
Term IDsort ascending Vocabulary Parent Term Description
664 Relationships Social Snobbery
663 Actions Bodily Sleeping
662 Cultural Issues Gender Chivalry
661 Themes and Motifs Animals Mules
660 Cultural Issues Law Evidence
659 Actions Violent Hitting
658 Actions Work Washing clothes
657 Actions Interaction, Social Peer group
656 Relationships Familial Mother-son
655 Environment Place Crime scene
654 Environment Domestic Space Gender stereotype
653 Themes and Motifs Body Thinness
652 Cultural Issues Law Justice of the Peace
651 Actions Bodily Crying
650 Cultural Issues Age Youth
649 Actions Moral Confession
648 Actions Moral Legal surrender
647 Themes and Motifs Character Innocence
646 Themes and Motifs Objects Clock
645 Themes and Motifs Objects Furniture
644 Cultural Issues Class Class consciousness
643 Cultural Issues Clothes Rural poverty
642 Themes and Motifs Objects Junk
641 Aesthetics Style Neologism
640 Themes and Motifs Memory Remembering passim
639 Cultural Issues Gender Femininity
638 Cultural Issues Gender Men vs women
637 Actions Verbal Taunt
636 Environment Time of Day Pre-dawn
635 Cultural Issues Class Ambition
634 Actions Interaction, Social Auction
633 Themes and Motifs Time Watch
632 Actions Verbal Command
631 Themes and Motifs Body Appearance-plain
630 Actions Physical Washing clothes
629 Themes and Motifs Body Face
628 Relationships Marital Elopement
627 Aesthetics Figures of Speech Water
626 Themes and Motifs Community African-American
625 Relationships Marital Abusive
624 Cultural Issues Class Middle
623 Actions Moral Prohibiting

Here in the general sense of interdiction, forbidding, proscribing - rather than "prohibition," i.e. outlawing alcohol. JW

622 Aesthetics Diction Western vernacular
621 Cultural Issues Clothes Women
620 Relationships Familial Sibling
619 Actions Interaction, Social Shopping
618 Themes and Motifs Animals Dogs
617 Themes and Motifs Absence/Loss Absence as disguise

This was created to note Flem Snopes' calculated absence during the horse auction, the way he has orchestrated it from behind the scene. I'm not sure this occurs with anyone but Flem, but it occurs multiple times in his case. SR

616 Cultural Issues War Wound
615 Cultural Issues Race Hierarchical
614 Environment Time of Day Midnight
613 Aesthetics Narrative Indeterminacy
612 Actions Interaction, Social Elopement
611 Environment Time of Year Summer
610 Relationships Intergenerational Female
609 Themes and Motifs Recurring Tropes Door
608 Aesthetics Figures of Speech Simile
607 Environment Olfactory Decay
606 Themes and Motifs Animals Wild horses
605 Actions Verbal Cursing
604 Relationships Familial Mother-daughter
603 Environment Atmospheric Moonlit
602 Cultural Issues Identity, Cultural Rural
601 Themes and Motifs Chaos/Order Control
600 Environment Place Ditch
599 Cultural Issues Economy Auction
598 Aesthetics Typography/Orthography Handwriting
597 Relationships Social Adversarial
596 Cultural Issues Crime Forgery
595 Themes and Motifs Animals Horses
594 Themes and Motifs Chaos/Order Wildness
593 Themes and Motifs Animals Cattle
592 Cultural Issues Crime Theft|Robbery
591 Themes and Motifs Values Truth/Lies
590 Cultural Issues Government Generational reform
589 Environment Place Memphis
588 Themes and Motifs Objects Razor
587 Themes and Motifs Objects Pistol
586 Aesthetics Narrative Communal narrative
585 Cultural Issues Gender Masculinity
584 Themes and Motifs Body Eyes
583 Themes and Motifs Body Hair
582 Cultural Issues Sexuality Illegitimacy
581 Environment Atmospheric Stillness
580 Themes and Motifs Naming Nickname
579 Cultural Issues Clothes Shabby
578 Environment Domestic Space Kitchen
577 Cultural Issues Economy Gambling
576 Themes and Motifs Arrivals/Departures Return
575 Actions Mental Uncertainty
574 Cultural Issues Law Testimony
573 Themes and Motifs Arrivals/Departures Secrecy

This term is for occasions when people leave a place in order to hide something from their neighbors, as when Flem and Eula go to Texas so that the birth of her illegitimate child can be kept secret from the population of Frenchman's Bend. SR

572 Cultural Issues Prejudice White supremacy
571 Themes and Motifs Story-telling Communal mythology
570 Environment Place Barn
569 Cultural Issues Alcohol Bootlegging
568 Relationships Familial Kinless
567 Cultural Issues Group Mentality Mob behavior
565 Relationships Familial Father-daughter
564 Cultural Issues Sexuality Pregnant out of wedlock
