Displaying 2001 - 2100 of 5013
CharKey | Text | Name |
Occupation![]() |
Rank | |
Unnamed Members of the Communist Party | The Mansion | Unnamed Members of the Communist Party | Minor | view | |
Unnamed Filipino Woman | Sanctuary | Unnamed Filipino Woman | Peripheral | view | |
Unnamed Hunters 7 | "The Old People" | Unnamed Members of Hunting Party | Minor | view | |
Sutpen Infant 3 | Absalom, Absalom! | Sutpen Infant(3) | Minor | view | |
Unnamed Young Women in New York | Sanctuary | Unnamed Young Women in New York | Minor | view | |
Quentin Compson III | "A Bear Hunt" | Unnamed Narrator | Major | view | |
Unnamed Negroes 5 | "Mule in the Yard" | Unnamed Negroes | Minor | view | |
Isaac McCaslin | Intruder in the Dust | McCaslin, Isaac | Minor | view | |
Unnamed Widow of Hill Man | The Unvanquished | Unnamed Widow of Hill Man | Minor | view | |
Yettie Snopes | The Mansion | Snopes, Yettie | Minor | view | |
Charles Mallison II | "An Error in Chemistry" | Unnamed Narrator | Major | view | |
Flem Snopes | "Barn Burning" | Snopes, Older Brother of Sarty | Secondary | view | |
Unnamed Negro College Teachers and Students | Light in August | Unnamed Negro College Teachers and Students | Minor | view | |
Unnamed Mistress of Will Varner | The Hamlet | Unnamed Mistress of Will Varner | Minor | view | |
Charles Mallison II | Intruder in the Dust | Mallison, Chick | Major | view | |
Unnamed Grandfather of Walter | The Town | Unnamed Grandfather of Walter | Peripheral | view | |
Unnamed King 2 | "Appendix: Compson" | Unnamed King(2) | Peripheral | view | |
Unnamed Negroes in Memphis Brothel | The Sound and the Fury | Unnamed Negroes in Memphis Brothel | Minor | view | |
Daughter of Mr. Lovelady | "That Evening Sun" | Lovelady, Daughter of Mr. Lovelady | Minor | view | |
Unnamed Idlers in Livery Stable | The Reivers | Unnamed Idlers in Livery Stable | Minor | view | |
Unnamed School Girls 1 | The Sound and the Fury | Unnamed School Girls | Minor | view | |
Herman Basket | "A Justice" | Basket, Herman | Major | view | |
Unnamed Voters at Picnic | The Mansion | Unnamed Voters at Picnic | Minor | view | |
Mohataha | "Red Leaves" | Unnamed Mother of Doom | Minor | view | |
Thomas Sutpen's Sister 3 | Absalom, Absalom! | Sutpen, Sisters of Thomas(3) | Peripheral | view | |
Unnamed Members of Vigilance Committee | Absalom, Absalom! | Unnamed Members of Vigilance Committee | Minor | view | |
Unnamed Middle-Aged Women | Sanctuary | Unnamed Middle-Aged Women | Minor | view | |
Unnamed Man with Dogs | Absalom, Absalom! | Unnamed Man with Dogs | Minor | view | |
Unnamed Slaves of Sartorises 2 | The Unvanquished | Unnamed Slaves of Sartorises | Minor | view | |
Unnamed Committee of Baptists | Sanctuary | Unnamed Committee of Baptists | Minor | view | |
Howard Allison II | "Beyond" | Allison, Howard (Junior) | Minor | view | |
Lizzie | The Hamlet | Unnamed Sister of Ab Snopes' Wife | Minor | view | |
Unnamed Jefferson Townspeople 2 | "A Rose for Emily" | Unnamed Jefferson Townspeople | Minor | view | |
Unnamed Negro Woman Near Burden Place | Light in August | Unnamed Negro Woman Near Burden Place | Peripheral | view | |
Unnamed Mother of Will Varner | The Hamlet | Unnamed Mother of Will Varner | Peripheral | view | |
Jason Compson III | The Mansion | Compson, Father of Jason | Peripheral | view | |
Vladimir Kyrilytch Ratcliffe I | The Mansion | Vladimir Kyrilytch | Minor | view | |
Thorpe Brothers | "Tomorrow" | Thorpe, Brothers | Secondary | view | |
Unnamed Furniture Repairer and Dealer's Wife | Light in August | Unnamed Furniture Repairer and Dealer's Wife | Minor | view | |
Old Frenchman, Family of | The Hamlet | Old Frenchman, Family of | Minor | view | |
Unnamed Girls of Frenchman's Bend | "By the People" | Unnamed Girls of Frenchman's Bend | Minor | view | |
Unnamed Man Driving Wagon | Flags in the Dust | Unnamed Man Driving Wagon | Minor | view | |
Unnamed Choctaw Boys | "A Justice" | Unnamed Choctaw Boys | Minor | view | |
Son of Lee and Ruby | Sanctuary | Goodwin, Son of Lee and Ruby | Minor | view | |
Philadelphy | "Retreat" | Philadelphy | Minor | view | |
Mrs. Coldfield 2 | Absalom, Absalom! | Coldfield, Mrs.(2) | Minor | view | |
Unnamed Man outside Reba's 2 | Sanctuary | Unnamed Man outside Reba's(2) | Minor | view | |
Unnamed Restaurant Customers 2 | "Centaur in Brass" | Unnamed Restaurant Customers | Minor | view | |
Henry Wyatt | Go Down, Moses | Wyatt, Henry | Secondary | view | |
Mrs. Riddell | The Town | Riddell, Mrs. | Minor | view | |
Minnie Sue Turpin | Flags in the Dust | Turpin, Minnie Sue | Minor | view | |
Unnamed Negroes in City Honky-Tonks | Absalom, Absalom! | Unnamed Negroes in City Honky-Tonks | Minor | view | |
Unnamed Interurban Train Passengers | The Sound and the Fury | Unnamed Interurban Train Passengers | Minor | view | |
Unnamed Enslaved Children 1 | The Unvanquished | Unnamed Enslaved Children | Peripheral | view | |
Unnamed Slaves in Delta | "Delta Autumn" | Unnamed Slaves in Delta | Minor | view | |
Mrs. Jordon | "That Will Be Fine" | Jordon, Mrs. | Minor | view | |
Unnamed Negro Girl 2 | Light in August | Unnamed Negro Girl | Minor | view | |
Cora Tull | The Town | Tull, Mrs. Vernon | Minor | view | |
Unnamed Grandmother of Boon Hogganbeck | The Reivers | Unnamed Grandmother of Boon | Peripheral | view | |
President Franklin Roosevelt | "Two Soldiers" | Roosevelt, President Franklin D. | Peripheral | view | |
Unnamed Car Owner 1 | "By the People" | Unnamed Car Owner | Minor | view | |
Unnamed Corn Shelling Woman | "Red Leaves" | Unnamed Corn Shelling Woman | Minor | view | |
Myrtle 2 | The Sound and the Fury | Myrtle | Minor | view | |
Charles Mallison II | "Monk" | Unnamed Narrator | Major | view | |
Louvinia | "The Unvanquished" | Louvinia | Minor | view | |
Unnamed Man in Mottson | The Sound and the Fury | Unnamed Man in Mottson | Minor | view | |
Boon Hogganbeck | Go Down, Moses | Hogganbeck, Boon | Secondary | view | |
Unnamed Half-Grown White Boy | Absalom, Absalom! | Unnamed Half-Grown Boy | Minor | view | |
Unnamed Inmates 3 | Requiem for a Nun | Unnamed Inmates | Minor | view | |
Unnamed Neighbor in Pensacola 1 | Sanctuary | Unnamed Neighbor in Pensacola(1) | Minor | view | |
Walter Ewell | "The Bear" | Ewell, Walter | Minor | view | |
I.O. Snopes | The Sound and the Fury | Snopes, I.O. | Minor | view | |
Lump Snopes' Grandmother | The Hamlet | Snopes, Grandmother of Lump | Minor | view | |
Charles Mallison II | The Mansion | Mallison, Charles Jr. | Major | view | |
Quentin Compson I | "Appendix: Compson" | Compson, Quentin MacLachan | Secondary | view | |
Jason Compson IV | "That Evening Sun" | Compson, Jason (Junior) | Major | view | |
Unnamed Jefferson Townspeople 1 | The Sound and the Fury | Unnamed Jefferson Townspeople | Minor | view | |
Unnamed Citizens Who Dislike Ballenbaugh's | The Reivers | Unnamed Citizens Who Dislike Ballenbaugh's | Minor | view | |
Unnamed Wife of Gavin Stevens | The Mansion | Unnamed Wife of Gavin Stevens | Peripheral | view | |
Unnamed Granddaughter of Issetibbeha|Mohataha | "A Name for the City" | Unnamed Granddaughter of Issetibbeha | Minor | view | |
Unnamed White Man 5 | "A Courtship" | Unnamed White Man | Peripheral | view | |
Thompson, Daughter of Pappy | Light in August | Thompson, Daughter of Pappy | Peripheral | view | |
Unnamed Johns 2 | The Hamlet | Unnamed Johns | Minor | view | |
Charles Mallison I | "Knight's Gambit" | Mallison, Father of Charles | Minor | view | |
(Little) Belle Mitchell | Sanctuary | Mitchell, (Little) Belle | Secondary | view | |
Unnamed Children of Mrs. McCaslin's Sister|Niece | Go Down, Moses | Unnamed Children of Mrs. McCaslin's Sister|Niece | Minor | view | |
Unnamed School Girls 2 | "Hair" | Unnamed School Girls | Minor | view | |
Unnamed Trial Spectators 2 | Requiem for a Nun | Unnamed Trial Spectators | Minor | view | |
Virgil Snopes | Sanctuary | Snopes, Virgil | Secondary | view | |
Wash Jones | Absalom, Absalom! | Jones, Wash | Secondary | view | |
Mrs. Marders | Flags in the Dust | Marders, Sarah | Secondary | view | |
Worsham, Grandfather of Belle | "Go Down, Moses" | Worsham, Grandfather of Belle | Minor | view | |
Unnamed Other Children | "Beyond" | Unnamed Other Children | Minor | view | |
Vardaman Gowrie | Intruder in the Dust | Gowrie, Vardaman | Minor | view | |
Unnamed Slave of J.E.B. Stuart | Flags in the Dust | Unnamed Slave of J.E.B. Stuart | Minor | view | |
V.K. Ratcliffe II | The Mansion | Ratcliffe, V.K. | Minor | view | |
Aaron Rideout|Grover Cleveland Winbush | The Hamlet | Rideout, Aaron | Minor | view | |
V.K. Ratcliffe III | The Town | Ratcliffe III, Vladimir Kyrilytch | Minor | view | |
Unnamed Yoknapatawpha Indians | "Red Leaves" | Doom's Clan | Minor | view | |
Jack|Zack Houston | As I Lay Dying | Houston | Minor | view |