Displaying 3401 - 3500 of 5013
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Name | Occupation | Rank | |
V.K. Suratt|Ratliff | The Hamlet | Ratliff, V.K. | Sales and Service | Major | view |
Armstid Children | The Hamlet | Armstid, Children of Henry | Minor | view | |
Unnamed Negro Family 1 | The Hamlet | Unnamed Negro Family | Minor | view | |
Major de Spain | The Hamlet | De Spain, Major | Management | Secondary | view |
Unnamed Negro Mistress | The Hamlet | Unnamed Negro Mistress | Minor | view | |
Unnamed People in Jefferson Alley | The Hamlet | Unnamed People in Jefferson Alley | Minor | view | |
George 2 | The Hamlet | George | Administrative | Minor | view |
Unnamed Negro Porter 2 | The Hamlet | Unnamed Negro Porter | Sales and Service | Minor | view |
Mrs. I.O. Snopes 1 | The Hamlet | Snopes, Mrs. I.O. | Minor | view | |
Unnamed College Professors 3 | The Hamlet | Unnamed Faculty Members | Professional | Peripheral | view |
Unnamed Law Professors and Legal Sponsors | The Hamlet | Unnamed Law Professors and Legal Sponsors | Professional | Minor | view |
Unnamed Trial Spectators 1 | The Hamlet | Unnamed Trial Spectators | Minor | view | |
Unnamed Football Players 1 | The Hamlet | Unnamed Football Players | Minor | view | |
Colonel Sartoris Snopes | The Hamlet | Snopes, Brother of Flem | Peripheral | view | |
Unnamed Night Station Agent | The Hamlet | Unnamed Night Station Agent | Minor | view | |
Varner, Children of Will and Maggie | The Hamlet | Varner, Children of Will and Maggie | Minor | view | |
Jody Varner | The Hamlet | Varner, Jody | Management | Major | view |
Unnamed College Instructor | The Hamlet | Unnamed College Instructor | Professional | Peripheral | view |
Unnamed Wagon Driver 3 | The Hamlet | Unnamed Wagon Driver(1) | Minor | view | |
Prince of Darkness | The Hamlet | Prince of Darkness | Minor | view | |
John Sartoris I | The Hamlet | Sartoris, Colonel John | Armed Forces | Minor | view |
Unnamed Father of Houston's Negro Mistress | The Hamlet | Unnamed Father of Houston's Negro Mistress | Farming | Minor | view |
Unnamed Courthouse Janitor | The Hamlet | Unnamed Courthouse Janitor | Administrative | Minor | view |
Cain | The Hamlet | Cain | Sales and Service | Minor | view |
Unnamed Descendants of the Frenchman's Slaves | The Hamlet | Unnamed Descendants of the Frenchman's Slaves | Other | Peripheral | view |
Unnamed Customers at the Savoy Hotel | The Hamlet | Unnamed Customers at the Savoy Hotel | Minor | view | |
Unnamed Borrower | The Hamlet | Unnamed Borrower | Minor | view | |
Unnamed Junk Man | The Hamlet | Unnamed Junk Man | Sales and Service | Minor | view |
Mrs. Hoake | The Hamlet | Hoake, Mrs. | Minor | view | |
Unnamed Wife of College Instructor | The Hamlet | Unnamed Wife of College Instructor | Minor | view | |
Unnamed Justice of the Peace 8 | The Hamlet | Unnamed Justice of the Peace(3) | Administrative | Minor | view |
Unnamed Football Coach | The Hamlet | Unnamed Football Coach | Professional | Minor | view |
Wallstreet Panic Snopes | The Hamlet | Snopes, Wallstreet Panic | Secondary | view | |
McCarron, Father of Hoke | The Hamlet | McCarron | Farming | Minor | view |
Ab Snopes | The Hamlet | Snopes, Ab | Farming | Major | view |
Unnamed White Hunter | The Hamlet | Unnamed White Hunter | Production | Peripheral | view |
Varner, Future Wife of Jody | The Hamlet | Varner, Future Wife of Jody | Peripheral | view | |
Prince of Darkness, Father of | The Hamlet | Prince of Darkness, Father of | Minor | view | |
Theophilus McCaslin 1 | The Hamlet | McCaslin, Uncle Buck | Farming | Minor | view |
Anse Holland | The Hamlet | Holland, Anse | Management | Minor | view |
Houston's Common Law Wife | The Hamlet | Unnamed Common Law Wife of Houston | Criminal | Minor | view |
Old Frenchman, Son of | The Hamlet | Old Frenchman, Son of | Minor | view | |
Doctor Lucius Peabody | The Hamlet | Peabody, Doctor Lucius | Professional | Minor | view |
Unnamed People at Train Station 2 | The Hamlet | Unnamed People at Train Station | Minor | view | |
Montgomery Ward Snopes | The Hamlet | Snopes, Child of I.O. | Minor | view | |
Unnamed Drummer's Family | The Hamlet | Unnamed Drummer's Family | Peripheral | view | |
Unnamed Goat Rancher | The Hamlet | Unnamed Goat Rancher | Farming | Minor | view |
Unnamed Justice of the Peace 6 | The Hamlet | Unnamed Justice of the Peace(1) | Administrative | Minor | view |
Unnamed Women in Jefferson 1 | The Hamlet | Unnamed Women in Jefferson | Minor | view | |
Unnamed Classics Professor | The Hamlet | Unnamed Classics Professor | Minor | view | |
Reverend Whitfield | The Hamlet | Whitfield, Reverend | Professional | Minor | view |
Alison Hoake McCarron | The Hamlet | McCarron, Alison Hoake | Minor | view | |
Unnamed Men of Frenchman's Bend | The Hamlet | Unnamed Men of Frenchman's Bend | Minor | view | |
Unnamed Tenant of Will Varner | The Hamlet | Unnamed Tenant of Will Varner | Farming | Peripheral | view |
Unnamed Slaves of Grenier|Old Frenchman | The Hamlet | Unnamed Slaves of the Old Frenchman | Minor | view | |
Unnamed Negro Field Hand | The Hamlet | Unnamed Negro Field Hand | Farming | Peripheral | view |
Ratliff, Father of V.K. | The Hamlet | Ratliff, Father of V.K. | Farming | Peripheral | view |
Snopes, Twin Sister of Net | The Hamlet | Snopes, Daughter of Ab(2) | Minor | view | |
Unnamed Neighbor Men | The Hamlet | Unnamed Neighboring Farmers | Farming | Minor | view |
Unnamed Galveston Brothel Madam | The Hamlet | Unnamed Galveston Brothel Madam | Criminal | Minor | view |
Unnamed Enslaved Body Servant 3 | The Hamlet | Unnamed Enslaved Body Servant | Minor | view | |
Cliff Odum | The Hamlet | Odum, Cliff | Farming | Minor | view |
Snopes, Mother of Eck | The Hamlet | Snopes, Mother of Eck | Minor | view | |
Unnamed Escort | The Hamlet | Unnamed Escort | Minor | view | |
Mrs. Odum Bookwright | The Hamlet | Bookwright, Mrs. Odum | Minor | view | |
Unnamed Servants of the Prince of Darkness | The Hamlet | Unnamed Servants of the Prince of Darkness | Minor | view | |
Unnamed Lawyer 6 | The Hamlet | Unnamed Defense Attorney | Professional | Minor | view |
Unnamed University of Mississippi Students 2 | The Hamlet | Unnamed University Students | Minor | view | |
Mrs. Littlejohn | The Hamlet | Littlejohn, Mrs. | Sales and Service | Secondary | view |
Hoake | The Hamlet | Hoake | Farming | Minor | view |
Vernon Tull | The Hamlet | Tull, Vernon | Farming | Minor | view |
Lon Quick II | The Hamlet | Quick, Son of Lon | Minor | view | |
Unnamed Traveling Tradesmen | The Hamlet | Unnamed Traveling Tradesmen | Sales and Service | Minor | view |
Rosa Millard | The Hamlet | Millard, Miss Rosa | Peripheral | view | |
Mink Snopes' Daughter 2 | The Hamlet | Snopes, Daughter of Mink(2) | Minor | view | |
Unnamed Frenchman's Bend Family | The Hamlet | Unnamed Frenchman's Bend Family | Minor | view | |
Unnamed Neighbor of the Houstons | The Hamlet | Unnamed Neighbor of the Houstons | Farming | Minor | view |
Unnamed Union Soldiers 12 | The Hamlet | Unnamed Union Soldiers | Armed Forces | Peripheral | view |
Unnamed Wholesaler | The Hamlet | Unnamed Wholesaler | Sales and Service | Minor | view |
Freeman | The Hamlet | Freeman | Farming | Minor | view |
Unnamed Someone 6 | The Hamlet | Unnamed Someone(2) | Minor | view | |
Labove | The Hamlet | Labove | Professional | Secondary | view |
Unnamed Residents at Mrs. Littlejohn's | The Hamlet | Unnamed Residents at Mrs. Littlejohn's | Minor | view | |
Unnamed Jurors 5 | The Hamlet | Unnamed Jurors | Minor | view | |
Unnamed Oxford Landlady | The Hamlet | Unnamed Oxford Landlady | Sales and Service | Minor | view |
Mink Snopes' Father | The Hamlet | Snopes, Father of Mink | Farming | Minor | view |
Hoake|Hoke McCarron | The Hamlet | McCarron, Hoake | Farming | Minor | view |
Harris 3 | The Hamlet | Harris | Farming | Minor | view |
Unnamed Wagon Driver 4 | The Hamlet | Unnamed Wagon Driver(2) | Minor | view | |
Bayard Sartoris II | The Hamlet | Sartoris, Bayard (Old) | Management | Minor | view |
Unnamed Indebted Tenant Farmers | The Hamlet | Unnamed Indebted Tenant Farmers | Farming | Minor | view |
Sheriff Hampton 1 | The Hamlet | Hampton, Sheriff Hub | Administrative | Minor | view |
Unnamed English Architect 2 | The Hamlet | Unnamed Architect | Professional | Minor | view |
Unnamed Kinsman of Ratliff | The Hamlet | Unnamed Kinsman of Ratliff | Minor | view | |
Eustace Grimm Sr. | The Hamlet | Grimm, Father of Eustace | Peripheral | view | |
Unnamed Negro Fireman 2 | The Hamlet | Unnamed Negro Fireman(2) | Production | Minor | view |
Judge Brummage | The Hamlet | Unnamed Judge(2) | Administrative | Minor | view |
Unnamed Judge 3 | The Hamlet | Unnamed Judge(1) | Administrative | Minor | view |
Louis Grenier | The Hamlet | Old Frenchman | Management | Minor | view |
Unnamed Mother-in-Law of Mink Snopes | The Hamlet | Unnamed Mother-in-Law of Mink Snopes | Peripheral | view |