Desire Sexuality
2702 Destruction War
4711 Developmental problems Health and Illness
