
Displaying 1301 - 1400 of 5013

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CharKey Text Name Occupation Ranksort ascending
General Albert Johnston Requiem for a Nun Johnston, General Armed Forces Peripheral view
Abraham Lincoln "Wash" Lincoln, Abraham Administrative Peripheral view
Unnamed Grandfather of Mr. Pearson "The Tall Men" Unnamed Grandfather of Mr. Pearson Peripheral view
Unnamed Bad Man "That Evening Sun" Unnamed Bad Man Peripheral view
Unnamed Army Officer 2 The Mansion Unnamed Army Officer Armed Forces Peripheral view
General Robert E. Lee "The Unvanquished" Lee, Robert E. Armed Forces Peripheral view
Unnamed Descendants of the Frenchman's Slaves "Lizards in Jamshyd’s Courtyard" Unnamed Descendants of the Frenchman's Slaves Other Peripheral view
Unnamed Union Auditor The Unvanquished Unnamed Union Auditor Armed Forces Peripheral view
Mr. Binford Sanctuary Binford, Mr. Peripheral view
Unnamed "Hunters" Go Down, Moses Unnamed "Hunters" Peripheral view
Unnamed Jicarilla Apache Squaw The Mansion Unnamed Apache Woman Peripheral view
Unnamed Women Married by J.P.s Absalom, Absalom! Unnamed Women Married by J.P.s Peripheral view
Lemuel Stevens Intruder in the Dust Stevens, Grandfather of Chick Professional Peripheral view
Mrs. Killegrew "Shingles for the Lord" Killegrew, Mrs. Peripheral view
Unnamed Uncle of Paul "Elly" Unnamed Uncle of Paul Peripheral view
Drake, Mother of Temple Requiem for a Nun Drake, Mother of Temple Stevens Peripheral view
Unnamed Southern Wives and Daughters Go Down, Moses Unnamed Southern Wives and Daughters Peripheral view
Unnamed Members of Sartoris' Troop Flags in the Dust Unnamed Members of Sartoris' Troop Armed Forces Minor view
Unnamed Tenant Farmer The Town Unnamed Tenant Farmer Farming Minor view
Unnamed Negro Man 1 Flags in the Dust Unnamed Negro Man Transportation Minor view
Unnamed Negro Carriage Driver 1 The Unvanquished Unnamed Negro Carriage Driver Domestic Service Minor view
Unnamed Younger Bondsman The Town Unnamed Younger Bondsman Sales and Service Minor view
Fred 1 "That Will Be Fine" Fred(1) Minor view
Unnamed Orphans Light in August Unnamed Orphans Minor view
Unnamed Negro Girls and Women Intruder in the Dust Unnamed Negro Girls and Women Minor view
Mrs. I.O. Snopes 1 The Hamlet Snopes, Mrs. I.O. Minor view
Unnamed Johns 3 The Mansion Unnamed "Johns" Minor view
Tull The Mansion Tull Minor view
Unnamed People in Bus Depot "Two Soldiers" Unnamed People in Bus Depot Minor view
Jason Lycurgus Compson II The Reivers Compson, General Armed Forces Minor view
Mr. Wildermark The Town Wildermark, Mr. Sales and Service Minor view
Unnamed People of Frenchman's Bend 5 "Miss Zilphia Gant" Unnamed People of Frenchman's Bend Minor view
Mrs. Armstid As I Lay Dying Armstid, Lula Farming Minor view
Unnamed Members of Posse 2 "Wash" Unnamed Posse Minor view
Unnamed Students in Frenchman's Bend The Hamlet Unnamed Students in Frenchman's Bend Minor view
Unnamed Messenger 3 Requiem for a Nun Unnamed Messenger Minor view
Albert 2 The Mansion Albert Minor view
Unnamed Businessmen in Horace's New Town Flags in the Dust Unnamed Businessmen in Horace's New Town Sales and Service Minor view
Unnamed Deputy Sheriff 2 "The Hound" Unnamed Deputy Sheriff Administrative Minor view
Unnamed Negro Sunday School Students The Mansion Unnamed Negro Sunday School Students Minor view
Hampton Killegrew "Knight's Gambit" Killegrew, Hampton Administrative Minor view
Unnamed Negro Crap Shooters Go Down, Moses Unnamed Negro Crap Shooters Production Minor view
Unnamed Soldiers in Yoknapatawpha Regiment "My Grandmother Millard and General Bedford Forrest and the Battle of Harrykin Creek" Unnamed Confederate Soldiers(1) Armed Forces Minor view
Unnamed Performers on Radio Requiem for a Nun Unnamed Performers on Radio Other Minor view
Unnamed Man Driving Ford Flags in the Dust Unnamed Man Driving Ford Minor view
Unnamed Enslaved Field Hands Absalom, Absalom! Unnamed Enslaved Field Hands Minor view
Unnamed Bailiff 1 Sanctuary Unnamed Bailiff Administrative Minor view
Unnamed Soldiers in Yoknapatawpha Regiment The Unvanquished Unnamed Members of Sartoris' First Regiment Armed Forces Minor view
Unnamed Dead Union Soldier "Raid" Unnamed Dead Union Soldier Armed Forces Minor view
Unnamed Town Officers 2 Absalom, Absalom! Unnamed Town Officers Administrative Minor view
Unnamed Three Northern Men "An Error in Chemistry" Unnamed Three Northern Men Production Minor view
Unnamed Cattle-Buyers The Mansion Unnamed Cattle-Buyers Production Minor view
Unnamed Negro Farmhand 1 The Hamlet Unnamed Negro Farmhand(1) Farming Minor view
Judge Long The Town Long, Judge Professional Minor view
Unnamed Indian Agent 2 "Appendix: Compson" Unnamed Indian Agent Administrative Minor view
Alec "Pantaloon in Black" Alec Minor view
Unnamed People at Prayer Meeting Light in August Unnamed People at Prayer Meeting Minor view
Unnamed Negro Tenant Farmers 6 The Reivers Unnamed Negro Tenant Farmers Farming Minor view
Isaac McCaslin "Fool About a Horse" McCaslin, Uncle Ike Sales and Service Minor view
Unnamed Inhabitants of Modern Jefferson "A Name for the City" Unnamed Inhabitants of Modern Jefferson Minor view
Unnamed Confederate Veterans 1 "A Rose for Emily" Unnamed Very Old Men Minor view
Unnamed Pregnant Slave The Sound and the Fury Unnamed Pregnant Slave Minor view
Quentin Compson III The Mansion Compson, Quentin Minor view
Burchett Children "Hair" Burchett Children Minor view
Unnamed Taxi Driver 2 Sanctuary Unnamed Taxi Driver(2) Sales and Service Minor view
Unnamed Restaurant Customers 3 Go Down, Moses Unnamed Restaurant Customers Minor view
Mrs. Hamp Worsham "Go Down, Moses" Worsham, Mrs. Hamp Minor view
Unnamed Chickasaws 3 The Hamlet Unnamed Chickasaws Minor view
Unnamed "Half-Breed" Servants 1 Absalom, Absalom! Unnamed "Half-Breed" Servants(1) Minor view
Unnamed Negro Boy 1 Flags in the Dust Unnamed Negro Boy Farming Minor view
Unnamed Union Sentry 2 The Unvanquished Unnamed Union Sentry(2) Armed Forces Minor view
Unnamed Crowd at Entrance to Beyond "Beyond" Unnamed Crowd at Entrance to Beyond Minor view
Unnamed Negroes 6 "A Bear Hunt" Unnamed Negroes Minor view
Unnamed Coroner 4 Intruder in the Dust Unnamed Coroner Professional Minor view
Unnamed Governors of Mississippi The Mansion Unnamed Governors of Mississippi Administrative Minor view
Unnamed Movie-Goers 1 "Dry September" Unnamed Movie-Goers Minor view
Unnamed Bailiff 2 The Hamlet Unnamed Bailiff Administrative Minor view
Unnamed Directors of the Bank of Jefferson The Town Unnamed Directors of the Bank of Jefferson Sales and Service Minor view
Charley 2 The Reivers Charley Transportation Minor view
Vernon Tull's Mother As I Lay Dying Tull, Vernon’s Mother Minor view
Unnamed Negro Tenant Farmers 2 The Hamlet Unnamed Negro Tenant Farmers Farming Minor view
Unnamed Negro Teachers The Mansion Unnamed Negro Teachers Professional Minor view
Unnamed Spaniards Requiem for a Nun Unnamed Spaniards Minor view
Mrs. John Sartoris Flags in the Dust Sartoris, Wife of John Minor view
Unnamed Negro Wife of Cotton Farmer The Mansion Unnamed Negro Wife of Cotton Farmer Minor view
Unnamed Hunters 8 "Race at Morning" Unnamed Other Hunters Minor view
Unnamed Negro Tenant Farmers 5 "Knight's Gambit" Unnamed Negro Tenant Farmers Farming Minor view
Unnamed Assistant to Judge Gowan Go Down, Moses Unnamed Assistant to Judge Gowan Administrative Minor view
Calvin Burden II "Skirmish at Sartoris" Burden(2) Management Minor view
Mr. Barbour "Uncle Willy" Barbour, Mr. Minor view
Milly Jones Absalom, Absalom! Jones, Milly Minor view
Unnamed Confederate Soldiers 8 Requiem for a Nun Unnamed Confederate Soldiers(1) Armed Forces Minor view
Uncle Bud Sanctuary Uncle Bud Minor view
James Beauchamp's Daughter Go Down, Moses Unnamed Aunt of Roth Edmonds' Mistress Minor view
Unnamed Jewish Families The Town Unnamed Jewish Families Sales and Service Minor view
Unnamed Archaeologists 2 "An Error in Chemistry" Unnamed Archaeologists Professional Minor view
Unnamed White People outside Jail Sanctuary Unnamed White People Outside Jail Minor view
Molly Worsham Beauchamp "A Point of Law" Beauchamp, Mrs. Lucas Minor view
Unnamed Spinster Intruder in the Dust Unnamed Spinster Minor view
Labove, Father of Labove The Hamlet Labove, Father of Labove Farming Minor view


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