Cultural Issues: Clothes Shirt
Parent Term
Sibling Terms
- And age
- And class
- And gender
- And identity
- And race
- Apron
- Aviation clothes
- Bathing suit
- Bathrobe
- Beaver hat
- Belt
- Blanket
- Bonnet
- Boots
- Bridal
- Cap
- Changing clothes
- Clean
- Cloak
- Coat
- Collar
- Confederate uniform
- Cross dressing
- Denim
- Dirty
- Disguise
- Disordered
- Dress
- Dressed up
- Driving gear
- Expensive
- Expensive and/or fancy clothes
- Fancy
- Flannel
- Formal
- Frock coat
- Fur coat / suit
- Garment female
- Garter
- Glasses
- Glove
- Goggles
- Gown
- Green eyeshade
- Hair ribbons
- Handbag
- Handmade
- Hat
- Hat cap
- Hat, derby
- Hat, stovepipe
- Hat, straw
- Headrag
- Historical
- Hunting clothes
- Immodest female clothing
- Jacket
- Jewelry
- Khaki
- Kimono
- Lace
- Military
- Modern fashions
- Motoring clothes
- Mourning
- Nightgown
- Overalls
- Panama hat
- Pants
- Rags
- Raincoat
- Reticule
- Ribbons
- Riding
- Rural poverty
- Shabby
- Shawl
- Shirtless
- Shirtsleeves
- Shoes
- Silk
- Skirt
- Socks
- Spectacles
- Sports
- Stockings
- Store clothes
- Suit
- Sunday clothes
- Sunday shoes
- Tartan
- Tennis shoes
- Tie
- Trousseau
- Underclothes, female
- Underclothes, male
- Undressing
- Uniform
- Urban
- Veil
- Vest
- Watch chain
- Wedding dress
- Wet clothes
- Women
- Work clothes
- Yankee uniform
Tagged Events
Environment: Time of Day›Night | Time of Year›Christmas, figuratively
Actions: Emotional›Excitement | Mental›Planning
Cultural Issues: Clothes›Aviation clothes | Clothes›Cap | Clothes›Collar | Clothes›Goggles | Clothes›Shirt | Entertainment›Barnstorming | Race›Black foresight | Region›The West
Relationships: Hierarchical›Master-servant
Aesthetics: Allusion, Geographical›California | Description›Eyes
Aesthetics: Typography/Orthography›Italics
Environment: Public›Town Square
Actions: Interaction, Social›Shopping
Cultural Issues: Class›Town v. country/farm | Clothes›Beaver hat | Clothes›Shirt | Clothes›Suit
Environment: Public›Town Square | Time of Year›January | Weather›Cold
Relationships: Interracial›Child-adult | Marital›Death of spouse
Aesthetics: Diction›Racist term | Typography/Orthography›Italics
Environment: Domestic Space›Cabin
Environment: Public›Barber shop | Time of Day›Nine o'clock p.m.
Actions: Bodily›Looking | Bodily›Smoking | Bodily›Watching | Movement›Walking | Physical›Whistling | Verbal›Talking
Relationships: Commercial›Business partners
Environment: Domestic Space›Home | Time of Day›Sunday morning | Time of Year›Spring | Time of Year›Sunday
Cultural Issues: Clothes›Bonnet | Clothes›Pants | Clothes›Shirt | Clothes›Shoes | Clothes›Sunday clothes
Environment: Domestic Space›Kitchen
Actions: Physical›Bathing | Verbal›Discussion
Relationships: Marital›Husband-wife | Social›Conflict
Environment: Domestic Space›House | Domestic Space›Stable | Natural›Moon | Time of Day›Night
Environment: Public›Street | Time of Day›Night
Environment: Domestic Space›Kitchen | Domestic Space›Porch | Time of Day›Afternoon | Time of Day›Daytime | Time of Year›Saturday | Time of Year›Sunday
Environment: Domestic Space›Cabin | Domestic Space›Yard | Natural›Woods | Time of Day›Daytime | Time of Year›Spring
Actions: Bodily›Eating | Emotional›Denial | Emotional›Shame | Mental›Thinking | Movement›Walking | Perceptual›Looking | Perceptual›Looking away | Perceptual›Seeing | Work›Sawmilling
Cultural Issues: Clothes›Bonnet | Clothes›Changing clothes | Clothes›Dress | Clothes›Overalls | Clothes›Pants | Clothes›Shirt
Aesthetics: Typography/Orthography›Italics
Environment: Domestic Space›House | Domestic Space›Parlor | Time of Year›Saturday | Time of Year›Sunday
Actions: Movement›Running away | Physical›Washing clothes | Verbal›Tirade | Violent›Beating | Violent›Domestic violence
Cultural Issues: Clothes›Denim | Clothes›Dress | Clothes›Frock coat | Clothes›Shirt | Religion›Fanaticism
Themes and Motifs: Arrivals/Departures›Run away | Objects›Pistol
Cultural Issues: Clothes›Collar | Clothes›Dirty | Clothes›Panama hat | Clothes›Shirt | Clothes›Shirtsleeves | Clothes›Tie
Themes and Motifs: Objects›Basket | Objects›Handkerchief
Aesthetics: Style›Present tense
Actions: Bodily›Eating | Economic›Hiring / employing / offering a job | Verbal›Discussion | Work›Sawmilling
Cultural Issues: Clothes›Changing clothes | Clothes›Hat, straw | Clothes›Pants | Clothes›Shirt | Clothes›Shoes | Clothes›Tie
Themes and Motifs: Arrivals/Departures›Arrival in Yoknapatawpha | Naming›Importance of naming
Environment: Domestic Space›Yard | Place›Church
Environment: Public›Town Square | Time of Day›Evening | Time of Year›Saturday
Environment: Public›Train Station/Train depot | Time of Day›Wee hours
Actions: Emotional›Repentance | Verbal›Apology
Cultural Issues: Clothes›Shirt | Labor›Prostitution
Themes and Motifs: Animals›Race horse | Naming›Nickname
Aesthetics: Diction›African American vernacular dialect
Environment: Domestic Space›Bedroom | Time of Day›Morning
Themes and Motifs: Recurring Tropes›Sleeping in same bed
Relationships: Familial›Grandparent-grandchild
Aesthetics: Narrative›Parentheses
Themes and Motifs: Objects›Fence | Recurring Tropes›Stillness
Relationships: Friendship›Adult-child
Environment: Auditory›Hoofbeats | Natural›Trees | Public›Church steeple | Public›Clock tower
Themes and Motifs: Appearance›Diminishment / fading | Objects›Wheel | Time›Awareness of time
Relationships: Friendship›Adult-child
Environment: Atmospheric›Wetness | Auditory›Rain on roof | Domestic Space›Barn | Domestic Space›Garden | Domestic Space›Hogwallow | Natural›Mud | Olfactory›Animal / stable | Olfactory›Hog / pig pen | Weather›Rain
Actions: Emotional›Anger | Emotional›Jealousy | Emotional›Self-consciousness | Emotional›Shame | Movement›Walking | Physical›Jumping | Physical›Rolling / wallowing
Cultural Issues: Clothes›Dirty | Clothes›Shirt | Gender›Dirty girl | Health and Illness›Pneumonia | Sexuality›Learning about
Relationships: Familial›Brother-sister | Romantic | Sexual
Environment: Atmospheric›Wetness | Auditory›Running sound | Natural›Water moving / flowing
Actions: Bodily›Retching | Emotional›Crying | Emotional›Laughing | Legal›Arrest | Legal›Handcuffing | Legal›Obstructing justice / law enforcement officer | Physical›Holding | Physical›Restraining | Verbal›Stuttering / stammering | Verbal›Threat | Violent›Fighting | Violent›Kidnapping
Cultural Issues: Clothes›Dirty | Clothes›Pants | Clothes›Shirt | Clothes›Vest | Food›Bread | Health and Illness›Nausea | Law›Badge | Law›Constitutional right to remain silent | Law›Criminal assault | Law›Criminal assault and battery | Law›Custody | Nationality›Foreigners | Violence›Mistaken for sexual assault
Themes and Motifs: Animals›Insects butterflies | Appearance›Dirty | Body›Arm | Body›Eyes | Body›Face | Body›Shoulder | Body›Stomach/belly | Body›Throat | Psychological›Madness
Relationships: Civic | Familial›Brother-sister | Friendship›Adult-child | Social›Assailant-victim
Aesthetics: Description›Color yellow | Language›Foreign accent / dialect | Language›ah ah ah
Environment: Public›Academic quad / quadrangle | Time of Day›Morning | Time of Day›Noon | Time of Day›Ten o'clock a.m.
Actions: Movement›Walking | Perceptual›Seeing
Cultural Issues: Clothes›Collar | Clothes›Shirt | Clothes›Socks | Education›Chapel Service (morning prayers) | Education›College | Education›College class or lecture
Themes and Motifs: Body›Foot / Feet | Memory›Remembering | Objects›Coffee | Time›Awareness of time | Time›Being late / tardiness
Relationships: Friendship›College companions / classmates
Environment: Domestic Space›College dormitory
Cultural Issues: Clothes›Collar | Clothes›Hat | Clothes›Shirt | Clothes›Shoes | Clothes›Socks | Clothes›Suit | Clothes›Tie | Clothes›Underclothes, male | Health and Illness›Doctoring | Health and Illness›Injured
Themes and Motifs: Body›Blood | Home | Objects›Books | Objects›Broken glass | Objects›Trunk | Objects›Watch
Aesthetics: Narrative›Foreshadowing
Actions: Emotional›Theatricality | Interaction, Social›Confrontation | Verbal›Questioning
Cultural Issues: Class›Gentility | Clothes›Flannel | Clothes›Khaki | Clothes›Shirt | Clothes›Silk | Gender›Masculinity | Sexuality›Female
Themes and Motifs: Body›Eyes | Body›Face | Memory›Remembering | Past›Personal past | Recurring Tropes›Door | Recurring Tropes›Little sister | Time›Travel back in time | Values›Virtue
Relationships: Familial›Brother-sister | Social›Adversarial
Aesthetics: Description›Color blue | Description›Color bronze | Description›Color brown | Diction›Misogynistic wording | Language›Fragments | Narrative›Stream of consciousness narration | Symbolism›Theatrical | Typography/Orthography›Dialogue with no quotation marks | Typography/Orthography›Italics | Typography/Orthography›Lack of Punctuation
Actions: Emotional›Sadness | Mental›Speculation
Cultural Issues: Clothes›Hat | Clothes›Shirt | Education›Being well read / erudite | Education›Harvard
Themes and Motifs: Death›Anticipation of death | Death›Death by water / Drowning | Death›Suicide | Objects›Bricks | Philosophical›Nihilism | Philosophical›Suffering | Recurring Tropes›Dead time | Recurring Tropes›Father said | Recurring Tropes›Little sister | Recurring Tropes›Shadows | Time›Return to present time
Relationships: Familial›Father-son
Actions: Movement›Car | Verbal›Conversation | Verbal›Questioning
Relationships: Familial›Mother-in-law
Environment: Atmospheric›Firelight | Place›Campsite | Time of Day›Night
Cultural Issues: Clothes›Boots | Clothes›Coat | Clothes›Hat | Clothes›Shabby | Clothes›Shirt | Health and Illness›Bullet hole | War›Rules of engagement | War›Union Army