Character Keys
Code |
title![]() |
biography | |
3032 | Grove, Children of McKinley |
Light in August says that Grove McKinley's wife was "labor- and childridden," so the couple probably had more than the three sons who are specifically referred to (5). Because their mother is always either "lying in or recovering," Lena takes care of these boys; like Lena, they sleep in the "leanto room" attached to the McKinley house (5). |
3027 | Grove, Father of Lena |
In Light in August Lena Grove's father dies in the same summer as her mother does, when Lena is twelve years old. Both parents have impressed upon her a sense of filial duty; she takes care of her father at her mother's dying request and goes to live with her brother McKinley in accordance with her father's wish. |
3028 | Grove, Mother of Lena |
In Light in August Lena Grove's mother dies in the same summer as Lena's father does,, when Lena is twelve years old. Both parents have impressed upon her a sense of filial duty; she takes care of her father at her mother's dying request and goes to live with her brother McKinley in accordance with her father's wish. |
370 | Grumby |
The outlaw named Grumby seems designed to strike every possible reader - regardless of race or region - as a villain. He first appears in the short story "The Unvanquished," as the leader of Grumby's Independents, an irregular group intent on terrorizing the Mississippi countryside, and the depredations of his gang make his name a source of terror to both the black and the white inhabitants of Yoknapatawpha. |
371 | Grumby's Gang |
The gang that rides with Grumby in two of the Unvanquished stories - "The Unvanquished" and "Vendee" - takes advantage of the lawless conditions in the region during the later years of the Civil War to pillage, terrorize and murder, without regard to race or gender, the civilians who have remained at home while the white male population is off at the fighting. Two of them - Bowden and Bridger - are given names in the story. It is not clear how many others there are. In "The Unvanquished" Bayard writes that there are "about fifty or sixty" men in the gang (93). |
688 | Grummet |
In As I Lay Dying, Grummet owns the hardware store in Mottson; Darl pressures him to open a sack of cement and sell the Bundrens 10 cents worth. |
1400 | Had-Two-Fathers 2 |
In "Red Leaves" the character named Had-Two-Fathers appears only once, briefly, as one of the men who tell Moketubbe he should take off the red slippers (336). He is not the character Faulkner created later, also named Had-Two-Fathers but better known as Sam Fathers; this later character will play important roles in seven of the Yoknapatawpha fictions. |
1477 | Hal Wagner |
"Hal Wagner" is one of the two characters whom Byron Snopes invents in Flags in the Dust in his attempt to deceive Virgil Beard about the nature of the anonymous letters he is sending Narcissa (109). |
3033 | Halliday |
In Light in August Halliday is the resident of Mottstown who recognizes Joe Christman and, after hitting him in the face, captures him in the hope of claiming the thousand dollar reward. |
3053 | Hamp Waller |
Identified in Light in August as a "countryman" - i.e. a farmer from the county of Yoknapatawpha not the town of Jefferson (90) - Hamp Waller is the first person on the scene of Joanna's murder. Riding to town in a wagon with his family, he finds Joe Brown in the burning house. He also goes inside the house, where he finds Joanna Burden's body and brings it outside. |
372 | Hamp Worsham |
Mollie's brother Hamp in both "Go Down, Moses" and the chapter with that title in Go Down, Moses is an "old man" with a "fringe of white hair" and a belly that is "bloated from the vegetables" on which he lives but whose face resembles that of "a Roman senator" (263, 360 - except that the comparison is to "a Roman general" in the novel). He and his wife join Mollie in mourning her grandson. The "Molly's brother" who works for Eunice Habersham in Intruder in the Dust is the same character (117). |
2975 | Hampton Killegrew |
In "Knight's Gambit" Hampton Killegrew is "the night marshal" of Jefferson (213). |
834 | Hampton, Parents of Sheriff Hope |
The narrator of Intruder in the Dust presumably refers to both of Hope Hampton's parents in the phrase identifying him as "the son of farmers" (105). |
2740 | Hancock, General Winfield Scott |
General Winfield Scott Hancock, whom Cass Edmonds mentions in Go Down, Moses as part of his argument with Ike McCaslin about God's role in Southern history (271), was a corps commander in the Army of the Potomac, and as Cass notes, "on Cemetery Ridge" at Gettysburg (272). |
3409 | Harold Baddrington |
Harold Baddrington is a pilot who serves with Charles Mallison during World War Two in The Mansion. He gets his nickname "Plexiglass" on account of his obsession with cellophane, "which he called plexiglass" (323). |
3106 | Harpe Brothers |
During the late 18th century the two Harpe brothers - "Big" and "Little" - were notorious for their many crimes in the area of the frontier that included northern Mississippi: it is possible that they killed as many as fifty people before they were separately executed in 1799 and 1804. The narrator of "A Name for the City" rejects the idea that the Harpes were the unnamed bandits who were held briefly in the settlement jail. |
869 | Harris 1 |
All we know about the Mr. Harris who appears in Sanctuary is that he owns the livery stable, and is suspicious enough of Eustace Graham to fold a hand during a poker game - because Graham had dealt the cards. |
870 | Harris 2 |
In "Death Drag" Mr. Harris owns the car that Ginsfarb 'rents' for use in the air show - the quotation marks indicate how Ginsfarb skips town before paying him. |
431 | Harris 3 |
In both "Barn Burning" and The Hamlet this Mr. Harris is the farmer who brings Ab Snopes to trial after a dispute between them over a hog leads to the burning of Harris' barn. He is only mentioned in the novel. In the short story he is shown as both furious with Ab, and - when he decides against forcing Sarty Snopes to testify against his own father - compassionate for Ab's son . |
267 | Harriss |
The first husband of the woman whom Gavin Stevens eventually marries is a bootlegger from New Orleans named only Mr. Harriss. Faulkner describes his offstage death memorably in three different texts: in "Knight's Gambit" he dies at his desk, "maybe," "because you can be shot just as discreetly across a desk in an office as anywhere else" (167–68); in The Town, he is brought back to Yoknapatawpha from New Orleans in "a bullet-proof hearse" (187); in The Mansion, he dies in a barber's chair, of "his ordinary thirty-eight calibre occupational disease" (218) - i.e. |
3430 | Harry Hopkins |
Hopkins was an American social worker who served in Franklin Roosevelt's cabinet and was one of the President's closest advisors. In The Mansion Charles puts his name on the list of the people "they called communists now" (237). |
866 | Harry Mitchell |
Belle Mitchell's first husband Harry is described in Flags in the Dust as "a cotton speculator and a good one; he was ugly as sin and kind-hearted and dogmatic and talkative" (188). Conventional to a fault, Harry does not know his wife Belle is having an affair with Horace, whom he likes. After Belle divorces him, Young Bayard sees him in a Chicago nightclub with a young woman who is apparently trying to rob him. In Sanctuary, where Belle is married to Horace Benbow, he is just referred to as "a man named Mitchell" (106). |
3461 | Harry Truman |
When Franklin Roosevelt died in office in 1945, his Vice-President Harry Truman became the 33rd President of the United States. In The Mansion he is mentioned by the character named "Dad" in a sentence about the unorthodox theology and politics of the members of Goodyhay's congregation (300). |
2980 | Harry Wong |
Harry Wong is not a character in "Knight's Gambit" but one of the three hypothetical men whom Gavin Stevens uses to represent the veterans of World War I: Gavin says, "I am no more just John Doe of Jefferson, Mississippi; I am also . . . Harry Wong of San Francisco" (243). |
3128 | Hemingway |
Ernest Hemingway was the American writer whom Faulkner considered his rival for most of his career, though the two men had a cordial long distance relationship and Faulkner often alluded to or quoted from Hemingway in public statements. In Requiem for a Nun Temple alludes to Hemingway's 1940 novel For Whom the Bell Tolls to explain that a woman who has been sexually assaulted could be in denial that it had happened to her: "it had never actually happened to a g-- woman, if she just refused to accept it, no matter who remembered, bragged" (121). |
2968 | Hence Cayley |
In "Knight's Gambit" Hence Cayley is the father of the "country girl" (192) who's been dating Max Harriss; according to her, "he dont think Max is any good" (193). His farm is "about two miles" from the Harriss place (192). |
373 | Henry 1 |
The Henry in The Sound and the Fury is the elementary school classmate who - in one of Quentin's fragmentary memories - answers the teacher's question that Quentin can't, about the discoverer of the Mississippi River. |
824 | Henry 2 |
Both "A Point of Law" and the revised version of that story Faulkner wrote for Go Down, Moses include a "deputy marshal" who sits inside the courthouse chewing a toothpick (221, 70). The novel version identifies him as an "oldish white man" whom Lucas knows from another context (70). In both texts the Judge calls him "Henry" (222, 72). |
825 | Henry 3 |
The Henry in The Mansion works as Houston's farmhand. |
316 | Henry Armstid |
Henry Armstid, a subsistence farmer who lives in Frenchman's Bend, appears in two very different ways in seven different fictions. In As I Lay Dying, both the chapter he himself narrates and his actions reveal him to be generous, reliable and sane. In Light in August he displays the same traits as he helps Lena Grove on her journey. |
157 | Henry Beauchamp |
Henry Beauchamp is the oldest child of Lucas and Molly Beauchamp in Go Down, Moses. He is raised alongside Roth Edmonds as the white child's "black foster-brother" (106), just as his father was raised alongside Roth’s father, Zack. When Roth, however, insists on drawing the color line between them, the seven-year-old Henry accepts the new terms of their relationship, but tells Roth, "peacefully," that "I aint shamed of nobody . . . Not even me" (110). |
3239 | Henry Best |
In The Town Henry Best is the loudest and most exasperated man in Stevens' meeting with the town's aldermen to settle the questions raised by the stolen brass. |
3120 | Henry Clay |
Henry Clay represented Kentucky in both houses of the U.S. Congress during the decades before the Civil War. As a U.S. Senator, he was the architect of the Compromise of 1850 (referred to in Requiem for a Nun as "Clay's last compromise," 86), which attempted to resolve the national conflict about the spread of slavery westward across the Mississippi. |
3667 | Henry Ford |
Henry Ford's name was almost synonymous with automobile during the early decades of the 20th century. The Model T Ford, which he introduced in 1908, brought owning a car within the reach of average Americans - though the car that Grandfather Priest owns in The Reivers is a much more aristocratic make and model. |
1749 | Henry Hawkshaw|Stribling |
Henry Hawkshaw first appears in "Dry September." He is a Jefferson barber, described as "a man of middle age; a thin, sand-colored man with a mild face" (169). He serves as the point of view through which the story's racial violence is presented. He tries to defend Will Mayes' character against the white men who want to lynch him, and even drives with them hoping to prevent the lynching, but in the end only 'saves' himself or at least his sensibility. When he re-appears in "Hair," his liberal sensibilities are again put into action, this time romantically. |
72 | Henry MacCallum |
Henry is the second of Virginius MacCallum's six sons in Flags in the Dust and the only one who doesn't appear with the other five in "The Tall Men." In view of that absence, the descriptions of his character in the novel in which he does appear are significant. He is "squat" and "slightly tubby," with "something domestic, womanish" about him (335). Unlike his brothers, he spends "most of the time" inside: he superintends the kitchen, is "a better cook" than the black woman who is the family's official cook, and is locally famous for the quality of his homemade whiskey (335). |
99 | Henry Sutpen |
In two of the three texts in which this son of Thomas Sutpen is mentioned, he is not named and his story is relatively uncomplicated. In "Wash," the prequel to Absalom!, he was "killed in action" during the Civil War (538). In The Unvanquished, published soon after Absalom!, the narrator writes that Sutpen's "son killed his daughter's fiance on the eve of the wedding and vanished" (222). In Absalom! itself, however, he is given the name Henry, and his action provides the narrative with the mystery that haunts it from beginning to end. |
2749 | Henry Wyatt |
In the "Delta Autumn" chapter of Go Down, Moses Wyatt joins Will Legate, Roth Edmonds, and Ike McCaslin and some other men from Yoknapatawpha on the hunting trip to the Delta. There are five other 'Wyatts' in four other Yoknapatawpha fictions, but how or if Henry is related to any of them is never mentioned. |
221 | Herbert Head |
In The Sound and the Fury Herbert Head, whom Mrs. Compson calls "my Harvard boy" (93), is a banker from South Bend, Indiana. He and the already-pregnant Caddy meet in the fashionable resort of French Lick; in April 1910 they marry after Herbert promises Jason a job in the family bank, and tries to bribe Quentin to keep secret his expulsion from Harvard for cheating. The marriage does not last a year: when he discovers Caddy's pregnancy, Herbert disowns her and her child. |
3795 | Herbert Hoover |
The real Herbert Hoover was the 31st President of the U.S. (1929-1933). The "Herbert Hoover" who appears in The Mansion, however, is the creation of Gavin Stevens, who is trying to direct the Federal Bureau of Investigation. away from Linda Snopes Kohl by writing an anonymous letter to "Herbert Hoover/F B & I Depment" accusing Flem Snopes of having a "commonist party Card" (269). The real head of the F.B.I. at the time, of course, was J. |
2031 | Herman Basket |
In "A Justice," the Choctaw man named Herman Basket is Sam's primary source of information for the story he tells Quentin about how his parents met. Basket and Sam's "pappy" have known each other since they were children "sleeping on the same pallet and talking at night, as boys will" (345). Although the exact nature of Basket's relationship with Doom is unclear, he is a confidant of the chief. |
332 | Herman Bookwright |
There are both Bookwrights and Bookrights in Frenchman's Bend in various texts. Herman Bookwright appears in The Hamlet as one of Eula's fervent suitors, and one of the two young men from the Bend who leave the area "suddenly overnight" once it is discovered that she is pregnant - though Ratliff believes that both these young men were "just wishing they had" (140). |
376 | Herman Short |
In both "Fool about a Horse" and The Hamlet, Herman Short is an earlier owner of the horse that is the source of the trouble. |
1770 | Hershell Jones |
In Sanctuary Jenny tells Horace that the last "young man" who tried courting Narcissa was "that Jones boy; Herschell" (24). From that it sounds as if Herschell belonged to a family the Benbows and Sartorises would have known socially, but beyond that we know nothing about him. |
3035 | Hightower, Father of Gail |
The son of one Gail Hightower and the father of another, this man is never given a first name in Light in August. A "man of spartan sobriety" (472), in the years before the Civil War he "rides sixteen miles each Sunday to preach in a small Presbyterian chapel back in the hills" (468). He also opposes slavery and refuses to be served by his father's slaves. |
3036 | Hightower, Mother of Gail |
In Light in August Reverend Hightower's mother is the daughter of a genteel church-going couple without substantial means. By the time she has her first and only child, she has been an invalid for almost twenty years, possibly because she was malnourished during the Civil War. |
1440 | Hilliard |
The "Hilliard at the livery stable" in The Unvanquished Oxford is presumably the owner who lets Ringo talk him out of a good horse for his long ride (217). |
3673 | Hiram Hightower |
The man in The Reivers who in 1886 "converts the entire settlement" at Ballenbaugh's "with his fists" is named Hiram Hightower (74). His description allows us to say for sure that he is "a giant of a man," and served during the Civil War as both a "trooper" and a "chaplain" in Nathan Bedford Forrest's cavalry unit (74). |
2528 | Hoake |
Hoake - only his last name is given in The Hamlet - is "a well-to-do landowner" (152). After his daughter Alison elopes with McCarron, "Old Hoake had sat for ten days now with a loaded shotgun across his lap" (153) before the newlyweds returned. McCarron, however, learned his father-in-law's business quickly and Hoake eventually bequeathed the flourishing property to his grandson, Hoake McCarron. |
193 | Hoake|Hoke McCarron |
Whether as Hoake (as his name is spelled in The Hamlet) or Hoke (as it's spelled in The Town and The Mansion), McCarron plays a biologically crucial role in the Snopes trilogy as the father of Linda Snopes, daughter of Eula and, ostensibly, Flem. His character is not attractive - except to Eula - in the first novel. He is an outsider to Yoknapatawpha, the son of substantial property owners, "a little swaggering and definitely spoiled though not vain so much as intolerant" (150). |
3674 | Hogganbeck, Grandfather of Boon |
According to The Reivers Boon's grandfather was "a white whiskey trader" who married a Chickasaw Indian (18). |
3255 | Hogganbeck, Grandfather of Melissa |
In The Town the grandfather of Melissa Hogganbeck served under Lee during the Civil War till the end, through the surrender at Appomattox in 1865. |
377 | Hoke 1 |
In "Fool about a Horse" Hoke is an offstage character who owns the pasture on the road between Frenchman's Bend and Jefferson where Pat Stamper sets up his camp. (There is also a character named only "Hoke" in Go Down, Moses who owns a sawmill in a different part of the county. Neither of these appears in their texts, and they might be the same Hoke, but it seems more likely that Faulkner is thinking of different characters.) |
826 | Hoke 2 |
In Go Down, Moses, Hoke is presumably the owner of the sawmill and commissary where the log-train stops to take Boon and Ike to and from Memphis. (There is also a character named only "Hoke" in "Fool about a Horse" who owns a pasture in a different part of the county. Neither of these appears in their texts, and they might be the same Hoke, but it seems more likely that Faulkner is thinking of different characters.) |
2328 | Hoke Christian |
In "Uncle Willy" Hoke Christian first opened the drugstore that his son Willy still owns before the Civil War. He seems to have been a much more exemplary member of the community than Willy, but it's hard to determine his class. In addition to his business, he owned at least one slave, Job, and slave-owning is a characteristic of Yoknapatawpha's upper class families. Talking about Willy, Mrs. Merridew refers to "that position in the world which his family's name entitled him to" (232). But Mrs. |
871 | Holland's Son |
The "only son" of the Mr. Holland in The Mansion was "a Navy pilot who had been killed in one of the first Pacific battles" (361). |
3428 | Holston Sisters |
The Mansion's cast of characters includes the "last descendants" of Alexander Holston, one of the first white settlers in Yoknapatawpha and the man who established the oldest hotel in Jefferson. These two women are described as "maiden sisters," though the narrator adds, parenthetically, that "one of them, the younger, had been married once but so long ago and so briefly that it no longer counted" (421). They now own the Holston House, and run it with "cold and inflexible indomitability" (421). |
2513 | Holston, Last Member of Family |
According to "Hand upon the Waters," "the last of the Holston family" - one of the three first (white) families in Yoknapatawpha - died "before the end of the last century," i.e. sometime before 1900 (70). This story does not connect the family to the Holston House, the Jefferson hotel that survives into the 20th century. This contradicts the account of the family provided in The Mansion, one of Faulkner's last novels. |
3107 | Homer |
Homer is the classic Greek epic poet to whom The Iliad and The Odyssey are attributed. His blindness is part of his mythic status. To Gavin Stevens, Homer is proof of what mankind can achieve: despite his disability, he "charted the ultimate frontiers of passion and defeat and glory and ambition and courage and hope and fear" (200). |
323 | Homer Barron |
In "A Rose for Emily," Homer Barron is the "big, dark, ready man, with a big voice and eyes lighter than his face" who comes to Jefferson to to oversee the workers paving the town's sidewalks (124). When he and Emily Grierson begin appearing in public together in "the yellow-wheeled buggy . . . from the livery stable," the town is soon scandalized that "a Grierson" woman might think "seriously of a Northerner, a day laborer" (124). Homer tells the "younger men in the Elks' Club . . . |
378 | Homer Bookwright |
Homer Bookwright (spelled without the "w" in "By the People") is a farmer and church member in Frenchman's Bend and a minor figure in four Yoknapatawpha texts. He does, however, have a memorable line in The Mansion, when he explains the jailor's wife's interest in Montgomery Ward Snopes' career as a pornographer by asking, rhetorically, "aint she human too, even if she is a woman?" (70). |
1639 | Hopkins |
In The Sound and the Fury Hopkins is one of the men in Jefferson who trade on the cotton commodities market in New York by means of the telegraph. He is in the telegraph office when Jason drops in, and with Jason he discusses trading strategy. |
31 | Horace Benbow |
In the larger narrative of Yoknapatawpha Horace Benbow's place is a curious one. One of the two central characters in the first Yoknapatawpha fiction, Flags in the Dust, Horace becomes the first major recurring character in the canon when Faulkner casts him as the protagonist of Sanctuary. After that second appearance he essentially disappears. |
3686 | Horace Lytle |
The "Horace Lytle" whom Lucius mentions in The Reivers in connection with Parsham's annual hunting dog show is almost certainly the real Horace Lytle who in 1927 became the gun dog editor of the magazine Field & Stream. The bird dog he refuses to sell for $5000 - Mary Montrose - was real too: she won the New York Dog Show in 1917. |
827 | Houston |
The "younger of the two negroes" who work in the restaurant that occupies the back half of Rogers' store in Flags in the Dust. He has a "broad untroubled" and "reliable sort of face" (120). In return for serving setups to Young Bayard and Rafe MacCallum, they share some of Henry MacCallum's moonshine whisky with him. (He is not related to the Houston who appears in the Snopes trilogy.) |
830 | Houston's Common Law Wife |
In The Hamlet Jack Houston lives with this woman for four years in El Paso, after taking her out of a Galveston brothel seven years before. Although they are never married, she is recognized among the El Paso townsfolk as his wife. He renounces their common law marriage to return to Yoknapatawpha. His wife offers to accompany him to Mississippi and to tolerate the woman he expects to marry, but she curses him repeatedly when he abandons her and leaves her half of his savings. |
829 | Houston's Father |
A "fierce thin wiry man" in The Hamlet (233), Jack Houston's father is a farmer of some wealth with a large section of land that is worked by sharecroppers. He has a somewhat strained relationship with his son, whom he teaches to farm. His eventual death causes Jack to return home after thirteen years away. |
828 | Houston's Mother |
According to The Hamlet, Jack Houston's mother spoiled him before her untimely death. She "had taught him to write his name before she died at last and so gave up trying to compel his father to send him to the school" (236). |
2225 | Howard Allison II |
Judge Howard Allison's only son and namesake in "Beyond" is, as the Judge puts it, "the last of my name and race" (789). Young Howard loved riding his pony: "they were inseparable," the Judge says, and he carries a picture of the two of them (790). They boy was killed at the age of ten, found "dragging from the stirrup" of the pony (789). Although he does not appear in the story, one of the inhabitants of Beyond reports seeing him ride by on his pony "every day" (794). |
1488 | Hub |
In Flags in the Dust Hub is the young farmer who provides the illegal moonshine that fuels the road trip Young Bayard takes to Oxford. He is married, and has a sister or a daughter named Sue, but his character seems summed up when he tells Suratt that he "dont give a damn" if anyone tells where the whiskey came from (138). He is clearly a different character from any of the "Hub Hampton"s who are county sheriffs. |
2735 | Hubert Beauchamp |
The full name of Ike McCaslin's "Uncle Hubert" in Go Down, Moses, as readers learn when he signs the i.o.u.'s he leaves his nephew instead of a golden treasure, is Hubert Fitz-Hubert Beauchamp. The son of the man who built it, he owns the "Warwick" plantation that is half-a-day’s ride from the McCaslin plantation. After the Civil War he takes a black mistress for a while, and then lives with an aged black servant "in one single room" in the decaying mansion (290) until it burns down. |
1761 | Hubert Drake |
The youngest of Temple's four brothers in Sanctuary, Hubert is the only one given a name. He is actually given two: Hubert and Buddy. He told Temple "that if he ever caught me with a drunk man, he'd beat the hell out of me" (55). He is a student at Yale, but is there with his brothers at the end of Lee Goodwin's trial as one of the the "four younger men" who move "like soldiers" when they escort Temple out of the courtroom (289). |
382 | Huey Long |
Huey Pierce Long Jr. served as the governor of Louisiana from 1928 to 1932 and was a member of the United States Senate from 1932 until his assassination in 1935. The narrator of "Knight's Gambit" compares Harriss to him for wanting to build an expensive concrete road that he himself would never use "just as Huey Long in Louisiana had made himself founder owner and supporter of what his uncle said was one of the best literary magazines anywhere, without ever once looking in-side it probably nor even caring what the people who wrote and edited it thought of him" (241). |
3432 | Hugh Johnson |
Hugh Johnson was the head of the National Recovery Administration (NRA), one of the government agencies that Franklin Roosevelt created during the Depression. In The Mansion Charles puts his name on the list of the people "they called communists now" (237). |
2534 | Hugh Mitchell |
In The Hamlet this Mitchell is one of the men hanging out on the gallery in front of the Whiteleaf store. |
2741 | Hulett |
In Go Down, Moses Hulett works for the Chancellor at the Jefferson courthouse, whom Roth Edmonds and Mollie Beauchamp visit regarding a petition for divorce for the Beauchamps. He makes several sharp remarks concerning racial decorum and Lucas’s "uppity" failure to observe it (124). |
1939 | Hume |
The character in "Ad Astra" named Hume is probably another Allied aviator, but in the story his role is to narrate the way Sartoris managed to avenge his brother's death. |
3433 | Hunter Killigrew |
The deputy sheriff who watches over Montgomery Ward Snopes in The Mansion is named Hunter Killigrew. We assume he is also the unnamed deputy who escorts Mink Snopes from the jail cell to the courthouse at the beginning of the novel. |
229 | I.O. Snopes |
I.O. Snopes' career as a character begins with the first Yoknapatawpha fiction, Flags in the Dust, and after six more appearances ends three decades later in The Mansion. In those eight texts his various jobs include restaurant manager, cotton speculator, mule trader, blacksmith and schoolteacher. In all of these contexts he is both comically out of place and nonetheless vaguely alarming - and impossible to get into a single focus, as Faulkner re-invents him more than once. |
2514 | Ike |
The eldest of the four men - the others are Pose, Matthew, and Jim Blake - who load Lonnie Grinnup’s body onto a wagon for transfer to Tyler Ballenbaugh’s truck in "Hand upon the Waters." There's no sign of a connection between him and the two more significant 'Ike's in the fiction: McCaslin and Snopes. |
274 | Ike McCaslin's Children |
These unnamed children of Ike McCaslin appear only briefly, and enigmatically, in the magazine version of "Delta Autumn," where it says that Ike "had had a wife and children once though no more" (274). Go Down, Moses begins by saying that Ike McCaslin was childless, and when Faulkner revised this story for that novel these children disappear. |
112 | Ikkemotubbe |
The Choctaw|Chickasaw chief Ikkemotubbe appears in fourteen texts, more than any of the other Indian characters in the fictions. His significance in most of them is either as Sam Fathers' father or as the chief who sold or traded Indian land to white settlers like Compson and Sutpen, but his own story is a fascinating one. It is first told - in two pages! |
740 | Ina May Armstid |
In "Spotted Horses" the oldest child of the Armstids is named Ina May. She is "about twelve" (178), and takes care of her younger siblings while her mother is shuttling back and forth to Mrs. Littlejohn's. According to Mrs. Armstid "Ina May bars the door" and keeps "the axe in bed with her" while her mother is away (179). When The Hamlet retells this story the Armstids' twelve-year-old daughter is not named, but she plays the same offstage role, guarding over the "littlest ones" with an axe through the nights her mother is away (347). |
283 | Invalid Snopes |
After referring to the "incoming Snopeses" as a group, the narrator of Flags in the Dust singles out one to individualize: "there was one, an invalid of some sort, who operated a second-hand peanut parcher" (167). A "parcher" is a pushcart for roasting and selling peanuts on the street. (This may be the fictions' first mention of Eck Snopes. In The Town; Eck works as a watchman who wears a neck brace and is liked by "all the boys" in Jefferson because "he kept a meal sack full of raw peanuts" that he would share with them by the "handful" (116). |
140 | Isaac McCaslin |
Few characters in the Yoknapatawpha canon are as protean as Isaac (Uncle Ike) McCaslin. If you only read "A Bear Hunt" (1934), "Lion" (1935), "The Old People" (1940), Intruder in the Dust (1948) and "Race at Morning" (1955), Uncle Ike is one of the men who are part of the annual hunting parties into the big woods. |
189 | Isaac Snopes |
Appearing only in The Hamlet, Isaac "Ike" Snopes is the cognitively limited cousin of Flem and Mink. At 14, he is a "hulking figure" in "bursting overalls" (94) who works around Mrs. Littlejohn's hotel as a kind of janitor. Ike is referred to as an "idiot" and "creature" with a "mowing and bobbing head" and a "Gorgon-face" that "had been blasted empty and clean forever of any thought, the slobbering mouth in its mist of soft gold hair" (95). Officially, Flem is Ike's guardian, but he does nothing to protect Ike from being exploited by Lump Snopes. |
383 | Isham |
In "Delta Autumn" and again in Go Down, Moses, Isham is "the oldest Negro" on the hunting expedition (273, 337). He attends to the needs of the white hunters in the camp. He takes particular care of Ike McCaslin, both physically by preparing his bed and emotionally by "warning" him about the young woman who visits the camp (277, 340). |
742 | Isham Quick |
In "Tomorrow" Isham Quick is the son of proprietor of Quick's Mill. Isham is the first on the scene after Bookwright shoots and kills Buck Thorpe, and helps to reconstruct the story of Buck and Jackson Longstreet for Chick Mallison and Gavin Stevens. |
41 | Isom Strother |
Isom is Elnora's only child in Flags in the Dust, "a negro lad lean and fluid of movement as a hound" (20). He is responsible for a number of chores around the Sartoris household, but most enjoys wearing Caspey's military uniform and taking the wheel of Bayard's car. There is no hint of how, if at all, he is being educated. He is at the wheel of a car again ten years later in Sanctuary, where he is "the negro driver" who works for Narcissa Sartoris (110) - and the only member of the Strother family who is included in the novel. |
110 | Issetibbeha |
Issetibbeha is a chief of the tribe of Indians who are living in Yoknapatawpha when the white settlers arrive. The Indians are called Choctaws in Faulkner's earlier fictions, and Chickasaws, the more historically appropriate name, in the later ones. Issetibbeha is identified as the son of Doom (AKA Ikkemotubbe) in the earliest 'Indian story," "Red Leaves," but later becomes Ikkemotubbe's uncle - although at one point in Go Down, Moses he is identified as "Ikkemotubbe's father old Issetibbeha" (245). He is consistently identified as the father of Moketubbe. |
3429 | J. Edgar Hoover |
Hoover was a founder and the first Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation; he ran the agency from its founding in 1924 until his death in 1972. In The Mansion someone - Gavin is sure it is Flem - calling himself "Patriotic Citizen" sends Hoover a letter warning him about Linda as a "commonist" (269). |
3252 | Jabbo Gatewood |
In The Town Jabbo Gatewood is the son of Uncle Noon Gatewood, who as a blacksmith shod horses. In a sign of social change, Jabbo becomes an automobile mechanic: "Jabbo was the best mechanic in the county and although he still got drunk and into jail as much as ever, he never stayed longer than just overnight anymore because somebody with an automobile always needed him to pay his fine by morning" (71). |
2275 | Jack Bonds |
In "A Bear Hunt" Bonds is a "dead and forgotten contemporary" of Luke Provine when he was a young man. According to the narrator, it has been "years now" since Bonds, along with Luke and Luke's unnamed brother, "were known as the Provine gang and terrorized our quiet town after the unimaginative fashion of wild youth" (63-64). |
3246 | Jack Crenshaw |
Jack Crenshaw is "the Revenue field agent that did the moonshine still hunting in our district" who calls the sheriff about Montgomery Ward Snopes' studio in The Town (182). |
2352 | Jack Dempsey |
Born William Harrison Dempsey, "Jack" Dempsey was World Heavyweight boxing champion form 1921 to 1926 when he lost his title to Gene Tunney. His name is used in "Lion" and again in Go Down, Moses along with three other famous heavyweight boxers to measure how highly the hunters of Yoknapatawpha regard the dog Lion and the bear Old Ben as heavyweights and champions too. |
3677 | Jackie |
In The Reivers Miss Reba mentions "Jackie" as the woman in her brothel she tells to lock the door during the day after the adventurers leave for Parsham (196). Jackie may be a prostitute, but that is not made clear. |
73 | Jackson MacCallum |
The eldest of the sons in the MacCallum|McCallum family, Jackson is named for the Confederate general, Stonewall Jackson, under whom his father served in the Civil War. He appears as a minor character in two texts. In Flags in the Dust he is described as "a sort of shy and impractical Cincinnatus" (337). Much to his father's disgust, he is attempting to transform hunting by interbreeding a fox and a hound. |
380 | Jack|Zack Houston |
Houston has no first name when he makes his first appearance, as one of the Bundrens' neighbors who attend Addie's funeral. Nor is his first name given when he - or at least his absence and his corpse - become far more important in "The Hound," where he is shot and killed by another Frenchman's Bend farmer. In the Snopes trilogy he has two different first names. As Jack in The Hamlet his biography is given in some detail, and includes a Negro mistress, a thirteen-year period of wandering around the U.S. |
3125 | Jailer Farmer |
Ironically, the "turnkey" or "jailor" in Jefferson during the Civil War in Requiem for a Nun is "a failed farmer," who secures the position through political influence (179). |
842 | Jake 1 |
The barnstormer named Jake in "Death's Drag" is "also a Jew" (like Ginsfarb). Dressed in a suit and "handsome in a dull quiet way" (188), he looks to the narrator like "a man of infrequent speech" (unlike Ginsfarb). It's worth noting that although the narrator identifies the two men as Jewish, he qualifies that by saying that "the spectators saw" that they "were of a different race from themselves, without being able to say what the difference was" (188). |