Character Keys
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biography | |
856 | Everbe Corrinthia I |
In The Reivers Otis tells Lucius that Corrie (whose full first names are "Everbe Corinthia") is named for his "Grandmaw" (153). Since he is identified as Corrie's nephew, it seems likely that this woman is also her mother, or as Otis calls her, her "maw"; she died when Corrie herself was a young girl (153). |
3124 | Famous Mississippians |
At the end of his account of Jackson's history, the narrator of Requiem for a Nun provides a list of people "in the roster of Mississippi names": "Claiborne. Humphries. Dickson. McLaurin. Barksdale. Lamar. Prentiss. Davis. Sartoris. Compson" (88). All these are white and male, most are politicians, Claiborne and Humphries are mentioned elsewhere in the novel, and the last two names on the list belong to characters whom Faulkner created. |
3664 | Father of Dan Grinnup |
"When Father was a boy," Lucius Priest says in The Reivers, "he used to fox hunt with old Dan's father out at Frenchman's Bend" (8). Dan is Dan Grinnup, but his father's last name could have been Grenier. He was descended from Louis Grenier, the man from whom Frenchman's Bend gets its name. Because Dan and a "cousin or something" are the last living descendants of Grenier at the time of the story (8), we know his father is dead. |
209 | Father of Lucius Priest I |
In The Reivers Lucius briefly describes his Grandfather's father as a Confederate "color sergeant" who was shot and killed during the fighting in Virginia in 1862 (285). The fact that he was a sergeant rather than a commissioned officer complicates the question of the family's class status. When, for example, Lucius earlier discusses how his great-grandmother, this man's wife, taught his grandfather how to behave as a gentleman, it seems to imply an upper class background (cf. |
59 | Father of Quentin MacLachan Compson |
In the "Appendix" to The Sound and the Fury that Faulkner published in 1946, the family line begins with this man: a printer in Glasgow, Scotland, who is the father of Quentin MacLachan Compson. Apparently he died when his son was still a child (326). |
1999 | Ffollansbye |
Ffollansbye, a British officer who also appears in Faulkner's non-Yoknapatawpha short story "Thrift," is the source of much of what the narrator of "All the Dead Pilots" tells us about Sartoris and Spoomer. He doesn't seem to be a malicious gossip so much as a sardonic one. For example, commenting on Spoomer's Mons Star, an honor awarded for service in France or Belgium, he says, "it was one decoration you had to be on hand to get" (513), implying that Spoomer's uncle is responsible for his other honors. |
92 | First American Sutpen |
"The first Sutpen" in North America, according to Quentin's narrative in Absalom!, "probably" arrived in Jamestown on a "ship from the Old Bailey" - i.e. a ship transporting convicted criminals from London to the British colony of Virginia (180). |
222 | First Yoknapatawpha Stevens |
There's no question that the Stevenses are one of the oldest families in Yoknapatawpha, but they may or may not be among the very first. When the most famous Stevens - Gavin - appears in Light in August, the narrator simply says his "ancestors" "owned slaves in Jefferson (444). In "Hand upon the Waters," however, one of the Knight's Gambit stories in which Gavin becomes a kind of detective, the narrator identifies the earliest "Stevens" as one of the first three white men to settle in what became Jefferson. |
3672 | Fitz-Hugh Porter |
Porter was a career Army officer who led a Union division at Gaine's Mill, Virginia, during the Civil War. In The Reivers it is one of the men in that division who shoots Lucius' great-grandfather "out of his saddle" (278). |
184 | Flem Snopes |
In the beginning was Flem Snopes. He is the very first character who appears in the very first fiction about Yoknapatawpha that Faulkner sat down to write. He is the "Father Abraham" in the title of that unfinished text, which was going to tell the story of Flem's rise from tenant farmer's son in Frenchman's Bend to bank president in Jefferson, from a sharecropper's cabin to The Mansion - as the final volume of the Snopes trilogy that Faulkner finished over three decades later is titled. |
180 | Flem Snopes' Grandfather |
In The Town Flem tells a furniture store owner in Memphis that he had a grandfather, "because everybody had," adding that he never knew his, but "whoever he was he never owned enough furniture for a room" (233). In The Mansion Mink tells the warden of the penitentiary that his and Flem's "grandpaw had two sets of chillen" (114). Those are the only references in the canon to this ur-Snopes, but from them we can infer that he was poor and married twice. From the Yoknapatawpha fictions as a group we know that he and his wives had a lot of children. |
179 | Flem Snopes' Grandmother |
In The Hamlet Mink Snopes tells Ratliff that "our grandma left us all three ten dollars a piece" (84). The three Snopeses here are Mink himself, Flem and Isaac. This earlier generation of the Snopes family is never clearly brought into focus, but since we know that Flem has more than two 'cousins,' the implication of this bequest is that his grandfather - Ab's father, who is not mentioned in this novel - married twice, and that this grandmother is one of his two wives. |
1766 | Fonzo Winbush |
In Sancutary Fonzo is one of the "two youths in new straw hats" - both babes in the wood - who attend barber 'college' in Memphis and end up innocently renting a room in Miss Reba's bordello (177). Fonzo is the more concupiscent of the pair in that novel: "always conscious of women, of female flesh," he leaves the door of their bedroom ajar in the hopes that one of Reba's "daughters" will enter (195-96), and he is the one who finds out about another brothel and takes Virgil to it. |
2902 | Forrest Gowrie |
The oldest of Nub Gowrie's six sons in Intruder in the Dust. Twenty years ago he "wrenched himself free" of his father, got married and became the manager of a cotton plantation near Vicksburg, Mississippi (160). |
3668 | Forrest, Brother of Nathan Bedford |
Nathan Bedford Forrest had two brothers who also served as Confederate officers during the Civil War: Colonel Jeffrey Edward Forrest and Lieutenant Colonel Jesse Anderson Forrest. Either could have been the officer in charge of the event Lucius recalls in The Reivers - "legend to some people maybe. |
26 | Francis Benbow |
Francis Benbow is the father of Will Benbow, and grandfather of Horace and Narcissa. He is only mentioned in Flags in the Dust, where the narrative notes that he brought back a lantana tree "from Barbados in a tophat-box in '71 [i.e. 1871]" (164). When he went to the island, however, or what he did there, is not explained. |
2811 | Francis Marion |
Colonel Francis was a real historical figure, one of the heroes of the Revolutionary War. Nicknamed "Swamp Fox," Marion became famous as a guerilla fighter against the British in the early 1780s. Like Faulkner's Colonel Sartoris, he led a small troop of men that effectively harassed a larger occupying army; this is the long campaign that Philip Backhouse refers to in "My Grandmother Millard" when he says his grandfather fought "with Marion all through Carolina" (682). Marion is mentioned again in Requiem for a Nun. |
3421 | Francisco Franco |
First mentioned in The Mansion as "that one in Spain" on a list that includes "Mussolini in Italy and Hitler in Germany" (183), included by name on the later "Hitler and Mussolini and Franco" (214), General Francisco Franco led the Fascist side in the Spanish Civil War, coming to power afterward as the country's right-wing dictator. He remained in power until the 1970s. |
1397 | Francisco Luis Héctor de Carondelet |
The historical Baron de Carondelet who is mentioned in "Red Leaves" served the Spanish empire as Governor of Louisiana between 1791 and 1797. In the story, he and de Vitry are "said" to be friends in New Orleans, which at that time belonged to Spain (318). |
1767 | Frank |
"Frank" is mentioned in Sanctuary by Ruby in the bitter conversation she has with Temple. He was a young suitor who wanted to elope with her, but when he insisted on going back to her house to tell her father about their intentions, "father shot him" (58). As Ruby says, Frank "wasn't a coward" (58). To Ruby's brother, who also wants to kill him, Frank is "the goddam son of a bitch in his yellow buggy" (58) - a detail that suggests Frank might be more prosperous than her family. |
1483 | Frankie |
In Flags in the Dust Frankie is the youngest guest at Belle Mitchell's tennis party, and the first woman in Jefferson who has bobbed her hair. |
1938 | Franz |
In "Ad Astra," Franz is the elder of a pair of twins who are younger brothers to the captured German officer. When his older brother refuses to become baron, Franz, as next in line, is passed over because he is already committed to the career of a military officer. Franz becomes baron designate when the younger twin is killed in Berlin by a jealous husband. Franz progresses through the ranks from colonel to "general of staff" (419), but near the end of the War is assassinated by a German soldier in Berlin. |
2276 | Fraser 1 |
Fraser in one of the hunters at Major de Spain's camp in "A Bear Hunt," seen only in a brief scene in which he is playing poker. His role is to give voice to the annoyance that the rest of the hunting party feels listening to Luke Provine's bout of hiccups. |
2277 | Fraser 2 |
Mr. Fraser is the "childless widower" who takes Monk in after his grandmother's death and teaches him how to make whiskey as well as he made it himself (45). They live together for ten years, until Fraser's death. The narrator of "Monk" speculates that "it was probably Fraser who gave [Monk his] name," and the citizens of "the county got to know [Monk] or become familiar with him, at least" through his association with Fraser (45). |
2302 | Fred 1 |
In "That Will Be Fine," this is the Fred who is Georgie's uncle and Aunt Louisa's husband; he lives with his wife's parents in Mottstown. Fred is aware of Rodney's crimes but unable to do much about them. |
2304 | Fred 2 |
In "That Will Be Fine" this is the Fred who is the young son of Aunt Louisa and Uncle Fred. |
357 | Freeman |
Freeman appears in both "Spotted Horses" and The Hamlet in connection with the auction of the ponies in Frenchman's Bend - though no first name is given in either text, and while he has a wife in The Hamlet, no other details about him are provided. In the novel Freeman ends up buying and losing one of the horses; in "Spotted Horses" he only appears driving his wagon past Varner's store several days after the auction, as Mrs Armstid is trying to get the money her husband spent back from Flem. |
65 | Frony Gibson |
Frony Gibson is a member of the black family that lives on the Compson place as servants, and the daughter of Roskus and Dilsey. In The Sound and the Fury she appears in Benjy's memories as a child about the same age as Quentin and Caddy Compson, and in the last section as an adult who still lives close enough to Dilsey to walk to church with her mother on Easter Sunday. She is also Luster's mother, though the novel does not indicate if she has a husband or if, like Caddy's daughter, Luster was conceived out of wedlock. |
2660 | G.A. Fentry |
The father of Stonewall Jackson Fentry in "Tomorrow" is a farmer at "the very other end" of Yoknapatawpha from Frenchman's Bend (90). He is Confederate veteran who fought under both Stonewall Jackson and James Longstreet, as the names of both his biological and his adopted sons reveal. |
3669 | Gabe |
Gabe is identified in The Reivers as "the blacksmith" at Priest's livery stable (6). "Though short, he was a tremendously big man," one of whose knees is "terrifically twisted from an old injury in his trade" (9). |
3034 | Gail Hightower I |
In Light in August, Reverend Gail Hightower's grandfather and namesake was a lawyer who owned slaves. Alive he was a "hale, bluff, rednosed man with the moustache of a brigand chief" (471), and a "thorn in his son's side" - because his son was an abolitionist. He is killed during the Civil War while on a cavalry raid against Union stores in Jefferson. |
3249 | Garraway, Father of Mr. Garraway |
In The Town Mr. Garraway inherits his general store and its "worn counter" from his father (328). |
358 | Gavin Breckbridge |
Mentioned in "Raid" and "Skirmish at Sartoris," and again in The Unvanquished, Gavin Breckbridge was engaged to Drusilla before the Civil War, which means it is almost certain that he belonged to the upper class. He never appears directly in Faulkner's fiction, but his death while fighting for the Confederacy at the Battle of Shiloh in 1862 marks the moment when Drusilla - as Bayard puts it in "Skirmish" and again in the novel - "deliberately tried to unsex herself" (60, 189). |
216 | Gavin Stevens |
Gavin Stevens appears altogether in seventeen fictions, making him one of Faulkner's most frequently recurring characters. Details about his past vary from text to text between "Hair" (1931) and The Mansion (1960) - "Hand Upon the Waters" describes him as the last remaining descendant of the original settlers of Yoknapatawpha; "Knight's Gambit" and The Mansion are the only texts to describe his service as a non-combatant in World War I. And in those two later texts he abruptly marries a former sweetheart, though elsewhere he appears to be a confirmed bachelor. |
1768 | Gene |
As Gene himself says, "I aint nothing but a bootlegger," but in Chapter 25 of Sanctuary he pays his tribute to Red by making sure there's plenty of free liquor at the funeral. He is described as "a far man in a shapeless greenish suit," with dirty hands, "a greasy black tie" and a very sweaty face (243-44). |
2351 | Gene Tunney |
Born James Joseph Tunney, "Gene" Tunney was an American professional boxer who became heavyweight champion by defeating Jack Dempsey in 1926, and again in 1927. In "Lion" and again in Go Down, Moses, his name is used along with three other famous heavyweight boxers to measure how highly the hunters of Yoknapatawpha regard the dog Lion and the bear Old Ben as heavyweights and champions too. |
823 | General Albert Johnston |
On the list of Civil War military leaders that appears in Requiem for a Nun, there are "two Johnstons" (188). There were actually three Confederate Generals named Johnston, but it's likely that Faulkner is thinking of Joseph, who has his own character entry, and Albert S. Johnston, who was killed early in the War but not, according to the narrative, before he would have heard the Confederates' "shrill hackle-lifting yelling" during the fighting (188). (The other possibility is the less famous Robert D. Johnston. Only 'Joe' Johnston appears in other fictions. |
3117 | General Bee |
"Bee" (Bernard Elliott Bee, Jr.) was a newly appointed general from South Carolina when the battle of "First Manassas" was fought (36); although Requiem for a Nun does not mention it, he was mortally wounded during the fighting there. |
2809 | General Braxton Bragg |
Braxton Bragg was a Confederate general who commanded the Army of Tennessee. In "My Grandmother Millard," Colonel Sartoris' troop is, Bayard notes, fighting under his command in that state (674), and Philip Backhouse's uncle is on "Bragg's personal staff" (693). |
3243 | General Burgoyne |
General Burgoyne was a British commander who, as Eula puts it in The Town, "surrendered in the Revolution" after his forces were surrounded by a superior force of colonial soldiers (338). Historically his defeat had important results for the cause of American independence; in the novel, his surrender made V.K. Ratliff's ancestor the family's first American. |
3118 | General Burnside |
The "Burnside" who makes the list of men who heard the "hackle-lifting" rebel yell in Requiem for a Nun had command of the Union Army at the Battle of Fredericksburg. |
2695 | General Douglas MacArthur |
In "Two Soldiers" the "General MacArthur" who was "holding" the Japanese invaders at bay in the Philipines in the nightly radio reports that the narrator and Pete listen to (82) was General Douglas MacArthur, Commander of Army Forces in the Far East when the U.S. entered World War II. After the Japanese invasion forced him to withdraw from the Philippines, he spoke the parting words - "I shall return" - that were becoming famous at the time "Two Soldiers" was written. |
3422 | General Gamelin |
Although The Mansion quotes "the splendid glittering figure of Gamelin" telling the French people to "Be calm. I am here" (231), in historical fact Maurice Gamelin was the French Army General whose handling of the German invasion in World War II was a disastrous failure. |
2897 | General Garnett |
The "Garnett" referred to by Gavin in Intruder in the Dust in his nostalgic reference to the last day of the Battle of Gettysburg is General Richard Garnett, whose Confederate brigade led Pickett's disastrous charge against the center of the Union lines (190). He was trying to compensate for a stain on his military record when, feverish and injured, he insisted on leading his men from the front, on horseback. He was killed just before reaching the enemy lines. |
2743 | General George Meade |
George Meade was given command of the Army of the Potomac just three days before the battle of Gettysburg, site of the charge by Pickett's confederate troops which proved to be a decisive defeat for the Confederate cause. In Go Down, Moses, Cass is referring to that defeat when he notes, somewhat obscurely, that Jeb Stuart and his cavalry troops were not at the battle, "when Lee should have known of all of Meade just where Hancock was on Cemetery Ridge" (272). |
360 | General Grant |
Ulysses Grant ended the Civil War as the Commander-in-Chief of all Union forces, and soon afterward became the nation's 18th President. He never appears directly in the Yoknapatawpha fictions, but is mentioned in ten of them, always in connection with his leadership of the Union Army of Tennessee during and after the Vicksburg Campaign of 1862-1863. The reference to him in Sanctuary says he "came through the county" of Yoknapatawpha during that period (8; see also "Lizards in Jamshyd's Courtyard," 136). |
379 | General Hooker |
General 'Fighting Joe' Hooker briefly had command of the Union's Army of the Potomac. He is best known for leading a superior Union army to a resounding defeat at Lee's hands at the 1863 battle of Chancellorsville, when (according to Cass Edmonds' account in Go Down, Moses) Stonewall Jackson's men "rolled up the flank which Hooker believed could not be turned" while Hooker himself was "drinking rum toddies and telegraphing Lincoln that he had defeated Lee" (272). |
1510 | General J.E.B. Stuart |
James Ewell Brown "Jeb" Stuart was one of the most famous and flamboyant Confederate officers, in command of Lee's cavalry for most of the Civil War. In Flags in the Dust he and "Carolina" Bayard Sartoris, Stuart's friend and aide-de-camp, embody the spirit of chivalry and romantic daring that the narrative identifies with pre-Modern life. Aunt Jenny, who tells the highly-colored story about him and Bayard as mythic heroes, says she danced with Stuart once, before the war, in Baltimore. |
1425 | General James Wilkinson |
This historical personage James Wilkinson, mentioned in both "Red Leaves" and "Appendix Compson," was a very controversial figure - while he fought for the young American nation as a General between 1796 and 1812, he was also secretly a paid agent of the Spanish crown. In "Red Leaves," "General Wilkinson" appears as an "intimate" friend of De Vitry in New Orleans (318); historically, he lived in that city at several different times between 1787 and 1807. In "Appendix Compson," he is an acquaintance of Charles Stuart Compson. |
2812 | General Joe Wheeler |
General Wheeler fought for the Confederacy as a cavalry general in the Army of Tennessee during the Civil War. Three decades later he fought for the U.S. Army in the Spanish-American War. Bayard Sartoris in "My Grandmother Millard" says that "Father would have called [him an] apostate" for fighting under the American flag, and the story quotes another Confederate general, Jubal Early, as saying Wheeler will go to hell for that betrayal of the Lost Cause (673). |
1443 | General John Hunt Morgan |
John Hunt Morgan commanded a cavalry regiment in the western theater of the Civil War, and, like Nathan Bedford Forrest, was known for his raids behind Yankee lines. His 1863 raid into southern Indiana and Ohio was the furthest Confederate penetration of the North. In The Unvanquished, among "the names" that Bayard and Ringo hear John Sartoris mention as he talks about the war is "Morgan" (15). |
362 | General John Pemberton |
The Confederate General whom Ringo and Bayard take turns playing in "Ambuscade" and again in The Unvanquished, John Pemberton, was a historical figure. A career Army officer born in the North, Pemberton decided at the start of the Civil War to serve in the Confederate army - in part because he had married a southerner and in part because he had lived in the South for many years. He was in command of Vicksburg during Grant's 1862-1863 campaign against that river town, and surrendered it to the Union forces on the Fourth of July, 1863. |
1500 | General John Pope |
During the Civil War, General Pope was the general in command of the Union Army at the Second Battle of Bull Run in September, 1862. The story Jenny tells in Flags in the Dust about her brother Bayard accompanying General J.E.B. Stuart's raiding party to Pope's headquarters in Virginia in April, 1862, forms a mythic part of the Sartoris inheritance. In April 1862, however, Pope was in fact in Mississippi. It was his success there that led Lincoln soon afterwards to bring Pope east and put him in command of the North's Army of Virginia. |
361 | General Joseph Johnston |
The historical figure General Joseph Johnston - often referred to as Joe - is mentioned in seven Yoknapatawpha fictions, though he doesn't appear in any of them. For much of the Civil War he was in charge of Confederate forces in the western theater, which included Mississippi. |
2296 | General Joseph Mower |
Requiem for a Nun mentions the "general of the United States army" who takes charge of Jackson, Mississippi, after Union troops captured and burned it (87). Historically, this officer was named Joseph A. Mower. He served in Sherman's corps during the 1863 campaign against Vicksburg (87). |
2810 | General Jubal Early |
A Confederate general in the Civil War who fought in the war's eastern theater. The essays he wrote for the Southern Historical Society in the 1870s contributed to the myth of the Lost Cause. But he died in 1894, and so could not have made the comment about General Wheeler serving the U.S. in the Spanish-American War that "My Grandmother Millard" attributes to him (673). |
2907 | General Kemper |
The "Kemper" mentioned in Intruder in the Dust is General James Kemper (190). His Confederate brigade was part of Pickett's division in the famous charge on the last day of the battle of Gettysburg. He was seriously wounded during the attack, and carried the bullet that struck him for the rest of his life. |
408 | General Longstreet |
While James Longstreet is not nearly as mythic a Confederate figure as Robert E. Lee, Stonewall Jackson or J.E.B. Stuart (only one character in the fictions, for example, is named after him, and even then the character's full name is "Jackson and Longstreet Fentry"), as a general and corps commander in Lee's Army of Northern Virginia Longstreet probably understood and practiced the more modern warfare that emerged on the battlefields better than any other Confederate commander. |
3135 | General McClellan |
The "McClellan" who earns a spot on the list in Requiem for a Nun of the Civil War generals on both sides who heard the "shrill hackle-lifting" rebel yell in battle (188) is Union General George McClellan, commander-in-chief of the army that faced Lee during the early months of the Civil War. |
2683 | General Philip Sheridan |
After serving in the Civil War's western theater, the Union general Philip Sheridan came east when Ulysses S. Grant appointed him to command the cavalry forces in the Army of the Potomac. What Gumbault tells Pearson in "The Tall Men" about how "Sheridan's calvary blocked the road from Appomattox to the Valley" at the very end of the war is accurate (54). |
461 | General Pickett |
Born into an old Virginia family, General George Pickett was 38 years old when, as a division commander in Lee's Army of Northern Virginia, he led the disastrous charge on the last day of the battle of Gettysburg in which thousands of Confederate soldiers were killed or wounded. In Absalom! the Canadian Shreve gets the battle wrong, and is quickly corrected by Quentin (289). According to Gavin Stevens in Intruder in the Dust, "every Southern boy" can conjure up the moment before the charge began and it still was possible for the South to win the war (190). |
363 | General Robert E. Lee |
Robert E. Lee, the most famous of the generals who led the Confederate forces during the Civil War, is mentioned in 11 different Yoknapatawpha fictions. For most of the war he was in command of the Army of Northern Virginia, where the Confederate regiment mustered in Jefferson was fighting, but at the beginning of 1865, the last year of the war, he was appointed General-in-Chief of the Confederate States Army. He never appears in person. |
364 | General Sherman |
General William T. Sherman was a Union general during the Civil War who led troops in battles that ranged from the Mississippi River to the Atlantic Ocean. His service in the war's western theater partially accounts for the fact that his name is mentioned in 8 different fictions - and he himself, according to Faulkner's mythical history, was in Yoknapatawpha at least once: "Wash" notes that Sutpen's slaves emancipated themselves by following in the wake of the Union forces when "Sherman passed through the plantation" (537). |
365 | General Smith |
A Union general named Smith is mentioned in four of the Yoknapatawpha fictions. His first name never appears. There were two Union Generals named Smith who fought Confederate Nathan Bedford Forrest in Mississippi at various times after the fall of Vicksburg. General William Sooy Smith was defeated by Forrest on February 22, 1864 in the Battle of Okolona, and did in fact fight Forrest "up and down the road to Memphis" - as Faulkner's General Smith does in "The Unvanquished" and again in the novel with that name (79, 128). |
2004 | General Spoomer |
Spoomer's uncle in "All the Dead Pilots" is the "corps commander, the K.G." (513). "K.G." stands for Knight of the Order of the Garter, the most prestigious of Britain's chivalric honors. He is thus clearly a member of the upper class, and according to the narrator, a snob who predicts that the war "will be the making of the army" (513). The narrator seems to attribute his nephew's rank to his influence. |
366 | General Stonewall Jackson |
General Thomas Jackson - better known as Stonewall Jackson, a nickname he earned in the first major battle of the Civil War - was a corps commander in Lee's Army of Northern Virginia. He is mentioned in eight of the fictions. What Mr. Compson in Absalom! calls Jackson's "ruthless tactical skill" was demonstrated in a number of battles (223), including the 1862 campaign "in the [Shenandoah] Valley" referred to in Go Down, Moses (274), when he successfully thwarted three Union armies. His high status among the whites in Yoknapatawpha is attested to in several ways. |
359 | General Van Dorn |
The historical figure Earl Van Dorn was a Major General who led Confederate forces during much of the fighting in Mississippi until he was murdered in 1863 by a man claiming that Van Dorn was having an affair with his wife. On 20 December 1862 he led a successful attack on General Grant's military supplies at Holly Springs, Mississippi, which was relocated by Faulkner to Jefferson in the novel Light in August, where it becomes the event in which Reverend Hightower's grandfather is killed. |
2915 | General Wilcox |
The "Wilcox" that Gavin refers to in Intruder in the Dust is General Cadmus Wilcox, commander of a Confederate brigade that took part in Pickett's Charge during the battle of Gettysburg (190). |
1436 | General William Barksdale |
The historical figure William Barksdale, mentioned in The Unvanquished, was born in Tennessee but was serving as Congressman from Mississippi at the start of the Civil War. He resigned that office to fight for the Confederacy. He participated in many battles in Virginia and was mortally wounded at the Battle of Gettysburg in July 1863. |
367 | George 1 |
The George who appears in Sanctuary seems to be the regular porter on the train between Oxford and Holly Springs. Clarence Snopes invariably tips him with a cigar instead of cash, but when Horace asks George what he is going to do with it, he replies "I wouldn't give it to nobody I know" (177). |
1335 | George 2 |
The character named George who appears in The Hamlet is one of the deputies who help the Sheriff capture Mink. He objects to the Sheriff's decision to take Mink to jail by a back route. |
3690 | George Peyton |
Among the well-known sportsmen who come to Parsham every winter for the "National Trials" of pedigree bird dogs, Lucius mentions four names. Two are identifiable as real men (Horace Lytle and Paul Rainey). Lucius, the narrator of The Reivers, compares "George Peyton" to Lytle: the two are "as magical among bird dog people" as Babe Ruth and Ty Cobb are to baseball fans (189). |
3775 | George Washington |
In The Sound and the Fury Quentin associates "Washington not telling lies" with "Jesus walking on Galilee" (80). Jesus walks on water in the New Testament. The mythic claim that even as a boy George Washington, the first President of the U.S., 'could not tell a lie' was created by an early biographer and educator named Parson Weems, who thought that the story of young Washington and the cherry tree he chopped down would be edifying for the young men of the early American republic. Weems himself could tell a lie. |
3416 | George Washington Carver |
George Washington Carver was an early 20th century Negro scientist and inventor who promoted crops, especially peanuts and sweet potatoes, as alternatives to cotton. The principal of Jefferson's Negro school mentions him in The Mansion when talking with Gavin about Linda Snopes' efforts to reform education for the country's black children (248). |
160 | George Wilkins |
Like Lucas Beauchamp, George Wilkins is a tenant farmer on the Edmonds plantation who is at times Lucas' rival and at others his assistant; he is also Lucas' son-in-law, though the time at which that happens is hard to pin down. He appears first in "A Point of Law," as competition for Lucas' moonshine business; Lucas' attempt to foil him lands them both in essentially comic trouble with the law. Their get-out-of-jail card is the (possibly forged) certificate of marriage between him and Lucas' daughter Nat. |
368 | George Wyatt |
In "Skirmish at Sartoris" and again in the chapter with that name in The Unvanquished, George Wyatt is a former member of Colonel John Sartoris' "troop" (58, 187) and a key ally in his campaign to keep freed blacks from either voting or being elected. The Wyatts whom Faulkner had written about in his earlier fictions, Flags in the Dust and "A Rose for Emily," belong to the town's upper class, but there is no overt indication that George is a member of that family or (other than the fact that he is literate) about his own rank, in society or in the army. |
2307 | Georgie |
Georgie, the seven-year-old narrator of "That Will Be Fine," tells the essentially sordid and ultimately fatal story of his uncle Rodney from a perspective that emphasizes both the ignorance and self-centeredness of childhood. He never questions or recognizes Rodney's various forms of social and criminal misbehavior, and his loyalty to Rodney has its roots less in family love than in greed. |
878 | Gerald Bland |
The only son of Kentucky aristocrats, Gerald Bland is a Harvard University classmate of Quentin Compson. In The Sound and the Fury they come to blows, violently but anti-climatically, when Quentin projects his rage against Caddy's suitors onto him. In many ways Bland is Quentin's polar opposite, the Fortinbras to Quentin Compson's Hamlet-like character: Gerald is adored by his mother, an accomplished lady's man, athletic and decisive. |
3423 | Gihon |
Gihon is a federal agent of "no particular age between twenty-five and fifty" (259) who appears in The Mansion after "the police find out" that Linda Kohl is "a communist" (236). |
2045 | Ginsfarb |
In "Death Drag" Ginsfarb is the barnstorming wing walker who performs the aerobatic stunts suggested by the story's title. His characterization emphasizes his Jewish ethnicity, sometimes in very stereotypical ways. Although he is a "short man," his "nose" would "have fitted a six-foot body" (187); he is so greedy for money that he can't be trusted to negotiate with the small towns the team performs in: "he'd stick out for his price too long" and so might well attract the attention of "anybody that might catch them" running the illegal show (195, 194). |
2739 | God Whom Ike McCaslin Describes |
In the 4th section of "The Bear" chapter in Go Down, Moses, during his long conversation with his cousin Cass about the history of the world with particular reference to the Old and New South and Ike's own belief that he must relinquish his inheritance from the past, Ike has a lot to say about God - as both the author of the Bible and the providential force behind human events. Ike most frequently refers to this divinity as "He," always capitalizing the H (243, etc). |
104 | Goodhue Coldfield |
In Absalom!, the man who is Rosa Coldfield's "papa" and Thomas Sutpen's father-in-law is "a Methodist steward, [and] a merchant" (11). He arrived in Jefferson from Tennessee half a decade before Sutpen, with a single wagonload of merchandise as the basis for his business. Mr. Compson calls him a "queer silent man whose only companion and friend seems to have been his conscience" (47), though apparently he compromises that when he and Sutpen work a mysterious deal that provides the rich furnishings for Sutpen's mansion. When he acquires two slaves "though a debt . . . |
3119 | Governor Claiborne |
In Requiem for a Nun Governor (William C.C.) Claiborne was the "Territorial Governor" of Louisiana, the land the U.S. acquired in the 1803 Louisiana Purchase, from 1804 to 1812 (85). |
3127 | Governor Henry |
Referred to in the script as "GOVERNOR" and addressed, by Gavin, only by his first name - "Henry" (90) - the man who meets with Gavin and Temple in Act II of Requiem for a Nun to hear an informal appeal on behalf of Nancy is referred to as "the last, the ultimate seat of judgment" (89). In the stage directions he is identified not with Mississippi but with a "mythical" State, "the State of which Yoknapatawpha County is a unit" (89) - though elsewhere in the novel there is no ambiguity about the literary 'fact' that Yoknapatawpha is in Mississippi. |
3130 | Governor Humphries |
Benjamin Humphreys (Faulkner misspells his name in Requiem for a Nun) was a Southern officer during the Civil War who turned to politics during Reconstruction. In October, 1865, he was elected Governor of Mississippi as a Democrat. As an unpardoned Confederate he was ineligible to serve by the terms of surrender, so he had himself inaugurated and sworn in. In June, 1868, Federal troops were used forcibly to remove him from office. He was a strong advocate of Jim Crow laws as a way to deny freed slaves their rights as citizens. |
213 | Gowan Stevens |
The Stevenses are an old Jefferson family that becomes a very big part of the story of Yoknapatawpha by way of Faulkner's fondness for Gavin. The first member of the family to appear in the fictions is "Judge Stevens" in "A Rose for Emily," but in Sanctuary Gavin's second cousin Gowan becomes the first Stevens to play a significant role. And in Sanctuary Faulkner's treatment of Gowan is scathing. He's a recent graduate of the University of Virginia who likes to claim that he learned there both how to hold his liquor and how to be a gentleman. |
215 | Gowan Stevens' Father |
Mentioned only in The Town, the man who is the father of Gowan Stevens works for the U.S. State Department. When he is assigned to "China or India or some far place" (3), he sends his son to Jefferson to stay with his Stevens cousins. |
214 | Gowan Stevens' Grandfather |
We know Gowan Stevens had a grandfather, because in The Town Charles Mallison mentions that Gowan's grandfather was his own grandfather's brother, but that doesn't tell us if Faulkner - or Temple Drake - actually has this man in mind when in Requiem for a Nun she tries to cover up what she was actually saying by telling Gowan that "I was telling Uncle Gavin he had something of Virginia or some sort of gentleman in him too that he must have inherited from you through your grandfather" (51-52). These are the only two mentions of this grandfather in the fictions. |
212 | Gowan Stevens' Mother |
Gowan Stevens' mother never appears in person, but three Yoknapatawpha fictions mention her. If we re-arrange their order of publication as the sequence of events in her biography, her youngest mention occurs in The Town, where she accompanies her husband for the duration of his State Department assignment to "some far place" - which explains why she sends her son Gowan from Washington to Jefferson (3). |
2070 | Granby Dodge |
In "Smoke" Granby Dodge is the son of a remote kinsman of Cornelia Mardis. The narrator describes him as "some kind of an itinerant preacher" as well as a trader of "scrubby horses and mules" (20). According to his description, "we" - the people of Yoknapatawpha - "pitied him," but adds that reportedly as a preacher "he became a different man," his diffidence and shyness transformed into eloquence and power (20). He also turns out to be someone who can scheme patiently for years to get the Mardis-Holland estate. His ultimate 'confession' to the story's murders is made without words. |
3680 | Grandfather Lessep |
The father of Lucius Priest's mother, his death at the beginning of The Reivers provides the opportunity for Boon and Lucius' adventure. He and Grandfather attended "the University" (of Mississippi) at the same time, and were "groomsmen in each other's wedding" (45). |
2309 | Grandma |
In "That Will Be Fine," Grandma is married to Grandpa and is mother to Aunt Louisa, Sarah, and Uncle Rodney. She is Georgie's maternal grandmother, but Georgie pays little attention to her. |
3681 | Grandmother Lessep |
The mother of Lucius' mother. The only information about her that Lucius provides in The Reivers is that "Grandmother and Grandmother Lessep lived far enough apart to continue to be civil and even pleasant" to each other (45). "Grandmother" is his father's mother. The Lesseps live 300 miles from Jefferson. |
2310 | Grandpa |
The "grandpa" of the narrator of "That Will Be Fine" is married to grandma, and the father of Louisa, Sarah, and Rodney. He knows his son is a criminal but covers for him as long as possible, apparently taking refuge or solace in anger and his "tonic," which he keeps in a bottle in his desk - a desk which Rodney knows how to "prize open" in order to sneak his own (alcoholic) "dose" (266). |
265 | Great Aunt of Charles Mallison |
Charles Mallison's "great aunt" is one of several "aunts" in the canon that are hard to place on a family tree. She is mentioned in "Knight's Gambit," in a sentence about Mrs. Harriss: she has "spent ten years among what his great-aunt would have called the crowned heads of Europe" (168). There's no way to tell from the story, or from the larger history of the Stevens family in the Yoknapatawpha fictions, if she is related to Charles' mother or his father. |
3273 | Grenier Weddel |
Weddel is pursuing Sally Priest, a married woman, and sends her a corsage. His first name, Grenier, comes from one of the founding Yoknapatawpha families - but The Town, where he appears, says nothing about a genealogical connection to that family. |
818 | Grier Ancestors |
The Grier family appears in three stories from the early 1940s, but only the last of them - "Shall Not Perish" (1943) - mentions first generations of Griers in Yoknapatawpha. They first farmed the land that seems to have been passed from one generation to the next. |
822 | Grier, Grandfather of Res |
The man the narrator of "Shall Not Perish" calls "Grandpap" is actually his father's grandfather. Sounding like the boy he is, the narrator says he is "old, so old you just wouldn't believe it" (111). In his dotage all he talks about is "the Confederate war," though the narrative does not say how he was involved in the Civil War (112). (The narrator's mother's grandfather also served in the Civil War, but his last name wouldn't have been Grier.) |
3026 | Grimm, Father of Percy |
In Light in August Percy Grimm's father is described as a "hardware merchant" who thinks his son is lazy and unlikely to amount to anything (450). |
2527 | Grimm, Second Wife of Eustice's Father |
In The Hamlet the second wife of Eustace's father is his step-mother, and a "Fite" (399). |