Unnamed Texan

This is the man in Texas with whom Anse McCallum traded fourteen rifle cartridges for two of the same kind of horses that appear "The Peasants" section of the novel. According to one of the men who remembers those horses, the Texan also tried to trade four more horses for a rifle, but Anse refused.

Unnamed Man in Texas

This is the Texan with whom Anse McCallum traded fourteen rifle cartridges for two of the same kind of horses that appear in The Hamlet. The man also tried to trade four more horses for a rifle, but Anse refused.

The Hamlet, 306 (Event)


The Hamlet, 291 (Event)


The Hamlet, 291 (Event)


Mottstown|Mottson in The Hamlet (Location)

Mottstown is the seat of the county immediately south of Yoknapatawpha, and it appears frequently in the fictions. In this novel it is where Will Varner meets his daughter Eula and her infant upon their return from Texas. How Eula got as far as Mottstown is not made explicit, but it's likely that she traveled by train. The railroad that runs through Mottstown in other texts also travels to Jefferson, but presumably the railroad station in Mottstown is closer or handier to Varner and Frenchman's Bend than the one in Jefferson.

The Hamlet, 200 (Event)


The Hamlet, 164 (Event)


The Hamlet, 74 (Event)


The Hamlet, 74 (Event)



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