
Displaying 4701 - 4800 of 5013

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Jason Compson III "Lion" Compson, Father of Quentin Minor view
Unnamed Negro Woman Boon Shoots "Lion" Unnamed Negro Woman Boon Shoots Minor view
Unnamed Jefferson Townspeople 13 "Lion" Unnamed Jefferson Townspeople Peripheral view
Unnamed Men at Hoke's Sawmill "Lion" Unnamed Men at Hoke's Sawmill Production Minor view
John L. Sullivan "Lion" Sullivan, John L. Other Peripheral view
Theophilus McCaslin 2 "Lion" McCaslin, Theophilus 2 Minor view
Jake Kilrain "Lion" Kilrain, Jake Other Peripheral view
Unnamed Man in Memphis Station "Lion" Unnamed Man in Memphis Station Transportation Minor view
Unnamed Polynesian Chiefs "Lion" Unnamed Polynesian Chiefs Peripheral view
General Stonewall Jackson "Monk" Jackson, Stonewall Armed Forces Peripheral view
Unnamed Jurors 4 "Monk" Unnamed Jurors Minor view
Unnamed Inmates 2 "Monk" Unnamed Inmates Minor view
Unnamed Murder Victim 1 "Monk" Unnamed Murder Victim(1) Minor view
Unnamed Railroad Brakeman 2 "Monk" Unnamed Railroad Brakeman Transportation Minor view
Unnamed Justice of the Peace 3 "Monk" Unnamed Justice of the Peace Administrative Minor view
Gavin Stevens "Monk" Stevens, Gavin Administrative Major view
Unnamed Delegates to Parole Hearings "Monk" Unnamed Delegates to Parole Hearings Minor view
Unnamed Misidentified Victims "Monk" Unnamed Misidentified Victims Minor view
Unnamed Governor of Mississippi 2 "Monk" Unnamed Governor of Mississippi Administrative Secondary view
Unnamed Prison Guards 1 "Monk" Unnamed Prison Guards Administrative Minor view
Unnamed Sheriff 8 "Monk" Unnamed Sheriff Administrative Peripheral view
Mrs. C.L. Gambrell "Monk" Gambrell, Mrs. C.L. Minor view
Unnamed Cronies of the Governor "Monk" Unnamed Cronies of the Governor Peripheral view
Unnamed School Children 5 "Monk" Unnamed School Children Minor view
Unnamed Hill Folk 2 "Monk" Unnamed Hill Folk Peripheral view
Unnamed Parchman Inmates 1 "Monk" Unnamed Penitentiary Prisoners Minor view
Unnamed Train Conductor 2 "Monk" Unnamed Train Conductor Transportation Minor view
Unnamed Field Workers 2 "Monk" Unnamed Field Workers Farming Peripheral view
Unnamed Negro Cook 4 "Monk" Unnamed Negro Cook Domestic Service Minor view
Unnamed Pardon Board Members "Monk" Unnamed Pardon Board Members Minor view
Charles Mallison II "Monk" Unnamed Narrator Major view
Mrs. Odlethrop "Monk" Odlethrop, Mrs. Minor view
Bill Terrel "Monk" Terrel, Bill Sales and Service Major view
Monk Odlethrop "Monk" Odlethrop, Monk Sales and Service Major view
Odlethrop "Monk" Odlethrop Minor view
Unnamed Grandfather of the Governor "Monk" Unnamed Grandfather of the Governor Peripheral view
Unnamed District Attorney 1 "Monk" Unnamed District Attorney Professional Minor view
Unnamed Mother of Monk "Monk" Unnamed Mother of Monk Minor view
Unnamed Murder Victim 2 "Monk" Unnamed Murder Victim(2) Peripheral view
Unnamed Lawyer 5 "Monk" Unnamed Lawyer Professional Minor view
Unnamed Neighbors of Mrs. Odlethrop "Monk" Unnamed Neighbors of Mrs. Odlethrop Minor view
Unnamed Accomplice of Bill Terrel "Monk" Unnamed Accomplice of Bill Terrel Minor view
Unnamed Deputy Sheriff 6 "Monk" Unnamed Deputy Sheriff(2) Administrative Minor view
C.L. Gambrell "Monk" Gambrell, C.L. Administrative Minor view
Fraser 2 "Monk" Fraser, Mr. Criminal Minor view
Son of Bill Terrel "Monk" Terrel, Son of Bill Terrel Minor view
Unnamed Witnesses "Monk" Unnamed Witnesses Minor view
Unnamed Driver 1 "Monk" Unnamed Driver Minor view
Daughter of Bill Terrel "Monk" Terrel, Daughter of Bill Terrel Minor view
Unnamed Deputy Sheriff 5 "Monk" Unnamed Deputy Sheriff(1) Administrative Minor view
Unnamed Man at Gas Station 1 "Monk" Unnamed Man at Gas Station(1) Minor view
Unnamed Jefferson Townspeople 17 "Monk" Unnamed Jefferson Townspeople Minor view
Unnamed Judge 2 "Monk" Unnamed Judge Administrative Minor view
Unnamed Jailer 2 "Monk" Unnamed Jailor Administrative Minor view
Unnamed Man at Gas Station 2 "Monk" Unnamed Man at Gas Station(2) Minor view
Pose "Hand Upon the Waters" Pose Minor view
Unnamed Farmers 2 "Hand Upon the Waters" Unnamed Farmers Farming Minor view
Matthew "Hand Upon the Waters" Matthew Minor view
Jim Blake "Hand Upon the Waters" Blake, Jim Minor view
Tyler Ballenbaugh "Hand Upon the Waters" Ballenbaugh, Tyler Farming Major view
Boyd Ballenbaugh "Hand Upon the Waters" Ballenbaugh, Boyd Farming Major view
Unnamed Doctor 9 "Hand Upon the Waters" Unnamed Doctor Professional Minor view
Unnamed Insurance Agent "Hand Upon the Waters" Unnamed Insurance Agent Sales and Service Minor view
Unnamed Witness 1 "Hand Upon the Waters" Unnamed Witness(1) Secondary view
Unnamed Sheriff 10 "Hand Upon the Waters" Unnamed County Sheriff Administrative Minor view
Unnamed Witness 2 "Hand Upon the Waters" Unnamed Witness(2) Secondary view
Nate "Hand Upon the Waters" Nate Minor view
Holston, Last Member of Family "Hand Upon the Waters" Holston, Last Member of Family Minor view
Lonnie Grinnup "Hand Upon the Waters" Grinnup, Lonnie Secondary view
Unnamed Wife of Nate "Hand Upon the Waters" Unnamed Wife of Nate Minor view
Joe 4 "Hand Upon the Waters" Joe Major view
Mitchell "Hand Upon the Waters" Mitchell Sales and Service Minor view
Ballenbaugh, Family of Tyler "Hand Upon the Waters" Ballenbaugh, Family of Tyler Minor view
Gavin Stevens "Hand Upon the Waters" Stevens, Gavin Administrative Major view
Unnamed Friends and Associates of Boyd Ballenbaugh "Hand Upon the Waters" Unnamed Friends and Associates of Boyd Ballenbaugh Criminal Peripheral view
Unnamed Unidentified Voice "Hand Upon the Waters" Unnamed Unidentified Voice Minor view
Unnamed Coroner 2 "Hand Upon the Waters" Unnamed Coroner Administrative Minor view
Unnamed Officers 2 "Hand Upon the Waters" Unnamed Officers Administrative Minor view
First Yoknapatawpha Stevens "Hand Upon the Waters" Stevens Pioneer Minor view
Alexander Holston "Hand Upon the Waters" Holston Pioneer Minor view
Unnamed Acquaintances of Lonnie Grinnup "Hand Upon the Waters" Unnamed Acquaintances of Lonnie Grinnup Farming Minor view
Louis Grenier "Hand Upon the Waters" Grenier Pioneer Management Minor view
Ike "Hand Upon the Waters" Ike Minor view
Unnamed Enslaved Grandmother|Mother of Sam Fathers "The Bear" Unnamed Enslaved Mother of Sam Fathers Minor view
Unnamed Farmers 3 "The Bear" Unnamed Farmers Farming Peripheral view
Ikkemotubbe "The Bear" Unnamed Chickasaw Chief Peripheral view
Unnamed Sons of Farmers "The Bear" Unnamed Sons of Farmers Farming Peripheral view
John Keats "The Bear" Keats, John Other Peripheral view
Unnamed First Aboriginal "The Bear" Unnamed First Indian Peripheral view
Unnamed Chickasaws 4 "The Bear" Unnamed Chickasaws Peripheral view
Unnamed Boy Hunter|Narrator 10 "The Bear" Unnamed Boy Hunter Major view
Unnamed Father of Boy Hunter "The Bear" Unnamed Father of Boy Hunter Management Major view
Manfred de Spain "The Bear" De Spain, Major Management Secondary view
Jason Lycurgus Compson II "The Bear" Compson, General Management Secondary view
Sam Fathers "The Bear" Fathers, Sam Major view
Uncle Ash "The Bear" Ash, Uncle Domestic Service Minor view
Tennie's Jim|James Beauchamp "The Bear" Tennie's Jim Domestic Service Minor view
Boon Hogganbeck "The Bear" Hoggenbeck, Boon Minor view
Unnamed Grandfather of Boy Hunter "The Bear" Unnamed Grandfather of Boy Hunter Management Peripheral view
Walter Ewell "The Bear" Ewell, Walter Minor view


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