Character Keys
Code |
title![]() |
biography | |
3483 | Unnamed Married Couple |
This married couple gives Goodyhay and Mink a ride to the chapel in The Mansion; the car they drive is "hard-used and a little battered" (304). |
730 | Unnamed Married Woman 1 |
In As I Lay Dying, both Cash and Darl believe that sex is the reason Jewel sneaks out every night, and each tries to imagine whom he is "rutting" with (131). Cash believes she must be "a married woman somewhere," because of the sexual "daring and staying power" she seems capable of (132). (It turns out, as Cash says later, that "it aint a woman" at all, 133.) |
1860 | Unnamed Married Woman 2 |
According to Miss Reba in Sanctuary, among the women who have sought attention from Popeye over the years is "a little married woman" who "offered Minnie twenty-five dollars just to get him into the room" (145). |
589 | Unnamed Marshal 1 |
In "That Evening Sun" the marshal, Jefferson's main police officer, arrests Nancy and accompanies her to jail. On the way, he stops - but does not arrest - Mr. Stovall after he kicks Nancy in the mouth, knocking out her teeth. |
1120 | Unnamed Marshal 2 |
In "Uncle Willy" the marshal helps Uncle Willy's self-appointed guardians try to control him. In Faulkner's Yoknapatawpha fictions the "marshal" is a peace officer whose jurisdiction is the town of Jefferson. |
1121 | Unnamed Marshal 3 |
In Requiem for a Nun, Jailor Tubbs refers to the man whose job it is to arrest "drunks and gamblers" only as "the Marshal" (209). In Faulkner's Yoknapatawpha fictions the "marshal" is a peace officer whose jurisdiction is the town of Jefferson. |
2853 | Unnamed Marshals of Napoleon |
"Napoleon's marshals," otherwise known as the Marshals of the Empire, are characterized in "Appendix Compson" as a "glittering galaxy of knightly blackguards" (325). Napoleon reinstated the rank of marshal, the highest military rank in France, in 1804, and appointed 26 marshals, 18 of them in one month. These men were notable for reflecting his own preferences, rather than for having reached a given level of accomplishment. Nearly all lived luxurious lifestyles, at least in part due to their newly elevated status. |
3323 | Unnamed Masons in Frenchman's Bend |
Uncle Billy's Frenchman's Bend Masons are in charge of Eck Snopes' funeral in The Town. (The first American chapters of the social order known as Freemasonry were organized in Pennsylvania in the early 18th century. Many of the Founders of the Revolutionary era were Freemasons, which is why the U.S. dollar includes masonic symbolism. Not long after the Revolution ended there were 'lodges' in all the states, but I confess it's surprising to think that such a small and impoverished place as Frenchman's Bend had its own chapter.) |
118 | Unnamed Maternal Uncle of Issetibbeha |
In "Red Leaves" the "son and brother" of the well-to-do family of Issetibbeha's mother presumably also has some "Negro blood," as she does (321). But his behavior links him to the upper class: after Doom gets his sister pregnant, he seeks him out "with a pistol" (318) to avenge the family's honor. Years later, however, as the "maternal uncle" of the child she bears, this brother "conducts" Doom on a trip abroad, to Paris and elsewhere in Europe (320). |
2125 | Unnamed Matron of Memphis Orphanage |
In Light in August the matron of the (all-white) orphanage in Memphis is "past fifty, flabby faced, with weak, kind, frustrated eyes" (133). When she hears that Joe Christmas is being called a Negro, she decides to place him with a family as quickly as possible. She seems to have the child's interests at heart, both in making sure Christmas doesn't have to go to the "colored" orphanage, and in keeping the rumors about his race from McEachern, the white man who adopts him. |
412 | Unnamed Mayor 1 |
One of the three town mayors in "A Rose for Emily," and the only one without a name, this man takes office in the early 20th century, and seems much less chivalrous than his 19th-century predecessor, Colonel Sartoris, who treats Emily as a lady who should not be bothered about financial matters . This new mayor sees her first and foremost as a tax-payer, though he is chivalrous enough to offer "to send his car" to bring her to the town's offices to pay her long-overdue property tax (120). |
424 | Unnamed Mayor 2 |
The mayor of Jefferson is mentioned in "Uncle Willy," though not named or seen, when the women who live in Willy's neighborhood march with their children toward his office to complain about the woman whom Willy has married and brought home from a brothel in Memphis. |
3738 | Unnamed McCaslin Slaves 2 |
In The Reivers Lucius Priest tells his grandson (also named Lucius Priest) that when their common ancestor Lucius McCaslin came to Mississippi in 1813, he brought "his slaves and foxhounds" with him "across the mountains from Carolina" (61). Presumably one of these enslaved people is the grandmother of Ned McCaslin, who has her own Character entry; otherwise this novel says nothing more about these people. More about some of them, at least, can be found in Faulkner's earlier novel, Go Down, Moses. |
2126 | Unnamed Member of the Posse |
When the men chasing Christmas in Light in August are led by the dogs to the Negro woman "wearing a pair of man's shoes," one "member of the posse" identifies the shoes as the fugitive's (329). |
3351 | Unnamed Members of Byron Society |
Byron Societies were originally literary groups that met to read and discuss the works of George Gordon, Lord Byron. By the time of The Town, the Jefferson version of the Byron Society was essentially a social club for upper and middle class women. Like the Cotillion Club, membership in the Society confers social prestige. |
3226 | Unnamed Members of Clarence Snopes' Gang |
In "By the People" and again in The Mansion, during his youth in Frenchman's Bend Clarence Snopes is the leader of a "gang of cousins and toadies" (89, 328) who terrorize the community around Frenchman's Bend. They fought and drank and beat Negroes and terrified young girls" (89) - slightly revised to "fought and drank and gambled and beat up Negroes and terrified women and young girls" in the novel (328). |
3352 | Unnamed Members of Frenchman's Bend Church |
In his hypothetical account in The Town of Flem's return to Frenchman's Bend in 1927, Gavin mentions the members of the church there, but only in the context of Mrs. Varner's authoritarian control of the "terrified congregation" and the "ministers" whom she "selects and chooses and hires" herself - she "fires them too when they don't suit her" (306). Still according to Gavin, one of these ministers was plowing "a cotton field" when she passed by in her buggy and noticed him: she ordered him "to go home and bathe and change his clothes" before she "ordained" him herself (306). |
2128 | Unnamed Members of Hightower's Congregation |
In Light in August the old men and women, pillars of the church, are among the first to "astonished and dubious" about Reverend Hightower's obsessions (61). Others increasingly view his behavior and preaching with suspicion, and gossip about him and his wife - though they also raise funds to pay for Mrs. Hightower's treatment in a sanatorium and cook meals for him during her absence. |
3527 | Unnamed Members of Jehovah's Shareholders |
In The Mansion, "Jehovah's Shareholders" is the name of a religious sect inside Parchman's Penitentiary (111). According to the novel's narrator, it was "headed by self-ordained leaders who had reached prison through a curiously consistent pattern: by the conviction of crimes peculiar to the middle class, to respectability, originating in domesticity or anyway uxoriousness" (111). |
2769 | Unnamed Members of Ku Klux Klan 1 |
As part of the account in Go Down, Moses of Reconstruction in the South, these white men "armed in sheets and masks" who terrorize freed blacks are described (277). The details of the description suggests the Ku Klux Klan, especially "formalized regalia of hooded sheets" and "fiery christian symbols" (276), but this group is never given a label. And astonishingly, the narrator suggests that its original founders were the descendants of the carpetbaggers from the North, lynching "the race their ancestors had come to save" (276). |
3227 | Unnamed Members of Ku Klux Klan 2 |
In "By the People" and again in The Mansion Clarence Snopes uses Yoknapatawpha's Ku Klux Klan to advance his own political career, which serves as the occasion for Faulkner's one explicit engagement with the Klan as an element in U.S. history. Historically the Klan is a terrorist, white supremacist organization that came into existence in the South after the surrender at Appomattox and the abolition of slavery. |
3633 | Unnamed Members of Mob |
In Intruder in the Dust the white people who crowd Jefferson's main streets in anticipation of the arrival of a lynch mob from Beat Four are from everywhere in Yoknapatawpha except Beat Four. It begins to form on Sunday morning, with a small group made up of young men from town. |
2427 | Unnamed Members of Mob outside Wedding |
In Absalom! almost a hundred "boys and youths and men" gather outside the Methodist church to jeer Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Sutpen when they emerge from the wedding . The "men who composed the mob" are identified as men "from the drovers' tavern on the edge of town" (39), and as "traders and drovers and teamsters" (44). |
2129 | Unnamed Members of Other Congregations |
After Hightower refuses to resign from his pulpit in the Presbyterian church in Light in August, members of other churches in Jefferson come to see him "out of curiosity for a time" (69). The other main denominations in Jefferson are Episcopalian, Baptist and Methodist. |
2191 | Unnamed Members of Posse 1 |
In his hunt for Joe Christmas across the Yoknapatawpha countryside in Light in August Sheriff Kennedy is joined by a large posse. There are "thirty or forty" white men waiting for the bloodhounds who arrive on the train the day after Joanna's body is discovered (296), and the narrative suggests this same group remains on the trail through the following week. |
658 | Unnamed Members of Posse 2 |
In "Wash" and again in Absalom! this is the group of armed white men who ride out with the sheriff to the shack where Wash lives to arrest him. They arrive as night falls, so Wash sees them mainly as moving shadows, but in his mind, at least, they are felt to be "men of Sutpen's own kind," the aristocratic leaders of the plantation South, the "arrogant and proud on the fine horses across the fine plantations" whom he had once looked up to, but who now seem to him not just "symbols of admiration and hope," but also "instruments of despair and grief" (547, 232). |
1227 | Unnamed Members of Posse 3 |
In his hunt for Joe Christmas in Light in August Sheriff Kennedy is joined by a large posse. There are "thirty or forty" men waiting for the bloodhounds who arrive on the train the day after Joanna's body is discovered (296), and the narrative suggests this same group remains on the trail through the following week. |
2869 | Unnamed Members of Posse 4 |
In "An Error in Chemistry" the sheriff sends "Ben Berry and some others" to Joel Flint's house in case the escaped Joel Flint returns there (122). These "others" are not described in any way, though it seems as if they are not members of the sheriff's office, which is why we identify them as a kind of 'posse.' |
1226 | Unnamed Members of Posse 5 |
These are the men in The Town - all "enraged fathers" - who tar and feather "actual schoolmaster" Snopes for taking advantage of an adolescent girl (43). |
590 | Unnamed Members of Sartoris' Troop |
Members of the irregular Confederate unit that John Sartoris organizes in Mississippi after his original regiment votes him out of command after a year appear first in the first Yoknapatawpha fiction, Flags in the Dust, in the second story about the Civil War that Will Falls rehearses for the Colonel's son Bayard. In that novel Bayard calls them "pretty good men," but adds that they "quit fighting and went home too often" (229); Jenny calls them "a bunch of red-neck brigands" (238). |
3228 | Unnamed Members of Silver Shirts |
Like the Ku Klux Klan, the next organization that Clarence Snopes joins in "By the People" and The Mansion - "Silver Shirts" - was a real white supremacist, antisemitic organization (131, 334). Its official name was the Silver Legion of America, but its nickname acknowledges its ideological indebtedness to Brown Shirts in Germany, the fascist group that helped bring Hitler and the Nazis to power in the 1930s. It was founded in North Carolina in early 1933. |
3443 | Unnamed Members of the American Legion |
The American Legion was created in 1919 as an organization for veterans of World War I. Historically it has worked to secure veterans' rights. In The Mansion it is seen both positively and critically. Gavin is thinking of it when he talks about how "the Veterans' clubs and legions" provide "refuge" for the men who fought in the First World War only to find themselves feeling alienated, "betrayed and dispossessed" when they returned to the U.S. (201). |
3528 | Unnamed Members of the Communist Party |
In The Mansion the F.B.I. agent who interrogate Stevens about Linda Snopes Kohl's activities mentions the people in the United States who are "Communist members and agents"; included in this group are "Jewish sculptors and Columbia professors" as well as "important people" (261). |
3529 | Unnamed Members of the Sartoris Rifles |
In The Mansion, when the U.S. enters the First World War Mack Lendon organizes a company of soldiers "to be known as the Sartoris Rifles in honor of the original Colonel Sartoris" (204). The only two members of the unit who are named are Lendon himself and Tug Nightingale. The company ships out "to Texas for training" (207). |
2428 | Unnamed Members of Vigilance Committee |
Also called "a posse" (35), the "vigilance committee" in Absalom! that accompanies the county sheriff when he confronts Sutpen on suspicion of theft originally consists of "eight or ten" men (34). In an essentially comic scene, this group follows Sutpen on his courtship errand as their numbers grow (according to General Compson) to "almost fifty" men (35) - including "other horsemen [who] rode into the square" and "others who did not happen to have horses" (35) as well as some of the men who were lounging "on the gallery of the Holston House" when Sutpen reached town (34). |
3739 | Unnamed Memphis Businessmen |
These are the "liquor dealers," "grocers and coal merchants," "plumbers," "newspaper boy" and other tradesman and laborers with whom Mr. Binford negotiates in The Reivers as part of his responsibilities as the man of the house that Miss Reba runs (111). |
1895 | Unnamed Memphis Commissioner 1 |
Miss Reba's description of the police commissioner who patronizes her brothel in Sanctuary is memorable: "a man fifty years old, seven foot tall, with a head like a peanut" (143). Her description of his behavior with one of her prostitute is even more unforgettable: when his cronies broke into the room "they found him buck-nekkid, dancing the highland fling" (143). |
3530 | Unnamed Memphis Commissioner 2 |
The Memphis "Commissioner" in The Mansion is an acquaintance of Gavin Stevens's Harvard friend (426). Gavin's friend enlists his help in the attempt to locate Mink Snopes. Presumably he's the Commissioner of Police, though that isn't made explicit. |
1862 | Unnamed Memphis Counterman |
As Popeye and Temple drive down the Memphis street toward Miss Reba's in Sanctuary, they see "a fat man in a dirty apron with a toothpick in his mouth" inside the diner that they pass (142). |
2600 | Unnamed Memphis Doctor |
In The Hamlet this doctor operates upon V.K. Ratliff, cutting the "right thing out whether by accident or design" (80). |
1565 | Unnamed Memphis Friends of Young Bayard |
In Miss Jenny's account in Flags in the Dust of the wedding and newlywed life that Bayard and Caroline live in Memphis, she mentions "the [aviation] pupils of Bayard's" and his "soldier friends" whom she sees. Like their wives, whom Jenny calls "young women who ought to have been at home," these are all obviously members of the same "lost" generation as Bayard (51). |
2941 | Unnamed Memphis Investigator |
The hypothetical "expert that can tell about bullets" (71) whom Chick imagines in Intruder in the Dust; "somebody from the Memphis police" (188) that Chick assumes Sheriff Hampton will have to call in. Though in a different state, Memphis is the closest large city to Yoknapatawpha. |
3740 | Unnamed Memphis Jockey |
In his account in The Reivers of the first time Coppermine (AKA Forked Lightning) raced against Acheron, Parsham Hood briefly mentions "that Memphis boy" who was riding the horse (220). |
592 | Unnamed Memphis Lawyer |
The first time this lawyer is mentioned in Sanctuary is in an antisemitic rant by Clarence Snopes about "a Memphis jew lawyer" (266). He appears in person on the day Temple testifies in court; he sits "picking his teeth" at the prosecution's table. There Horace refers to him as "a Jew lawyer from Memphis" (282). The narrative's description is less overtly hostile, but phrases like "his skull was capped closely by tight-curled black hair" and "he had a long, pale nose" (281) do emphasize his ethnicity. His connection with Memphis suggests he represents Popeye's interests. |
3531 | Unnamed Memphis Mayor |
In The Mansion the "Mayor" of Memphis is an acquaintance of Gavin Stevens's Harvard friend, who promises to seek his help in the attempt to locate Mink Snopes (426). |
3741 | Unnamed Memphis Officials |
These are the "street- and assessment commissioners" with whom Mr. Binford negotiates and the policemen he pays off as part of his responsibilities as the man of Miss Reba's house in The Reivers (111). |
862 | Unnamed Memphis Police 1 |
According to the story Quentin Compson heard and recalls in The Sound and the Fury, it takes three Memphis policemen to subdue the naked Negroes who disturb the peace in the throes of a religious trance. |
861 | Unnamed Memphis Police 2 |
In Light in August the police in Memphis arrest the drunken man in Mrs. Hightower's hotel room after her death and also find the pieces of paper on which she wrote and tore up her "rightful name" (67). |
421 | Unnamed Memphis Police 3 |
In the short story "Gold Is Not Always," and also in the revised version of the story in Go Down, Moses, Roth Edmonds expects to find evidence that his missing mule has been loaded into a truck and taken to Memphis, an so intends to report her as stolen to the Jefferson sheriff and the Memphis police. |
863 | Unnamed Memphis Police 4 |
In The Mansion Miss Reba and her pimp have to "pay off" the "cops" in order to stay in business (80, 81). |
593 | Unnamed Memphis Policeman 1 |
This policeman makes a fleeting appearance in Sanctuary when he shouts at Popeye as he speeds past driving Temple through Memphis to the Grotto club. |
1363 | Unnamed Memphis Policeman 2 |
In The Mansion this police officer makes Mink move from the bench at Court Square, but also gives him fifty cents so he can "find a bed" (316). |
1364 | Unnamed Memphis Policeman 3 |
In The Mansion this is the policeman who drives Mink out of the train station in Memphis; he is "not in uniform," and much more aggressive than the policeman who drove Mink out of the park (318). |
1125 | Unnamed Memphis Policeman 4 |
On their way through the streets to the railroad depot the adventurers in The Reivers are questioned by a policeman who "knew Miss Corrie" and "apparently" Sam Caldwell as well (138). He lets them proceed without incident. |
594 | Unnamed Memphis Preacher |
In "Vendee" and again in the chapter with that name in The Unvanquished Bayard says that this minister is "from Memphis or somewhere," and describes him as a "big refugeeing preacher with his book already open" standing in the cemetery with a slave "holding an umbrella over him" (97, 156). Mrs. Compson and other Jefferson townspeople have asked him to officiate at Granny's funeral, presumably because of her status as both an Episcopalian and a member of the local aristocracy. |
3753 | Unnamed Memphis Prostitute 1 |
One of the two "ladies, girls" whom Lucius sees at supper in Miss Reba's in The Reivers (106). Lucius distinguishes them by their clothes - one wears "a red dress," and the other is "in pink" - and their age: one is a "girl" and the other is "no longer a girl" (106-07). This is "the older one," whom Lucius feels a kind of pity for: "There was something wrong about her . . . She was alone. . . . she shouldn't have had to be here, alone, to have to go through this" (107). Exactly what the 11-year-old Lucius means by "this" is not specified, but Mr. |
3754 | Unnamed Memphis Prostitute 2 |
One of the two "ladies, girls" whom Lucius sees at supper in Miss Reba's in The Reivers (106). Lucius distinguishes them by their clothes - one wears "a red dress," and the other is "in pink" - and their age: one is a "girl" and the other is "no longer a girl" (106-07). This is the younger one, who complains about having to be so quiet on Sundays. |
1230 | Unnamed Memphis Prostitutes 1 |
Sanctuary spends a lot of time in Miss Reba's, but the women who work their as prostitutes remain largely offstage. At various times Temple, Fonzo and Virgil hear their laughter or the rustle of their clothes. In Chapter 21 they appear as "a plump blonde woman" (192), a woman "in a kimono" leaving "a trail of scent" (194) and a "blonde woman in a red dress" (198). |
595 | Unnamed Memphis Prostitutes 2 |
In Light in August during the last year of his relationship with Joanna Joe goes "every week or so" to Memphis, "where he betrays her with other women, women bought for a price" (263). |
1126 | Unnamed Memphis Prostitutes 3 |
These are the "white women" in the "houses in Memphis" that, as a young man in The Mansion, Mink discovers are available, "if he had the money" (317). |
1231 | Unnamed Memphis Prostitutes 4 |
Only one of the prostitutes who work at Miss Reba's in The Mansion, Thelma, is given a name (84). As a group they are imagined, in Montgomery Ward Snopes' narration, "running back and forth to the bathroom in nighties and negligees or maybe not even that," and also "screaming and fighting and pulling each other's hair" (81). According to Snopes, "so many" of them "came from little Tennessee and Arkansas and Mississippi country towns and Baptist and Methodist families" (83). |
1232 | Unnamed Memphis Prostitutes 5 |
The Reivers refers to other prostitutes at Miss Reba's, besides Corrie and the two "ladies" whom Lucius meets at supper (106). Lucius can hear them meeting customers in the parlor on Saturday night. When the adult Lucius who is telling the story calls them "ladies" and "nymphs" (130), he is being pleasantly (rather than judgmentally) ironic. |
1566 | Unnamed Memphis Recruiting Officer |
This is the serviceman in Flags in the Dust whom Montgomery Ward Snopes cons into declaring him medically unfit for military service by holding "a plug of chewing tobacco beneath his left armpit" all the way from Jefferson to Memphis (167). |
2130 | Unnamed Memphis Reporters |
On the "Sunday morning" after Mrs. Hightower's scandalous death in Light in August, Hightower's church is beset by swarm of "Memphis reporters taking pictures" (67). They even "follow him into the church" (68). |
1567 | Unnamed Memphis Specialist |
In Flags in the Dust Dr. Brandt shares his Memphis office with at least one other medical "specialist," who is described as "large," "with a majestic, surreptitious air like a royal undertaker" (246). |
2355 | Unnamed Memphis Waitress |
The waitress at the counter in the Memphis station tells Boon "he couldn't drink [whiskey] there" (188). When this episode recurs in Go Down, Moses, the waitress is replaced by a "negro waiter," and it's a woman "manager" who speaks the line originally given to the waitress (222). |
1128 | Unnamed Men 1 |
In "That Will Be Fine" Georgie's mother theorizes that "most other men were prejudiced against Uncle Rodney, why she didn't know" (267). |
596 | Unnamed Men 2 |
These are the unnamed men in "An Error in Chemistry" who came to the narrator's grandfather's house to socialize and drink cold toddies. |
1127 | Unnamed Men 3 |
According to Gavin Stevens, "every male under sixty who had ever taken a drink or bought a bale of cotton from her father" was considered as the possible love interest in Mrs. Harriss' past ("Knight's Gambit," 245). |
1705 | Unnamed Men at Boathouse |
In The Sound and the Fury these two men carry the rowing "shell" that Gerald Bland uses from the boat house to the water (90). |
2131 | Unnamed Men at Farm House |
On the fourth day of his flight in Light in August Christmas smells breakfast cooking at a farm house, but waits to approach it until he sees "the men" of the farm finish eating and "go to the field" (332). |
3353 | Unnamed Men at Fight |
This entry represents the men in The Town - described simply as "a few more men" - who watch the fight that Buddy McCallum arranges between his son Anse and Matt Levitt (207). Since Matt is from town and Anse from the country, these men could be from anywhere in Yoknapatawpha. |
2356 | Unnamed Men at Hoke's Sawmill |
Hoke's is "a sawmill and a few stores" (188), apparently populated almost entirely by men. In "Lion" and again in Go Down, Moses most of these "wear muddy boots and khaki," indicating their status as mill workers (188, 218). The next day some "people from Hoke's" (189), called "sawmill men from Hoke's" in the novel (224), show up at the hunting camp, to participate in the hunt for Old Ben. Afterwards, they also bear witness to Lion's passing. |
1456 | Unnamed Men at Holston House |
In The Unvanquished these men are originally depicted as the "row of feet" that Bayard sees propped on the porch railing when he arrives at Holston House to confront Redmond (245). Afterward, when Bayard leaves the hotel, this same group "raises their hats" out of respect for him (251). |
644 | Unnamed Men at Horse Lot |
These men in "Barn Burning" sit atop or stand along the "tall rail fence" beside the horse lot next to the general store and blacksmith's shop, where they spend the Saturday afternoon unhurriedly "swapping and buying" horses (20). |
1568 | Unnamed Men at Livery Stable |
At the livery stable where Rafe takes Bayard in Flags in the Dust are a number of "onlookers" (129) sitting "on top of the gate" or "leaning with crossed arms upon it" (126). Presumably they are admiring the stallion in the lot, though when its runs away with Bayard by crashing right through the gate they "hurl themselves to safety" (129). |
1710 | Unnamed Men at Mottson Gas Station |
In The Sound and the Fury, at "a filling station" in Mottson, "they" tell Jason where the traveling show can be found (308). The novel provides no evidence about who "they" are - whether customers or attendants at the gas station, or both. |
2601 | Unnamed Men at Side-Street Restaurant |
While eating lunch in Jefferson, in The Hamlet, Ratliff tells these "three or four listeners" (75) about the operation he underwent in a Memphis hospital. |
1075 | Unnamed Men at Varner's Store 1 |
"Five men in overalls squatted against the wall of Varner's store" (156) - this is how "The Hound" describes the group whose conversation about Houston's disappearance makes Cotton increasingly uncomfortable. Their discussion suggests all five live nearby. Their "overalls" and "squatting" posture suggest they are all farmers. But the narrative gives no other details to identify them as a group, and distinguishes them from each other only as "the first," "a second," "a third" and "a fourth" (156-57). Cotton's grudge against Houston is common knowledge among them. |
864 | Unnamed Men at Varner's Store 2 |
At almost any time of day, apparently, the porch in front of Varner's store serves as the gathering place for groups of men from nearby farms in "Lizards in Jamshyd's Courtyard." While sitting on the porch they discuss local events and characters. |
597 | Unnamed Men at Varner's Store 3 |
In Light in August the group of men at Varner's store who watch as the pregnant Lena Grove descends from Armstid's wagon are described as "squatting" and "already spitting across the heelgnawed porch" (25). They "listen quietly" as the tells her story, and are all sure she will never again see the father of the child she carries (26). |
2132 | Unnamed Men at Varner's Store 3 |
The group of men at Varner's store in Light in August are there on Saturday morning to watch as the pregnant Lena Grove descends from Armstid's wagon. They are described as "squatting" and "already spitting across the heelgnawed porch" (25). They "listen quietly" as the tells her story, and are all sure she will never again see the father of the child she carries (26). |
422 | Unnamed Men at Varner's Store 4 |
In "Fool about a Horse" the "other men" who have gathered at Varner's store are more small farmers from the Frenchman's Bend area (122). |
865 | Unnamed Men at Varner's Store 5 |
Varner's store is a gathering place for the people who live in Frenchman's Bend. In The Town there are two references to the groups of men, specifically, who are found there. Gavin's hypothetical account of Mrs. Varner's visit to the store refers to the "few loungers" whom she chases out - these men "should have been in the field," since it's "planting time" (307). Later "the men squatting along the gallery" (388) - whom Ratliff also describes as a "few neighbors" (384) - rush off to rescue Clarence Snopes from Byron's children (388). |
3606 | Unnamed Men at Varner's Store 6 |
In The Mansion, the "overalled men" of Frenchman's Bend regularly gather at Varner's store, to "squat or stand all day against the front wall or inside the store itself" (29). |
2096 | Unnamed Men at Vinson's Tavern |
In "Miss Zilphia Gant," the other men who frequent the tavern where Gant stays on his trips to Memphis are described as "rough, unshaven, overalled men" who "eat coarse food and drink pale, virulent corn whiskey and sleep in their muddy clothes and boots on the puncheon floor before the log fire" (368). Some of them, at least, are probably mule or horse traders like Gant - they arrive in "other caravans similar to his" - but others make their living in "more equivocal" but unspecified ways (368). |
2602 | Unnamed Men at Whiteleaf Store 1 |
These men are sitting on the store porch when Ab and Ratliff drive past in The Hamlet; they may have been the ones who told Ab that "Pat Stamper was in Jefferson that day" (38). |
2603 | Unnamed Men at Whiteleaf Store 2 |
As Mink is being driven to jail in The Hamlet, they pass the Whiteleaf store. When the men who had been "squatting and spitting on the gallery stand suddenly up," the deputy sheriff remarks that "There are folks here too that act willing to believe their name is Houston for maybe ten or fifteen minutes anyway" (283). |
1008 | Unnamed Men in Barber Shop 1 |
In "Hair" these customers gossip about Hawkshaw and Susan Reed as they are shaved by Mr. Maxey and Matt. |
1009 | Unnamed Men in Barber Shop 2 |
The "crowd" of "folks" in the barbershop in Light in August to whom Burch brags about hijacking whiskey includes Mr. Maxey and Captain McLendon as well as an unspecified number of customers - and because Christmas facetiously tells his partner that he is "keeping these folks from working," it must also include the barbers (80). |
1010 | Unnamed Men in Barber Shop 3 |
When Tug Nightingale attacks Skeets Magowan in the barbershop in The Mansion, "it takes all the barbers and customers and loafers" to subdue him (209). As the term "loafers" here indicates, the barbershop was one of the places in Jefferson where idling males congregated. |
2344 | Unnamed Men in Bible Class |
These are the adult men in "Hair" who attend "Mr. Miller's men's Bible class" at Reverend Schultz's church; they do not seem to play any role in the church's campaign to reform Willy (228). |
1706 | Unnamed Men in Front of Store |
In The Sound and the Fury these two men sitting in front of a store talk to Quentin during his attempt to find the home of the little girl he met in the bakery. |
1788 | Unnamed Men in Grotto Club |
When Temple arrives at the Grotto in Sanctuary, she sees four men "sitting at a table near the door" (234). Two soon leave, but the other two are described with a few details. One is chewing gum with "teeth of an unbelievable whiteness and size" (234). The other has "his coat buttoned across his chest" (235). The two who remain forcibly carry Temple away from the club. All four seem to be cronies of Popeye, working with him to arrange Red's murder. |
2133 | Unnamed Men in Max's Restaurant |
The "clump of men" sitting in Max's restaurant the first time Christmas goes there in Light in August are described as "not farmers and not townsmen either"; with "their tilted hats and their cigarettes and their odor of barbershops," they look like they "had just got off a train," "would be gone tomorrow," and do "not have any address" (178, 174). |
2774 | Unnamed Men in Search Party |
In addition to Roth Edmonds, Oscar, Dan, Lucas Beauchamp, George and Nat Wilkins, the search party that goes looking for Molly Beauchamp in Go Down, Moses includes at least two additional characters, simply referred to first as "some others" and then as "another man" (120). The race of these people is not indicated, which in Faulkner's fiction usually means someone is white. Elsewhere in the novel, however, it is clear that the only white man who lives on the McCaslin-Edmonds plantation is Roth, which explains why we identify these 'other men' as 'Negro.' |
1866 | Unnamed Men in Square 1 |
Sanctuary refers to men in the town square several times. In Chapter 17 they are seen "drifting back toward the square after supper" (134). In Chapter 19, looking through the window of Ruby's hotel room, Horace can see "men pitching dollars back and forth between holes in the bare earth beneath and locusts and water oaks" around the courthouse at the center of the square (161). |
3742 | Unnamed Men in Square 2 |
In The Reivers Boon brags to this "group of men on the Square" about how fast he can make the car go (40). Many of the Yoknapatawpha fictions include a reference to the un- or under-employed men who hang around the Courthouse during the day; presumably these men are of that variety. |
2604 | Unnamed Men of Frenchman's Bend |
In The Hamlet there are always groups of men hanging around Frenchman's Bend's more public spaces, like Varner's various businesses or Mrs. Littlejohn's boarding house. Some members appear somewhat individualized, such as with the "man with the peach spray" (343) who discusses the horse auction and its consequences with a "second" and a "third" among the group at Varner's store, although each remains virtually indistinct, members of a communal group who interact with well-defined characters like Varner, Ratliff, Quick, Bookwright, Freeman and the various Snopeses. |
2429 | Unnamed Men outside Wedding Rehearsal |
At the rehearsal on the evening before Sutpen's wedding in Absalom!, the only people present are "a handful of men from the town's purlieus (including two of old Ikkemotubbe's Chickasaws) standing in the shadows outside the door" (41). |