
Displaying 401 - 500 of 5013

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CharKey Text Name Occupationsort ascending Rank
Mr. Kneeland The Town Kneeland, Mr. Sales and Service Minor view
Unnamed Barbers 1 Light in August Unnamed Barbers Sales and Service Minor view
Dan Grinnup The Reivers Grinnup, Dan Sales and Service Minor view
Byron Snopes Flags in the Dust Snopes, Byron Sales and Service Major view
Unnamed Negro Waiter 4 The Reivers Unnamed Negro Hotel Waiter Sales and Service Minor view
Unnamed Negro Delivery Boy 1 Flags in the Dust Unnamed Negro Delivery Boy Sales and Service Minor view
Unnamed Negro Hotel Employees "Knight's Gambit" Unnamed Negro Hotel Employees Sales and Service Minor view
Hamp Worsham Go Down, Moses Worsham, Hamp Sales and Service Minor view
Unnamed Bookkeepers 2 The Town Unnamed Bookkeepers(2) Sales and Service Minor view
Mr. Nightingale The Mansion Nightingale, Mr. Sales and Service Minor view
Mrs. Gant "Miss Zilphia Gant" Gant, Mrs. Sales and Service Major view
Unnamed Negro Yardmen 2 Light in August Unnamed Negro Yardmen Sales and Service Peripheral view
Unnamed Telegram Delivery Boy 2 Light in August Unnamed Telegram Delivery Boy Sales and Service Minor view
Unnamed Bank Staff and Customers The Mansion Unnamed Bank Staff and Customers Sales and Service Minor view
Papa George "That Will Be Fine" Papa Sales and Service Secondary view
Unnamed People in Reba's Neighborhood The Mansion Unnamed People in Reba's Neighborhood Sales and Service Minor view
Unnamed Men at Vinson's Tavern "Miss Zilphia Gant" Unnamed Men at Vinson's Tavern Sales and Service Minor view
Unnamed Counterman 1 The Hamlet Unnamed Counterman Sales and Service Minor view
Unnamed Private Detective "Knight's Gambit" Unnamed Private Detective Sales and Service Minor view
Unnamed Jeweler 2 "A Rose for Emily" Unnamed Jeweler Sales and Service Minor view
Susan Reed "Hair" Reed, Susan Sales and Service Major view
Hamp Worsham "Go Down, Moses" Worsham, Hamp Sales and Service Secondary view
Unnamed Cigar Seller 2 Sanctuary Unnamed Cigar Seller Sales and Service Minor view
Unnamed Telegraph Operator 3 The Mansion Unnamed Telegraph Operator Sales and Service Minor view
Wallstreet Panic Snopes The Mansion Snopes, Wallstreet Panic Sales and Service Minor view
Unnamed Executives in St. Louis "Gold Is Not Always" Unnamed Executives in St. Louis Sales and Service Peripheral view
Unnamed Drummer 3 "Smoke" Unnamed Drummer Sales and Service Peripheral view
Unnamed Drummer 5 The Town Unnamed Drummer Sales and Service Peripheral view
Essie Meadowfill The Mansion Meadowfill, Essie Sales and Service Minor view
Unnamed Itinerant Minister and Slave Trader "Red Leaves" Unnamed Itinerant Minister and Slave Trader Sales and Service Minor view
Flem Snopes The Town Snopes, Flem Sales and Service Major view
Unnamed Taxi Driver 2 Sanctuary Unnamed Taxi Driver(2) Sales and Service Minor view
Uncle Willy Christian The Mansion Christian, Uncle Willy Sales and Service Minor view
Unnamed Negro Bootblack in Mottstown Light in August Unnamed Negro Bootblack in Mottstown Sales and Service Minor view
Virgil The Reivers Virgil Sales and Service Minor view
Wallstreet Panic Snopes The Town Snopes, Wallstreet Panic Sales and Service Secondary view
Unnamed Negro Hostler 2 The Town Unnamed Negro Hostler Sales and Service Minor view
Unnamed Grocery Delivery Boy Sanctuary Unnamed Grocery Delivery Boy Sales and Service Minor view
Unnamed Insurance Adjuster The Town Unnamed Insurance Adjuster Sales and Service Minor view
Unnamed Restaurant Manager 1 "Centaur in Brass" Unnamed Restaurant Manager Sales and Service Peripheral view
Unnamed Partner in Restaurant "Centaur in Brass" Unnamed Partner in Restaurant Sales and Service Minor view
Unnamed Supplier The Mansion Unnamed Supplier Sales and Service Minor view
Unnamed Half-Witted Boy "Miss Zilphia Gant" Unnamed Half-Witted Boy Sales and Service Minor view
Unnamed Clerk at Varner's Store Light in August Unnamed Clerk at Varner's Store Sales and Service Minor view
V.K. Suratt|Ratliff "A Bear Hunt" Ratliff Sales and Service Major view
Mr. Rouncewell 2 The Reivers Rouncewell, Mr. Sales and Service Minor view
Henry Hawkshaw|Stribling "Hair" Hawkshaw Sales and Service Major view
Belle Worsham|Eunice Habersham "Go Down, Moses" Worsham, Belle Sales and Service Major view
Hoke Christian "Uncle Willy" Christian, Hoke Sales and Service Peripheral view
Unnamed Jefferson Merchants and Clerks Absalom, Absalom! Unnamed Merchants and Clerks Sales and Service Minor view
Unnamed Land Speculators and Traders Requiem for a Nun Unnamed Land Speculators and Traders Sales and Service Minor view
Unnamed Butcher 1 "Centaur in Brass" Unnamed Butcher Sales and Service Minor view
Hogganbeck, Grandfather of Boon The Reivers Hogganbeck, Grandfather of Boon Sales and Service Minor view
Unnamed Partner of Zilphia "Miss Zilphia Gant" Unnamed Partner of Zilphia Sales and Service Minor view
Monk Odlethrop "Monk" Odlethrop, Monk Sales and Service Major view
Unnamed Businessmen in Horace's New Town Flags in the Dust Unnamed Businessmen in Horace's New Town Sales and Service Minor view
Earl The Sound and the Fury Earl Sales and Service Secondary view
Miss Ballenbaugh The Reivers Ballenbaugh, Miss Sales and Service Minor view
Vernon 2 "Death Drag" Vernon Sales and Service Minor view
Unnamed Employees at Allanovna's The Mansion Unnamed Employees at Allanovna's Sales and Service Minor view
Mr. Hovis The Town Hovis, Mr. Sales and Service Minor view
Unnamed French Prostitutes The Town Unnamed French Prostitutes Sales and Service Minor view
Unnamed Automobile Salesman 3 The Reivers Unnamed Automobile Salesman Sales and Service Minor view
Unnamed Garage Workers 1 Sanctuary Unnamed Garage Men Sales and Service Minor view
Unnamed Ticket Seller 2 The Mansion Unnamed Ticket Seller Sales and Service Minor view
Buck Hipps The Town Unnamed Texas Horse Trader Sales and Service Minor view
Will Varner "Centaur in Brass" Unnamed Father of Mrs. Snopes Sales and Service Peripheral view
Mrs. Vinson "Miss Zilphia Gant" Vinson, Mrs. Sales and Service Minor view
V.K. Suratt|Ratliff Flags in the Dust Suratt, V.K. Sales and Service Secondary view
Will Varner Flags in the Dust Varner Sales and Service Peripheral view
Launcelot|Lump Snopes The Hamlet Snopes, Lump Sales and Service Minor view
Unnamed Bondsmen 2 The Town Unnamed Bondsmen Sales and Service Peripheral view
Unnamed Negro Attendant The Reivers Unnamed Negro Attendant Sales and Service Minor view
Jody Varner "Fool About a Horse" Varner, Jody Sales and Service Minor view
Houston Flags in the Dust Houston Sales and Service Minor view
Bill Terrel "Monk" Terrel, Bill Sales and Service Major view
Unnamed Restaurant Manager 2 Go Down, Moses Unnamed Restaurant Manager Sales and Service Minor view
Unnamed Telephone Operator 2 Sanctuary Unnamed Telephone Operator(2) Sales and Service Minor view
Unnamed London Tailor "All the Dead Pilots" Unnamed London Tailor Sales and Service Peripheral view
Unnamed Italian Peddler The Reivers Unnamed Italian Peddler Sales and Service Minor view
Mrs. Winterbottom Flags in the Dust Winterbottom, Mrs. Sales and Service Minor view
Unnamed Half-Crazed Woman Sanctuary Unnamed Half-Crazed Woman Sales and Service Minor view
Eckrum Snopes The Mansion Snopes, Eck Sales and Service Minor view
Uncle Job 1 The Sound and the Fury Job, Uncle Sales and Service Minor view
Unnamed Father-in-Law of Ike McCaslin Go Down, Moses Unnamed Father-in-Law of Ike McCaslin Sales and Service Minor view
Unnamed Merchant|Installment People The Hamlet Unnamed Merchant|Installment People Sales and Service Peripheral view
Unnamed Joliet Undertaker "Go Down, Moses" Unnamed Joliet Undertaker Sales and Service Minor view
Unnamed Drummers 4 Sanctuary Unnamed Drummers in Kinston Sales and Service Minor view
V.K. Suratt|Ratliff The Town Ratliff, V.K. Sales and Service Major view
Unnamed Drummers 6 The Reivers Unnamed Drummers Sales and Service Minor view
Myra Allanovna The Mansion Allanovna, Myra Sales and Service Minor view
I.O. Snopes "Spotted Horses" Snopes, I.O. Sales and Service Secondary view
Mrs. Littlejohn The Town Littlejohn, Mrs. Sales and Service Minor view
Mr. Garraway The Town Garraway, Mr. Sales and Service Minor view
Unnamed Carnival Worker "Appendix: Compson" Unnamed Carnival Pitchman Sales and Service Minor view
Marvin Hait The Mansion Hait, Marvin Sales and Service Minor view
Skeet MacGowan|Skeets Magowan As I Lay Dying MacGowan, Skeet Sales and Service Secondary view
Unnamed Drummers 3 Sanctuary Unnamed Drummers Sales and Service Minor view
V.K. Suratt|Ratliff The Hamlet Ratliff, V.K. Sales and Service Major view
Unnamed Saloon Keeper Light in August Unnamed Saloon Keeper Sales and Service Minor view


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