
Term ID Vocabularysort descending Parent Term Description
4405 Actions Verbal Moralizing
3054 Actions Emotional Mourning
351 Actions (First level term) Movement
1128 Actions Movement Mule
3152 Actions Verbal Mumbling
819 Actions Violent Murder
4846 Actions Violent Mutilation
1057 Actions Verbal Naming self
5152 Actions Bodily Nausea
1033 Actions Verbal Negotiation
2726 Actions Physical new item
726 Actions Verbal News
1146 Actions Communication Newspaper article
2175 Actions Communication Newspaper columns and notices

For references to items in newspapers that aren't exactly news articles - "agony advice columns," for instance (in "Miss Zilpha Gant"), or obituaries, or similar items. JBP

2564 Actions Work Night watchman
2499 Actions Mental Nightmare
2011 Actions Interaction, Social Noblesse oblige

Any time of social contract that is maintained that relies on implied class differences. The term is a bit murky, but Faulkner refers to it explicitly and implicitly on a number of occasions. The agreement between Maury Priest and John Powell, and the remission of Miss Emily's taxes are examples. JB

3963 Actions Physical Nodding
459 Actions (First level term) Non-human
4173 Actions Communication Non-human

To capture when an animal "talks" - for example, when the narrator of "Race at Morning" says the lead dog Eagle "said, 'There he goes'" when he saw the deer. Here the narrator translates the dog's baying into words, but that isn't necessary with this term. It's for when communication occurs between species, probably always between an animal and a person. SR

3072 Actions Physical Nonverbal taunting or teasing
1363 Actions Perceptual Nosiness
2118 Actions Emotional Nostalgia
5126 Actions Communication Note
5585 Actions Emotional Numbness
1206 Actions Domestic Nursing
677 Actions Emotional Nurturing
2918 Actions Physical Obeying / obedience
4191 Actions Perceptual Observing
4035 Actions Legal Obstructing justice / law enforcement officer
3366 Actions Economic Offering to buy
3048 Actions Economic Offering to sell
5015 Actions Work Office
4017 Actions Verbal Omission
3265 Actions Verbal Ordering
886 Actions Emotional Outrage
1383 Actions Perceptual Overhearing
4334 Actions Emotional Overwhelmed
2541 Actions Movement Ox
2292 Actions Domestic Packing
2160 Actions Work Painting|Drawing
4883 Actions Emotional Panic
2793 Actions Hunting Panther hunting
1586 Actions Bodily Panting
4069 Actions Physical Panting
1766 Actions Legal Pardon
2147 Actions Interaction, Private Parenting
3190 Actions Economic Partnership
2431 Actions Interaction, Social Partying
3532 Actions Perceptual Passing from sight
2264 Actions Emotional Passivity
2029 Actions Emotional Patience
4764 Actions Military Patrol
686 Actions Economic Paying
1117 Actions Emotional Peace
657 Actions Interaction, Social Peer group
4047 Actions Communication Pen and ink well
352 Actions (First level term) Perceptual
5096 Actions Work Performance
2255 Actions Verbal Persuasion
2502 Actions Emotional Petulance
5125 Actions Work Photography
353 Actions (First level term) Physical
4025 Actions Interaction, Social Picnic
1524 Actions Emotional Pity
2465 Actions Verbal Planning
4029 Actions Mental Planning
5337 Actions Agricultural Planting
354 Actions (First level term) Play
2480 Actions Play Playing in water

For when people (usually children) are playing (splashing, etc.) in water - a creek or branch - as in The Sound and the Fury. Distinct from "swimming" per se. JBP

2194 Actions Bodily Playing music
1130 Actions Agricultural Plowing
3853 Actions Physical Pointing
4168 Actions Violent Poisoning
1955 Actions Play Poker
1515 Actions Domestic Polish
3401 Actions Play Polo
4166 Actions Emotional Possessiveness
1607 Actions Hunting Possum
2891 Actions Communication Post card
5650 Actions Work Postal worker
3836 Actions Emotional Practicality
1956 Actions Verbal Praising
4225 Actions Play Prank
2706 Actions Moral Praying
2733 Actions Physical Praying
4618 Actions Verbal Praying
3643 Actions Verbal Preaching
2847 Actions Mental Predicting
3379 Actions Verbal Predicting
863 Actions Bodily Pregnancy
1438 Actions Physical Probing
4032 Actions Movement Procession
1338 Actions Perceptual Professional surveillance
623 Actions Moral Prohibiting

Here in the general sense of interdiction, forbidding, proscribing - rather than "prohibition," i.e. outlawing alcohol. JW

1319 Actions Verbal Promising
2591 Actions Military Promotion
2979 Actions Legal Pronouncing sentence
523 Actions Work Prosecuting
1411 Actions Physical Protection
