Character Keys

Displaying 3601 - 3700 of 3748

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Codesort descending title biography
3660 Walter Clapp

In The Reivers Acheron's trainer - the "white man" whom Lycurgus refers to "Mr Walter" (221) - must be the same man whom a member of the crowd at the race calls "Walter Clapp" (235).

3661 Ty Cobb

During Ty Cobb's career as an outfielder with the Detroit Tigers (1905-1921) he set 90 baseball records. In The Reivers Lucius expects the grandson to whom he is telling the story in 1961 to recognize his name along with Babe Ruth's.

3662 Edmonds, Wives of Edmondses

In his description of the McCaslin-Edmonds' plantation house in The Reivers, Lucius mentions how "the women the successive Edmondses marry" have enlarged and transformed the original building (61). At least some of these wives appear in Go Down, Moses, and Louisa Edmonds, who appears in this novel, is presumably one of them as well.

3663 Ephum

Mentioned first in The Reivers as "a Negro man" who works for Miss Ballenbaugh (75), Ephum presumably helps her farm, takes care of the horses of the men who stay there, and does other masculine chores around the place. Ned stays overnight at his home, which must be nearby.

3664 Father of Dan Grinnup

"When Father was a boy," Lucius Priest says in The Reivers, "he used to fox hunt with old Dan's father out at Frenchman's Bend" (8). Dan is Dan Grinnup, but his father's last name could have been Grenier. He was descended from Louis Grenier, the man from whom Frenchman's Bend gets its name. Because Dan and a "cousin or something" are the last living descendants of Grenier at the time of the story (8), we know his father is dead.

3665 Dan Grinnup

"Old Dan" Grinnup in The Reivers is one of the last two surviving members of the Grenier family, perhaps the oldest white family in Yoknapatawpha. A "dirty old man with a tobacco-stained beard," he is "never quite completely drunk," but obviously is an alcoholic (7). His daughter married Ballott, the stable's foreman, but apparently he owes his marginal position at work to the fact that, when the family was in better circumstances, Maury Priest "used to fox hunt with old Dan's father out at Frenchman's Bend" (8).

3666 Unnamed Grenier Descendant

This character is mentioned in The Reivers as an "idiot nephew or cousin or something" of Dan Grinnup, and like him is a last living descendant of the Grenier family, perhaps the oldest white family in Yoknapatawpha (7). He lives "in a tent in the river jungle beyond Frenchman's Bend," on land that had once been part of the big antebellum "plantation" belonging to Louis Grenier (the "Frenchman" from whom the Bend gets its name, 7).

3667 Henry Ford

Henry Ford's name was almost synonymous with automobile during the early decades of the 20th century. The Model T Ford, which he introduced in 1908, brought owning a car within the reach of average Americans - though the car that Grandfather Priest owns in The Reivers is a much more aristocratic make and model.

3668 Forrest, Brother of Nathan Bedford

Nathan Bedford Forrest had two brothers who also served as Confederate officers during the Civil War: Colonel Jeffrey Edward Forrest and Lieutenant Colonel Jesse Anderson Forrest. Either could have been the officer in charge of the event Lucius recalls in The Reivers - "legend to some people maybe.

3669 Gabe

Gabe is identified in The Reivers as "the blacksmith" at Priest's livery stable (6). "Though short, he was a tremendously big man," one of whose knees is "terrifically twisted from an old injury in his trade" (9).

3671 Wade Hampton

Wade Hampton fought with Lee's Army of Northern Virginia during the Civil War. He was a brigadier general during the fighting at Gaine's Mill in 1862. In The Reivers Lucius' great-grandfather was serving under Hampton as "a color-sergeant" until being wounded in that battle (278).

3672 Fitz-Hugh Porter

Porter was a career Army officer who led a Union division at Gaine's Mill, Virginia, during the Civil War. In The Reivers it is one of the men in that division who shoots Lucius' great-grandfather "out of his saddle" (278).

3673 Hiram Hightower

The man in The Reivers who in 1886 "converts the entire settlement" at Ballenbaugh's "with his fists" is named Hiram Hightower (74). His description allows us to say for sure that he is "a giant of a man," and served during the Civil War as both a "trooper" and a "chaplain" in Nathan Bedford Forrest's cavalry unit (74).

3674 Hogganbeck, Grandfather of Boon

According to The Reivers Boon's grandfather was "a white whiskey trader" who married a Chickasaw Indian (18).

3675 Mrs. Parsham Hood

Like Lucas' Beauchamp's cabin in Intruder in the Dust, Parsham Hood's cabin in The Reivers contains "a big gold-framed portrait on a gold easel" (244). The woman in the picture - "not very old but in old-timey clothes" (244) - is certainly his deceased wife.

3676 Uncle Parsham Hood

If there is something demeaning about the way so many characters in The Reivers refer to him as "Uncle Possum," Parsham Hood is nonetheless one of Faulkner's more impressive black characters. His clothes and facial hair make him look like a white planter or a southern "colonel": upon first meeting him Lucius describes him as "an old man very dark in a white shirt and galluses and a planter's hat, with perfectly white moustaches and an imperial [beard]" (164). At another point Lucius says his appearance is "even regal" (218).

3677 Jackie

In The Reivers Miss Reba mentions "Jackie" as the woman in her brothel she tells to lock the door during the day after the adventurers leave for Parsham (196). Jackie may be a prostitute, but that is not made clear.

3678 Bob Legate

One of the men who regularly join Major de Spain's hunting parties. He is identified in The Reivers only by the adjective "old" (20). His relationship to Will Legate, who appears in other texts and is also known as a hunter, is not explained.

3679 Alexander Lessep

In The Reivers Alexander Lessep is the brother of Lucius' mother, Alison, and the "great-uncle" of Lucius' grandson (45). Lucius' youngest brother is named after him.

3680 Grandfather Lessep

The father of Lucius Priest's mother, his death at the beginning of The Reivers provides the opportunity for Boon and Lucius' adventure. He and Grandfather attended "the University" (of Mississippi) at the same time, and were "groomsmen in each other's wedding" (45).

3681 Grandmother Lessep

The mother of Lucius' mother. The only information about her that Lucius provides in The Reivers is that "Grandmother and Grandmother Lessep lived far enough apart to continue to be civil and even pleasant" to each other (45). "Grandmother" is his father's mother. The Lesseps live 300 miles from Jefferson.

3682 Colonel Linscomb

In The Reivers Lucius calls him "the aristocrat, the baron, the suzerain" (228). He does not appear in person until late in the story, but is invariably referred to as "Colonel Linscomb" by the other characters Lucius meets in Parsham. His plantation (which contains the track on which the horses race) and mansion (where the story unwinds after the races are over) are both extremely lavish and well-maintained. He is obviously an old friend of Grandfather Priest.

3683 Mrs. Linscomb

The Colonel's wife is away during The Reivers, visiting in "Monteagle," which is the name of a real town in southeastern Tennessee (277).

3684 Butch Lovemaiden

Butch, the deputy sheriff who bullies Boon and Corrie in Parsham in The Reivers, says his last name is "Lovemaiden" (187). This could be true, though it's not impossible that he gives himself that name as another way to annoy Boon. He is described as being "almost as big as Boon and almost as ugly, with a red face and a badge" (168) and "a bachelor" (190). Lucius says he smells of "sweat and whiskey" (170).

3685 Luster 2

The Luster in The Reivers works in the livery stable, though his specific job is not made clear. (There's no suggestion that this Luster is the same person who works for the Compsons in The Sound and the Fury and Absalom, Absalom!.)

3686 Horace Lytle

The "Horace Lytle" whom Lucius mentions in The Reivers in connection with Parsham's annual hunting dog show is almost certainly the real Horace Lytle who in 1927 became the gun dog editor of the magazine Field & Stream. The bird dog he refuses to sell for $5000 - Mary Montrose - was real too: she won the New York Dog Show in 1917.

3687 Mr. McDiarmid

Mr. McDiarmid is one of the two judges at the horse race in The Reivers. Lucius describes him, memorably, as the operator of "the depot eating room, who . . . could slice a ham so thin that his entire family made a summer trip to Chicago on the profits from one of them" (229).

3688 McWillie

The young black who rides Acheron against Lucius and Lightning in The Reivers is named McWillie. According to Lucius, "for size and age and color [he] might have been Lycurgus' twin" (220).

3689 Otis

In The Reivers Otis is Corrie's nephew, visiting Memphis from his home in Arkansas in order to acquire "refinement" (97). Although he has his fifteenth birthday in the course of the story, he is smaller than the 11-year-old Lucius. As Lucius says the first time he sees Otis, "there is something wrong about him" (104). By the time Lucius calls him a "demon child" (154), most readers are likely to agree.

3690 George Peyton

Among the well-known sportsmen who come to Parsham every winter for the "National Trials" of pedigree bird dogs, Lucius mentions four names. Two are identifiable as real men (Horace Lytle and Paul Rainey). Lucius, the narrator of The Reivers, compares "George Peyton" to Lytle: the two are "as magical among bird dog people" as Babe Ruth and Ty Cobb are to baseball fans (189).

3691 Mr. Poleymus

As Ned puts it in The Reivers, the Parsham constable, Mr. Poleymus, "may be little, and he may be old; but he's a man, mon" (251). Ned admires the way he takes care of his wife, who has had a stroke, washing and feeding her. He also sorts out the various characters and their doings with a clear sense of humanity and justice.

3692 Mrs. Poleymus

The wife of Parsham's Constable in The Reivers had a stroke "last year," and "cant even move her hand now" (257).

3693 Mr. Powell

Mr. Powell is John Powell's father in The Reivers. John works for him "on the farm" to earn the money with which he buys "a .41 caliber snub-nosed revolver" from him (6).

3694 Mrs. John Powell

John Powell's wife is not named in The Reivers, but she is mentioned as having "stitched a neat strong pocket" inside his overalls for the pistol he chooses to carry (7).

3695 John Powell

In The Reivers John Powell is "the head hostler" at the Priest livery stable (4). A hostler is someone who looks after horses. On his twenty-first birthday, as "ineffaceable proof that he was . . . a man" (6), he bought a pistol that he carries to work in his overalls. Having the gun in the stable is against the rules, but he and Maury Priest handle this "moral problem" (6) by ignoring the its existence, "as mutual gentlemen must and should" (8). The novel does not discuss how Powell's race - he is black - might figure in the way he defines 'manhood' or defies the rules.

3696 Paul Rainey

The "Paul Rainey" whom Lucius mentions in The Reivers was a real Northern millionaire famous for his love of hunting (163). As Lucius notes, he "liked our country enough to use some of [his] Wall Street money" to purchase 11,000 acres of Mississippi land as a hunting preserve (163). Faulkner's father Murry knew him personally.

3698 Miss Rhodes

At the end of The Reivers Lucius notes that "Miss Rhodes was going to let me make up the [school] work" he missed while having his adventure in Tennessee (296). She is obviously his teacher - and a very understanding one too.

3699 Mr. Rouncewell 2

In The Reivers Mr. Rouncewell is an agent for a company that "supplies all the stores in Yoknapatawpha County" with oil (48). Either he or the oil company is also far-sighted enough recently to have added "a special tank of gasoline" to the tanks holding oil (48). His name suggests a connection to "Mrs. Rouncewell's boarding house" (26), where Boon lives, and there are men named Rouncewell in both The Town and The Mansion he could be, or be related to, but the novel does not make any of those connections explicit.

3700 Son Thomas

In The Reivers Son Thomas is "the youngest driver" who works at Maury Priest's livery stable (4). The "Son" in his name is not connected to any specific parents.

3701 Mr. van Tosch

In The Reivers the man who owns Coppermine (i.e. Lightning) is named van Tosch. He is originally from Chicago, but on a trip to Memphis decided he liked it so much that he moved to Tennessee and became a breeder of race horses. It is because he is "a foreigner" (281) - i.e. from the North - that he does not behave correctly when his black employee, Bobo, asks for money to help him out of trouble. But the narrative treats him favorably as a friend of both Colonel Linscomb and Grandfather.

3702 Unnamed Parents of Vera

The "folks" whom Vera is visiting in The Reivers are presumably her parents (99).

3703 Vera

In The Reivers Vera works as one of the prostitutes at Miss Reba's. Because she is away, "visiting her folks up in Paducah," Boon and Lucius stay in her room (99).

3704 Virgil

The "single temporary clerk" who mans the desk at the Parsham hotel is named Virgil in The Reivers but not described (190).

3705 Birdie Watts

Birdie Watts runs the brothel "across the street" from Miss Reba's in The Reivers (107).

3706 Mack Winbush

In The Reivers "Mack Winbush's" is where one can buy the moonshine whiskey that Cal Bookwright makes (12), but the text does not say if Winbush's is a farm or juke joint or something else.

3707 Mr. Wordwin

Mr. Wordwin, a cashier at the Bank of Jefferson, plays his small part in The Reivers when he accompanies Boon to Memphis to fetch Grandfather's new car, but the narrative adds that he is "a bachelor, one of our most prominent clubmen or men about town" who has been "a groomsman in thirteen weddings" (30).

3708 Wylie 1

The man whom Lucius refers to in The Reivers as the "first Wylie" seems to have played a major role in shaping Yoknapatawpha County (71). When he set up his store at a crossing over the Tallahatchie River, the Indians still lived in the area. Because his place was "the head of navigation" - the furthest "small steamboats" could travel upriver from the Mississippi - the "whiskey and plows and coal oil and peppermint candy" that Yoknapatawpha imported from Vicksburg and the "cotton and furs" that it shipped out to the world were loaded or unloaded at his place (72).

3709 Wylie 2

This "Mr Wylie" in The Reivers is a "family friend" of the Priests in 1905 (69). He lives on the place "eight miles from Jefferson" that his ancestor, "the first Wylie" in Yoknapatawpha, moved to sometime before the Civil War (69, 73). (In earlier editions of the novel his and his ancestor's name was Wyott.)

3710 Unnamed Wife of Parsham Doctor

In The Reivers the "fat iron-gray woman in pince-nez" who opens the door at the Parsham doctor's house might be his sister, but since he mentions his marriage a few pages later it seems more likely that she is his wife (185).

3711 Unnamed Wives of Ned McCaslin

In The Reivers Lucius notes in passing that Delphine is the wife Ned has in 1904, and that during his lifetime he "ran through four wives" (31). This entry represents the other three, none of whom are given names, or individualized in any way. The narrative doesn't even indicate Delphine's place in the sequence of four.

3712 Unnamed Union General 3

In The Reivers this is the "Yankee general" whom the party of Confederate cavalrymen that included Theophilius McCaslin "almost captured" when they rode "at a gallop into the lobby" of the Gayoso Hotel in Memphis (94). Both he and the event may be apocryphal, though to the Priest family, Lucius says, it is all "historical fact" (94). (See Unnamed Union Officers elsewhere in this index.)

3713 Unnamed Union Soldier 4

This Union soldier in The Reivers is the "picket of Fitz-John Porter's" - i.e. a man on look-out duty as part of Porter's Union division at Gaines's Mill, Virginia - who shot and killed Grandfather Priest's father during the CIvil War (278).

3714 Unnamed Young Man Sartoris Killed

In The Reivers the "twenty-year-old Yoknapatawpha County youth" who was killed by Colonel John Sartoris cannot be specifically identified (73). In other Yoknapatawpha fictions Sartoris kills a number of different men. If Faulkner is thinking of one of them here, it is most likely the man Sartoris shot as a robber in both Flags in the Dust (1929) and "An Odor of Verbena," the last story in The Unvanquished (1938).

3715 Unnamed Voyeurs

This is the group that Lucius contemptuously refers in The Reivers as the "brutal and shameless men" (155) who pay Otis a dime to watch his aunt, Miss Corrie, "pugnuckling," having sex, with paying customers (154).

3716 Unnamed Negro "Boys"

This entry represents the group that Lucius refers to in The Reivers when he wonders how heroic his role in the story really is. If the Negro Bobo has the automobile, he thinks, then all the adventurers would have to do to get it back is "send one of the family colored boys to fetch it" (224). These "boys" don't ever appear in the narrative, and it's not clear what "family" they are connected with - McCaslin? Priest? Edmonds?

3717 Unnamed Negro Old Man

When he describes his situation on the verge of launching the forbidden trip to Memphis in The Reivers, Lucius says "I was in the position of the old Negro who said, 'Here I is, Lord. . . ." (62). He (or Faulkner) may have a specific person in mind, but this tempted black man seems more like the product of Lucius' imagination, and a suggestive one at that.

3719 Unnamed "Brassy-Haired" Woman

This woman in The Reivers one of Jefferson's more colorful residents, and not just because of her "brassy" (or orange-red) hair (25). Coming "from nowhere" and staying only "briefly," during the 1930s she transforms the "Snopes Hotel" into a place known to "the police" as "Little Chicago" (254). Presumably Lucius' reference to her as a "gentlewoman" is ironic (25): given Chicago's association in the popular mind at that time with the underworld, her boarding house must have been a fairly wild place.

3720 Unnamed Negro "New Girl"

At the time The Reivers begins, Ludus is romancing "a new girl, daughter (or wife: we didn't know which) of a tenant" farmer who lives six miles from town (10). Apparently she likes "peppermint candy" (11).

3721 Unnamed Boys in the Neighborhood

In The Reivers Lucius Priest mentions "all the other boys on the street" he lives on (3). During May they play baseball on Saturdays.

3722 Unnamed Automobile Salesman 3

According to Boon, the Memphis man who sold Grandfather the car in The Reivers said to run the engine every day.

3723 Unnamed Car Passengers

Besides the immediate Priest family, Aunt Callie, Delphine and "our various connections and neighbors and Grandmother's close friends" and "one or two neighbor children" all take turns riding in the car whenever Boon takes it out in The Reivers (37, 41).

3724 Unnamed People in Carriages and Wagons

This entry represents the people in The Reivers who are in a "carriage or wagon" when the automobile being driven by Boon moves through the Square (39). Some of these horse- and mule-drawn vehicles have "women and children" in them, and some are being driven by women (39). Grandfather Priest's behavior changes, depending on the gender of the driver, but in either case, both the animals and the people are often startled by the presence of the car.

3725 Poleymus, Children of Constable

"All" of Mr. and Mrs. Poleymus' children "are married and gone"; The Reivers does not say how many they had, or where they went (251).

3726 Unnamed Citizens Who Dislike Ballenbaugh's

In The Reivers the people who live in the vicinity of Ballenbaugh's and seek to close it down include "sheriffs" (who campaign on the promise to run Ballenbaugh and his crew out of Yoknapatawpha), "angry farmers" (who know their livestock is being stolen by that crew), and "ministers and old ladies" (who object to the place on moral grounds, 73). On the other hand, Lucius tells his grandson that "sensible people" from further away were willing to allow the place to exist (74).

3727 Unnamed Convict

In The Reivers Nat warns Otis about his behavior by mentioning "a boy like you back there in Jefferson" who is now in "the state penitentiary at Parchman" (139-40). It's not clear whether he is thinking of an actual person, or inventing one to threaten Otis.

3728 Unnamed Parsham Deputy

In The Reivers the driver of the Stanley Steamer that arrives in Parsham to carry Boon and the others back to jail in Hardwick is driven by "another deputy," or at least someone "in a badge" (253).

3729 Unnamed Dog Aficianados, Trainers and Owners

In The Reivers Lucius' description of the men who attend the annual hunting dog competitions in Parsham brings together the lower class South ("overalled aficionados") and the upper class North ("northern millionaires") and includes "the professionals who trained the fine bird dogs" (163).

3730 Unnamed Negro Father of Girl

In The Reivers the Sheriff says that Boon's white friends can "settle" the problem caused by his accidental shooting of a "Negro girl" by "giving her father ten dollars" (15). The father himself does not appear in the text.

3731 Unnamed Friends of Paul Rainey

In The Reivers these people from elsewhere would accompany the wealthy businessman and hunter Paul Rainey on his trips to hunt "bear and deer and panther" in Mississippi (163).

3733 Unnamed Hunters and Fishermen

In The Reivers the typical patrons at Ballenbaugh's in its modern iteration are described as "fox- and coon-hunters and fishermen" who return "not for the hunting and fishing but for the table that Miss Ballenbaugh set" (74).

3734 Unnamed Italian Bootlegger

In The Reivers Lucius has heard that the place he knew as Ballenbaugh's "is now a fishing camp run by an off-and-on Italian bootlegger" (71). (It was illegal to buy or sell alcohol in Mississippi until 1966.)

3735 Unnamed Italian Peddler

In The Reivers Otis mentions the "I-talian wop" who has a "fruit and peanut stand" in Memphis' Court Square (139).

3736 Unnamed Livery Stable Employees

These are the employees of Priest's livery stable in addition to the five who are mentioned by name. The Reivers characterizes them as "all the Negro drivers and hostlers" and "the last lowly stall cleaner" (7). Besides the day and night foremen, apparently the only white employee is Dan Grinnup.

3737 Unnamed Man at Hell Creek Bottom

The Reivers doesn't provide much detail about the unscrupulous man who cultivates a patch of mud in order to sell his services to mired automobile travelers. Physically he is "a gaunt man, older than we - I anyway - had assumed" (86).

3738 Unnamed McCaslin Slaves 2

In The Reivers Lucius Priest tells his grandson (also named Lucius Priest) that when their common ancestor Lucius McCaslin came to Mississippi in 1813, he brought "his slaves and foxhounds" with him "across the mountains from Carolina" (61). Presumably one of these enslaved people is the grandmother of Ned McCaslin, who has her own Character entry; otherwise this novel says nothing more about these people. More about some of them, at least, can be found in Faulkner's earlier novel, Go Down, Moses.

3739 Unnamed Memphis Businessmen

These are the "liquor dealers," "grocers and coal merchants," "plumbers," "newspaper boy" and other tradesman and laborers with whom Mr. Binford negotiates in The Reivers as part of his responsibilities as the man of the house that Miss Reba runs (111).

3740 Unnamed Memphis Jockey

In his account in The Reivers of the first time Coppermine (AKA Forked Lightning) raced against Acheron, Parsham Hood briefly mentions "that Memphis boy" who was riding the horse (220).

3741 Unnamed Memphis Officials

These are the "street- and assessment commissioners" with whom Mr. Binford negotiates and the policemen he pays off as part of his responsibilities as the man of Miss Reba's house in The Reivers (111).

3742 Unnamed Men in Square 2

In The Reivers Boon brags to this "group of men on the Square" about how fast he can make the car go (40). Many of the Yoknapatawpha fictions include a reference to the un- or under-employed men who hang around the Courthouse during the day; presumably these men are of that variety.

3743 Unnamed Modern Women

In The Reivers Lucius compares the "females" of his childhood to the ones alive "now" (191). According to what he has heard, modern women not only "run in and out of gentlemen's rooms in hotels" - they do so wearing "the shorts or scanties" that seem to be the uniform of "their fight for freedom" (191).

3744 Unnamed Negro Attendant

Identified in The Reivers only as "a Negro," this man works for Mr. Rouncewell and pumps gasoline into the (few) cars that pull up to the tank beside the railroad tracks (46). He is not allowed to handle any money.

3745 Unnamed Negro Churchmember 4

According to Ned in The Reivers, the "hollow" where they "stable" Lightning before and between races is on land "that belongs to one of Possum's [Parsham's] church members" (217).

3746 Unnamed Negro Cook 14

The cook at the Parsham hotel is described in The Reivers as "a tremendous Negro woman" (199).

3747 Unnamed Negro Stableman

When Lucius and Lycurgus enter Linscomb's stable in The Reivers they see "a Negro stableman cleaning a stall at the rear" (220).

3748 Unnamed Negro Tenant Farmer 1

This "tenant on a farm six miles from town" in The Reivers is either the father or the husband of the woman Ludus is romancing (10).

3749 Unnamed People at Ballenbaugh's

After Ballenbaugh takes over Wyott's store in The Reivers, it becomes a stop-over place for the "hard-mouthed hard-souled" men who carry merchandise to and from Memphis (72). But until the 1870s the people at Ballenbaugh's were "just tough men," i.e. no women (72). When the railroad took over the freight traffic in the 1880s, however, Ballenbaugh's becomes a destination point.

3750 Unnamed People in Crowd at Races

In The Reivers Lucius describes the men who crowd around the race track and bet on the races as "the same overalls, tieless, the sweated hats, the chewing tobacco" that he associated with the men in the hotel dining room that morning (227). But a major difference is that this crowd is racially unsegregated: "people, black and white" (228). One member of this crowd leads Lightning to the starting line after Ned is disqualified. "People" could imply women, of course, but until Minnie arrives at the end of the third race, there is no evidence of them at the track.

3751 Unnamed People in Next County

When they cross the Tallahatchie River in The Reivers, the adventurers are in what Lucius calls "foreign country, another county," the county that adjoins Yoknapatawpha to the north (78). Between Ballenbaugh's and Hell Creek bottom the countryside seems rural: along the road are "sprouting fields" (78). Lucius describes the residents they pass as "the people already in their Sunday clothes idle on the front galleries, the children and dogs . . . running toward the fence" to watch an automobile go by (78).

3752 Unnamed People in Rural Tennessee

Though their farms are "bigger, more prosperous, with tighter fences and painted houses and even barns" than those on the Mississippi side of Hell Creek, the Tennessee country people whom the travelers pass on the broad road that leads to Memphis in The Reivers are also "still in their Sunday clothes," sitting on their front porches ("galleries"), watching the world go by (91). And when they get closer to the city, "even the little children" who live along the road are no longer excited by the sight of a car (92).

3753 Unnamed Memphis Prostitute 1

One of the two "ladies, girls" whom Lucius sees at supper in Miss Reba's in The Reivers (106). Lucius distinguishes them by their clothes - one wears "a red dress," and the other is "in pink" - and their age: one is a "girl" and the other is "no longer a girl" (106-07). This is "the older one," whom Lucius feels a kind of pity for: "There was something wrong about her . . . She was alone. . . . she shouldn't have had to be here, alone, to have to go through this" (107). Exactly what the 11-year-old Lucius means by "this" is not specified, but Mr.

3754 Unnamed Memphis Prostitute 2

One of the two "ladies, girls" whom Lucius sees at supper in Miss Reba's in The Reivers (106). Lucius distinguishes them by their clothes - one wears "a red dress," and the other is "in pink" - and their age: one is a "girl" and the other is "no longer a girl" (106-07). This is the younger one, who complains about having to be so quiet on Sundays.

3755 Unnamed Race Aficionados

On the morning of the first horse race in The Reivers, Lucius sees "seven or eight people, all men," in the hotel dining room (209). Lucius refers to them as "people like us except that they lived" in and around Parsham; "some were in overalls; all but one were tieless" (209-10). Later he calls them "aficionados," in reference to their passion for horse racing (220). The one wearing a tie is one of the two men who talk with Boon about the upcoming race.

3756 Unnamed Race Marshal

The "steward and marshal" at the races in The Reivers is a local "dog trainer" and hunter who is out on bail awaiting trial for "a homicide which had occurred last winter at a neighboring whiskey still" (229).

3757 Unnamed Railroad Engineer 3

In The Reivers Lucius notes that "two other men" are waiting with Sam and the conductor beside the train that is going to carry the horse to Parsham; this is the one that, according to him, "must have been the engineer" (161).

3758 Unnamed Relatives of Young Man Sartoris Killed

In The Reivers, the "collateral descending nephews and cousins" of the young man Colonel Sartoris killed consider Sartoris a "murderer" (73).

3759 Unnamed Residents of Rouncewell's Boarding House

The other residents of the boarding house where Boon lives in The Reivers are described as "juries" who were in town "during court terms," "country litigants" also in town for court, and "horse- and mule-traders" (25).

3760 Unnamed Spinster Aunts

In an aside in The Reivers to his grandson about "that Cause" - i.e. the Civil War - Lucius refers to "your spinster aunts," and differentiates his idea about the War from theirs (228). Elsewhere in the Yoknapatawpha fictions, such women are identified with a refusal to surrender the 'Lost Cause,' to admit either defeat or the flaws of the Old South, but what these aunts stand for here is not clear.

3761 Unnamed Streetcar Conductor

In The Reivers the "street car" conductor the travelers see as they enter Memphis is turning the "front trolley" around at the end of the line with the help of the motorman (93).

3762 Unnamed Streetcar Motorman

In The Reivers the motorman the travelers see as they enter Memphis is turning the "front trolley" around at the end of the line with the help of the conductor (93).

3763 Unnamed Negro Tenant Farmers 6

The noise of the car arriving at the Edmonds place in The Reivers brings "Cousin Louisa and everybody else on the place" to see it (61). This entry assumes that "everybody else" is black, and belongs to one of the families of tenant farmers who work an allotted piece of the Edmonds property. We assume that because Lucius adds that the group does not include "the ones Cousin Zack could actually see from his horse" (61). Here "the ones" clearly refers to the people whom the white land owner Zack expects to see working in the fields instead of taking time off to stare at a car.
