
Displaying 4901 - 5000 of 5013

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CharKey Text Name Occupation Ranksort descending
Secretary "Uncle Willy" Secretary Domestic Service Secondary view
Eckrum Snopes "Spotted Horses" Snopes, Eck Farming Secondary view
Virginia Sartoris Du Pre The Unvanquished Du Pre, Jenny Secondary view
Unnamed Governor of Mississippi 2 "Monk" Unnamed Governor of Mississippi Administrative Secondary view
Unnamed Justice of the Peace 5 "Barn Burning" Unnamed Justice of the Peace(2) Administrative Secondary view
Mr. Holland 1 "Tomorrow" Holland, Mr. Secondary view
George Wyatt The Unvanquished Wyatt, George Secondary view
Unnamed Salesman 1 "Gold Is Not Always" Unnamed Salesman Sales and Service Secondary view
Unnamed Painter "Miss Zilphia Gant" Unnamed Painter Production Secondary view
Louisa Hawk "Raid" Hawk, Louise Secondary view
Louvinia "Ambuscade" Louvinia Secondary view
Comyn "Ad Astra" Comyn Armed Forces Secondary view
Belle Worsham|Eunice Habersham Go Down, Moses Worsham, Belle Secondary view
Unnamed Matron of Memphis Orphanage Light in August Unnamed Matron of the Memphis Orphanage Administrative Secondary view
Tobe 2 "A Rose for Emily" Tobe Domestic Service Secondary view
Dicey|Negro Midwife "Wash" Dicey Domestic Service Secondary view
Manfred de Spain "The Old People" De Spain, Major Management Secondary view
Reba Rivers The Reivers Reba, Miss Criminal Secondary view
Sheriff Watt Kennedy Light in August Kennedy, Sheriff Watt Administrative Secondary view
Clytemnestra Absalom, Absalom! Clytemnestra Secondary view
Unnamed Mother in Beyond "Beyond" Unnamed Mother in Beyond Secondary view
Paul de Montigny "Elly" De Montigny, Paul Secondary view
Herbert Head The Sound and the Fury Head, Sydney Herbert Administrative Secondary view
Martha Habersham The Unvanquished Habersham, Martha Secondary view
Harry Mitchell Flags in the Dust Mitchell, Harry Management Secondary view
Jason Compson I Requiem for a Nun Compson, Jason Management Secondary view
Mrs. Christian "Uncle Willy" Christian, Mrs. Criminal Secondary view
Maury Bascomb The Sound and the Fury Bascomb, Maury L. Secondary view
Mrs. Jason Compson II The Unvanquished Compson, Mrs. Secondary view
Unnamed Slaves at Sutpen's "Wash" Unnamed Slaves at Sutpen's Secondary view
Manfred de Spain "The Bear" De Spain, Major Management Secondary view
Quentin Compson I "Appendix: Compson" Compson, Quentin MacLachan Secondary view
Lennie Snopes "Barn Burning" Snopes, Lennie Farming Secondary view
Henry Armstid The Hamlet Armstid, Henry Farming Secondary view
Henry Armstid As I Lay Dying Armstid Farming Secondary view
Matt Levitt The Town Levitt, Matt Transportation Secondary view
Unnamed Woman in Red Dress Sanctuary Unnamed Woman in Red Dress Secondary view
Colonel Linscomb The Reivers Linscomb, Colonel Management Secondary view
Gavin Stevens "Hair" Stevens, Gavin Administrative Secondary view
Bayard Sartoris III "Ad Astra" Sartoris Armed Forces Secondary view
Rufus Pruitt "Tomorrow" Pruitt, Rufus Farming Secondary view
Mrs. Pruitt 2 "Tomorrow" Pruitt, Mrs. Secondary view
Unnamed Sheriff 11 "A Point of Law" Unnamed Sheriff Administrative Secondary view
Mrs. McKellogg "Two Soldiers" McKellogg, Mrs. Secondary view
Sis Rachel Flags in the Dust Rachel, Sis Domestic Service Secondary view
Montgomery Ward Snopes The Town Snopes, Montgomery Ward Sales and Service Secondary view
Unnamed Lawyer 4 Absalom, Absalom! Unnamed Lawyer Professional Secondary view
Shreve MacKenzie|McCannon The Sound and the Fury MacKenzie, Shreve Secondary view
Mrs. Hines Light in August Hines, Mrs. Secondary view
Aunt Sally Wyatt Flags in the Dust Wyatt, Aunt Sally Secondary view
Unnamed Grandmother of Popeye Sanctuary Unnamed Grandmother of Popeye Sales and Service Secondary view
Versh Gibson The Sound and the Fury Gibson, Versh Domestic Service Secondary view
Reverend Shegog The Sound and the Fury Shegog, Reverend Professional Secondary view
Theophilus McCaslin 1 The Unvanquished McCaslin, Uncle Buck Management Secondary view
Jason Lycurgus Compson II "The Bear" Compson, General Management Secondary view
Brother Fortinbride "The Unvanquished" Fortinbride, Brother Farming Secondary view
Charles Stuart Compson "Appendix: Compson" Compson, Charles Stuart Armed Forces Secondary view
Calvin Burden I Light in August Burden, Calvin I Secondary view
Mrs. Armstid The Hamlet Armstid, Mrs. Henry Farming Secondary view
Unnamed Hunters 4 Go Down, Moses Unnamed Younger Generation of Hunters Secondary view
Jackson MacCallum Flags in the Dust MacCallum, Jackson Farming Secondary view
Wesley Pritchel "An Error in Chemistry" Pritchel, Wesley Farming Secondary view
Mr. Gillespie As I Lay Dying Gillespie, Mr. Farming Secondary view
Quentin Compson III "A Justice" Compson, Quentin Secondary view
Theophilus McCaslin 1 Go Down, Moses McCaslin, Buck Management Secondary view
Unnamed "Good Women in Jefferson" "Uncle Willy" Unnamed "Good Women in Jefferson" Secondary view
Matt Bowden "Vendee" Bowden, Matt Criminal Secondary view
Wash Jones Absalom, Absalom! Jones, Wash Secondary view
Clarence Snopes Sanctuary Snopes, Clarence Administrative Secondary view
Ailanthia "Elly" Ailanthia Secondary view
Spoade I The Sound and the Fury Spoade Secondary view
Sam Caldwell The Reivers Caldwell, Sam Transportation Secondary view
Cornelia Mardis Holland "Smoke" Holland, Cornelia Mardis Secondary view
Jason Compson I "Appendix: Compson" Compson, Jason Lycurgus Secondary view
Herman Basket "A Courtship" Basket, Herman Secondary view
Papa George "That Will Be Fine" Papa Sales and Service Secondary view
Will Varner As I Lay Dying Varner, Billy Farming Secondary view
Will Legate Go Down, Moses Legate, Will Secondary view
Mrs. Res Grier "Two Soldiers" Grier, Mrs. Res Secondary view
Isaac Snopes The Hamlet Snopes, Ike Domestic Service Secondary view
Stuart MacCallum Flags in the Dust MacCallum, Stuart Farming Secondary view
Unnamed Grand Jury Foreman 1 "Smoke" Unnamed Grand Jury Foreman Secondary view
Unnamed Aunt of Rider "Pantaloon in Black" Unnamed Aunt of Rider Secondary view
Amodeus (Buddy) McCaslin Go Down, Moses McCaslin, Buddy Management Secondary view
Gerald Bland "Ad Astra" Bland Armed Forces Secondary view
Maggie Stevens Mallison The Town Mallison, Maggie Secondary view
Tomey's Turl Go Down, Moses Tomey's Turl Secondary view
Buck Monaghan "Ad Astra" Monaghan Armed Forces Secondary view
Charles Mallison I The Town Mallison, Charles Sr. Sales and Service Secondary view
Unnamed Men Who Chase Christmas Light in August Unnamed Men Who Chase Christmas Secondary view
G.A. Fentry "Tomorrow" Fentry, G.A. Farming Secondary view
Dalton Ames The Sound and the Fury Ames, Dalton Secondary view
Unnamed Federal Commissioner "A Point of Law" Unnamed Federal Commissioner Administrative Secondary view
Meloney Harris Flags in the Dust Harris, Meloney Domestic Service Secondary view
Unnamed Wife of Deputy Sheriff "Pantaloon in Black" Unnamed Wife of Deputy Sheriff Secondary view
Eulalia Sutpen Bon Absalom, Absalom! Sutpen, Mrs. Thomas(1) Secondary view
Doctor Alford Flags in the Dust Alford, Doctor Professional Secondary view
Wallstreet Panic Snopes The Town Snopes, Wallstreet Panic Sales and Service Secondary view
T.P. Gibson The Sound and the Fury Gibson, T.P. Domestic Service Secondary view
Admiral Dewey Snopes "Spotted Horses" Snopes, Ad Secondary view


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