
Displaying 3401 - 3500 of 5013

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Snopeses "Appendix: Compson" Snopeses Peripheral view
Napoleon "Appendix: Compson" Napoleon Administrative Peripheral view
Quentin Compson III "Appendix: Compson" Compson, Quentin, III Major view
Unnamed German General "Appendix: Compson" Unnamed German General Armed Forces Minor view
Unnamed Jewish Manufacturers "Appendix: Compson" Unnamed Jewish Manufacturers Production Minor view
Major Yoknapatawpha Families "Appendix: Compson" Major Yoknapatawpha Families Peripheral view
Chevalier Soeur-Blonde de Vitry "Appendix: Compson" Unnamed French Chevalier Minor view
Candace Compson "Appendix: Compson" Compson, Caddy Major view
Unnamed Feedstore Customers "Appendix: Compson" Unnamed Feedstore Customers Farming Minor view
Unnamed Jefferson Police "Appendix: Compson" Unnamed Jefferson Police Administrative Peripheral view
General Smith "Appendix: Compson" Smith, General Armed Forces Peripheral view
Ikkemotubbe "Appendix: Compson" Ikkemotubbe Secondary view
Benjamin Compson "Appendix: Compson" Compson, Benjamin Major view
Thorne Smith "Appendix: Compson" Smith, Thorne Other Peripheral view
Unnamed Bondsmen 1 "Appendix: Compson" Unnamed Bondsmen Sales and Service Peripheral view
Unnamed Carpetbagger from New England "Appendix: Compson" Unnamed Carpetbagger from New England Administrative Minor view
Luster "Appendix: Compson" Luster Minor view
Jason Compson IV "Appendix: Compson" Compson, Jason, IV Sales and Service Major view
Unnamed High School Students "Appendix: Compson" Unnamed High School Students Minor view
Unnamed District Chancellor "Appendix: Compson" Unnamed District Chancellor Administrative Minor view
Unnamed Enslaved People 3 "Appendix: Compson" Unnamed Enslaved People Minor view
T.P. Gibson "Appendix: Compson" TP Minor view
Frony Gibson "Appendix: Compson" Frony Minor view
(Miss) Quentin "Appendix: Compson" Quentin, (Miss) Secondary view
Unnamed Jefferson Ladies 4 "Appendix: Compson" Unnamed Jefferson Matrons Minor view
Unnamed Architect 1 "Appendix: Compson" Unnamed Architect Professional Minor view
Ffollansbye "All the Dead Pilots" Ffollansbye Armed Forces Secondary view
Unnamed R.A.F. Squadron "All the Dead Pilots" Unnamed R.A.F. Squadron Armed Forces Secondary view
Unnamed Negroes 2 "All the Dead Pilots" Unnamed Negroes on Sartoris Plantation Farming Peripheral view
Captain Spoomer "All the Dead Pilots" Spoomer, Captain Armed Forces Major view
Unnamed French Soldier Driving Lorry "All the Dead Pilots" Unnamed French Soldier Driving Lorry Armed Forces Minor view
R. Kyerling "All the Dead Pilots" Kyerling, R. Armed Forces Minor view
John Sartoris III "All the Dead Pilots" Sartoris, Johnny Armed Forces Major view
Unnamed French Soldiers "All the Dead Pilots" Unnamed French Soldiers Armed Forces Minor view
Unnamed London Tailor "All the Dead Pilots" Unnamed London Tailor Sales and Service Peripheral view
General Spoomer "All the Dead Pilots" Spoomer, General Armed Forces Minor view
Unnamed German Soldiers 2 "All the Dead Pilots" Unnamed German Soldiers Armed Forces Minor view
Major C. Kaye "All the Dead Pilots" Kaye, Major C. Armed Forces Minor view
Unnamed Gunnery Sergeant "All the Dead Pilots" Unnamed Gunnery Sergeant Armed Forces Minor view
Unnamed Newspaper Boys 1 "All the Dead Pilots" Unnamed Newspaper Boys Sales and Service Peripheral view
Unnamed Old Woman 2 "All the Dead Pilots" Unnamed Old Woman(2) Farming Minor view
Unnamed Minister 1 "All the Dead Pilots" Unnamed Minister Professional Peripheral view
Bayard Sartoris II "All the Dead Pilots" Sartoris, Grandfather Management Peripheral view
Unnamed Ambulance Driver 1 "All the Dead Pilots" Unnamed Ambulance Driver Armed Forces Minor view
Virginia Sartoris Du Pre "All the Dead Pilots" Du Pre, Jenny Minor view
Unnamed Operations Officer "All the Dead Pilots" Unnamed Operations Officer Armed Forces Minor view
Unnamed Women during War "All the Dead Pilots" Unnamed Women During War Peripheral view
Unnamed French Corporal "All the Dead Pilots" Unnamed French Corporal Armed Forces Minor view
Kit "All the Dead Pilots" Kit Minor view
Unnamed Anzac Battalion "All the Dead Pilots" Unnamed Anzac Battalion Armed Forces Minor view
Kitchener "All the Dead Pilots" Kitchener, Horatio Herbert Armed Forces Peripheral view
Unnamed Canadian Farmer "All the Dead Pilots" Unnamed Canadian Farmer Farming Minor view
Unnamed Narrator 4 "All the Dead Pilots" Unnamed Narrator Armed Forces Major view
Unnamed British Corporal "All the Dead Pilots" Unnamed British Corporal Armed Forces Minor view
Unnamed Canadian Cadet "All the Dead Pilots" Unnamed Canadian Cadet Armed Forces Minor view
Unnamed Dead Pilots "All the Dead Pilots" Unnamed Dead Pilots Armed Forces Minor view
Unnamed Anzac Major "All the Dead Pilots" Unnamed Anzac Major Armed Forces Minor view
Unnamed Contemporary Young People "All the Dead Pilots" Unnamed Contemporary Young People Minor view
Unnamed Brigadier General "All the Dead Pilots" Unnamed Brigadier General Armed Forces Minor view
Unnamed Former Aviator "All the Dead Pilots" Unnamed Former Aviator Armed Forces Minor view
'Toinette "All the Dead Pilots" 'Toinette Sales and Service Minor view
Unnamed Wing Commander "All the Dead Pilots" Unnamed Wing Commander Armed Forces Minor view
Unnamed Wives and Children "All the Dead Pilots" Unnamed Wives and Children Peripheral view
Unnamed Old Woman 1 "All the Dead Pilots" Unnamed Old Woman(1) Sales and Service Minor view
Elnora Strother "All the Dead Pilots" Elnora Domestic Service Minor view
Unnamed Soldiers Who Write Letters "All the Dead Pilots" Unnamed Soldiers Who Write Letters Armed Forces Peripheral view
Unnamed Enlisted Soldiers "All the Dead Pilots" Unnamed Enlisted Soldiers Armed Forces Minor view
Isom Strother "All the Dead Pilots" Isom Domestic Service Minor view
Snopes, Twin Sister of Net "Barn Burning" Snopes, Unnamed Twin of Net Minor view
Snopes, Descendants of Ab "Barn Burning" Snopes, Descendants of Ab Peripheral view
Flem Snopes "Barn Burning" Snopes, Older Brother of Sarty Secondary view
Unnamed Civil War Soldiers "Barn Burning" Unnamed Civil War Soldiers Armed Forces Peripheral view
Unnamed Spectators at Second Trial "Barn Burning" Unnamed Spectators at Second Trial Farming Minor view
Malbrouck "Barn Burning" Malbrouck Armed Forces Peripheral view
Lizzie "Barn Burning" Lizzie Secondary view
Unnamed Negro Youth 1 "Barn Burning" Unnamed Negro Youth Minor view
Harris 3 "Barn Burning" Harris, Mr. Farming Minor view
Unnamed Confederate Provost Man|Picket "Barn Burning" Unnamed Confederate Provost Man Armed Forces Minor view
Ab Snopes "Barn Burning" Snopes, Abner Farming Major view
Unnamed Heckler "Barn Burning" Unnamed Heckler Minor view
Unnamed Justice of the Peace 5 "Barn Burning" Unnamed Justice of the Peace(2) Administrative Secondary view
Unnamed Blacksmith "Barn Burning" Unnamed Blacksmith Transportation Minor view
Lennie Snopes "Barn Burning" Snopes, Lennie Farming Secondary view
Unnamed Countryman 2 "Barn Burning" Unnamed Countryman Minor view
Unnamed Negro Messenger 3 "Barn Burning" Unnamed Negro Messenger Minor view
Unnamed Men at Horse Lot "Barn Burning" Unnamed Men at Horse Lot Minor view
Major de Spain "Barn Burning" De Spain, Major Farming Major view
Mrs. de Spain "Barn Burning" De Spain, Lula Minor view
Unnamed Negro House Servant 1 "Barn Burning" Unnamed Negro House Servant Domestic Service Secondary view
Unnamed Justice of the Peace 4 "Barn Burning" Unnamed Justice of the Peace(1) Administrative Secondary view
John Sartoris I "Barn Burning" Sartoris, Colonel John Management Peripheral view
Colonel Sartoris Snopes "Barn Burning" Snopes, Colonel Sartoris Major view
Unnamed Spectators at First Trial "Barn Burning" Unnamed Spectators at First Trial Farming Minor view
Net Snopes "Barn Burning" Snopes, Net Minor view
Unnamed Half-Grown Boys "Barn Burning" Unnamed Half-Grown Boys Minor view
V.K. Suratt|Ratliff "Centaur in Brass" Suratt, V.K. Sales and Service Minor view
Unnamed Narrator 6 "Centaur in Brass" Unnamed Narrator Major view
Buck Hipps "Centaur in Brass" Unnamed Broad-hatted Stranger Sales and Service Minor view
Unnamed Suitors of Eula Varner "Centaur in Brass" Unnamed Suitors of Mrs. Snopes Minor view
Unnamed People of Frenchman's Bend 3 "Centaur in Brass" Unnamed Purchasers of Ponies Farming Minor view


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